Scholarly publications
Shirzadehhajimahmood, S., & Prasetya, W. (2021).
Using an Agent-based Approach for Robust Automated Testing of Computer Games. 1-8. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation (A-TEST ’21)., Athens , Greece. 2020
Scholarly publications
Perez-Colado, I., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Martinez-Ortiz, I., Manjón, B. F., & Freire, M. (2020). Simplifying serious games and analytics deployment in a virtual campus using LTI and xAPI. In 20th International Conference on Virtual Campus: Tetouan (Morocco), 3-5 December 2020.
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Dastani, M., Prada, R., Vos, T. EJ.
, Dignum, F., & Kifetew, F. (2020).
Aplib: Tactical Agents for Testing Computer Games. In C. Baroglio, J. F. Hubner, & M. Winikoff (Eds.),
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems : 8th International Workshop , EMAS 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, May 8–9, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 12589, pp. 21-41). (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Voshol, M., Tanis, T., Smits, A., Smit, B., Mourik, J. V., Klunder, M., Hoogmoed, F., Hinlopen, S., Casteren, A. V., Berg, J. V. D., Prasetya, N. G. W. Y.
, Shirzadehhajimahmood, S., & Ansari, S. G. (2020).
Navigation and exploration in 3D-game automated play testing. In S. Getir, & P. Nguyen (Eds.),
A-TEST 2020 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation, Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2020 (pp. 3-9). Association for Computing Machinery. Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Dastani, M. (2020). Aplib: An agent programming library for testing games. In B. An, A. El Fallah Seghrouchni, & G. Sukthankar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2020 (Vol. 2020-May, pp. 1972-1974). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS).
Prada, R.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Kifetew, F.
, Dignum, F., Vos, T. E. J., Lander, J., Donnart, J. Y., Kazmierowski, A., Davidson, J., & Fernandes, P. M. (2020).
Agent-based Testing of Extended Reality Systems. In
Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2020 (pp. 414-417). [9159086] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.., I. S. W. B., Leek, C. Q. H. D., Oosenbrug, R., Kostic, P., & Vries, M. D. (2020).
Can Learning Formal Specification Be Fun? - Experience and Perspective. In
2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW) (pp. 437-440). [9155935] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. 2019
Scholarly publications
Vos, T. E. J.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Fraser, G., Martinez-Ortiz, I., Perez-Colado, I., Prada, R., Rocha, J., & Silva, A. R. (2019).
IMPRESS: Improving Engagement in Software Engineering Courses Through Gamification. In X. Franch, T. Männistö, & S. Martínez-Fernández (Eds.),
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement - 20th International Conference, PROFES 2019, Proceedings (pp. 613-619). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 11915 LNCS). Springer., I. S. W. B., & Klomp, R. (2019).
Test Model Coverage Analysis Under Uncertainty. In P. C. Ölveczky, & G. Salaün (Eds.),
Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 17th International Conference, SEFM 2019, Proceedings (pp. 222-239). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 11724 LNCS). Springer-Verlag. Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2019).
Random Testing with Austere Budgeting in T3: Benchmarking at SBST2019 Testing Tool Contest. In
Proceedings - 2019 IEEE/ACM 12th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing, SBST 2019 (pp. 21-24). [8812227] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Leek, C. Q. H. D., Melkonian, O., Ten Tusscher, J., Van Bergen, J., Everink, J., Van Der Klis, T., Meijerink, R., Oosenbrug, R.
, Oostveen, J., Van Den Pol, T., & Van Zon, W. M. (2019).
Having fun in learning formal specifications. In
Proceedings - 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training, ICSE-SEET 2019 (pp. 192-196). [8802100] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. Lng, J.
, & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2019).
Model checking a C++ software framework: A case study. In S. Apel, M. Dumas, A. Russo, & D. Pfahl (Eds.),
ESEC/FSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (pp. 1026-1036). Association for Computing Machinery.
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2018). T3@ SBST2018 benchmark, and how much we can get from asemantical testing. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (pp. 30-33)
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Tran, M. A. (2018).
Neural Networks as Artificial Specifications. In I. Medina-Bulo, M. G. Merayo, & R. Hierons (Eds.),
Testing Software and Systems: 30th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2018, Cádiz, Spain, October 1-3, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 135-141). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 11146), (Programming and software engineering; Vol. 11146). Springer. Jiang, M. H., Visser, O. W.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Iosup, A. (2018).
A mirroring architecture for sophisticated mobile games using computation-offloading.
Concurrency and Computation,
30(17), [e4494]., R., Hage, J., Prasetya, S. W. B., & Bosman, J. (2018). Fine-Grained Model Slicing for Rebel. In 18th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, SCAM 2018 (pp. 235-244)
Elyasov, A., Prasetya, S. W. B., & Hage, J. (2018). Search-Based Test Data Generation for JavaScript Functions that Interact with the DOM. In 29th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2018 (pp. 88-99)
Bezirgiannis, N.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Sakellariou, I. (2018).
HLogo: A Haskell STM-Based Parallel Variant of NetLogo. In M. S. Obaidat, T. Ören, & Y. Merkuryev (Eds.),
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications: SIMULTECH 2016: International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (pp. 97-119). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 676). Springer.
Scholarly publications
Puspitaningrum, D., Yulianti, G.
, & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2017).
Wiki-MetaSemantik: A Wikipedia-derived query expansion approach based on network properties. In
2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM) (pp. 1-6) Tervoort, T.
, & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2017).
APSL: A light weight testing tool for protocols with complex messages. In
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing - 13th International Haifa Verification Conference, HVC 2017, Proceedings (Vol. 10629 LNCS, pp. 241-244). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10629 LNCS). Springer., M. H., Ongeboer de Visser, B. W.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Iosup, A. (2017).
Mirror: A computation-offloading framework for sophisticated mobile games. In
18th IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2017 - Conference [7974351] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Hage, J., & Elyasov, A. (2016).
Exploiting annotations to test break-off branches. In
Proceedings - 22nd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 2015 (Vol. 2016-May, pp. 80-87). [7467286] IEEE Computer Society Press. Vos, T., Eldh, S., & Prasetya, W. (2016). Message from the Chairs. A-TEST 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation, co-located with FSE 2016, iii.
Prasetya, S. W. B. (2016).
Budget-aware random testing with T3: benchmarking at the SBST2016 testing tool contest. In
SBST '16: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing: Austin, Texas — May 14 - 22, 2016 (pp. 29-32 ). ACM. 2015
Scholarly publications
Puspitaningrum, D., Pagua, J. A., Erlansari, A., Fauzi, F., Efendi, R., Andreswari, D.
, & Prasetya, S. W. B. (2015).
The analysis of rank fusion techniques to improve query relevance.
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 4(13). Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Hage, J., & Elyasov, A. (2015). Exploiting Annotations to Test Break-off Branches. In 22th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) IEEE.
Puspitaningrum, D., [No Value], F., Susilo, B., Pagua, J. A., Erlansari, A., Andreswari, D., Efendi, R., & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2015). An MDL-based Frequent Itemset Hierarchical Clustering Technique to Improve Query Search Results of An Individual Search Engine. In Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS) Springer.
Elyasov, A., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Hage, J., Rueda, U., Vos, T. E. J., & Condori-Fernandez, N. (2015).
AB=ᗺA: execution equivalence as a new type of testing oracle. In
SAC '15: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) (pp. 1559-1566). ACM. Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2015).
T3: Benchmarking at Third Unit Testing Tool Contest. In
Eighth International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing SBST 2015, May 18-19, 2015 Florence, Italy: Proceedings (pp. 44-47). IEEE. Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2015).
T3i: A Tool for Generating and Querying Test Suites for Java. In
ESEC/FSE 2015, Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (pp. 950-953). ACM. Rueda, U., Vos, T. E. J.
, & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2015).
Unit Testing Tool Competition - Round Three. In
Eighth International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing SBST 2015, May 18-19, 2015 Florence, Italy : Proceedings (pp. 19-24). IEEE.
Scholarly publications
Vos, T. E. J., Tonella, P.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Kruse, P. M., Bagnato, A., Harman, M., & Shehory, O. (2014).
FITTEST: A New Continuous and Automated Testing Process for Future Internet Applications. In S. Demeyer, D. Binkley, & F. Ricca (Eds.),
2014 Software Evolution Week: Antwerp, Belgium 3-6 February 2014: IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE) (pp. 407-410). IEEE., T. E. J., Tonella, P.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Kruse, P. M., Shehory, O., Bagnato, A., & Harman, M. (2014).
The FITTEST Tool Suite for Testing Future Internet Applications. In
Future Internet Testing: first International Workshop, FITTEST 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, November 12, 2013 : revised selected papers (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 8432). Springer., I. S. W. B. (2014).
T3, a Combinator-based Random Testing Tool for Java: Benchmarking. In
Future Internet Testing: first International Workshop, FITTEST 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, November 12, 2013 : revised selected papers (pp. 101-110). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 8432). Springer. Kruse, P. M.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Hage, J., & Elyasov, A. (2014).
Logging to Facilitate Combinatorial System Testing. In T. E. J. Vos, K. Lakhotia, & S. Bauersfeld (Eds.),
Future Internet Testing: First International Workshop, FITTEST 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, November 12, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 48-58). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 8432). Springer.
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Sturala, A., Middelkoop, A., Hage, J., & Elyasov, A. (2013). Compact Traceable Logging. In VALID 2013, The Fifth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (pp. 66-76)
Elyasov, A., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Hage, J. (2013).
Guided Algebraic Specification Mining for Failure Simplification. In
25th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference onTesting Software and Systems (ICTSS 2013) (Vol. 8432, pp. 223-238). (LNCS ). Springer. Vos, T., Tonella, P., Wegener, J., Harman, M.
, Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Ur, S. (2013).
Testing of Future Internet Applications Running in the Cloud. In S. Tilley, & T. Parveen (Eds.),
Software Testing in the Cloud: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline IGI Global.
Scholarly publications
Elyasov, A., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Hage, J. (2012). Log-Based Reduction by Rewriting. Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University.
Middelkoop, A., Elyasov, A., & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2012). Functional Instrumentation of ActionScriptPrograms with ASIL. In A. Gill, & J. Hage (Eds.), International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL), 2011 Springer.
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Elyasov, A., Middelkoop, A., & Hage, J. (2012). FITTEST Log Format (version 1.1). Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University.
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Hage, J., & Elyasov, A. (2012). Using Sub-cases to Improve Log-based Oracles Inference. Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University.
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, S. W. B., Amorim, J., Vos, T. E. J., & Baars, A. (2011). CTy: a Haskell DSL for Specifying and Generating Combinatoric Test-cases. Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University.
Vos, T. E. J., Tonella, P., Wegener, J., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Puoskari, E., & Buchbinder, Y. (2011). Future Internet Testing with FITTEST. In 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering IEEE.
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J., & Baars, A. I. (2009).
Trace-based Reflexive Testing of OO Programs with T2. In
ICST '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation IEEE. 2008
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J.
, & Swierstra, S. D. (2006).
Web Cubes. In E. Najm, & J. F. Pradat-Peyre (Eds.),
Proceedings of 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Methods for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE) (pp. 77-92). Springer. 2005
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Swierstra, S. D. (2005). Formal Design of Self-stabilizing Programs. Journal of Highspeed Network, special issue on self-stabilizing systems, 14, 59-84.
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Azurat, A., Vos, T. E. J.
, & van Leeuwen, A. J. (2005).
Building Verification Condition Generators by Compositional Extensions. In B. K. Aichernig, & B. Beckert (Eds.),
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (pp. 220-230). IEEE Computer Society Press. Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J., Azurat, A.
, & Swierstra, S. D. (2005).
A UNITY-based Framework towards Component Based Systems. In T. Higashino (Ed.),
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (pp. 52-66). Springer. Azurat, A., & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2005). Towards Reliable Component Software: Light-weight Formalism. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Quality of Research
Suhartanto, H., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Widjaja, B., Stefanus, L. Y., Azurat, A., Aminah, S., & Bong, J. (2005). Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processsing Programs. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Quality of Research
Purbojati, R. W., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Maizir, S., Wibowo, B., & Azurat, A. (2005). LinguSQL: A Verification and Transformation Tool for Database Application. In Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi (SNIKTI)
Azurat, A., Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J., Suhartanto, H., Widjaja, B., Stefanus, L. Y., Wenang, R., Aminah, S., & Bong, J. (2005). Towards Automated Verification of Database Scripts. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (Track Emerging Trends)
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J., & Swierstra, S. D. (2004). Introduction to Correctness Approach in Programming, Lecture Notes. Universiteit Utrecht, Instituut Informatica en Informatiekun.
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J., Azurat, A., & Swierstra, S. D. (2003). !UNITY: A HOL Theory of General UNITY. In D. Basin, & B. Wolff (Eds.), Emerging Trends Proceedings of 16th International Conference, Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOL) (pp. 159-176)
Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (2003). Program Verification, Lecture Notes. Universiteit Utrecht, Instituut Informatica en Informatiekun.
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J.
, Swierstra, S. D., & Widjaja, B. (2003).
A Theory for Composing Distributed Components Based on Temporary Interface. In
3rd International Workshop on Composition Languages lumpe/WCL2003. Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J.
, Swierstra, S. D., & Widjaja, B. (2003).
A Theory for Composing Distributed Components Based on Temporary Interface. In H. D. Van, & Z. Liu (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS) 2002
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Vos, T. E. J., & Swierstra, S. D. (2002). Introduction to Correctness Approach in Programming, Lecture Notes. Universiteit Utrecht, Instituut Informatica en Informatiekun.
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., Azurat, A., & Swierstra, S. D. (2002). Embedding Programming Logics in HOL Theorem Prover. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, 2(1).
Prasetya, I. S. W. B., & Swierstra, S. D. (2002). Factorizing Fault Tolerance. Theoretical Computer Science, 290(2), 1201-1222.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (1997). Mechanically verified self-stabilizing hierarchical algorithms. In E. Brinksma (Ed.), Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (pp. 399-415). Springer.
Scholarly publications
Vos, T. E. J.
, Swierstra, S. D., & Prasetya, I. S. W. B. (1996).
Formal methods and mechanical verification applied to the development of a convergent distributed sorting program. (UU-CS ed.) Utrecht University: Information and Computing Sciences.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications