Scholarly publications
D'Alessandro, R., Putnam, M., & Terenghi, S. (Accepted/In press). Heritage languages and syntactic theory. An introduction. In R. D'Alessandro, M. T. Putnam, & S. Terenghi (Eds.), Heritage languages and syntactic theory Oxford University Press.
D'Alessandro, R., Andriani, L., Frasson, A., Pinto, M., Sorgini, L., & Terenghi, S. (Accepted/In press). Microcontact and Syntactic Theory. In R. D'Alessandro, S. Terenghi, & M. T. Putnam (Eds.), Heritage Languages and Syntactic Theory Oxford University Press.
D'Alessandro, R., Terenghi, S., & Putnam, M. T. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Heritage Languages and Syntactic Theory. Oxford University Press.
D'Alessandro, R., & Terenghi, S. (Accepted/In press). Non-monotonic functional sequences: A new metric for complexity in heritage languages. In M. Polinsky, & M. T. Putnam (Eds.), Formal approaches to complexity in heritage language grammars Language Science Press.
Scholarly publications
Terenghi, S. (2023).
Missing Person: Structure and change in Romance demonstratives. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. LOT. 2022
Scholarly publications
Andriani, L., D'Alessandro, R., Frasson, A., van Osch, B., Sorgini, L., & Terenghi, S. (2022).
Adding the microdimension to the study of language change in contact. Three case studies.
7(1), 1-36. Andriani, L., Casalicchio, J., Ciconte, F. M., D'Alessandro, R. A. G., Frasson, A., van Osch, B. A., Sorgini, L., & Terenghi, S. (2022).
Documenting Italo-Romance heritage languages in the Americas. In M. Coler, & A. Nevins (Eds.),
Contemporary research in minority and disapora languages of Europe (pp. 9-56). (Contact and Multilingualism; Vol. 6). Language Science Press. 4902965 2021
Scholarly publications
Terenghi, S. (2021).
Stable and unstable person features: A structural account. In A. Farinella, & A. Hill (Eds.),
NELS 51: Proceedings of the Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Vol. 2, pp. 229-242). GLSA. 2020
Scholarly publications
D'Alessandro, R. A. G., Andriani, L., Frasson, A., van Osch, B. A., Sorgini, L., & Terenghi, S. (2020). The ranking of internal and external factors in heritage language syntactic change. Paper presented at GLOW 43 HU Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Scholarly publications
Terenghi, S. (2019).
Demonstrative-reinforcer constructions and the syntactic role of deictic features.
Linguistics in the Netherlands,
36(1), 192-207. 2018
Popularising publications