Terenghi, Silvia. 2025. You before me: Dvandva 1INCL and the syntax of pronouns. Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 31 January 2025.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2024. One structure to derive them all: Demonstratives in diachrony. Talk presented at DiGS 25, Mannheim University, 25–28 June 2024.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2024. The syntax of manner demonstratives. Poster presented at IGG 49, IUSS Pavia, 22–23 February 2024.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2024. One structure to derive them all: Demonstratives in diachrony. Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 2 February 2024.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Demonstratives in space and discourse: A unified account. Talk presented at SinFonIJa 16, Masaryk University (Brno), 21–23 September 2023.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Agreeing adverbial troppo across Italo-Romance: Preliminary remarks. Talk presented at CIDSM 17, University of Zurich, 11–13 September 2023.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Demonstratives in space and discourse: A unified account. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the LAGB, Anglia Ruskin University, 29 August–1 September 2023.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Pronominal possessors and agreement. Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 3 February 2023.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Counting heads: A structural constraint on typological variation in personal pronouns. Poster presented at NELS 53, Georg-August-Universita¨t Go¨ttingen, 12–14 January 2023.
D’Alessandro, Roberta, Michael T. Putnam & Silvia Terenghi. 2022. Change in contact is not accelerated spontaneous change. Talk presented at Heritage Language Syntax 3, Structures Formelles du Langage, Universite´ Paris 8 & Inalco, 20–21 October 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Monotonic and non-monotonic person categories: New natural classes. Talk presented at SinFonIJa 15, University of Udine, 22–24 September 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Hearer-splits across Italo-Romance varieties: A monotonicity-based account. Talk presented at CIDSM 16, Universita` di Napoli Federico II, 14–16 September 2022.
D’Alessandro, Roberta, Michael T. Putnam & Silvia Terenghi. 2022. On the similarities and differences between diachronic & contact-induced syntactic change. Talk presented at GLOW in Asia 13, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (online), 4–7 August 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Spelling out Romance possessives. Talk presented at RomTiN 9, Utrecht University, 24 June 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Counting heads: A structural constraint on typological variation in personal pronouns. Talk presented at CGG 31, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1–3 June 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Possessives are inherently Case-marked pronouns. Talk presented at LSRL 52, University of Wisconsin–Madison (online), 21–23 April 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Integrating deictic co-speech gestures in demonstratives. Talk presented at IGG 47, University of Catania, 24–26 February 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2022. Integrating deictic co-speech gestures in demonstratives. Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 4 February 2022.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. Demonstrative systems are not affected by contact: Evidence from Italo-Romance. Talk presented at CIDSM 15, University of Helsinki (online), 08–10 September 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. (Non-)monotonicity effects in the person domain. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the LAGB, online, 6–9 September 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. Non-primary person features and the evolution of Romance ternary demonstrative systems. Talk presented at DiGS 22, University of Konstanz (online), 20–22 May 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. A person-rooted spatial analysis of demonstratives. Poster presented at GLOW 44, online, 15–17 April 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. A person-rooted spatial analysis of demonstratives. Talk presented at WCCFL 39, University of Arizona (online), 8–11 April 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. Non-primary person features and the evolution of Romance ternary demonstrative systems. Talk presented at IGG 46, University of Siena (online), 23–26 February 2021.
Andriani, Luigi, Roberta D’Alessandro, Alberto Frasson, Brechje van Osch, Luana Sorgini and Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. Structural vs typological similarity in microcontact: A view from heritage Italo-Romance. Poster presented at IGG 46, Workshop: “Multilingualism: Social and Cognitive Dimension”, University of Siena (online), 19 February 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. Uniform and non-uniform feature values: A new type of markedness? Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 29 January 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2021. A person-rooted spatial analysis of demonstratives. Talk presented at ConSOLE 29, Leiden University (online), 26–28 January 2021.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. Stable and unstable person features: A structural account. Talk presented at NELS 51, UQAM (online), 6–8 November 2020.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. Indexicality is not affected by contact: Ternary demonstrative systems in Italo-Romance HLs. Talk presented at HLS 1, Utrecht University (online), 12–16 October 2020.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. Structural differences in the syntax of person indexicals. Talk presented at CamCoS 9 New, Newcastle University (online), 8–11 September 2020.
Andriani, Luigi, Roberta D’Alessandro, Alberto Frasson, Brechje van Osch, Luana Sorgini and Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. The ranking of internal and external factors in heritage language syntactic change. Talk presented at GLOW 43, Humboldt University Berlin (online), 8–20 April 2020.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. The stability of person: a structural account. Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 31 January 2020.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2019. Encoding deixis in e´migre´ and heritage Italo-Romance varieties: preliminary results. Poster presented at The linguist’s workshop: Data, Theory, Experimental testing, Donostia/San Sebastia´n, 8–9 July 2019.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2019. Romance demonstratives in diachrony and the organisation of person features. Talk presented at WoSSP 16, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 17–18 June 2019.
Casalicchio, Jan & Silvia Terenghi. 2019. Demonstrative-reinforcer constructions: Variation in Italo-Romance. Talk presented at CIDSM 14, Prague, Charles University, 27–29 May 2019.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2019. (Partial) deictic incompatibility exists! Deictic Fission in Romance demonstrative-reinforcer constructions. Talk presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 2 February 2019.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2018. Deictic fission in Romance demonstrative systems. Poster presented at Going Romance 32, Utrecht University, 12–13 December 2018.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2018. Deictic fission: accounting for Romance demonstrative systems. Poster presented at TABU Dag 39, Groningen University, 14–15 June 2018.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2024. A new approach to the syntax of DemP. Invited talk at Syntax Seminars, University of Groningen, 22 March 2024.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Heritage languages & linguistic theory: The view from Romance morphosyntax. Invited talk at Going Romance 37, Radboud University (Nijmegen), 30 November–1 December 2023.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2023. Manner demonstratives: Preliminary remarks. Talk presented at the MiMA midway workshop, Utrecht University, 10 November 2023.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. Demonstrative systems in Portuguese-based creoles: Some markedness considerations. Invited talk at Anglia Ruskin-Cambridge Romance Linguis- tics Seminars, University of Cambridge (online). 3 December 2020.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2020. Asymmetries in person indexicals. Invited talk at Syntax Interface Lectures, Utrecht University (online), 5 October 2020.
Terenghi, Silvia. 2019. Romance ternary demonstrative systems as a probe into the architecture of person features. Invited talk at Leiden University (Italie¨studies), 5 November 2019.
Casalicchio, Jan & Silvia Terenghi. 2018. Microcontact: i dialetti italiani nelle Americhe. Invited talk at III Convegno Internazionale di Linguistica e Glottodidattica Italiana, Bochum University, 11–13 October 2018.