Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S., Thiele, K., Midden, E., & Olivieri, D. (2023).
Transitions in Art, Culture, and Politics: An Introduction. In S. Ponzanesi, K. Thiele, E. Midden, D. Olivieri, & T. oorschot (Eds.),
Transitions in Art, Culture and Politics/Transities in Kunst, Cultuur and Politiek (pp. 9-24). AUP (Amsterdam University Press) / ICAS Publications. Ponzanesi, S., Thiele, K., Midden, E., Olivieri, D., & Oorschot, G. C. M. (Eds.) (2023).
Transitions in Art, Culture and Politics/Transities in Kunst, Cultuur en Politiek. AUP (Amsterdam University Press) / ICAS Publications. Loftsdóttir, K., Hipfl, B.
, & Ponzanesi, S. (Eds.) (2023).
Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe. Routledge., B., Marchetti, S., Ponzanesi, S., & Bassi, S. (2023).
Introduction to Postcolonial Publics: Art and Citizen Media. In B. B. Blaagaard, S. Marchetti, S. Ponzanesi, & S. Bassi (Eds.),
Postcolonial Publics: Art and Citizen Media in Europe (pp. xiii-xxiv). (Studi e ricerche). Edizioni Ca' Foscari. Blaagaard, B., Marchetti, S., Ponzanesi, S., & Bassi, S. (Eds.) (2023).
Postcolonial Publics: Art and Citizen Media in Europe. (Studi e ricerche; Vol. 30). Edizioni Ca' Foscari. 2022
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S., & Mendes, A. C. (2022).
Screening Postcolonial Intellectuals. Cinematic Engagements and Postcolonial Activism (editorial).
Transnational Screens,
13(2). Advance online publication. Ponzanesi, S., & Leurs, K. (Eds.) (2022).
Special Issue guest edited: Digital Migration Practices and the Everyday.
Communication, Culture and Critique,
15(2), 103-298. al Jaramani, A., Ponzanesi, S., & van Schie, G. (2022).
"Girls are like Glass": Situated Knowledges of Syrian Refugee Women on Datafication and Transparency. In M. Burkhardt, D. van Geenen, C. Gerlitz, S. Hind, T. Kaerlein, D. Lämmerhirt, & A. Volmar (Eds.),
Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data (pp. 115-137). Transcript Verlag. 2021
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2021).
The Cultural Industry and Digital World Making. In D. Ganguly (Ed.),
The Cambridge History of World Literature (pp. 842-863). Article 22 Cambridge University Press. 2020
Scholarly publications
Alinejad, D. (Guest ed.), & Ponzanesi, S. (Guest ed.) (2020).
Special Issue guest edited: Migration, Digital Media and Emotions.
International Journal of Cultural Studies,
23(5), 620-820. Ponzanesi, S. (2020). 'Foreword'. Mediating Multiculturalism: Digital Storytelling and The Everyday by Daniella Trimboli. In D. Trimboli (Ed.), Mediating Multiculturalism: Digital Storytelling and The Everyday (pp. xi-xii). Anthem Press.
Leurs, K. H. A., Midden, E., & Ponzanesi, S. (2020). Digital Multiculturalism in the Netherlands: Religious, Ethnic and Gender Positioning by Moroccan-Dutch Youth. In M. Díez Bosch, J. Lluís Micó, & A. Melloni (Eds.), Perplexed Religion (pp. 103-123). Universitat Ramon Llull.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2019).
The Art of Dissent: Ai Weiwei, Rebel with a Cause. In R. Buikema, A. Buyse, & A. Robben (Eds.),
Culture, Citizenship and Human Rights (pp. 215-236). (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Routledge. Ponzanesi, S. (Guest ed.) (2019). Special Issue: Migration and Mobility in a Digital Age: (Re)Mapping Connectivity and Belonging. Television and New Media, 20(6), 547-648. Article 101.
Alinejad, D., Candidatu, L. I., Mevsimler, M., Minchilli, C., Ponzanesi, S., & van der Vlist, F. N. (2019).
Diaspora and mapping methodologies: tracing transnational digital connections with ‘mattering maps’.
Global Networks,
19(1), 21-43. 2018
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2017). Der Schauplatz der Kolonie: Phoolan Devi und die postkoloniale Kritik. In R. Buikema, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Doing Gender in Medien-, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (pp. 119-135). (Gender-Diskussion; Vol. 23). Lit Verlag.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S., & Colpani, G. (2016). Introduction. Europe in Transition. In S. Ponzanesi, & G. Colpani (Eds.), Postcolonial Transitions in Europe: Contexts, Practices and Politics (pp. 1-22). (Frontiers of the political). Rowman & Littlefield.
Ponzanesi, S. (2016).
On the Waterfront: Truth and Fiction in Postcolonial Cinema from the South of Europe.
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies,
18(2), 217-233. 2015
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2015). De Kolonie als Strijdtoneel: Phoolan Devi en de postkoloniale kritiek. In R. Buikema, & L. Plate (Eds.), Handboek Genderstudies (pp. 131-146). Coutinho.
Scholarly publications
Leurs, K. H. A. (Guest ed.), & Ponzanesi, S. (Guest ed.) (2014).
Digital Crossings in Europe.
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture,
5(1), 3. Ponzanesi, S. (2014). Some Things that Stay There Be. In Wat de verbeelding niet vermag!: essays bij het afscheid van Maaike Meijer (pp. 249-253). Vantilt.
Ponzanesi, S. (2014).
Queering European Sexuality Through Italy's Fascist Past: Colonialism, Homosexuality, and Masculinities. In M. Rosello, & S. Dasgupta (Eds.),
What's Queer About Europe? Productive Encounters and Re-Enchanting Paradigms (pp. 81-90). Fordham. Ponzanesi, S. (2014). Translating Selves: On Polyglot Cosmopolitanism. In B. Blaagaard, & I. Tuin, van der (Eds.), The Subject of Rosi Braidotti. Concepts & Politics (pp. 284-292). Bloomsbury Academic.
Scholarly publications
Leurs, K. H. A., & Ponzanesi, S. (2013).
Bits of Homeland: Generational and Gender Transformations of Moroccan-Dutch Youth using digital technologies.
Observatorio (OBS*) Journal,
7(1), 1-22. Roggero, G., Grappi, G., Priftis, T., Hatzoupolos, P.
, Leurs, K. H. A., & Ponzanesi, S. (2013).
Final Report Study on Knowledge and Education. European Union Framework Programme 7 Mig@Net project.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2012). Europe in Motion: Migrant Cinema and the Politics of Encounter. In S. Ponzanesi, & B. Blaagaard (Eds.), Deconstructing Europe: Postcolonial Perspectives (pp. 73-92). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S., & Waller, M. (2012). Postcolonial Cinemas: Unframing History. In S. Ponzanesi, & M. Waller (Eds.), Postcolonial Cinema Studies (pp. 61-62). (Media Cultural Studies). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S., & Waller, M. (2012). Postcolonial Cinemas and Globalization. In S. Ponzanesi, & M. Waller (Eds.), Postcolonial Cinema Studies (pp. 189-190). (Media Cultural Studies). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S., & Waller, M. (2012). Introduction. Postcolonial Cinema Studies. In S. Ponzanesi, & M. Waller (Eds.), Postcolonial Cinema Studies (pp. 1-16). (Media Cultural Studies). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S. (2012). Postcolonial Adaptations: Gained and Lost in Translation. In S. Ponzanesi, & M. Waller (Eds.), Postcolonial Cinema Studies (pp. 172-188). (Media Cultural Studies). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S., & Waller, M. (2012). Postcolonial Cinemas: Postcolonial Aesthetics. In S. Ponzanesi, & M. Waller (Eds.), Postcolonial Cinema Studies (pp. 127-128). (Meia Cultural Studies). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S. (2012). Adattamenti postcoloniali: genere, identita' ed autorita' tra letteratura e cinema. Narrativa--Nouvelle série, 33/34, 89-102.
Ponzanesi, S., & Waller, M. (2012). Cinemas of Empire. In S. Ponzanesi, & M. Waller (Eds.), Postcolonial Cinema Studies (pp. 17-19). Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S., & Blaagaard, B. (2012). In the Name of Europe. In S. Ponzanesi, & B. Blaagaard (Eds.), Deconstructing Europe: Postcolonial Perspectives (pp. 1-10). Routledge.
Scholarly publications
Leurs, K. H. A., & Ponzanesi, S. (2011). Gendering the Construction of Instant Messaging. In M. Ames, & S. H. Burcon (Eds.), Women and Language: Essays on Gendered Communication Across Media (pp. 199-214). McFarland Press.
Ponzanesi, S. (2011). Europe Adrift. Rethinking Borders, Bodies and Citizenship from the Mediterranean. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 67-76.
Other output
Ponzanesi, S., Leurs, K. H. A., de Haan, M. J., Ünlüsoy, A., & Leander, K. (2010). The diasporic networks of migrant youth: learning and identity. Paper presented at Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, USA.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2009). Mediterranean Routes: Migration Literature in Italy in a Postcolonial Perspective. Arena Romanistica. Journal of Romance Studies, 2009(n.5), 330-345.
Ponzanesi, S. (2009). The Arena of the Colony: Phoolan Devi and Postcolonial Critique. In R. Buikema, & I. van der Tuin (Eds.), Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture (pp. 85-98). Routledge.
Other output
Ponzanesi, S., de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., Leurs, K. H. A., & Ünlüsoy, A. (2009). At Home in the Web. The diasporic networks of migrant youth: Learning and identity construction online. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2008). Diaspora in Time: Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient. In M. Shackleton (Ed.), Diasporic Literature and Theory – Where Now? (pp. 120-137). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Other output
Ponzanesi, S. (2008). 'Woman, Freedom Fighter, Terrorist. The Gendered Respresentation of Cultural Politics'. Paper presented at EACLAS conference, "Try Freedom. Rewriting Rights in/through Postcolonial Cultures", Venice.
de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., Ponzanesi, S., Slootman, M. W., ter Laan, N., & Leurs, K. H. A. (2008). Toward a comparative and interdisciplinary model for researching media uses among migrant youth.
Ponzanesi, S. (2008). Mediterranean Routes: Migrant Literature in Italy. Paper presented at Conference Babel-upon-Amstel International conference on migration language and literature in Europe, University of Amsterdam.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2007). Liefde in de Koloniën. Het Afrikaanse madamato vanuit postkoloniaal perspectief. Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis, 27, 84-106.
Ponzanesi, S., Lumley, R., & Foot, J. (2007). Cittá Immaginarie. Spazio e identitá nella letteratura Italiana dell’Immigrazione. In Le Cittá Visibili. Spazi urbani in Italia, culture e trasformazioni dal dopoguerra a oggi (pp. 189-199). Il saggiatore.
Ponzanesi, S., Kumar, V., Mukherjee, M., Trivedi, H., & Vijayasree, C. (2007). Branding the Nation. Exporting Literature as Cultural Capital. In Focus India: Postcolonial Narratives of the Nation Pencraft International.
Ponzanesi, S., & Arana, V. (2007). Susheila Nasta: Public Intellectual on Current Black British Aesthetics. In "Black" British Aesthetics Today (pp. 356-367). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Other output
Ponzanesi, S. (2007, Sept 1). McLiterature and the marketing of diversity. Gender, Literary Prizes and the Canon.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2006). Edward Said. Teorie in Movimento. Oltre il Cosmopolitismo. In Esercizi di Potere. Gramsci, Said ed il Postcoloniale (pp. 89-99). (Esercizi di Potere. Gramsci, Said ed il Postcoloniale). Meltemi.
Professional publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2006). Orlan. The self as Intertext. Newsletter, Center for Women Studies, UCLA., May 2006.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2005). Outlandish Cinema. Screening the Other in Italy. In Migrant Cartographies. New Cultural and Literary Spaces in Postcolonial Europe (pp. 267-280). Lexington.
Ponzanesi, S. (2005). 'Under Erasure: the Commercial Sustainability of Minority Literatures and Cultures'. In G. Huggan, & S. Klasen (Eds.), Perspectives on Endangerment (pp. 137-149). Olms Verlag.
Ponzanesi, S., & Merolla, D. (2005). Migrant Cartographies. New Cultural and Literary Spaces in Postcolonial Europe. Lexingtonbooks.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2004). Theorieën in Ballingschap. De Contrapuntistische Interpretaties van Edward Said. Lover: Feminisme, Cultuur, Wetenschap, Jaargang 3(No. 1), 15-17.
Ponzanesi, S. (2004). Beyond Postcolonial Theory? Paradoxes and Potentialities of a Necessary Paradigm. In G. V. DAVIS, & P. H. MARSDEN (Eds.), Towards a Transcultural Future. Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World. Rodopi.
Ponzanesi, S. (2004). Imaginary Cities. Space and identities in Migration Literature in Italy. In R. Lumley, & J. Foot (Eds.), In Italian Cityscapes.Culture and Urban Change in Italy. (pp. 156-165). Exeter University Press.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2002). Diasporic Subjects and Migration. In G. Griffin, & R. Braidotti (Eds.), Thinking Differently. A Reader in European Women's Studies (pp. 205-220). Zed Books.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). Contribution with several entries to the Routledge Companion to Black British Culture. Routledge.
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). Nuruddin Farah, Yesterday, Tomorrow: Voices from the Somali Diaspora. Wasafiri, 33.
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). Diasporic Narratives @ Home Pages. The Future as Virtually Located. In G. Stilz (Ed.), Colonies, Missions,Cultures in the English Speaking World: General and Comparative Studies (pp. 396-406). Stauffenburg Verlag.
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). Bharati Mukherjee's Jasmine: The Exuberance of Immigration, Feminist Strategies and Multicultural Negotiations. In R. Mittapalli, & P. P. Piciucco (Eds.), Studies in Indian Writing in English (pp. 77-107). Atlantic Publishers.
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). Bharati Mukherjee's Jasmine. In M. K. Bhatnagar (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Literature in English (pp. 1348-1379). Atlantic Publishers.
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). 'Comparing Minority Discourses. Shadows in Italian Literature. In T. D'Haen, & P. Krüs (Eds.), Colonizer/Colonized (pp. 599-611). Rodopi.
Ponzanesi, S. (2001). 'All'Ombra della letteratura Postcoloniale. Meticciato e Ibridità Culturale nelle Scrittura AfroItaliana di Maria Abbebù Viarengo. In Letterature Comparate al Femminile (pp. 273-282). Quattro Venti.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (2000). Een huis vol Spiegels. Gender, Diaspora en Post-coloniale Identiteit. Lover, 27(1), 16-20.
Ponzanesi, S. (2000). Mediterranean Crossroads. Migration Literature in Italian. Wasafiri, 31, 64-65.
Ponzanesi, S. (2000). Writing Against the Grain. African Women's Texts on Female Infibulation as Literature of Resistance. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 7(2), 303-318.
Ponzanesi, S. (2000). The Past Holds no Terror? Colonial Memories and Afro-Italian Narratives. Wasafiri, 31(spring), 16-22.
Ponzanesi, S. (2000). Fragments of a Nation. Italian Cultural Studies from Colonial Legacy to Global Perspective. Legendaria, 23(september), 24-26.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (1999). In My Mother's House: The Mobilization of Home in Women's Writers of the Indian Diaspora. In A. L. McLeod (Ed.), The Literature of the Indian Diaspora: Essays in Criticism (pp. 239-251). Sterling Publisher.
Ponzanesi, S. (1999). Paradoxes of Post-colonial Culture. Feminism and Diaspora in South-Asian and Afro-Italian Women's Narratives. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. eigen beheer.
Professional publications
Ponzanesi, S. (1999). Contribution with several entries on Indian Women's Writers and Indian Novels. In L. Sage (Ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Women's writing in English Cambridge University Press.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (1998). Vision of Identity in a Diasporic Perspective. In MIT-Press Journal (ISSEI CD-ROM). University for Humanist Studies.
Ponzanesi, S. (1998). Postcolonial Women's Writing in Italian. The Case Study of the Eritrean Ribka Sibhatu. Northeast African Studies / NEAS, 5(3), 97-115.
Professional publications
Ponzanesi, S. (1997). Marginalia. Rearticulating Subaltera Studies Across System Divisions. Thamyris, 1, 170-175.
Ponzanesi, S. (1997). The God of Small Things. Onvergetelijk meesterwerk van Arundhati Roz. India nu, 112, 21-21.
Ponzanesi, S. (1997). Vrouwenliteratuur. Laveren tussen twee culturen. India nu, 1997, 16-17.
Ponzanesi, S. (1997). Landmarks: Post-colonial literatures and theories at the end of the Century. Najade, 1997, 361-366.
Ponzanesi, S. (1997). Professionista Magico. Dino Buzzati e l'Africe. Incontri, 3/4, 200-206.
Ponzanesi, S. (1997). Voyage to Hell: Sunetra Gupta's Moonlight into Marzipan. Wasafiri, 1997, 73-75.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S. (1996). Toni Morrison. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. Verri. Rivista Letteraria, 235-238.
Ponzanesi, S. (1996). De Vele Armen van een Bandit Koningin: Phoolan Devi en de Indiase Filmindustrie. Lover, 23(2), 56-60.
Ponzanesi, S. (1996). Visions of identity in a Diasporic Perspective’. In Memory, History and Critique: European identity and the Millennium