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Ertas, S., Koskulu-Sancar, S., Ger, E., Liszkowski, U., & Küntay, A. C. (2023). Relation of infants' and mothers' pointing to infants' vocabulary measured directly and with parental reports. Infancy, 28(6), 1007-1029. 


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Koskulu, S., Küntay, A. C., & Uzundag, B. A. (2021). Maternal behaviors mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and joint attention. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 75, 101291.


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Koskulu-Sancar, S., Blom, E., van de Weijer-Bergsma, E., Grandfield, E., Verhagen, J., & Mulder, H. (2023). Teachers matter in early childhood: The relation between teacher behaviours and executive function development in toddlerhood. Infant and Child Development, e2474. 


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Uzundag, B. A., Koskulu-Sancar, S., Küntay, A. C. (2024). Background TV and Infant-Family Interactions: Insights from Home Observations. Infancy.