Severina Grotenhuis

Project Manager
Life Long Learning

Severina is project secretary Life Long Learning at the Alliance EWUU

The three goals for LLL within the Alliance:

1. Develop a joint portfolio for Life Long Learners related to the shared strategic themes (energy, health, circularity and nutrition) where new materials and courses are developed in close collaboration and based on market & societal needs.

2. Build-up, identify and exchange experience and research evidence in the development and teaching for (working) professionals and apply this in courses and training for the Alliance teaching and support staff. An additional goal is that teachers as well as support staff from the Alliance institutions have a strong Alliance network of fellow-teachers or fellow support staff with whom they exchange experiences and course materials after participating in training events.

3. Make use of each other’s existing courses (materials) for LLL, related to the shared strategic themes (energy, health, circularity and nutrition; from multidisciplinary angles, such as humanities, law, economics, sustainability and educational sciences).