Prof. dr. S.G.D. (Stefan) Rüdiger

Head of Department 
Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer O 704
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. S.G.D. (Stefan) Rüdiger

Head of Department
+31 30 253 3394

Teaching organisation

1 Initiative to develop a new bachelor curriculum in Molecular Life Sciences (2012-2014)
Drafting of a new interdisciplinary curriculum on the edge of chemistry, biology and pharmacy. Main goals had been to improve number and quality of the students entering the master programme Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences and increasing the number of students in (bio-)chemistry. This started as bottom up initiative and successively gained support within the participating Departments and the Faculty, so that this could start finally in Sep 2014 with 55 students.

2 Director Utrecht Summer School Exploring Nature's Molecular Machines (2012-2017)
Coordination, programme assembly and management, selection of candidates, setup of scholarship programme.

3 Programme leader NWO Graduate Programme at the Bijvoet Center (2013-2018)
Design of the programme and raising funding, lead of implementation and chair of selection committee.

4 Programme leader Marie Curie Innovative Doctoral Programme “ManiFold” at the Bijvoet Center (2012-2017)
Design of the programme and raising funding, lead of implementation and management, coordination contacts to EU.

5 Leader training programme Marie Curie Innovative Training Network “WntsApp” (2012-2017)
Overall supervision of the training programme for scientific and complementary skills, with courses in five countries.

6 Development new teaching line biochemistry in bachelor chemistry (2007-2008)
Based on these recommendations the course programme in all three bachelor years had been adapted in all three years.

7 Chair of the Educational Advisory Committee (“Onderwijsadviescommissie”, OAC) of the Chemistry Department of Utrecht University (2016-2018; member 2010-2015)
This committee evaluates all courses of the chemistry department in the bachelors Chemistry and Molecular Life Sciences and advises the Teaching Director on quality issues and the structure of the curriculum.

8 Member committee for a new interdepartmental life science bachelor in English at Utrecht University (2017)
This committee was set up by the Vice Dean teaching of the Science Faculty to analyse the feasibility of a new international and interdisciplinary life science bachelor. I represented the Chemistry Department.

9 Member of the Education Committee of the Undergraduate School of the Science Faculty (2016-2018)

10 Member of the writing team for the visitation of the life science master programmes (2020/2021)

Teaching at Bachelor level

1 Bachelor theses for Chemistry students (since 2007; 15 EC)
Supervision of final year bachelor thesis in my research group.

2 Development of new course 3rd year bachelor course “Protein Folding and Assembly” for Molecular Life Sciences and Chemistry students (since 2017; 7.5 EC).
The key concept is that the students perform experiments in a research laboratory, based on their own research idea and research proposal. 2020 Adaptation to virtual project work in COVID-19 lockdown, including writing a press release, the best of which has been published. The 2021 edition has also been developed as entirely new virtual course, in which the students organize a real international research symposium. There is also a novel open science element; the students write a prelight on a preprint, the best of which are to be published.

3 3rd year bachelor course “Structural Biology” (2005-2010; 15 EC)
Coordination, lectures (6 h), practicum in research lab, research proposal; interdisciplinary course of Biology and Chemistry for students of chemistry, biology and biomedical sciences.

4 3rd year bachelor course “Molecular Machines” (2011-2016; 7.5 EC)
Course coordination; chemistry students.

5 3rd year bachelor course “Molecular Processes” (2011-2016; 7,5 EC)
Course coordination, lectures (6 h), practicum in research lab, research proposal, symposion; chemistry students.

6 2nd year “Research project” (2007-2014; 7.5 EC)
Supervision of research project of typically 4 students in my research group, final presentation.

7 Honoursprogramme chemistry, 2nd year module on protein folding (2010-2014)
Development of new module, lectures (3 h), computerpracticum, journal club.

8 2nd year Biophysics (2011-2012; 7.5 EC)
Lectures (4 h), practicum in research lab, report.

9 2nd year seminar on membrane chemistry (2007, 7.5 EC)
Seminar for students of biomedical sciences, presentation.

10 1st year short internship (2006-2012; 4.5 EC)
Supervision of a student group in my research laboratory, poster presentation.

11 1st year “Chemistry of the Cell” (2009-2014; 7.5 EC)
Development new practicum on basic protein chemistry (cell cracking, purification, spectroscopic characterisation, unfolding and refolding, final report), guest lecture.

12 1st year “Biomolecular Chemistry” (since 2015; 7.5 EC)
Development of entirely new course at the end of the 1st year for all Chemistry and Molecular Life Science students, including practicum; vision is to teach a protein-centered course based on Kuriyan et al. “Molecules of Life”; lectures (14 h), setup of training system with small, interdicisplinary practice groups and electronic scoring, practicum. 2020 Adaptation to virtual lecturing in COVID-19 lockdown.

13 Tutor bachelor Chemistry (Since 2005)

14 Tutor bachelor Molecular Life Sciences (Since 2014)

Teaching at Master level

1 Utrecht Summer School “Exploring Nature's Molecular Machines” (since 2010)
lectures, practicum in research lab, career development workshop.

2 Master course “Molecular recognition” (2006-2017; 3 EC)
lecture, research symposium and literature seminar

3 Supervision of master internships (6 and 9 months; since 2005)

4 Supervision of master literature thesis (7.5 EC/5 weeks; since 2004)

5 Master Class “Advanced strategies in protein science” (2008-2012, 3 EC)
Development of new practical course and career workshop.

6 Master course “Research in Molecular Life Sciences” (2011-2016, 7.5 EC)
Development of new course, course coordination, lectures (2 h), practicum in research lab, research proposal; chemistry students.

7 Master course “Concepts in Science for Life” (since 2017, 2 EC; 2017-2018 coordinator)
Development of new course, course coordination, lecture (1 h), integrating stage market concept in lecture programme.

8 Master course “Molecules & Cells”; (track course) (since 2018; 3 EC)
Involved in developing this new course; lectures, research seminar of external speaker and literature seminar

Teaching at graduate student level

1 Weekly research seminar and journal club with my own group (since 2005)

2 Setting up and organizing interdisciplinary monthly journal group “Science at lunch” with biochemistry and cell biology groups (2008-2010)

3 PhD examinations
at Utrecht University, Wageningen University, Nijmegen University, Leiden University, Eindhoven University, Twente University, Leuven University (Belgium) and Florence University (Italy)

4 Introductory course for IB Graduate School (since 2007; 3 EC)

5 Lecture on “Research funding in the Netherlands” for IB Graduate School (2015)

6 PhD student Workshop at Institute for Chemical Immunology on mentoring (2015)

7 Module grant writing for PhD students and postdocs (2015)
Basics grant writing for fellows of the Marie Curie ITN WntsApp and PhD students and postdocs of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

8 Module NMR spectroscopy to map protein-ligand interactions for PhD students and postdocs (2015)
Advanced training course for fellows of the Marie Curie ITN WntsApp and PhD students and postdocs of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

Outreach at high school level

1 Practicum “Preventing Speed Dating”
Setting up of a practicum on protein folding for High Schools as part of the “Rector's league of Utrecht University (7x since 2006 on schools (coverage by Algemeen Dagblad in 2006), now regularly in our research lab).

2 Lecture at “Beta-Festival” at high school Broklede (2011-2012)
Lecture on Roger Kornberg's Nobel Prize on RNA polymerase, targeted at 5/6 VWO students (last two years of High School).

3 project school link (2011-2014)
Supervision of a project with a school teacher to develop experiments and material for biochemistry teaching at schools.

4 Laboratory tours
High school students and elementary school children

5 Career advice sessions
St. Bonifatius College Utrecht (2017-2018)

6 DNA for elementary school
Practicum, Paulusschool Utrecht (2015)

Teaching activities as PhD student and postdoc

1 Journal club at Cambridge Centre for Protein Engineering (2001-2004)
Introduced on my initiative and organised by myself.

2 Introductory seminar biochemistry (1997-1999)
weekly seminar for 1st year/2nd semester medicine students at Freiburg University

3 Biochemistry practicum (1997-1999)
Biochemistry practicum for medicine and dentistry students at Freiburg University.

4 Advanced practical course on mechanisms of the control of transcription and the folding of proteins (1996)
Practical course at ZMBH Heidelberg

Involved in the following study programme(s)