Steven Raaijmakers works as a trainer/consultant at Educational Development and Training. His main topics are the effectiveness and efficiency of learning, the assessment of learning and the self-regulation of learning. Steven teaches the course 'Leerpsychologie' (The psychology of learning) for the Graduate School of Teaching and is one of the research supervisors of the 'Academische Opleidingsscholen'.
In 2018, together with Professor Paul Kirschner and colleague Luce Claessens, he wrote the book 'Op de schouders van reuzen', which translates 24 key scientific articles from educational sciences into everyday teaching practice. The book can be downloaded for free here and ordered here.
Steven is passionate about critical thinking and evidence-informed working. So he organises knowledge sessions at O&T, runs the O&T knowledge library and tries to make the O&T knowledge base visible. This will all contribute to knowledge exchange within O&T. He is also affiliated with the Teaching and Learning Collection at UU and writes reviews for Didactief in order to disseminate knowledge from O&T.
In 2018, Steven obtained his PhD on the topic of self-regulated learning. Before that, he studied biology and cognitive neuroscience. In his spare time, he enjoys birdwatching, getting frustrated on twitter and very occasionally turns these frustrations into a blog.