

Scholarly publications

Le Pichon - Vorstman, E., Baauw, S., Kang, S., & Vorstman, J. (2023). School Trajectory of Elementary Newcomer Students: Early Tracking System and Norm Accommodation. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11(2), 434-459.


Professional publications

Delarue, S. (Author), & Baauw, S. (Author). (2022). Engaging newcomers in (language) learning: four tips from the EDINA project. Web publication/site
Baauw, S., Steffens, M., De Mets, J., Delarue, S., & González Nosti, M. (2022, Nov). EDINA GoPro calendar: A week calendar for teachers and newcomers.


Scholarly publications

Drijkoningen, F., Baauw, S., & Meroni, L. (2021). Introduction. In S. Baauw, F. Drijkoningen, & L. Meroni (Eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 32, Utrecht (pp. 2-10). (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory; Vol. 357). John Benjamins.
Baauw, S., Drijkoningen, F., & Meroni, L. (2021). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 32, Utrecht. (357 ed.) John Benjamins.


Scholarly publications

Le Pichon, E. M. M., & Baauw, S. (2020). Advising municipalities on schooling Newly Arrived Migrant Pupils. In R. Beerkens, E. le Pichon-Vorstman, R. Supheert, & J. ten Thije (Eds.), Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations: Insights from Project Advisers (1 ed., pp. 15-21). Routledge.
Pichon-Vorstman, E. L., Baauw, S., Cole, D., Dekker, S., & Steffens, M. (2020). Transcultural itineraries and new literacies: How memories could reshape school systems. In L. Passerini, M. Trakilović, & G. Proglio (Eds.), The Mobility of Memory: Migrations and Diasporas across European Borders (pp. 104-127). (Worlds of Memory; Vol. 5). Berghahn Books.

Professional publications

Baauw, S. (2020). EDINA: Teacher Professionalisation for Migrant Pupils. Paper presented at Symposium Frederike Groothoff: Onderwijsprofessionals meet taal- & onderwijsonderzoekers, Utrecht, Netherlands.


Scholarly publications

Le Pichon, E. M. M., & Baauw, S. (2019). EDINA, Education of International Newly Arrived Migrant pupils. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 145-156.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S. (2018). The Interpretation of Pronouns across Spanish-Speaking Populations. Languages, 3(2), Article 11.

Professional publications

Le Pichon, E. M. M. (Author), Baauw, S. (Author), Dekker, S. V. (Author), Van Avermaet, P. (Author), De Mets, J. (Author), Royackers, J. (Author), Dervin, F. (Author), & Simpson, A. (Author). (2018). EDINA toolset. Web publication/site


Professional publications

Le Pichon, E. M. M., & Baauw, S. (2017). Meertaligheid als sleutel tot inclusief onderwijs voor nieuwkomers. In Meertaligheid en Onderwijs: Nederlands Plus (pp. 79-89). Boom uitgevers.

Other output

Dekker, S. V., Baauw, S., & Le Pichon, E. M. M. (2017). EDINA: EDucation of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils. Paper presented at Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research EMLAR XIII, UTRECHT, Netherlands.
Dekker, S. V., Baauw, S., & Steffens, M. G. (2017). How do we go from knowledge of multilingualism to applied strategies in the classroom?. Paper presented at Conference on Multilingualism 2017 , Groningen, Netherlands.
Baauw, S., & van Breugel, S. (2017). Acquisition of passive and impersonal se by Dutch L2 learners of Spanish. Paper presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 13, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.


Scholarly publications

Tudjman, T., Heerik, A., Le Pichon, E. M. M., & Baauw, S. (2016). Multi-country partnership to enhance the education of refugee and asylum-seeking youth in Europe: Refugee education in The Netherlands. In Multi-country partnership to enhance the education of refugee and asylum-seeking youth in Europe: Refugee education in The Netherlands (Sirius). RISBO/Erasmus Universiteit.
Baauw, S. (2016). The Acquisition of Binding and Coreference. In J. Lidz, W. Snyder, & J. Pater (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics (pp. 520-546). Oxford University Press.

Professional publications

Baauw, S. (Author), Le Pichon, E. M. M. (Author), & van Erning, R. (Author). (2016). Country report EDINA: the Netherlands. Web publication/site

Other output

Le Pichon, E. M. M., Baauw, S., Dervin, F., & Pulinx, R. (2016). EDINA Education of International Newly Arrived Migrant Pupils. Poster session presented at A great start in life, Brussels , Belgium.
Le Pichon, E. M. M., & Baauw, S. (2016). School development of young newly arrived migrant pupils at primary school level. Paper presented at The European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland.


Scholarly publications

Pinto, M., Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R., Coopmans, P. H. A., & Baauw, S. (2015). On the L2 Acquisition of Spanish Articles by Dutch Speakers. Paper presented at Language in Focus 2015, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Baauw, S., Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R., Coopmans, P. H. A., & Pinto, M. (2015). On the L2 acquisition of genericity. Poster session presented at 12th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference, Nantes, France.
Guerra Rivera, A., Coopmans, P., & Baauw, S. (2015). On the L2 acquisition of Spanish-subject verb inversion. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 173-C, 37-42.


Other output

Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R., Coopmans, P. H. A., & Baauw, S. (2014). ¿Qué compró Juan? or ¿Qué Juan compró? Dutch native speakers acquiring Spanish subject-verb inversion in Wh-questions. Poster session presented at 24th European Second Language Association (Eurosla24), York, United Kingdom.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S., Drijkoningen, F. A. C., Meroni, L., & Pinto, M. (2013). Selected Papers from Going Romance 2011. (Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011 ed.) John Benjamins.
Avrutin, S., & Baauw, S. (2013). A processing view on agrammatism. In L. L. Cheng, & N. Corver (Eds.), Diagnosing Syntax (pp. 397-411). Oxford University Press.

Professional publications

Baauw, S., & Kieferle, C. (2013). Vielsprachigkeit und Spracherwerb. In W. Griebel, R. Heinisch, C. Kieferle, E. Röbe, & A. Seifert (Eds.), Übergang in die Schule und Mehrsprachigkeit – Ein Curriculum für pädagogische Fach- und Lehrkräfte/Transition to School and Multilingualism – A Curriculum for Educational Professionals (pp. 19-66). Verlag Dr. Kovač.
Baauw, S., & Kieferle, C. (2013). Multilingualism and language acquisition. In W. Griebel, R. Heinisch, C. Kieferle, E. Röbe, & A. Seifert (Eds.), Übergang in die Schule und Mehrsprachigkeit – Ein Curriculum für pädagogische Fach- und Lehrkräfte/Transition to School and Multilingualism – A Curriculum for Educational Professionals (pp. 256-298). Verlag Dr. Kovač.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S. (2012). Bespreking van Dissolving Binding Theory. Nederlandse taalkunde, 17, 3, 426-430.

Other output

Baauw, S., & Le Pichon-Vorstman, E. M. M. (2012). Taalpaspoort. Paper presented at Drongo festival (festival over meertaligheid), Amsterdam.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S., Zuckerman, S., Ruigendijk, M. E., & Avrutin, S. (2011). Principle B Delays as a processing problem: evidence from task effects. In A. Grimm, A. Muller, C. Hamann, & M. E. Ruigendijk (Eds.), Production-Comprehension Asymmetries in Child Language Mouton de Gruyter.
Ruigendijk, M. E., Baauw, S., Zuckerman, S., Vasic, N., de Lange, J., & Avrutin, S. (2011). A cross-linguistic study on the interpretation of pronouns by children and agrammatic speakers: Evidence from Dutch, Spanish and Italian. In E. Gibson, & N. J. Pearlmutter (Eds.), The Processing and Acquisition of Reference MIT Press.

Other output

Baauw, S. (2011). Externe beoordelaar proefschrift F.J. Rodríguez Muñoz (Universidad de Almería, Spanje).


Scholarly publications

Ruigendijk, M. E., & Baauw, S. (2010). Syntactic and Pragmatic aspects of Determiner and Pronoun Production in Dutch agrammatic Broca’s aphasia. (in Hebrew). Language and Brain ( Herbreeuws), (9), 159-173.
Baauw, S., Ruigendijk, M. E., Cuetos, F., & Avrutin, S. (2010). The interpretation of stressed and non-stressed pronouns in Spanish language breakdown. Aphasiology, (iFirst), 1-23.


Popularising publications

Baauw, S. (2009). Conference report on GALANA 3. Psycholinguistics Utrecht Newsletter, 1, 12-13.

Other output

Baauw, S. (2009, Feb 24). Forum discussion at RASCAL. Rijks Universiteit Groningen.


Scholarly publications

Ruigendijk, E., & Baauw, S. (2007). Syntactic and Pragmatic aspects of Determiner and Pronoun Production in Dutch agrammatic Broca's aphasia. Aphasiology, 21(6/7/8), 535-547.
Cuetos, F., Dominguez, A., Baauw, S., & Berthier, M. (2007). Disociación entre pacientes agramáticos y anómicos en la producción de formas verbales. Revista de Neurología, 44(4), 203-208.
Baauw, S., Drijkoningen, F. A. C., & Pinto, M. (2007). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2005. Selected papers from Going Romance. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 291. John Benjamins.
Baauw, S., van Kampen, N. J., & Pinto, M. (2007). The Acquisition of Romance Languages. Selected Papers of the Romance Turn II 2006. (LOT Occasional Series ed.) LOT.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S. (2006). Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux, Juana Muñoz Liceras (Eds.), The Acquisition of Spanish Morphosyntax—The L1/L2 Connection. Lingua, 116, 909-919.
Baauw, S. (2006). The production of SE and SELF anaphors in Spanish and Dutch children. In V. Torrens, & L. Escobar (Eds.), Acquisition of Syntax in Romance Languages, (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 41) (pp. 3-21). John Benjamins.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S., & Delfitto, D. (2005). New views on reflexivity: Delay effects in acquisition, cross-modular Principle B and reflexive clitics in Romance. Probus, 17(2), 145-184.
Baauw, S., & Alija, M. (2005). La interpretación de los pronombres masculinos y femeninos por niños neerlandeses y españoles. Cognitiva, 17(1), 3-28.

Other output

Baauw, S., Avrutin, S., & de Lange, J. (2005). The omission of D and T in Dutch-speaking children. Poster session presented at BUCLD, Boston University, USA.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S., Ruigendijk, M. E., & Cuetos, F. (2004). The interpretation of contrastive stress in Spanish-speaking children. In J. van Kampen, & S. Baauw (Eds.), Proceedings of GALA 2003 LOT (Occasional Series 3).
Baauw, S., & Cuetos, F. (2004). The interpretation of pronouns in Spanish language acquisition and breakdown: Evidence for the " Principle B Delay" as a non-unitary phenomenon. Language Acquisition, 11(4), 219-275.
van Kampen, N. J., & Baauw, S. (2004). Proceedings of GALA 2003 (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) Volume 1 & 2. (Occasional Series ed.) LOT occasional series.
Ruigendijk, M. E., Baauw, S., & Vasic, N. (2004). The production of SE- and SELF-anaphors in Dutch child language. In A. Brugos, & L. Micciulla (Eds.), BUCLD 28 Porceedings Cascadilla Press.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S., & Schaeffer, J. (2002). Grammatical features and the acquisition of reference. A comparative study of Dutch and Spanish. Glot international, 6(2/3), 65-71.
Baauw, S. (2002). La adquisición de la correferencia pronominal en español. In R. Bok-Bennema (Ed.), La oración y sus constituyentes. Estudios de sintaxis generativa. Foro Hispánico 21 (pp. 59-70). Rodopi.
Baauw, S., de Roo, E., & Avrutin, S. (2002). Determiner Omission in Language Acquisition and Language Impairement: Syntactic an Discourse Factors. In B. Skarabela, S. Fish, A. Do, L. Dominguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), BUCLD 26: Proceedings of the 26th annual Conference on Langauge Acquisition and Development (pp. 24-35). Cascadilla Press.
Baauw, S. (2002). Grammatical features and the acquisition of reference. A comparative study of Dutch and Spanish. Routledge.
de Roo, E., Baauw, S., Avrutin, S., & Hofstede, B. (2002). Determiner omission in the speech production of Broca aphasics and young children: structural and lexical factors. Brain & Language, 83, 47-49.
Schoorlemmer, M. L., Baauw, S., & Huiskes, M. (2002). Yearbook 2002. Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit der Letteren.

Professional publications

Baauw, S., Huiskes, M., & Schoorlemmer, M. L. (2002). T.R. – UiL OTS Yearbook. UiL OTS.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S. (2001). Expletive determiners in child Dutch and Spanish. In A. H-J. Do, L. Domínguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 82-93). Cascadilla Press.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S. (2000). Grammatical Features and the Acquisition of Reference. A Comparative Study of Dutch and Spanish. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. LOT.


Scholarly publications

Delfitto, D., & Baauw, S. (1999). Coreference and Language Acquisition. In D. Delfitto, J. D. W. Schroten, & H. E. de Swart (Eds.), Recherches de Linguistique Française et Romane d'Utrecht (pp. 23-34). UiL OTS.
Coopmans, P. H. A., Baauw, S., & Philip, W. C. H. (1999). The Acquisition of Pronominal Coreference in Spanish and the Clitic-Pronoun Distinction. In J. Don, & T. Sanders (Eds.), Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS Yearbook 1998-1999 (pp. 1-19). UiL OTS.
Baauw, S. (1999). The role of the clitic-full pronoun distinction in the acquisition of. In A. Greenhill, H. Littlefield, & C. Tano (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXIII Annual Boston University Conference on Child Development (BUCLD 23) (pp. 32-43). Cascadilla Press.


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S. (1998). Subject-Verb Inversion in Spanish Wh-Questions: Movement as Symmetry Breaker. In Linguistics in the Netherlands (pp. 1-12). (15). John Benjamins.

Other output

Wijnen, F. N. K. (Author), Baauw, S. (Author), & Koeneman, O. N. C. J. (Author). (1998). Reconstruction in VP ellipsis: Reflexive vs. Non-reflexive Predicates. New Brunswick NJ, CUNY '98 conference on sentence processing, 19 maart 1998. Digital or Visual Products, .
Baauw, S. (Author). (1998). Organisation of the conference: "Going Romance 1998", Utrecht University, 10-12 December. Performance


Scholarly publications

Baauw, S., Philip, W. C. H., & Escobar, M. A. (1997). A Delay of Principle B Effect in Spanish Speaking Children: The Role of Lexical Feature Acquisition. In A. Sorace, C. Heycock, & R. Shillcock (Eds.), Language Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing: Proceedings of GALA '97 Edinburgh University Press.
Escobar, M. A., Baauw, S., & Philip, W. C. H. (1997). The Wide Scope Interpretation of Postverbal Quantifier Subjects: QR in the Early Grammar of Spanish. In A. Sorace, C. Heycock, & R. Shillcock (Eds.), Language Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing: Proceedings of GALA '97 Edinburgh University Press.

Professional publications

Baauw, S. (1997). Het "Vertraagde Prince B Effect": Een Verslag van Comparatief Taalverwervingsonderzoek. Link : Tijdschrift voor Linguistiek te Utrecht, 4, 5-19.