

CommuniCare: Development, evaluation, and implementation of a generic Communication Partner Training using perspectives of people with aphasia and healthcare professionals.Sergey Avrutin (Examiner)
21 Dec 2022
Anaphoric dependencies in VietnameseSergey Avrutin (Member of committee)
Sept 2022
International conference on linguistics and literatureSergey Avrutin (Chair)
26 Jul 2022
Building bridges: The role of prosody in Mandarin-speaking adults' and children's anaphora resolutionSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 May 2022
, Speech Prosody 2022
University College Utrecht (Organisational unit)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
Mar 2022May 2022


The Place of Linguistic Discourse in the General Architecture of Human CognitionSergey Avrutin (Keynote speaker)
6 Nov 2021
, International conference on literature, languages and linguistics
International conference on literature, languages and linguisticsSergey Avrutin (Participant)
6 Nov 20218 Nov 2021
International conference on literature, languages and linguisticsSergey Avrutin (Participant)
6 Nov 20218 Nov 2021
Reflexvization in MandarinSergey Avrutin (Primary supervisor)
30 Apr 2021


Linguistics, Cognitive Neuroscience and Physics: Addressing the Unification ProblemSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
22 Jul 2020
, 4th International Conference on Literature and Linguistics
4th International Conference on Literature and LinguisticsSergey Avrutin (Participant)
21 Jul 202023 Jul 2020
A neurolinguistic approach to pronominal resumption in Akan focus constructionsSergey Avrutin (Primary supervisor)
4 Jun 2020


Neural wave interference as an explanation for the speech production / comprehension assymetry.Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
5 Nov 2019
, International conference on literature, languages and linguistics
Item-bound vs Category-based Generalizations. An Entropy ModelS. Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Oct 2019
, Rational Approaches in Language Science
Set Size Does Not Matter. Entropy Drives Rule Induction in Non-Adjacent Dependency LearningS. Avrutin (Invited speaker)
28 Sept 2019
, Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning
What Journalists, Children and Individuals with Brain Damage Have in Common: An Information-theoretic View on Lexical OmissionsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
18 Jul 2019
, International conference on linguistics and literature
International conference on the acquisition of information structureSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Apr 2019
Wave Interference, Entropy and the Speech Production / Comprehension AsymmetrySergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
17 Apr 2019
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologySergey Avrutin (Visiting researcher)
14 Apr 2019
European Science Foundation, (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Chair)
1 Mar 2019 → …
Member of the expert board of the European Science Foundation reviewersSergey Avrutin (Speaker)
1 Jan 201931 Dec 2019
Cyprus University of Technology (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Chair)
201931 Dec 2019


Zipf's law in aphasic speechSergey Avrutin (Primary supervisor)
26 Oct 2018
The Grammar of Binding: A study with reference to RussianSergey Avrutin (Member of committee)
24 Apr 2018
Individual differences in processing syntactic and semantic information: Looking for subpopulationsSergey Avrutin (Member of committee)
8 Jan 2018


Right on TimeSergey Avrutin (Member of committee)
15 Dec 2017
Profiles and paths: Effects of language impairment and bilingualism on children’s linguistic and cognitive developmentSergey Avrutin (Member of committee)
27 Oct 2017
Physical Linguistics: Language and InformationSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
25 Jul 2017
, International Conference on Literature and Linguistics
On some applications of information theory to language researchSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
13 Mar 2017


Learning non-adjacent dependenciesSergey Avrutin (Member of committee)
30 Jun 2016
On Principle P, chain condition and other human universals. Conference in honor of Ken Wexler's retirement.Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
2 May 2016
"Abnormal" speech patterns in normal and impaired speech.Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Jan 2016


Acquisition of Slavic LanguagesSergey Avrutin (Keynote speaker)
5 Dec 2015
Humanities Lectures Series Graduate School of Humanities (Utrecht University)(Utrecht)Sergey Avrutin (Participant)


Lingua (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Peer reviewer)
2014 → …
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editorial board member)
2014 → …
Journal of Neurolinguistics (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Peer reviewer)
2014 → …
Information theory and the role of inflections in sentence processingSergey Avrutin (Organiser)


A processing view on agrammatismSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
13 Dec 2013
, Invited speaker (University of Ulster)
Workshop: Language and Information; organizerSergey Avrutin (Participant)
12 Sept 2013
A window into the mental lexicon: Zipf's law, frequency of occurrence and age of acquisitionSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
12 Sept 2013
, Workshop in connection to the doctoral dissertation defence by Lizet van Ewijk
De interpretatie van benadrukte en niet-benadrukte persoonlijk voornaamwoordenSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2013
, Programma Aphasia Clinics 2013: Tekstbegrip in afasietherapie (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)
The influence of verbal complexity on intra and inter-sentential processing.Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 Mar 2013
, 11th Symposium of Phsycholinguistics (Canary Islands, Spain)
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Journal of Neurolinguistics (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)


Zipf's law in non-fluent aphasiaSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
10 Sept 2012
, Science of Aphasia (Groningen, the Netherlands)
Inflectional Entropy as a measure of processing complexitySergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2012
, 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference,
Zipf's law in non-fluent aphasiaSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 Jun 2012
, NeuroPsychoLinguistic Perspectives on Aphasia (Toulouse, France)
Zipf's law in non-fluent aphasiaSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Apr 2012
, Qualico (Belgrade, Serbia)
GLOW Workshop The timing of grammar: experimental and theoretical considerations, Potsdam March 27, 2012Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
27 Mar 2012
The bits of dependenciesSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
3 Jan 2012
, GLOW 35 Workshop
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Journal of Neurolinguistics (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)


The Syntax - Discourse Interface and the Theory of Anaphora (a case study of Russian reflexives)Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
24 Oct 2011
, Workshop on the acquisition of binding
Lexical Retrieval in Aphasia investigated through Zipf's LawSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
3 Oct 2011
, ELiTU (Utrecht)
Comprehension and production of reference by children with one cerebral hemisphereSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
7 Sept 2011
, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (Thessaloniki)
A new theoretical model for word finding difficulties in aphasic patientsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
6 Sept 2011
, BAS Biennial International Conference
A new theoretical model for word finding difficulties in aphasic patientsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
16 Jul 2011
, Information-theoretic Approaches to Linguistics (Boulder, USA)
An information theoretic perspective on language developmentSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
20 May 2011
, Neural and Linguistic Basis of Language Development conference
The acquisition of reference by children with one cerebral hemisphereSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
4 May 2011
, Third Ontolinguistics Conference
Linguistic analyses of corruption – related lexicon and its relevance for the anti-corruption struggleSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
10 Mar 2011
, International Conference on Joining Forces for Assets Recovery
Referential Coherence in Children After HemispherectomySergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
24 Feb 2011
, 33d Meeting of the German Linguistic Society
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Journal of Neurolinguistics (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)


A linguist's view on cognitive neuroscienceSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
3 Sept 2010
, NCU opening conference
Weak SyntaxSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
12 Apr 2010
, Psycholinguistics seminar, Univ. of Oldenburg
An information - theoretical perspective on the syntax-discourse interfaceSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
11 Mar 2010
, Dutch-Chinese cooperation exchange seminar
Congres EMLARSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
3 Feb 2010
Lingvisticheskij podxod k izucheniju afazii (Lngustic approach to aphasia research)Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
25 Jan 2010
, Annual Seminar at St. Petersburg VA Hospital
Utrecht University (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
UiL OTS (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek (NWO)(External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Journal of Neurolinguistics (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Aphasiology (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)


CongresSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
4 Oct 2009
Interpretation of dependencies by aphasic speakersSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 Sept 2009
, Syntax Phonology and Language Analysis conference
Article Omission in Dutch SLI: An Information-Theoretical AccountSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
6 Sept 2009
, Generative Approach to Language Acquisition conference
Current issues in neurolinguisticsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
13 Jun 2009
, Speech Pathology Day
Processing of anaphoric dependencies by "agrammatic speakers"Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
30 Jan 2009
, Diagnosing Syntax conference
wetenschappelijke commissie (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, wetenschappelijke commissie
wetenschappelijke commissie (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, wetenschappelijke commissie
wetenschappelijke commissie (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, wetenschappelijke commissie
Utrecht University (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
Research master program curriculum committee. (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Research master program curriculum committee.
Onderzoeksgroep (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Onderzoeksgroep
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Journal of Neurolinguistics (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Development of international patient networkSergey Avrutin (Participant)
Curriculum Committee UiL OTS (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
Center for Humanities, adviescommissie (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Center for Humanities, adviescommissie
Brain Cognition and BehaviourSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
Adviescommissie (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Adviescommissie


Language and the brain: Introduction to neurolinguisticsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2008
, Brain cognition and Behavior: UiL OTS Open Day (Utrecht)
Production of case-morphology in Russian non-fluent aphasiaSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
20 Sept 2008
, Science of Aphasia IX (Chalkidiki (Greece))
Utrecht University (External organisation)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
Lid editorial board, tijdschrift Language Acquisition (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Lid editorial board, tijdschrift Language Acquisition
Lid editorial board, Journal of Neurolinguistics (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Lid editorial board, Journal of Neurolinguistics
Introduction to BCB studentsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
, UiL-OTS open day for Brain Cognition and Behaviour F&M program


Generative Approach to Language AcquisitionSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
1 Jun 20076 Sept 2007
On-going activitySergey Avrutin (Organiser)
1 Jan 200731 Dec 2007
Limitation of processing resources as an explanation for children's errors in establishing referential dependenciesSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
Language Acquisition (Journal)Sergey Avrutin (Editor)
Guest professorSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
, Minicourse on language development


"An Information Theoretic Approach to Omissions in Child and Aphasic Speech"Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
18 May 2006
, International Psychology Conference 'Language & the Mind'
How competition between two systems can explain omission pattern in child and aphasic speechSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 Feb 2006
, Network for First Language Acquisition Research. (Amsterdam)
Generative Approaches to Language AcquisitionSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
1 Jan 200628 Mar 2007
Discourse anaphora and anaphora resolutionSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
1 Jan 200629 Mar 2006


Slow sentence processing in agrammatic Broca’s aphasia. Evidence from Dutch reflexive-antecedent dependenciesSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2005
, Academy of Aphasia meeting
Sentence comprehension II: Truth Value Judgement, Truth Value Judgement vs. Picture SelectionSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
16 Nov 2005
, EMLAR II (Utrecht University)
What can we learn from comparative psycholinguistics?Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
9 Sept 2005
, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (University of Siena, Italy)
Crosslinguistic differences in Child and Adult Speech Optional Omissions: A comparison of Dutch and ItalianSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
9 Sept 2005
, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (University of Siena, Italy)
The economy hierarchy of referential dependencies in child language: evidence from Dutch VP ellipsisSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
25 Jul 2005
, Child Language Development congress
Frequency effects in article acquisitionSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
25 Jul 2005
, Child Language Development congress
On the relationship between production and comprehension in child and aphasic speechSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
2 Jun 2005
, TABU Dag (Groningen)
Information theory and language developmentSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
19 May 2005
, Informal workshop on language and information theory
Comprehension of pronouns in elliptical constructions by Dutch Broca's and Wernicke's aphasicsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2005
, Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
Alternative encoding of information in child and aphasic speechSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2005
, Language processing seminar


Optional omissions in child speech and newspaper headlines: A cross-linguistic comparisonSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
19 Dec 2004
, European Science Foundation Workshop on L1 and L2 Processing
Syntactic Impairment in Russian AgrammatismSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
17 Sept 2004
, The science of aphasia (Potsdam, Germany)
Optional omissions in child and adult speechSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
16 Sept 2004
, ZAC Linguistics Colloquium (Berlin, Germany)
Weak SyntaxSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
5 Jun 2004
, Broca's Region: 200 Years of Research (Aachen, Germany)
A cross-linguistic comparison of child utterances and newspaper headlinesSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
4 Jun 2004
, Lisbon meeting on Language Acquisition
The source of variability in aphasic speechSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Jan 2004
, European Cognitive Neuroscience Conference
Language Acquisition and Language BreakdownSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
, Lectures given in the framework of the European faculty exchange program Socrates
Dissertation Committee Ineke van der Meulen `Syntactic movement and comprehension deficits in Broca's aphasia' (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, Dissertation Committee Ineke van der Meulen `Syntactic movement and comprehension deficits in Broca's aphasia'


How competition between different systems may result in optional omission of functional categoriesSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 2003
, Interface issues in L1 and L2 acquisition (University of Amsterdam)
GALA 2003Sergey Avrutin (Organiser)
4 Sept 20036 Sept 2003
Guised competenceSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 2003
, GALA (Utrecht University)
What Can Eye Movement of Non-Brain-damaged Adults Tell Us About Pronoun Resolution in Child Language and Agrammatism?Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
23 Jun 2003
, Nineteenth International Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics 19
Determiners and other functional categories in the child and aphasics's speech: a cross-linguistic investigationSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
1 May 2003
, Mayfest (University of Maryland)
Pronoun resolution in principle B and ECM constructions: Preliminary results from head-mounted eye-trackingSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
28 Mar 2003
, CUNY (Cambridge, MA, USA (MIT))


Reference Assignment by Children and Agrammatic Broca's aphasicsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
25 Jun 2002
, IATL 18 (Israel)
The Syntax-Discourse InterfaceSergey Avrutin (Participant)
10 Apr 2002
GLOW Workshop: "Nominal and Temporal Anaphora"Sergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
1 Apr 2002
Organization of the joint PhD programSergey Avrutin (Organiser)
1 Jan 200231 Dec 2002


The syntax-discourse interface and interpretation of pronominals by Dutch speaking childrenSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
5 Nov 2001
, Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 26)
Determiner omission in language acquisition and language impairment: Syntactic and discourse factorsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
2 Nov 2001
, Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 26)
Semantic constraints on the agrammatic speechSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2001
, EURESCO conference
Pronominal interpretation: Implications for the architecture of the sentence processing systemSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
31 Jul 2001
, SEMPRO workshop
From parsing to discourse processing: crossing the bordersSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
2 Feb 2001


Grammatical constraints on agrammatic speech: Evidence from ItalianSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
25 Aug 2000
, Conference on linguistic theory, speech and language pathology
Comprehension of wh-questions by children and Broca's aphasicsSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2000
, International Psycholinguistic Association (Caen, Frankrijk)
Children Who Build BridgesSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
5 Feb 2000
, Taalkunde in Nederland 2000 (Utrecht)
A Syntax-Discourse Perspective on the Acquisition of Reflexives in DutchSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
5 Feb 2000
, Taalkunde in Nederland 2000 (Utrecht)
tijdschrift (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, tijdschrift
The expression of specificity in a language without determiners: Evidence from child RussianSergey Avrutin (Invited speaker)
, Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 26)
project (Event)Sergey Avrutin (Member)
, project