Ir. R. (Rutger) Stuut

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht

Ir. R. (Rutger) Stuut

PhD Candidate
Experimental Psychology

I am a senior advisor in human-machine interaction at the executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat), with a background in aviation engineering (BEng, Honours) and Human-Technology Interaction (MSc). In my current role, I provide operational advice on human-machine interaction and human factors aspects, specifically focusing on the design of control room workspaces and traffic management information systems. Additionally, I am responsible for managing the functional guidelines for workspaces in bridge and lock operations.


As a PhD candidate at Utrecht University, supported by Rijkswaterstaat, my research aims to gain a deeper understanding of eye gaze behaviour in professional settings, particularly in nautical object control. Through careful studies of eye gaze, my goal is to uncover valuable insights that can inform the (re)design of professional workspaces and work processes. This research not only has practical implications but also offers theoretical perspectives on eye gaze behaviour within professional environments.


Specialties: Human factors, human-machine interaction, eye tracking, perception, situation awareness, task performance.
