- Biermann, F. and Kim, R.E. (Eds). 2020. Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation. Cambridge University Press.
Special Issue / Collection
- Guerra-Barón, A., Kim, R.E., and Lam, W.M. (Eds). 2024. Global Governance. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.
- Kotzé, L.J., Kim, R.E., and Blanchard, C. (Eds). 2021. Earth System Law: Towards a New Legal Paradigm for the Anthropocene. Earth System Governance.
Journal Articles
- VanDeveer, S.D., Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., Bardi, C., and Gupta, A. 2024. Three Pathways to Nonuse Agreement(s) on Solar Geoengineering. Ethics & International Affairs.
- Bridgewater, P., Kim, R.E., Blasiak, R., and Sellheim, N. 2024. Dismantle ‘Zombie’ Wildlife Protection Conventions Once Their Work Is Done. Nature, 632: 500-502.
- Oelschläger, L.M. and Kim, R.E. 2024. Do NGOs Recognise the Climate-Biodiversity Nexus? Insights from 107 Climate NGOs in Germany. Discover Sustainability, 5: 114.
- Kim, R.E. 2024. The Likely Impact of the BBNJ Agreement on the Architecture of Ocean Governance. Marine Policy, 165: 106190.
- Adipudi, A.V. and Kim, R.E. 2024. The Latent Net Effectiveness of Institutional Complexes: A Heuristic Model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 382: 20230161.
- Rockström, J., Kotzé, L., Milutinovic, S., Biermann, F., Brovkin, V., Donges, J., Ebbesson, J., French, D., Gupta, J., Kim, R., Lenton, T., Lenzi, D., Nakicenovic, N., Neumann, B., Schuppert, F., Winkelmann, R., Bosselmann, K., Folke, C., Lucht, W., Schlosberg, D., Richardson, K., and Steffen, W. 2024. The Planetary Commons: A New Paradigm for Safeguarding Earth-Regulating Systems in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121: e2301531121.
- Patterson, J.J., Feola, G., and Kim, R.E. 2024. Reply to Majer et al.: Negotiating Policy Action for Transformation Requires Both Sociopolitical and Behavioral Perspectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121: e2417592121.
- Patterson, J.J., Feola, G., and Kim, R.E. 2024. Negotiating Discord in Sustainability Transformations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121: e2310186121.
- Gupta, A., Biermann, F., van Driel, E., Bernaz, N., Jayaram, D., Kim, R.E., Kotzé, L.J., Ruddigkeit, D., VanDeveer, S.D., and Wewerinke-Singh, M. 2024. Towards a Non-Use Regime on Solar Geoengineering: Lessons from International Law and Governance. Transnational Environmental Law.
- van Driel, M., Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., and Vijge, M.J. 2024. The Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on Global Policies on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Globalizations.
- Bogers, M., Biermann, F., Kalfagianni, A., and Kim, R.E. 2023. The SDGs as Integrating Force in Global Governance? Challenges and Opportunities. International Environmental Agreements, 52: 995-1003.
- Boonstra, W.J., Kim, R.E., Kotzé, L.J., Lim, M., Magalhães, P., Preston, B.J., Rockström, J., and Taylor, P. 2023. Earth Steward: Will Steffen's Contributions to Earth System Science, Governance and Law. Ambio.
- Yap, X.S. and Kim, R.E. 2023. Towards Earth-Space Governance in a Multi-Planetary Era. Earth System Governance, 16: 100173.
- Kim, R.E. 2023. Augment the SDG Indicator Framework. Environmental Science and Policy, 142: 62-67.
- van Driel, M., Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., and Vijge, M.J. 2023. The UN Regional Commissions as Orchestrators for the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Governance, 29: 561-590.
- Yunita, A., Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., and Vijge, M.J. 2023. Making Development Legible to Capital: The Promise and Limits of ‘Innovative’ Debt Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.
- Hickmann, T., Biermann, F., Spinazzola, M., Ballard, C., Bogers, M., Forestier, O., Kalfagianni, A., Kim, R.E., Montesano, F.S., Peek, T., Sénit, C.A., van Driel, M., Vijge, M.J., and Yunita., A. 2023. Success Factors of Global Goal-setting for Sustainable Development: Learning from the Millennium Development Goals. Sustainable Development, 31: 1214-1225.
- van Driel, M., Biermann, F., Vijge, M.J., and Kim, R.E. 2023. How the World Bank Engages with the Sustainable Development Goal on Reducing Inequalities: A Case of Organizational Jiu-Jitsu. Global Studies Quarterly, 3: 1-13.
- Bogers, M., Biermann, F., Kalfagianni, A., and Kim, R.E. 2022. Sustainable Development Goals Fail to Advance Policy Integration: A Large-n Text Analysis of 159 International Organizations. Environmental Science and Policy, 138: 134-145.
- Kotzé, L.J. and Kim, R.E. 2022. Towards Planetary Nexus Governance in the Anthropocene: An Earth System Law Perspective. Global Policy, 13: 86-97.
- Friedman, K., Bridgewater, P., Agostini, V., Agardy, T., Arico, S., Biermann, F., Brown, K., Cresswell, I.D. Ellis, E.C., Failler, P., Kim, R.E., Pratt, C., Rice, J., Rivera, V.S., and Teneva, L. 2022. The CBD Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework: People's Place within the Rest of Nature. People and Nature, 4: 1475-1484.
- Borghi, J., Ismail, S., Hollway, J., Kim, R.E., Sturmberg, J., Brown, G., Mechler, R., Volmink, H., Spicer, N., Chalabi, Z., Cassidy, R., Johnson, J., Foss, A., Koduah, A., Searle, C., Komendantova, N., Semwanga, A., and Moon, S. 2022. Viewing the Global Health System as a Complex Adaptive System – Implications for Research and Practice. F1000Research, 11: 1147.
- Bogers, M., Biermann, F., Kalfagianni, A., Kim, R.E., Treep, J., and de Vos, M.G. 2022. The Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on a Network of 276 International Organizations. Global Environmental Change, 76: 102567.
- van Driel, M., Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., and Vijge, M.J. 2022. International Organisations as ‘Custodians’ of the Sustainable Development Goals? Fragmentation and Coordination in Sustainability Governance. Global Policy, 13: 669-682.
- Biermann, F., Hickmann, T., Sénit, C.A., Beisheim, M., Bernstein, S., Chasek, P., Grob, L., Kim, R.E., Kotzé, L.J., Nilsson, M., Ordóñez Llanos, A., Okereke, C., Pradhan, P., Raven, R., Sun, Y., Vijge, M.J., van Vuuren, D., and Wicke, B. 2022. Scientific Evidence on the Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability, 5: 795-800.
- Kim, R.E., Blanchard, C., and Kotzé, L.J. 2022. Law, Systems, and Planet Earth: Editorial. Earth System Governance, 11: 100127.
- Kotzé, L.J. Kim, R.E., Blanchard, C., Gellers, J.C., Holley, C., Petersmann, M., van Asselt, H., Biermann, F., and Hurlbert, M. 2022. Earth System Law: Exploring New Frontiers in Legal Science. Earth System Governance, 11: 100126.
- Boettcher, M. and Kim, R.E. 2022. Arguments and Architectures: Discursive and Institutional Structures Shaping Global Climate Engineering Governance. Environmental Science and Policy, 128: 121-131.
- Yunita, A., Biermann, F., Kim R.E., and Vijge, M.J. 2022. The (Anti-)Politics of Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in the Netherlands: Logic, Method, Effects. Geoforum, 128: 92-102.
- Reichelt-Brushett, A., Hewitt, J., Kaiser, S., Kim, R.E., and Wood, R. 2022. Deep Seabed Mining and Communities: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Ecological Risk Assessment in the South Pacific. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 18: 664-673.
- Kim, R.E. 2022. Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth System Law in the Ruptured Anthropocene. The Anthropocene Review, 9: 411-424.
- Bridgewater, P. and Kim, R.E. 2021. 50 Years On, W(h)ither the Ramsar Convention? A Case of Institutional Drift. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 3919–3937.
- Kim, R.E. and Morin, J.F. 2021. Massive Institutional Structures in Global Governance. Global Environmental Politics, 21: 26-48.
- Bridgewater, P. and Kim, R.E. 2021. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands at 50. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5: 268-270.
- Kim, R.E. and Kotzé, L.J. 2021. Planetary Boundaries at the Intersection of Earth System Law, Science and Governance: A State-of-the-Art Review. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 30: 3-15.
- Kim, R.E. 2020. Is Global Governance Fragmented, Polycentric, or Complex? The State of the Art of the Network Approach. International Studies Review, 22: 903–931.
- Biermann, F. and Kim, R.E. 2020. The Boundaries of the Planetary Boundary Framework: A Critical Appraisal of Approaches to Define a “Safe Operating Space” for Humanity. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 45: 497-521.
- Mitchell, R.B., Andonova, L.B., Axelrod, M., Balsiger, J., Bernauer, T., Green, J.F., Hollway, J., Kim, R.E., and Morin, J.F. 2020. What We Know (and Could Know) about International Environmental Agreements. Global Environmental Politics, 20: 103-121.
- Forestier, O. and Kim, R.E. 2020. Cherry-picking the Sustainable Development Goals: Goal Prioritization by National Governments and Implications for Global Governance. Sustainable Development, 28: 1269-1278.
- Kotzé, L.J. and Kim, R.E. 2020. Exploring the Analytical, Normative and Transformative Dimensions of Earth System Law. Environmental Policy and Law, 50: 457-470.
- Bluemling, B., Kim, R.E., and Biermann, F. 2020. Seeding the Clouds to Reach the Sky: Will China’s Weather Modification Practices Support the Legitimization of Climate Engineering? Ambio: A Journal of Environment and Society, 49: 365-373.
- De Santo, E.M., Ásgeirsdóttir, Á., Barros-Platiau, A., Biermann, F., Dryzek, J., Gonçalves, L.R., Kim, R.E., Mendenhall, E., Mitchell, R., Nyman, E., Scobie, M., Sun, K., Tiller, R., Webster, D.G., and Young, O. 2019. Protecting Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: An Earth System Governance Perspective. Earth System Governance, 2: 100029.
- Wilk, B., Hegger, D.L.T., Dieperink, C., Kim, R.E., and Driessen, P.P.J. 2019. The Potential Limitations on Its Basin Decision-making Processes of Granting Self-defence Rights to Father Rhine. Water International, 44: 684-700.
- Kotzé, L.J. and Kim, R.E. 2019. Earth System Law: The Juridical Dimensions of Earth System Governance. Earth System Governance, 1: 100003.
- Burch, S., Gupta, A., Inoue, C.Y.A., Kalfagianni, A., Persson, Å., Gerlak, A.K., Ishii, A., Patterson, J., Pickering, J., Scobie, M., van der Heijden, J., Vervoort, J., Alder, C., Bloomfield, M.J., Djalante, R., Dryzek, J.S., Galaz, V., Gordon, C., Harmon, R., Jinnah, S., Kim, R.E., Olsson, L., van Leeuwen, J., Ramasar, V., Wapner, P., and Zondervan, R. 2019. New Directions in Earth System Governance Research. Earth System Governance, 1: 100006.
- Azizi, D., Biermann, F., and Kim, R.E. 2019. Policy Integration for Sustainable Development through Multilateral Environmental Agreements. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 25: 445-475.
- Kim, R.E. 2017. Should Deep Seabed Mining Be Allowed? Marine Policy, 82: 134-137.
- Biermann, F., Kanie, N., and Kim, R.E. 2017. Global Governance by Goal-setting: The Novel Approach of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 26: 26-31.
- Kim, R.E. 2016. Transnational Sustainability Law: Whither International Environmental Law? Environmental Policy and Law, 46: 405-408.
- Liu, N. and Kim, R.E. 2016. China’s New Law on Exploration and Exploitation of Resources in the International Seabed Area of 2016. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 31: 691-705.
- Kim, R.E. 2016. The Nexus between International Law and the Sustainable Development Goals. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 25: 15-26.
- Kim, R.E. and Ali, S. 2016. Green Diplomacy: An Opportunity for Peace-building? Environmental Policy and Law, 46: 86-96.
- Kim, R.E. and Bosselmann, K. 2015. Operationalizing Sustainable Development: Ecological Integrity as a Grundnorm of International Law. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 24: 194-208.
- Mauerhofer, V., Kim, R.E., and Stevens, C. 2015. When Implementation Works: A Comparison of Ramsar Convention Implementation in Different Continents. Environmental Science and Policy, 51: 95-105.
- Anton, D.K. and Kim, R.E. 2015. The Application of the Precautionary and Adaptive Management Approaches in the Seabed Mining Context: Trans-Tasman Resources Ltd Marine Consent Decision under New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 30: 175-188.
- Bridgewater, P., Kim, R.E., and Bosselmann, K. 2014. Ecological Integrity: A Relevant Concept for International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene? Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 25: 61-78.
- Kim, R.E. and Mackey, B. 2014. International Environmental Law as a Complex Adaptive System. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 14: 5-24.
- Kim, R.E. 2013. The Emergent Network Structure of the Multilateral Environmental Agreement System. Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions, 23: 980-991.
- Kim, R.E. and Bosselmann, K. 2013. International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene: Towards a Purposive System of Multilateral Environmental Agreements. Transnational Environmental Law, 2: 285-309.
- Kim, R.E. 2012. Is a New Multilateral Environmental Agreement on Ocean Acidification Necessary? Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 21: 243-258.
- Kim, R.E. 2011. Is Ramsar Home Yet? A Critique of South Korean Laws in Light of the Continuing Coastal Wetlands Reclamation. Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 24: 437-476.
- Kim, R.E. 2008. Dog Meat in Korea: A Socio-Legal Challenge. Animal Law Review, 14: 201-236.
- Kim, R.E. 2007. Principles of Sustainable Development in Korean Environmental Law: Towards the Earth Charter Principles. New Zealand Postgraduate Law e-Journal, 4.
Book Chapters
- Lorteau, S., and Kim, R.E. 2024. Transnational Litigation Norms, in D.J. Fiorino, T.A. Eisenstadt, and M.K. Ahluwalia (Eds): Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy. Edward Elgar.
- Kozé, L.J., and Kim, R.E. 2023. Earth System Law, in N. Wallenhorst and C. Wulf (Eds): Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between Heritage and Future. Springer.
- Kotzé, L.J., Kim, R.E., Burdon, P., du Toit, L., Glass, L.M., Kashwan, P., Liverman, D., Montesano, F.S., Rantala, S., Sénit, C.A., Treyer, S., and Calzadilla, P.V. 2022. Planetary Integrity, in F. Biermann, T. Hickmann, and C.A. Sénit (Eds): The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance by Global Goals? Cambridge University Press.
- Kim, R.E. and Kotzé, L.J. 2021. Governing the Complexity of Planetary Boundaries: A State-of-the-Art Analysis of Social Science Scholarship, in D. French and L.J. Kotzé (Eds): Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries. Edward Elgar.
- Kotzé, L.J. and Kim, R.E. 2021. Exploring the Analytical, Normative and Transformative Dimen-sions of Earth System Law, in B.H. Desai (Ed.): Our Earth Matters: Pathways to a Better Common Environmental Future. IOP Press.
- Kim, R.E. 2020. Complex Systems, in J.F. Morin and A. Orsini (Eds): Essential Concepts in Global Environmental Governance. Routledge.
- Biermann, F. and Kim, R.E. 2020. Architectures of Earth System Governance: Setting the Stage, in F. Biermann and R.E. Kim (Eds): Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation. Cambridge University Press.
- Kim, R.E., van Asselt, H., Kotze, L.J., Vijge, M.J., and Biermann, F. 2020. Hierarchization, in F. Biermann and R.E. Kim (Eds): Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation. Cambridge University Press.
- Vijge, M.J., Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., Bogers, M., van Driel, M., Montesano, F.S., and Yunita, A. 2020. Governance through Global Goals, in F. Biermann and R.E. Kim (Eds): Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation. Cambridge University Press.
- Biermann, F., Kim, R.E., Abbott, K., Hollway, J., Mitchell, R, and Scobie, M. 2020. Taking Stock and Moving Forward, in F. Biermann and R.E. Kim (Eds): Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation. Cambridge University Press.
- Webster, D.G., Gonçalves, L., Kim, R.E., and Bailey, J. 2020. How Power Disconnects May Affect the Outcome of the Ongoing BBNJ Negotiations?, in A.F. Barros-Platiau and C.C. Oliveira (Eds): Conservation of Living Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: BBNJ and Antarctica. Lumen Juris.
- Kim, R.E. 2019. Understanding Institutional Complexity through Networks, in V. Galaz (Ed.): Global Challenges, Governance, and Complexity: Applications and Frontiers. Edward Elgar.
- Underdal, A. and Kim, R.E. 2017. The Sustainable Development Goals and Multilateral Agreements, in N. Kanie and F. Biermann (Eds): Governing through Goals: Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation. The MIT Press.
- Young, O., Underdal, A., Kanie, N., and Kim, R.E. 2017. Goal Setting in the Anthropocene: The Ultimate Challenge of Planetary Stewardship, in N. Kanie and F. Biermann (Eds): Governing through Goals: Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation. The MIT Press.
- Kim, R.E. and van Asselt, H. 2016. Global Governance: Problem Shifting in the Anthropocene and the Limits of International Law, in E. Morgera and K. Kulovesi (Eds): Research Handbook on International Law and Natural Resources. Edward Elgar.
- Kim, R.E. 2015. Green-blind Growth: A Critical Appraisal of Environmental Governance in the Republic of Korea, in S. Mukherjee and D. Chakraborty (Eds): Environmental Challenges and Governance: Diverse Perspectives from Asia. Routledge.
- Yun, S.J. and Kim, R.E. 2015. An Overview of South Korea’s Consideration of Ethics and Justice in its Climate Policy, in D.A. Brown and P. Taylor (Eds): Ethics and Climate Change: A Study of National Commitments. International Union for Conservation of Nature.
- Kim, R.E. 2008. International Law and Local Normative Changes: Learning to Co-exist with Hooded Cranes in Suncheon Bay, South Korea, in K. Bosselmann, R. Engel, and P. Taylor (Eds): Governance for Sustainability: Issues, Challenges, Successes. International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Global Assessments
- Mangalagiu, D., Baker, E., Fidelman, P., Gonçalves, L.R., Harris, P., Hollway, J., Kim, R.E., and Rice, J. 2019. Oceans and Coastal Policy (Chapter 14), in P. Ekins, J. Gupta, and P. Boileau (Eds): Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People. Cambridge University Press.
- Crump, J., Jacob, K., King, P., Mangalagiu, D., Abiodun, B.J., Armiento, G., Bailey, R., Baker, E., Bowen, K.J., Dankelman, I., Djalante, R., Dutta, M., Hurley, F., Iraola, M.J., Kim, R.E., King, R., Kirilenko, A., dos Santos Lucon, O., Lyne, K., Martino, D., Mathur, R., Mudd, G., Sewerin, S., Stephens, T., Schwerdtle, P., Seager, J., Wellesley, L., and Wright, C.Y. 2019. Systemic Policy Approaches for Cross-cutting Issues (Chapter 17), in P. Ekins, J. Gupta, and P. Boileau (Eds): Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People. Cambridge University Press.
Multi-author Monograph
- Burch, S., Gupta, A., Inoue, C.Y.A., Kalfagianni, A., Persson, Å., Gerlak, A.K., Ishii, A., Patterson, J., Pickering, J., Scobie, M., van der Heijden, J., Vervoort, J., Alder, C., Bloomfield, M.J., Djalante, R., Dryzek, J.S., Galaz, V., Gordon, C., Harmon, R., Jinnah, S., Kim, R.E., Olsson, L., van Leeuwen, J., Ramasar, V., Wapner, P., and Zondervan, R. 2018. Earth System Governance: Science and Implementation Plan of the Earth System Governance Project. Earth System Governance Project.
Invited Reprints
- Biermann, F. and Kim, R.E. 2024. Les Limites du Cadre des Limites Planétaires. Une Évaluation Critique des Approches Visant à Définir un « Espace Opérationnel Sûr » pour l’Humanité, in: Les Limites Planétaires à l'Ère de l'Anthropocène: Entre Sûreté et Justice, edited by C. Le Bris and M. Torre-Schaub. Mare & Martin.
- Kim, R.E. 2023. Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth System Law in the Ruptured Anthropocene, in P.D. Burdon and J. Martel (Eds): The Routledge Handbook of Law and the Anthropocene. Routledge.
- Kim, R.E. 2019. The Emergent Network Structure of the Multilateral Environmental Agreement System, in P.H. Sand (Ed.): International Environmental Agreements. Edward Elgar.
- Kim, R.E. 2012. Is Ramsar Home Yet? A Critique of South Korean Laws in Light of the Continuing Coastal Wetlands Reclamation. Environmental Law and Policy, 8: 163-211.
Book Reviews
- Kim, R.E. 2017. Highlights of Recent Book Publications, Transnational Environmental Law, 6(3): 561-583.
- Kim, R.E. 2016. Highlights of Recent Book Publications, Transnational Environmental Law, 5(2): 459-476.
- Kim, R.E. 2015. Highlights of Recent Book Publications, Transnational Environmental Law, 4(2): 457-473.
- Kim, R.E. 2015. Highlights of Recent Book Publications, Transnational Environmental Law, 4(1): 207-233.
- Kim, R.E. 2015. Global Environmental Governance, Technology and Politics: The Anthropocene Gap (by Victor Galaz), Transnational Environmental Law, 4(1): 202-205.
- Kim, R.E. 2010. The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance (by Klaus Bosselmann), Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 4(2): 309-312.
NGO Reports
- Kim, R.E. 2015. International Environmental Cooperation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: The What, How, and Why. The DMZ Forum.
- Moores, N., Kim, A., and Kim, R. 2014. Status of Birds 2014. Birds Korea.
- Kim, R.E., Bosselmann, K., and Mauerhofer, V. 2013. Planetary Boundaries in Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: Safeguarding Ecological Integrity as a Priority Goal and a Grundnorm of International Law. WWF-UK & Planetary Boundaries Initiative.
- Kim, R. 2008. South Korea’s Special Development Laws on Saemangeum and the Coastal Zone. Birds Korea.
- Moores, N., Rogers, D., Kim, R., Hassell, C., Gosbell, K., Kim, S., and Park, M. 2008. The 2006-2008 Saemangeum Shorebird Monitoring Program Report. Birds Korea.
- Moores, N., Rogers, D., Koh, C., Ju, Y., Kim, R., and Park, M. 2007. The 2007 Saemangeum Shorebird Monitoring Program Report. Birds Korea.
Policy Briefs
- Kim, R.E. 2015. Legal Brief on the Baekdudaegan Protection Act, 2003, South Korea. Legal Preparedness for Achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, International Development Law Organization.
- Gupta, J., Baud, I., Bekkers, R., Bernstein, S., Boas, I., Cornelissen, V., Iguchi, M., Kanie, N., Kim, R.E., Bastos Lima, M., Obani, P., Schoof, P., Stevens, C., and van Zoomeren, D., 2014. Sustainable Development Goals and Inclusive Development. POST2015/UNU-IAS Policy Brief #5. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
Newspaper Article
- Barnas, P., and Kim, R.E. 2022. Voorkom dat nieuwe klimaatplannen juist tot meer vervuiling leiden. NRC. (In Dutch; English translation "Prevent new climate plans from actually leading to more pollution" available at this link.)
PhD Thesis
- Kim, R. 2013. Unravelling the Maze of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: A Macroscopic Analysis of International Environmental Law and Governance for the Anthropocene. PhD Thesis, Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU College of Science, The Australian National University.