Prof. dr. R.J.M. (Raimond) Snellings

Head of Department 
Leonard S. Ornsteinlaboratorium
Princetonplein 1
Kamer 213
3584 CC Utrecht

Prof. dr. R.J.M. (Raimond) Snellings

Head of Department
Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP)
+31 30 253 2408

Raimond Snellings works in experimental heavy-ion physics and is interested in the properties of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions. Via his work he aims to gain better understanding of complex properties of quantum chromodynamics. He is an expert on collective flow and his work stood at the basis for the discovery of the perfect liquid behaviour of the QGP. His group played a leading role in the flow analysis of ALICE and his group has, in large part, developed and implemented the sophisticated statistical techniques that are needed for a reliable measurement of flow. He is the program leader of the Dutch ALICE program and at Utrecht University he is the scientific director of the Institute of Gravitational and Subatomic Physics. He was awarded a FOM "springplank" in 2001 and NWO Vidi and Vici grants in 2005 and 2011, respectively, and, in 2016 he became elected member of the Academia Europaea.