Reading the 'Roman de Fauvel' and the motet 'O bicornix/ A touz jours/ Virgo dei genitrix' in manuscript Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale 525R Marinescu (Invited speaker)
3 Jul 2019 → 6 Jul 2019
, Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference
Re-reading Fauvel, one generation later: Manuscript Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale 525, and the motet O bicornix/A tous jourz/Virgo Dei genitrixR Marinescu (Invited speaker)
28 May 2018
, HERA Uses of the Past: Sound Memories project conference
Fact vs. fiction? ‘Art’ and ‘literature’ as historical sourcesR Marinescu (Invited speaker)
28 Apr 2017
Medieval Song Network - Workshop 2: Working across Disciplines, 12-14 September 2011Ruxandra Marinescu (Invited speaker)
13 Sept 2011
Manipulating the Manipulator: The Vernacular Lais in the "Roman de Fauvel", F-Pn fr. 146Ruxandra Marinescu (Invited speaker)
5 Nov 2010
, Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Indianapolis, 4-7 November 2010
The Political Message of the "Lay des Hellequines" in the "Roman de Fauvel", F-Pn fr. 146Ruxandra Marinescu (Invited speaker)
29 Jun 2010
, International Symposium on Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music at Kloster Neustift/ Novacella, 28 June-3 July 2010 (Novacella, Italy)
The Medieval "Lay mortel" and Guillaume de MachautRuxandra Marinescu (Invited speaker)
26 Jul 2008
, Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Bangor University, 2008