Dr. Paschalis Pechlivanis

Assistant Professor
History of International Relations

Dr Paschalis Pechlivanis is Assistant Professor in History of International Relations at the Department of History and Art History. His research interests include the (Global) Cold War, US Foreign Policy and post-1945 European and Balkan History. He is the author of America and Romania in the Cold War: A Differentiated Détente, 1969-80 (A Romanian edition is published by Editura Litera). He is currently working on a history of the Balkans viewed as a Cold War microcosm as well as on diplomats under authoritarian rule. Dr Pechlivanis is also one of the coordinators of the Cold War Research Network (CWRN).

He studied Law (LLB) at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009), International Relations (MScEcon, Distinction) at Aberystwyth University (2012) and he obtained his PhD in History from the European University Institute (EUI), Florence in 2017. Paschalis has been Visiting Professor at the Netherlands Institute of Athens (NIA), Research Fellow at the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB) Romania, Visiting Researcher at New York University (NYU) and he has previously taught at the University of Florence, Italy.