Participation in the  Synergia Justizmanagement project. We conducted research into consistency of case law and knowledgemanagement. (Sandra Taal) and into the development and implementation of standards for the workof courts and judges, from an international comparative perspective, together with Mandy van der Velden and Mirjam Westeberg.  This project with 6 Swiss universities was coordinated by Andreas Lienhard. Mirjam Westeberg and I conclude this project with publication of a book on quality work in four judiciaries, with Stämpfli Verlag, Bern, in 2018.

The Methodology Project of the  Montaigne Centre. in this project, we (withMarc SimonThomas, Kees van den Bosch, Michael Milo, Wibo van Rossum) organised an  international symposium on the methods in legal research. Akso based on the input in this sysmposium we publish a Special Issue of Utrecht Law Review on methodology of legal research.  The intention is to stimulate and continue methodological conversations within the research communities of Utrecht School of Law. We expect publication before 2018.

Manon Julicher LLM was the driving force  drijvende kracht achter onze deelname aan het project European Charter in Action. Dit project beoogt de kennis bij advocten, rechters en officieren van justitie over het European Charter for fundamental rights te versterken. Daarbij werken we samen met Janneke Gerards, Rob Widdershoven en Michiel Luchtman, die onze inhoudsdeskundigen zijn. Het project wordt gecoördineerd door Conceição Gomes en Marina Henriques van het CES in Coïmbra in Portugal.

With Rachel Dijkstra, LLM, we took part in the Handle With Care project, on performance measurement in judiciaries. The Outcome of the project is a description of possibilities for quality management in judiciaries. The project was financed by the European Commission, and was coordinated by Francesco Contini of Irsig-CNR, Bologna, Italy