N.M. (Nicole) Nieuwendijk MSc

N.M. (Nicole) Nieuwendijk MSc

PhD Candidate
Experimental and Computational Plant Development

Plants need light to perform photosynthesis and grow. When plants are growing in canopies, like is often the case in modern agriculture, they can be shaded by neighboring plants. Plants can perceive this shading through alterations in the light spectrum. In response to these changes, they adapt their architecture to grow towards the light again. Important adaptations are the elevation of leaves toward the light and enhanced growth of their petioles. My research focuses on petiole elongation under different changes in the light spectrum. I aim to find out how the integration of multiple light cues leads to petiole elongation on a molecular level. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in doing a BSc or MSc internship in this field, I am always looking for enthusiastic students!