Prof. dr. Norbert Corver

Prof. dr. Norbert Corver

Research Institute Director
+31 30 253 8240



Scholarly publications

Corver, N. (2023). Taalbewust juridisch beschouwen. In E. Ruijsendaal, C. Wermuth, I. van Gent, & J. Buysschaert (Eds.), TiNT-dag 2022 (Terminologie in het Nederlandse Taalgebied): Themanummer: Terminologie in juridische taal (pp. 35-53)
Corver, N. (2023). Linguistic creatures in an institutional world. In N. Corver, & H. Hoeken (Eds.), Language and Institutions (pp. 31-36). (Think Paper; Vol. 6). Utrecht University.
Corver, N. (2023). Some remarks on the fine structure of ideophones and the meaning of structure. Theoretical Linguistics, 49(3-4), 225.
Corver, N., & Tatsumi, Y. (2023). Number names: Internal structure and morphological marking. In P. Ackema, S. Bendjaballah, E. Bonet, & A. Fábregas (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology Wiley-Blackwell.
Corver, N. (2023). Decomposing adverbs and complementizers: A case study of Dutch 'hoe' (how). In L. Jędrzejowski, & C. Umbach (Eds.), Non-interrogative subordinate Wh-clauses (pp. 158-206). (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics). Oxford University Press.

Popularising publications

Corver, N. (Author). (2023). Wie doet er mee riddertje?. Web publication/site


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. (2022). Generatieve syntaxis van het Nederlands: Standen van zaken en een casusstudie. Nederlandse taalkunde, 27(1), 35-74.
Corver, N. (2022). Adverbial '-s' as last resort: n and a get their support. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 40, 1023–1073.


Scholarly publications

Doreleijers, K., & Corver, N. (2021). Adviserend beter*: De pragmatiek en syntaxis van een modaal-subjectief bijwoord. Nederlandse taalkunde, 26(1), 3-39.
Corver, N. (2021). Inflected intensifiers: the structure dependence of parasitic agreement. In A. Bárány, T. Biberauer, J. Douglas, & S. Vikner (Eds.), Syntactic Architecture and its Consequences, Volume 3: Inside Syntax. : Inside syntax (pp. 185-217). Language Science Press.
Corver, N. (2021). Why in Dutch: On 'why'-Stripping and high and low adverbials. In G. Soare (Ed.), Why is 'Why' unique?: Its syntactic and semantic properties (pp. 151-193). Mouton de Gruyter.
Corver, N. (2021). On classifiers and affect in the nominal domain: Organizing 'disorganization'. In A. Trotzke, & X. Villalba (Eds.), Expressive Meaning Across Linguistic Levels and Frameworks (pp. 6-42). Oxford University Press.
Corver, N. (2021). On measure phrase alternation and smuggling. In A. Belletti, & C. Collins (Eds.), Smuggling in Syntax (pp. 108-146). Oxford University Press.

Popularising publications

Doreleijers, K., & Corver, N. (2021). Beter wen je aan 'beter'. De opkomst van een nieuw bijwoord. Onze Taal, 90(10), 28-29.


Scholarly publications

Broekhuis, H., & Corver, N. F. M. (2019). Syntax of Dutch: Coordination and Ellipsis. (Comprehensive Grammar Resources). Amsterdam University Press.
Corver, N. F. M. (2019). A dummy and a diminutive in Dutch verbal lore. In M. Bagriacik, A. Breitbarth, & K. DeClerq (Eds.), Mapping Linguistic data: Essays in honor of Liliane Haegeman (pp. 82-96). Universiteit Gent.
Corver, N. F. M. (2019). Adverbial -s: So awks but so natural! In D. Lightfoot, & J. Havenhill (Eds.), Variable Properties in Language: Their Nature and Acquisition (pp. 67-78). (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics Series). Georgetown University Press.
Corver, N. F. M. (Guest ed.), van Craenenbroeck, J. (Guest ed.), Harwood, W. (Guest ed.), Hladnik, M. (Guest ed.), Leufkens, S. C. (Guest ed.), & Temmerman, T. (Guest ed.) (2019). The compositionality and syntactic flexibility of verbal idioms: Special issue. Linguistics, 57(4).
Corver, N. F. M., van Craenenbroeck, J., Harwood, W., Hladnik, M., Leufkens, S. C., & Temmerman, T. (2019). Introduction: The compositionality and syntactic flexibility of verbal idioms. Linguistics, 57(4), 725-733.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2018). Dutch. In J. Van Craenenbroeck, & T. Temmerman (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis (pp. 721-764). Oxford University Press.
Corver, N. F. M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2018). Pronominalization and variation in Dutch demonstrative and possessive expressions. In M. Coniglio, A. Murphy, E. Schlachter, & T. Veenstra (Eds.), Atypical demonstratives.: Syntax, semantics and pragmatics. (pp. 57-93). (Linuistische Arbeiten; Vol. 568). De Gruyter.
Corver, N. F. M. (2018). The freezing points of the (Dutch) adjectival system. In J. Hartmann, M. Jaeger, A. Kehl, A. Konietzko, & S. Winkler (Eds.), Freezing: Theoretical approaches and empirical domains (pp. 143-194). (Studies in generative grammar (SGG); Vol. 130). De Gruyter.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2017). Subextraction. In M. Everaert, & H. Van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Syntax (2 ed., Vol. VII, pp. 4139-4189).
Corver, N. F. M. (2017). Freezing effects. In M. Everaert, & H. Van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Syntax (2 ed., Vol. III, pp. 1711).
Lechner, W., & Corver, N. F. M. (2017). Comparative deletion and comparative subdeletion. In M. Everaert, & H. Van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Syntax (2 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 865-922). Wiley.
Broekhuis, H., & Corver, N. F. M. (2017). The expressive 'en maar' construction. In H. Reckman, LL-S. Cheng, M. Hijzelendoorn, & R. Sybesma (Eds.), Crossroads Semantics: Computation, experiment and grammar (pp. 305-325). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (Author), van Craenenbroeck, J. (Author), Boef, E. P. M. (Author), Dimitriadis, A. (Author), Doreleijers, K. (Author), Harwood, W. (Author), Hladnik, M. (Author), Leufkens, S. C. (Author), & Temmerman, T. (Author). (2017). Database of Dutch Dialect Idioms. Data set/Database


Scholarly publications

Padovan, A., Tomaselli, A., Bergstra, M., Corver, N. F. M., Etxepare, R., & Dold, S. (2016). Minority languages in language contact situations: three case studies on language change. Us Wurk - Tydskrift foar Frisistyk, 3-4, 164.
van der Wouden, T., Bennis, H., Beukema, F., Booij, G., Broekhuis, H., Corver, N. F. M., Cremers, C., Dernison, R., den Dikken, M., Dyk, S., Gussenhoven, C., de Haan, G., van Heuven, V., Hoekstra, E., Hoekstra, J., Hoogeveen, B., de Jong, G., Keizer, E., Kirstein, A., ... Weening, J. (2016). Het Taalportaal: Een nieuwe wetenschappelijke grammatica voor het Nederlands en het Fries (en het Afrikaans). Nederlandse taalkunde, 21(1), 157-168.
Corver, N. F. M. (2016). Emotion in the build of Dutch: Deviation, augmentation and duplication . Tijdschrift Voor Nederlandse Taal-en Letterkunde, 132(4), 232.
Corver, N. F. M. (2016). On the nominal status of genitival -s. Unpublished. In What's in a label?
van der Wouden, T., Bennis, H., Beukema, F., Booij, G., Broekhuis, H., Corver, N. F. M., Cremers, C., Dernison, R., den Dikken, M., Dyk, S., Gussenhoven, C., de Haan, G., van Heuven, V., Hoekstra, E., Hoekstra, J., Hoogeveen, B., de Jong, G., Keizer, E., Kirstein, A., ... Weening, J. (2016). Het Taalportaal: Een nieuwe wetenschappelijke grammatica van het Nederlands en Fries (en het Afrikaans). Nederlandse taalkunde, 21(1), 157-168.
Broekhuis, H., & Corver, N. F. M. (2016). Syntax of Dutch. Verbs and Verb Phrases. Vol. III. Amsterdam University Press, Uitgeverij Salomé.
Corver, N. F. M. (2016). Exclamative relatives in vocative noun phrases. Nederlandse taalkunde, 21(3), 379-393.
van Koppen, J. M., Barbiers, L. C. J., Corver, N. F. M., & Bennis, H. (2016). Microcomparative Morphosyntactic Research (MIMORE): Mapping partial grammars of Flemish, Brabantish and Dutch. Lingua, 178, 5-31.

Other output

Hladnik, M., Leufkens, S., & Corver, N. F. M. (2016). Da's dezelfde koek?/It's the same kettle of fish? Phasehood, refentiality, and the syntax of idioms. Syntax Interface seminar UiL-OTS, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Corver, N. F. M., van Craenenbroeck, J., Harwood, W., Hladnik, M., Leufkens, S., & Temmerman, T. (2016). The syntax of idioms: A cross-dialectal perspective. Grote Taaldag (AVT), Utrecht, Netherlands.
Corver, N. F. M., van Craenenbroeck, J., Harwood, W., Hladnik, M., Leufkens, S., & Temmerman, T. (2016). The syntax of idioms: A micro-variational point of view. Poster session presented at PARSEME (6th general meeting), Struga, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of.
Scholten, J., Corver, N. F. M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2016). Are(n't) my data compatible with those? Some methodological issues in the micro-comparative study of pronominals and demonstratives. Paper presented at Dealing with bad data in linguistic theory, Amsterdam.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2015). (Un)boundedness across syntactic categories. Theoretical Linguistics, 41(3-4), 151-165.
Broekhuis, H., & Corver, N. F. M. (2015). Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases Volume II. Amsterdam University Press, Uitgeverij Salomé.
Broekhuis, H., Corver, N. F. M., & Vos, R. (2015). Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and verb Phrases Volume I. Amsterdam University Press, Uitgeverij Salomé.
Corver, N. F. M. (2015). Interjections as structured root expressions. In M. van Oostendorp, & H. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), Representing structure in phonology and syntax (pp. 41-83). (Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG]; Vol. 124). Mouton de Gruyter.

Other output

van Koppen, J. M., Barbiers, L. C. J., Corver, N. F. M., & Bennis, H. (2015). Grammars on the map: Flemish, Brabantish and Dutch. Paper presented at Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Chicago, United States.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2014). Adverbial [-ly]. In J. Hoeksema, & D. Gilbers (Eds.), Black Book: A Festschrift in honor of Frans Zwarts (pp. 47-63). University of Groningen.
Corver, N. (2014). Recursing in Dutch. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 32(2), 423-457.
Corver, N. (2014). Floating around in the Dutch nominal domain. In A. Auer, & B. Kohlein (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2014 (pp. 26-39). John Benjamins.
Cheng, L. L. S., & Corver, N. F. M. (2014). Syntactic Diagnostics in the Study of Human Language. In L. L. S. Cheng, & N. F. M. Corver (Eds.), Diagnosing Syntax (pp. 1-17). Oxford University Press.
Cheng, L. L. S., & Corver, N. F. M. (2014). Diagnosing Syntax. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics ed.) Oxford University Press.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2013). Constructies en Cardinalia. Nederlandse taalkunde, 17.2, 299-309.
Corver, N. F. M. (2013). Lexical Categories and (Extended) Projection. In M. den Dikken (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax (pp. 353-424). Cambridge University Press.
Corver, N. F. M., van Koppen, J. M., & Kranendonk, H. P. (2013). De nominale woordgroep vanuit dialectvergelijkend perspectief: Variaties en generalisaties. Nederlandse taalkunde.
van Koppen, J. M., Corver, N. F. M., & Kranendonk, H. P. (2013). De nominale woordgroep vanuit dialectver­gelijkend perspectief. Nederlandse taalkunde, 18(2), 107-138.

Other output

Corver, N. F. M. (Author). (2013). Bijdrage aan TV-programma Labyrint (Steggelen met stoefers/15 december 2013). Digital or Visual Products


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2012). Review article of ‘Adjectives: Formal analyses in syntax and semantics’ (P. Cabredo Hofherr & O. Matushansky (eds.)). Language, 88.1, 191-193.
Corver, N. F. M., Southwood, S., & van Hout, R. W. N. M. (2012). Specific language impairment as a Syntax-Phonology (PF) interface problem: Evidence from Afrikaans. Stellenbosch papers in linguistics, 41, 71-89.

Other output

van Koppen, J. M., Corver, N. F. M., Barbiers, L. C. J., & Bennis, H. (2012). Grammars on the map. Flemish, Brabantish and Dutch. Paper presented at Edisyn (Workshop European Dialect Syntax VII), Zürich, Switzerland.


Scholarly publications

van Koppen, J. M., & Corver, N. F. M. (2011). Micro-diversity in Dutch interrogative DPs. A case study in the (dis)continuous 'wat voor 'n N'-construction. In P. Sleeman, & H. Perridon (Eds.), The Noun Phrase in Romance and Germanic: Structure, Variation and Change John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2011). NP-ellipsis with adjectival remnants: a micro-comparative perspective. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 29(2), 371-421.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2010). Over lidwoorden en voornaamwoorden in de Nederlandse dialecten. In J. de Caluwe, & J. van Keymeulen (Eds.), Voor Magda. Artikelen voor Magda Devos bij haar afscheid van de Universiteit Gent (pp. 127-140). Academia Press Universiteit Gent.
Aboh, E., Corver, N. F. M., Dyakonova, M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2010). DP-internal information structure: Some introductory remarks. Lingua, 120(4), 782-801.
Corver, N. F. M. (2010). Dressed numerals and the structure of universal numeric quantifiers. In J-W. Zwart, & M. de Vries (Eds.), Structure Preserved. Studies in Syntax for Jan Koster. (pp. 91-99). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M., & van Koppen, J. M. (2010). Ellipsis in Dutch possessive noun phrases: a micro-comparative approach. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 13, 99-140.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M., & Kranendonk, H. P. (2009). Collective Numeral Constructions in Dutch: Remarkable Plurals, Regular Syntax and Silent Nouns. In J. van Craenenbroeck, & J. Rooryck (Eds.), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 8 (pp. 233-268). Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (2009). Getting the (Syntactic) Measure of Measure Phrases. The Linguistic Review, 26(1), 67-134.
van Koppen, J. M., & Corver, N. F. M. (2009). Let's focus on NP-ellipsis. Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik, 48, 3-26.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2008). Uniformity and diversity in the syntax of evaluative vocatives. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 11, 43-93.
Corver, N. F. M. (2008). On silent semi-lexical PERSON. Lingue e Linguaggio, 2(1), 5-25.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M., Doetjes, J. S., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Lingua 117.5. Special issue 'Linguistic perspectives on numerical expressions'. (Jaargang 117 ed.) Elsevier.
Corver, N. F. M. (2007). Dutch –s-prolepsis as a copying phenomenon. In N. Corver, & J. Nunes (Eds.), The Copy theory of movement (pp. 175-217). John Benjamins (Linguistik Aktuell).
Corver, N. F. M., & Nunes, J. (2007). The Copy Theory of Movement. John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (2007). Meer over negatief 'meer'. Neerlandistiek, [07.04].
Corver, N. F. M. (2007). From trace theory to copy theory. In N. Corver, & J. Nunes (Eds.), The Copy theory of movement (pp. 1-10). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (2007). Dutch 'proper name + -s'. A hidden possessive. In B. Los, & M. van Koppen (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2007 (pp. 74-85). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M., Doetjes, J., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Linguistic perspectives on numerical expressions: Introduction. Lingua, 117(5), 751-758.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2006). On the Syntax of the Vocative Expression 'You(r) Idiot!'. In Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics (pp. 60-75)
Corver, N. F. M. (2006). Subextraction (Chapter 66). In M. Everaert, & H. C. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (Volume IV) (pp. 566-600). (The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (Volume IV)). Blackwell.
Corver, N. F. M., & Cheng, L. L. S. (2006). Lines of Inquiry into Wh-movement. In L. L. S. Cheng, & N. F. M. Corver (Eds.), WH-movement: Moving on. (pp. 137-19). (WH-movement: Moving on.). The MIT Press.
Corver, N. F. M., & Zwarts, J. (2006). Prepositional numerals. Lingua, 116(6), 811-835.
Corver, N. F. M., & Cheng, L. L. S. (2006). WH-movement: moving on. The MIT Press.
Corver, N. F. M. (2006). Comparative Deletion and Subdeletion (Chapter 15). In M. Everaert, & H. C. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (Volume I) (pp. 582-637). (The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (Volume I)). Backwell.
van Kampen, N. J., & Corver, N. F. M. (2006). Diversity of possessor marking in Dutch child language and Dutch dialects. In M. Vliegen (Ed.), Variation in Sprachtheorie und Spracherwerb. Proceedings of the 39th Linguistic Colloquium 2004 (pp. 385-398). Lang.
Corver, N. F. M. (2006). Freezing effects (Chapter 28). In M. Everaert, & H. C. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (Volume II) (pp. 383-406). (The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (Volume II)). Backwell.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2005). Over de S(T)AND van de Nederlandse dialectsyntaxis. Taal en tongval. Themanummer, 18, 41-54.
Corver, N. F. M. (2005). Hans Broekhuis, Evelien Keizer en Marcel den Dikken. Nouns and noun phrases. Modern Grammar of Dutch occasional papers 4. Nederlandse taalkunde, 10, 85-88.
Corver, N. F. M. (2005). Low Saxon possessive pronominals: Syntax and phonology. In J. Doetjes, & J. van de Weijer (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005 (pp. 73-86). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (2005). Approximative 'of zo' as a diagnostic tool. In H. Broekhuis, N. Corver, R. Huijbregts, U. Kleinhenz, & J. Koster (Eds.), Organizing grammar. Linguistic studies in honor of Henk van Riemsdijk (pp. 74-82). Mouton de Gruyter.
Broekhuis, H., Corver, N. F. M., Huybregts, R., Kleinhenz, U., & Koster, J. (2005). Organizing Grammar. Linguistic Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk. (Studies in Generative Grammar ed.) Mouton de Gruyter.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2004). Some notes on emphatic forms and displacement in Dutch. In A. Breitbarth, & H. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), Triggers (pp. 137-172). Mouton de Gruyter.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2003). Hoe leefbaar is het Nederlands? Nederlandse taalkunde, 8(4), 285-301.
Corver, N. F. M. (Accepted/In press). Taalstructuur en taalvariatie. Syntactische variatie naast en buiten het Nederlands. In E. Ruys (Ed.), Taalkunde van het Nederlands; Toepassingen (pp. 1-30). OWI Nederlands, Utrecht University.
Corver, N. F. M., Trommelen, M. T. G., & Weerman, F. P. (2003). Nooit het laatste woord; een interview met Henk Verkuyl. Nederlandse taalkunde, 8(3), 262-273.
Corver, N. F. M. (2003). Perfect projections. In R. van Hout (Ed.), The Lexicon-Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition (pp. 45-69). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (2003). A note on micro-dimensions of possession in Dutch and related languages. In J. Koster (Ed.), Germania et alia. A linguistic Webschrift for Hans den Besten (pp. 1-12). Unknown Publisher.


Scholarly publications

van de Craats, I., Corver, N. F. M., & van Hout, R. W. N. M. (2002). The acquisition of possessive 'have'-clauses by Turkish and Moroccan learners of Dutch. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, (5), 147-174.
Corver, N. F. M. (2002). On three types of movement within the Dutch nominal domain. In M. Coene, & Y. D' Hulst (Eds.), From NP to DP. Volume 1: The Syntax and Semantics of Noun Phrases (pp. 297-328). John Benjamins (Linguistik Aktuell).

Other output

Corver, N. F. M. (2002). Taal in zicht. Faculteit der Letteren, Universiteit Utrecht.


Scholarly publications

Corver, N. F. M. (2001). Semi-lexical categories. In N. F. M. Corver, & H. C. Riemsdijk (Eds.), Semi-lexical categories. The function of content words and the content of function words (pp. 1-20). Mouton de Gruyter.
Corver, N. F. M., & Riemsdijk, H. C. (2001). Semi-lexical categories. The function of content words and the content of function words. Mouton de Gruyter.
Corver, N. F. M. (2001). On predicate numerals. In T. van der Wouden, & H. Broekhuis (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001 (pp. 65-77). John Benjamins.
Corver, N. F. M. (2001). Semi-lexical categories. In N. F. M. Corver, & M. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), Semi-lexical categories. The function of content words and the content of function words (pp. 1-20). Mouton de Gruyter.
Corver, N. F. M., & Thiersch, C. (2001). Remarks on Parentheticals. In M. van Oostendorp, & E. Anagnostopoulou (Eds.), Progress in Grammar. Articles at the 20th Anniversary of the Comparison of Grammatical Models Group in Tilburg Roquade.
Corver, N. F. M. (2001). Predicate displacement within the adjectival system. Evidence from degree modification. In R. Bok-Bennema, B. de Jonge, B. Kampers-Manhe, & A. Molendijk (Eds.), Adverbial Modification (pp. 139-156). Rodopi.


Scholarly publications

Delfitto, D., & Corver, N. F. M. (2000). On adverbs and adverbial modification. Journal of Italian linguistics, 1(12), 3-11.
Delfitto, D., & Corver, N. F. M. (2000). Issue of the "Italian Journal of Linguistics" on "The syntax of adverbials". Pacini.


Scholarly publications

Delfitto, D., & Corver, N. F. M. (1999). On the nature of pronoun movement. In H. van Riemsdijk (Ed.), Clitics in the languages of Europe (Eurotyp 20-25) (pp. 799-861). Mouton de Gruyter.


Scholarly publications

Delfitto, D., & Corver, N. F. M. (1998). Feature Primitives and the Syntax of Specificity. Italian Journal of Linguistics, 10(2), 281-334.