Dr. N.E. Chisari

Dr. N.E. Chisari

Assistant Professor
String Theory Cosmology and ElemPart

My current research group is comprised of:

  • Thomas Bakx (Ph.D. student, UU): Thomas works on analytical modelling of the large-scale structure (e.g. EFT), applied mainly to galaxy shape and position statistics.
  • Marloes van Loon (Ph. D. student, UU): Marloes is working on measuring intrinsic alignments in cosmological simulations and their connection to galaxy evolution.
  • Casper Vedder (PhD student, Leiden University): Casper works on three-point statistics of galaxy shapes. He is co-supervised by Henk Hoekstra at Leiden.
  • Dennis Neumann  (PhD student, Leiden University): Dennis works on measuring galaxy shapes and modelling galaxy alignments, especially in the context of Euclid. He is co-supervised by Henk Hoekstra at Leiden.
  • Aniruddh Herle (PhD student, Leiden University): Aniruddh works on the shapes of galaxies and halos, and how they will be measured by the Euclid survey. He is co-supervised by Henk Hoekstra at Leiden.


Past PhDs:

  • Sofia Canevarolo (Ph.D. student, UU): Sofia worked on the boundary between gravitational waves and cosmology. More specifically, on lensing of gravitational waves.


Past postdocs:

  • Christos Georgiou (Vidi postdoc, UU): Christos is an expert on gravitational lensing and intrinsic alignments. At UU, he worked on a number of intrinsic alignments and lensing related projectd within KiDS and the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration.
  • Enis Belgacem (D-ITP postdoc, UU): Enis worked on models of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. We devised a way to test this using supernovae in this publication.
  • Harry Johnston (D-ITP postdoc, UU): expert on measuring and modelling galaxy alignments. Harry worked on intrinsic size correlations in numerical simulations (this publication) and on probe combinations for the KiDS survey.


Past students (09/23-06/24):

  • Uma Lau (Master in Experimental Physics, UU): Uma worked on unifying different models for the impact of baryonic effects on the large-scale structure.
  • Mara Helder (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Mara worked on testing the halo model of intrinsic alignments and its usage for Stage-IV surveys.
  • Kaushik Chakram  (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Kaushik worked on testing the EFT model of intrinsic alignments and its application in Stage-IV surveys.
  • Marta García Escobar (Bachelor student in Physics & Astronomy, UU): Marta is working on improving intrinsic alignment measurements from numerical simulations.
  • Josien Brzesowsky (Bachelor student in Physics & Astronomy, UU): Josien is working on a model for galaxy cluster projection effects.
  • Anton Bitsakakis (Bachelor student in Physics & Astronomy, UU): Anton is working fitting clustering multipoles with a new method for approximating the linear matter power spectrum. He is supervised by Thomas Bakx.
  • Loek van Vonderen (Bachelor student in Physics & Astronomy, UU): Luuk investigated the impact of lensing on the mass function of gravitational wave sources. He was supervised by Sofia Canevarolo. Our paper is available here.

Past students (10/22-09/23):

  • Daan Knoppert (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Daan worked on the connection between Newtonian N-Body simulations and general relativity. 
  • Mahircan Erciyas (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Mahircan worked on how strong lensing might constrain quantum models of dark energy.
  • Sjoerd Weide (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Sjoerd worked on multi-shape constraints on galaxy alignments with Christos Georgiou.
  •  Ignacio Montes-Álvarez (Master in Artificial Intelligence, UU): Ignacio worked on building an emulator for EFT theory predictions for the large-scale structure.


Past students (02/22-02/23):

  • Una Parkinson (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Una worked on observational constraints for baryonic halo models of the large-scale structure. Her work also resulted in a Jupyter notebook for the halo model of baryons in the CCL library, which you can find here.
  • Theodosis Pafitis (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Theodosis developed an anisotropic halo model for galaxy observables.
  • Boet Hoitink (undergaduate, UU): Boet worked on understanding how much lensing affects gravitational waves, with myself and Sofia Canevarolo.
  • Juliard van Donkersgoed (undergaduate, UU): Juliard worked with Christos Georgiou on sources of B-modes in galaxy shapes.

Past students (01/22-07/22):

  • Casper Vedder (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Casper worked on his Master thesis with Enis Belgacem, myself and Tomislav Prokopec, on the impact of quantum models of dark energy on distance measures. Find his paper here.
  • Reinier Nederstigt (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Reinier worked on the role of B-modes in gravitational lensing analyses. He explored what B-mode signals we can expect from a number of theoretical models, and when these will be detected.
  • Biancamaria Sersante (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Biancamaria worked on developing the Fisher forecasting formalism for its application within the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, particularly in the augur code.
  • Abe Fennema (undergraduate, UU): Abe worked with Christos Georgiou on B-mode sources in galaxy shapes, more especifically predicting the detectability of those generated by primordial gravitational waves.
  • David Kruizinga (undergraduate, UU): David worked with Harry Johnston on understanding the impact of intrinsic alignment modelling on cosmological constraints.
  • Dennis van Dompseler (undergraduate, UU): Dennis worked on an pedagogical model for tides at the BAO scale. Find his preprint here.

Past students (07/21-01/22):

  • Thomas Bakx (Master in Theoretical Physics & Math, UU): Thomas worked on making predictions for how galaxies align with each other using the Effective Field Theory of the Large-scale structure.
  • Bjorn van Zwol (Master in Theoretical Physics, UU): Bjorn started us off on a new model of galaxy alignments that takes into account their local environment. 
  • Sanne Bosch (undergraduate, UU): Sanne measured and modelled correlations of cluster alignments using SDSS data.
  • Martijn van Dortmont (undergraduate, UU): Martijn looked at how mergers betwen galaxies affect their alignment with the large-scale stucture using numerical simulations. He was supervised by Harry Johnston.


Past students (02/21-07/21):

  • Dana Westbeek (undergraduate, UU): Dana measured and modelled correlations of galaxy sizes using a hydrodynamical cosmological simulation. Dana was supervised by Harry Johnston. Her work contributed to this publication.
  • Karel Zwetsloot (undergraduate, UU/UCU): Karel worked on a new method to correct for the impact of galaxy alignments on clustering measurements. See his work here.

Past students (07/20-02/21):

  •  Sjoerd Weide (undergraduate, UU): For his bachelor thesis, Sjoerd worked on how galaxy sizes are related connected to each other in the complex web that is the Universe. His work contributed to this publication.

Past students (02/19-07/20):

  • Casper Vedder (undergraduate): For his BONZ thesis, Casper worked on how clusters of galaxies align with the large-scale structure. See his publication here.
  • Iris van Gemeren (undergraduate): For her BONZ thesis, Iris worked on predicting whether we can measure cross-correlations between galaxy alignments and velocity fields, and exploring their application to cosmology. See her publication here.
  • William Doumerg d'Assignies (Master in Physics, ENS, France, visiting student): William joined us at UU for his Master internship and worked on modeling and measuring galaxy alignments around voids. See his publication here.