In press “Ethnographic spectacle’, International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Hilary Callan (ed), to be published in print (12 vols.) and in online reference library Wiley-Blackwell
2015, ‘Non-stop Modernity: Renovating the Rijksmuseum’. In: Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, Vol. 3, pp. 150-161, (exhibition review)
2015, ‘The Pitt Rivers Museum. A World Within. Journal of the History of Collections, published online (July 27), (book review)
2015, ‘Reactivating the Colonial Collection. Exhibition-making as Creative Process at the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam’. In: Coombes, A.E. & Phillips, R.B., (eds.), The International Handbook of Museum Studies: Museum Transformations, First edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 133-155
2015, ‘Genealogy in Anthropology’. In: Wright, J.D., (ed), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd edition, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 806-812
2014, Recreating First Contact: Expeditions, Anthropology and Popular Culture, Journal of the History of Collections, published online. Published 2015, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 130-132 (book review)
2014. ‘Colonizing the Museum? Contemporary Art, Heritage, and Relational Museology.’ Exhibition Review – BOMB, Blak Douglas and Adam Geczy, 11 June 2013 - 5 January 2014, AAMU Museum of contemporary Aboriginal art, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Material Culture Review, 77/78, pp. 180-190
2013. ‘Heritage: Renovation, Re-location, Re-mediation, and Re-positioning Museums’. Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, I, pp. 85-100. Berghahn Journals. ISSN 2049-6729 (print) ISSN 2049-6737 (Online) ISBN 978-0-85745-955-8 (paperback)
2013. ‘Het negentiende-eeuwse openbare etnografische museum.’ In: Bergvelt, E., Meijers, D.J., en Rijnders, M., (red), Kabinetten, galeriijen, en musea. Het verzamelen en presenteren van naturalia en kunst van 1500 tot heden. Heerlen: Openuniversiteit/ Zwolle: WBOOKS, pp. 219-248 (Herziene editie van het gelijknamige boek uit 2005). ISBN 978 90 663 0355 3
2013. Book Review. Roque, Ricardo, 2010, Headhunting and Colonialism. Anthropology and the Circulation of Human Skulls in the Portuguese Empire, 1870–1930. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-0-230-22205-2, hbk, xiv + 342pp, £70
2012. Museums: A Visual Anthropology. Oxford & New York: Berghahn
2012. ‘Thinking and Doing Otherwise. Anthropological theory in Exhibitionary Practice’. In Messias Carbonell, Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 177-188
2008. ‘The Dropping’. In: Zonneberg, N. (ed), Drop Sculpture (Atlas). Simon Starling. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum/ Atelier Rijksbouwmeester
2005. (ed. with Nuno Porto). Science, Magic, and Religion: the Museum as a Ritual Site. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books
2005. ‘Het negentiende-eeuwse openbare etnografische museum’. In: Bergvelt, E., Meijers, D.J., en Rijnders, M., Verzamelen. Van Rariteitenkabinet tot Kunstmuseum. Open universiteit, Heerlen: Gaade Uitgevers. pp. 203–232
2005. Book Review. Marieke Bloembergen, 2002. De koloniale vertoning. Nederland en Indië op de wereldtentoonstellingen (1880-1931). Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek. In: Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden
2004. ‘Teaching Museum Anthropology in the Twenty-first Century’. In: Dracklé, D. & Edgar, I.R. (eds.), Current Policies and Practices in European Social Anthropology Education. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books. pp. 127–141
2003. ‘Thinking and Doing Otherwise. Anthropological Theory in Exhibitionary Practice.’ In: Messias Carbonell, B., (ed), Museum Studies. An Anthology of Contexts. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
2001. ‘Academic anthropology and the museum. Back to the future. An introduction.’ In: Mary Bouquet (ed), Academic Anthropology and the Museum. Back to the Future. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 1-19
2001. ‘The art of exhibition-making as a problem of translation’. In: Bouquet, M., (ed), Academic Anthropology and the Museum. Back to the Future. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 177-197
2001. 'Genealogy, in Anthropology'. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Vol.3.1, Article 93. Section Editor Anthropology: Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. pp. 6029-6032
2001. ‘Making kinship, with an old reproductive technology’. In Sarah Franklin and Susan McKinnon (eds): Relative Values: Reconfiguring kinship studies. Durham, N. Carolina: Duke University Press. pp. 85-115
2001. ‘Streetwise in museumland’. In: Folk. Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society. Special issue (43), ‘Exhibiting Objects. Museum Collections in Policy and Practice’. pp. 77-102
2000. ‘Showing the house and visiting the museum’. In: H. Driessen and H. de Jonge (red), Miniature Etnografische. Nijmegen: Sun. pp.106-109
2000. 'Figures of Relations. Reconnecting Kinship Studies and Museum Collections'. In J. Carsten (ed): Cultures of Relatedness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.167-190
2000. 'Thinking and Doing Otherwise. Anthropological theory in exhibitionary practice', in Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology (Special Issue ‘Anthropology, Museums, and Contemporary Cultural Practices’), 65 (2). pp. 217-236
2000. ‘Intimiteit, identiteit en fotografische verbeelding’. (Visueel Essay). Jaarboek. Nederlands Openluchtmuseum. Arnhem: SUN. pp. 28-57
2000. ‘The family photographic condition’. Visual Anthropology Review 16 (1): 2-19
1999. 'Making Culture Materialise' (Review Essay: Hybrids of Modernity. Anthropology, the nation state and the universal exhibition. Penelope Harvey. London: Routledge. 1996; Contesting Art. Art, Politics and Identity in the Modern World. Edited by Jeremy MacClancy. Oxford: Berg). In: Social Anthropology. The Journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, 7 (1): pp.81-86
1999. 'Antropologica at the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam', (Exhibition Review), Anthropology Today, 15 (2): pp.19-20
1999.’Academic anthropology and the museum. Back to the Future. An Introduction’. Focaal, Tijdschrift voor Antropologie, 34: pp. 7-20
1999. ‘The didactics of exhibition making’. Focaal, Tijdschrift voor Antropologie, 34: 177-192
1998. 'Strangers in paradise. An encounter with fossil man at the Dutch National Museum of Natural History', in S. Macdonald (ed): The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture, New York and London: Routledge. pp.159-172
1997. Price, Richard & Price, Sally, On the Mall: Presenting Maroon tradition-bearers at the 1992 Festival of American Folklife. Folkl. Inst. Ind. Univ. Spec. Pub. 4. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; Buckingham: Open University Press. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 3, No. 1, March (1997), p. 201
1996. Sans og Samling...hos Universitetets Etnografiske Museum/ Bringing It All Back the Oslo University Ethnographic Museum, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press
1996. ‘Family trees and their affinities. The visual imperative of the genealogical diagram. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.), 2, pp. 43-66
1995. 'Exhibiting knowledge. The trees of Haeckel, Dubois, Jesse and Rivers at the Pithecanthropus centennial exhibition', in M. Strathern (ed): Shifting Contexts (Vol.1 of the ASA Decennial Series, The Uses of Knowledge: Global and Local Relations, London: Routledge). pp. 31-55.
1993. Reclaiming English Kinship. Portuguese Refractions of British Kinship Theory, Manchester: Manchester University Press
1993. Man-ape Ape-man. Pithecanthropus in Het Pesthuis, Leiden, Leiden: Nationaal Naturhistorisch Museum.
1992. 'Framing knowledge. The Photographic 'Blind Spot' between Words and Things', Critique of Anthropology, 12 (2), pp. 193-207
1991. 'Images of artefacts' (photographic essay), Critique of Anthropology, 11, (4), pp.333-356
1988. (with J. Freitas Branco), Melanesian Artefacts, Postmodernist Reflections/ Artefactos melanésios, reflexões pós-modernistas, Lisboa: Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Museu de Etnologia
1987. (ed. with M. Winter), Who from their Labours Rest? Conflict and Practice in Rural Tourism. Aldershot: Avebury
1985. Family, Servants and Visitors. The Farm Household in Nineteenth and Twentieth
Century Devon. Norwich: Geo Books