Prof. dr. M.N. (Marius) Crainic

Fundamental Mathematics



Scholarly publications

Cattafi, F., Crainic, M. N., & Salazar Pinzon, M. A. (2020). From PDEs to Pfaffian fibrations. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 66(1/2), 187-250.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Mestre, J. N. (2018). Orbispaces as differentiable stratified spaces. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 108(3), 805-859.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Marcut, I. (2015). Reeb-Thurston stability for symplectic foliations. Mathematische Annalen, 363, 217–235.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., Schätz, F., & Struchiner, I. (2014). A survey on stability and rigidity results for Lie algebras. Indagationes Mathematicae, 25(5), 957–976.
Crainic, M., Salazar Pinzon, M., & Struchiner, I. (2014). Multiplicative forms and Spencer operators. Mathematische Zeitschrift.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M. N., & Struchiner, I. (2013). On the linearization theorem for proper Lie groupoids. Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, 46(5), 723-746.
Crainic, M. N., & Abad, A. (2013). Representations up to homotopy and Bott's spectral sequence for Lie groupoids. Advances in Mathematics, 248, 416-452.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M. N., & Marcut, I. T. (2012). A normal form theorem around symplectic leaves. Journal of Differential Geometry, 92(3), 417-461.


Scholarly publications

Arias Abad, C., & Crainic, M. (2011). Representations up to homotopy of Lie algebroids. Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 663, 91-126.
Crainic, M., & Fernandes, R. L. (2011). Lectures on integrability of Lie brackets. In T. Ratiu, A. Weinstein, & N. T. Zung (Eds.), Lectures on Poisson Geometry (pp. 1-107). (Geometry & topology monographs; No. 117). Mathematical Sciences Publishers.
Crainic, M. (2011). Generalized complex structures and Lie brackets. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 42(4), 559-578.
Arias Abad, C., Crainic, M., & Dherin, B. R. U. (2011). Tensor products of representations up to homotopy. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 6(2), 239-288.
Crainic, M., & Marcut, I. T. (2011). On the existence of symplectic realizations. Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 9(4), 435-444.
Arias Abad, C., & Crainic, M. (2011). The Weil algebra and the Van Est isomorphism. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 61(3), 927-970.
Crainic, M., & Fernandes, R. L. (2011). A geometric approach to Conn's linearization theorem. Annals of Mathematics, 173, 1121-1139.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Crainic, N. (2010). Polya conditions for multivariate Birkhoff interpolation: from general to rectangular sets of nodes. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 79(1), 9-18.
Crainic, M., & Fernandes, R. L. (2010). Stability of symplectic leaves. Inventiones Mathematicae, 180, 481-533.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Crainic, N. (2009). Normal bivariate Birkhoff interpolation schemes and Pell equation. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 50(2), 265-272.
Bursztyn, H., & Crainic, M. (2009). Dirac geometry, quasi-Poisson actions and D/G-valued moment maps. Journal of Differential Geometry, 82(3), 501-566.


Scholarly publications

Moerdijk, I., & Crainic, M. (2008). Deformations of Lie brackets: cohomological aspects. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 10, 1037-1059.
Crainic, M., & Crainic, N. (2008). Brikhoff interpolation with rectangular sets of nodes and with few derivatives. East Journal on Approximations, 14(4), 423-437.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Zhu, C. (2007). Integrability of Jacobi and Poisson structures. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 57(4), 1181-1216.


Scholarly publications

Bursztyn, H., & Crainic, M. (2005). Dirac structures, momentum maps, and quasi-Poisson manifolds. In The breadth of symplectic and Poisson geometry (pp. 1-40). Birkhaüser.
Crainic, M., & Fernandes, R. L. (2005). Secondary characteristic classes of Lie algebroids. In Quantum field theory and noncommutative geometry (Vol. 662, pp. 157-176). Springer.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Fernandes, R. L. (2004). Integrability of Poisson brackets. Journal of Differential Geometry, 66, 71-137.
Moerdijk, I., & Crainic, M. (2004). Cech-De Rham theory for leaf spaces of foliations. Mathematische Annalen, 328, 59-85.
Bursztyn, H., Crainic, M., Weinstein, R. A., & Zhu, C. (2004). Integration of twisted Dirac brackets. Duke Mathematical Journal, 123, 549-607.


Scholarly publications

Fernandes, R. L., & Crainic, M. (2003). Loja Integrability of Lie brackets. Annals of Mathematics, 157(2), 575-620.
Crainic, M. (2003). Differentiable and algebroid cohomology, van Est isomorphisms, and characteristic classes. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 78, 681-721.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M. (2002). Cyclic cohomology of Hopf algebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 166(1-2), 29-66.


Scholarly publications

Crainic, M., & Moerdijk, I. (2001). Foliation groupoids and their cyclic homology. Advances in Mathematics, 157(2), 177-197.


Scholarly publications

Moerdijk, I., & Crainic, M. (2000). A homology theory for étale groupoids. Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 521, 25-46.
Crainic, M. (2000). Cyclic cohomology and characteristic classes for foliations. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht].


Scholarly publications

Ostvoor, P., & Crainic, M. (1999). On two-primary algebraic K-theory of quadratic number rings with focus on K/2. Acta Arithmetica, 87, 223-243.
Crainic, M. (1999). Cyclic cohomology of étale groupoids; The general case. K-Theory, 17(4), 319-362.


Scholarly publications

Varga, C., & Crainic, M. (1997). A note on the denseness of complete invariant metrics. Publicationes Mathematicae, 51.