Scholarly publications
Saul, N., Vijge, M. J., Willemien, D., Leocadia, Z., Germarié, V., Patrick, N., Rantlo, T. J., Naziha, M., Bronwen, Q., Sibulele, B., & Mugadza, A. A. (2024).
A multivariate dataset on water–energy–food nexus: Multi-actor governance for social justice.
Data in Brief,
56, Article 110805. van Driel, M., Biermann, F., Kim, R. E., & Vijge, M. J. (2024).
The impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on global policies on sustainable consumption and production.
Globalizations. Advance online publication. 2023
Scholarly publications
Yunita, A., Biermann, F., Kim, R. E., & Vijge, M. J. (2023).
Making development legible to capital: The promise and limits of ‘innovative’ debt financing for the Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia.
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space,
6(4), 2271-2294. Montesano, F. S., Biermann, F., Kalfagianni, A., & Vijge, M. J. (2023).
Balancing or prioritising for sustainable development? Perceptions of sustainability integration among professionals.
Sustainable Development,
31(3), 1921-1936. Hickmann, T.
, Biermann, F., Spinazzola, M.
, Ballard, C., Bogers, M., Forestier, O.
, Kalfagianni, A., Kim, R. E., Montesano, F. S., Peek, T.
, Sénit, CA., Driel, M. V., Vijge, M. J., & Yunita, A. (2023).
Success factors of global goal‐setting for sustainable development: Learning from the millennium development goals.
Sustainable Development,
31(3), 1214-1225., F., Hickmann, T.
, Sénit, C.-A., Beisheim, M., Bernstein, S., Chasek, P., Grob, L.
, Kim, R. E., Kotzé, L. J., Nilsson, M., Llanos, A. O., Okereke, C., Pradhan, P., Raven, R., Sun, Y.
, Vijge, M. J., Vuuren, D. V., & Wicke, B. (2023).
Author Correction: Scientific evidence on the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (Nature Sustainability, (2022), 5, 9, (795-800), 10.1038/s41893-022-00909-5).
Nature Sustainability,
6(3), 344. Montesano, F., Biermann, F., Kalfagianni, A., & Vijge, M. (2023).
Can the Sustainable Development Goals Green International Organisations? Sustainability Integration in the International Labour Organisation.
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning,
25(1), 1-15. Professional publications
Vijge, M., Gallagher, S., Byrne, J., Britjita Madhavan, U., & Tschersich, J. (2023). Allying for sustainability education. Forum (EAIE), 2023 Winter Forum.
Scholarly publications
Biermann, F., Hickmann, T.
, Sénit, C. A., Beisheim, M., Bernstein, S., Chasek, P., Grob, L.
, Kim, R. E., Kotzé, L. J., Nilsson, M., Ordóñez Llanos, A., Okereke, C., Pradhan, P.
, Raven, R., Sun, Y.
, Vijge, M. J., van Vuuren, D., & Wicke, B. (2022).
Scientific evidence on the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Nature Sustainability,
5(9), 795-800. Nilsson, M.
, Vijge, M. J., Alva, I. L., Bornemann, B., Fernando, K., Hickmann, T., Scobie, M., & Weiland, S. (2022).
Interlinkages, Integration and Coherence. In F. Biermann, T. Hickmann, & C.-A. Sénit (Eds.),
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? (pp. 92-115). Cambridge University Press., M. T. J., Tsioumani, E., Bliss, C., Immovilli, M., Keune, H., Morgera, E., Rüegg, S., Schapper, A.
, Vijge, M. J., Zinngrebe, Y., & Visseren-Hamakers, I. J. (2022).
Enabling Transformative Biodiversity Governance in the post-2020 Era. In V.-H. I.J., & K. M.T.J. (Eds.),
Transforming Biodiversity Governance (pp. 341-360). Cambridge University Press., Y., Kinniburgh, F.
, Vijge, M. J., Khan, S. J.
, & Runhaar, H. (2022).
Transformative Biodiversity Governance in Agricultural Landscapes: Taking Stock and Looking Forward. In V.-H. I.J., & K. M.T.J. (Eds.),
Transforming Biodiversity Governance (pp. 264-292). Cambridge University Press., M. V., Biermann, F., Kim, R. E., & Vijge, M. J. (2022).
International organisations as ‘custodians’ of the sustainable development goals? Fragmentation and coordination in sustainability governance.
Global Policy,
13(5), 669-682. Yanuardi, Y., Vijge, M. J., & Biermann, F. (2022).
Social‐ecological reflexivity of extractive industry governance? The case of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Indonesia.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
32(5), 426-437. Yunita, A., Biermann, F., Kim, R. E., & Vijge, M. J. (2022).
The (anti-)politics of policy coherence for sustainable development in the Netherlands: Logic, method, effects.
128, 92-102. 2021
Scholarly publications
de Jong, E.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2021).
From Millennium to Sustainable Development Goals: Evolving discourses and their reflection in policy coherence for development.
Earth System Governance,
7, 1-12. Article 100087., Y., Vijge, M. J., & Biermann, F. (2021).
Improving governance quality through global standard setting? Experiences from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Indonesia.
Extractive Industries and Society,
8(3), 1-9. Article 100905. de Jong, E.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2021).
From Millennium to Sustainable Development Goals: Evolving discourses and their reflection in policy coherence for development.
Earth System Governance,
7, 1-12. Article 100087.
Scholarly publications
Shawoo, Z.
, Dzebo, A., Hägele, R., Iacobuta, G.
, Chan, M., Muhoza, C., Osano, P., Francisco, M., Persson, Å., Linnér, B.-O.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2020).
Increasing policy coherence between NDCs and SDGs: a national perspective. Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI)., M. J., & Simpson, A. (2020). Myanmar’s Environmental Governance in Transition: The Case of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. In P. Chachavalpongpun, E. Prasse-Freeman, & P. Strefford (Eds.), Unraveling Myanmar's Transition: Progress, Retrenchment, and Ambiguity Amidst Liberalization (pp. 136-163). (Kyoto-CSEAS Series on Asian Studies). Kyoto University.
Kim, R. E., van Asselt, H., Kotzé, L. J.
, Vijge, M. J., & Biermann, F. (2020).
Hierarchization. In F. Biermann, & R. E. Kim (Eds.),
Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation (pp. 275-296). Cambridge University Press. Vijge, M. J., Biermann, F., Kim, R. E., Bogers, M., Driel, M. V., Montesano, F. S., Yunita, A., & Kanie, N. (2020).
Governance through Global Goals. In F. Biermann, & R. E. Kim (Eds.),
Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation (pp. 254-274). Cambridge University Press. Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Adger, W. N., Boyd, E., Fábos, A., Fransen, S., Jolivet, D., Neville, G., De Campos, R. S.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2019).
Migration transforms the conditions for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Lancet Planetary Health,
3(11), e440-e442., M. J., Metcalfe, R., Wallbott, L., & Oberlack, C. (2019).
Transforming institutional quality in resource curse contexts: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar.
Resources Policy,
61, 200-209. Professional publications
Yunita, A. C., van Driel, M., & Vijge, M. J. (2019). Background paper: Review of thematic (multi-) stakeholder networks: Prepared for the Annual General Assembly of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. Global Donor Platform for Rural Development.
Popularising publications
Dekker, S. C., Driessen, P. P. J., van Egmond, N. D., Moors, E. H. M., Raven, R. P. J. M., Rietkerk, M. G., Worrell, E., van Dijk, J., Calisto Esquetini-Friant, P. M., Kraaijeveld, L. D., Mees, H. L. P., Vaas, J., Vermeulen, W. J. V., Vervoort, J. M., Verweij, P. A., Vijge, M. J., Wesseling, J. H., & Wojtynia, N. (2019).
Klimaatakkoord: tijd voor politiek leiderschap! Dagblad Trouw. 2018
Scholarly publications
Vijge, M. J. (2018).
The (Dis)empowering Effects of Transparency Beyond Information Disclosure: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar.
Global Environmental Politics,
18(1), 13-32. 2016
Scholarly publications
Vijge, M. J., Brockhaus, M., Di Gregorio, M., & Muharrom, E. (2016).
Framing national REDD+ benefits, monitoring, governance and finance: A comparative analysis of seven countries.
Global Environmental Change,
39, 57-68. Gupta, A., Pistorius, T.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2016).
Managing fragmentation in global environmental governance: the REDD+ Partnership as bridge organization.
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics,
16(3), 355-374., E., Gupta, A., Weatherley-Singh, J.
, Vijge, M. J., de Koning, J., Visseren-Hamakers, I. J., Herold, M., & Lederer, M. (2016).
Envisioning REDD+ in a post-Paris era: between evolving expectations and current practice.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change,
8(1), 1-13. Article e425. publications
Vijge, M. J. (2016). Evaluation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Vijge, M. J. (2014). De belofte van nieuw institutionalisme: Een verklaring van de afwezigheid van een Wereld of Verenigde Naties Milieu Organisatie. Res Publica, 56(3), 403-405.
Skutsch, M., Turnhout, E.
, Vijge, M. J., Herold, M., Wits, T., Den Besten, J. W., & Torres, A. B. (2014).
Options for a national framework for benefit distribution and their relation to community-based and national REDD+ monitoring.
5(7), 1596-1617., A., Vijge, M. J., Turnhout, E., & Pistorius, T. (2014). Making REDD+ transparent: The politics of measuring, reporting, and verification systems. In A. Gupta, & M. Mason (Eds.), Transparency in Global Environmental Governance: Critical Perspectives (pp. 182-201). MIT Press.
Scholarly publications
Skutsch, M.
, Vijge, M. J., Turnhout, E., Wits, T., Den Besten, J. W., & Herold, M. (2013).
Options for a national framework for benefit distribution and its integration with REDD+ monitoring.
InfoBrief REDD+ CIGA-UNAM., M. J. (2013).
The promise of new institutionalism: Explaining the absence of a World or United Nations Environment Organisation.
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics,
13(2), 153-176. 2012
Scholarly publications
Gupta, A., Lövbrand, E., Turnhout, E.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2012).
In pursuit of carbon accountability: The politics of REDD+ measuring, reporting and verification systems.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
4(6), 726-731., I. J., Gupta, A., Herold, M., Peña-Claros, M.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2012).
Interdisciplinary perspectives on REDD+: Editorial overview.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
4(6), 587-589., I. J., Gupta, A., Herold, M., Peña-Claros, M.
, & Vijge, M. J. (2012).
Will REDD+ work? The need for interdisciplinary research to address key challenges.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
4(6), 590-596., I. J., McDermott, C.
, Vijge, M. J., & Cashore, B. (2012).
Trade-offs, co-benefits and safeguards: Current debates on the breadth of REDD+.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
4(6), 646-653.
Scholarly publications
Vijge, M. J. (2010). Towards a World Environment Organisation: Identifying the Barriers to International Environmental Governance Reform. (pp. 1-26).
Professional publications
Professional publications
Vijge, M. J. (2006). Mapping the Development Context of Rajasthan. Foundation for Ecological Security.