Prof. dr. Marijk van der Wende

Prof. dr. Marijk van der Wende

Organisation Science
+31 30 253 4680

Forthcoming / in press:

Rethinking EU-China Higher Education Cooperation in a Dynamic Global Environment. Journal of Studies in International Education. Guest Editors: Yuzhuo Cai; Cristina Pinna; Marijk van der Wende.  Sage (Special Issue). 

Wende, M.C. van der, U. Furiv & R. Kolster. Internationalisation and the Disciplines. 

Recent publications (selection, full publication list see: Publication list M.C. van der Wende.pdf

Wende, M.C. van der (2024). The Rise of University Colleges in Europe: A New Future for Liberal Arts & Sciences in the Twenty-First Century?   In: Howard Gardner, W. Kirby & W. Fischman (eds) Advances and Challenges in International Higher Education. Daedalus Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Volume 153, Number 2; Spring 2024 .

Wende, M.C. van der (2024).  How open can it be? The promise of open systems and open science under siege. In: Engwall, L. (Ed.). Internationalization in Higher Education and Research: Perspectives, Obstacles and Alternatives, Cham: Springer.

Wende, M.C. van der (2023). Opportunities and challenges for open systems in global context. in: Marginson, S. Cantwell, B. Platonova, D & Smolentseva, A (eds). Assessing the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge for a disordered world. Edward Elgar Publishers. Pp. 111-130.

Stalenhoef, C, M. Kanetake & M.C. van der Wende (2022). The Impact of Dual-Use Export Control Regulation on Universities.  RENFORCE working paper

Wende, M.C. van der (2022). Open systems in a changing global context. In: Huisman J. & M.C. van der Wende (eds). A Research Agenda for Global Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishers.

Huisman J. & M.C. van der Wende (2022). Reflections on a global agenda: on variety, fragmentation, change, and the big questions ahead. In: Huisman J. & M.C. van der Wende (eds). A Research Agenda for Global Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishers.

Wende, M.C. van der (2021). Er is flinke druk nodig. Over het European University Initiative. Column. In Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs. No 4-21, p. 42

Wende, M.C. van der (2021). Neo-Nationalism and Universities in Europe. In: J. Douglass (ed). Neo-Nationalism and Universities: Global Perspectives on Politics and Policy and the Future of Higher Education. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Van Vught, F.A. en M.C. van der Wende (2020). Durf extreem te denken. Wat de Corona crisis ons leert. In: Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs. Editie 5: Besturen in crisistijd, pp 13-20.

Wende, M. C. van der,  William C. Kirby, Nian Cai LIU, Simon Marginson (eds.) (2020). China and Europe on the New Silk Road. Connecting Universities Across Eurasia. Oxford University Press. 

Hijden, P. van der & M.C. van der Wende (2020). Mitigating brain drain by connecting universities. University World News. 03 October 2020  

Wende, M.C. van der (2020). Neo-Nationalism and Universities in Europe (with Covid-19 Post Scriptum). Research & Occasional Paper Series, CSHE, University of California Berkeley. 

Wende, M.C. van der & H.F. de Boer (2020). Geef de student meer ruimte en verantwoordelijkheid. Th&ma 3-20, pp 24-28.

Wende, M.C. van der (2020). Higher Education in the Netherlands. In: Miriam E. David & Marilyn J. Amey (Eds). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. SAGE Publications. Thousand Oaks. Pp.1079-1080. DOI:

Wende, M.C. van der (2019) Natuurtalent is niet genoeg. Hogeronderwijsbestuur maakt werk van professionalisering. Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, editie 2019-3. Pp. 27-30.

Wende, M.C. van der (2019). Will US-China trade war hinder Europe-China HE links? University World News, 23 June 2019  Issue No: 557.

William Kirby, Marijk Van der Wende (2019); The New Silk Road: implications for higher education in China and the West?, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Volume 12, Issue 1, 20 February 2019, Pages 127–144,

Marijk van der Wende and Robert Tijssen (2019) China's Belt and Road Initiative finds new research partners in Europe, Nature Index

Wende, M.C. van der (2019). World-class universities’ contribution to an open society: Chinese universities on a mission? In: Q. Wang, Y. Cheng, & N. Cai Liu (Eds.). World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions. Brill/Sense. Pp. 189-214.

Van Vught, F. A., van der Wende, M. C., & Westerheijden, D. F. (2018). Globalisation and Differentiation in Higher Education Systems. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (pp. 85-101). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Damme, D. van & M.C. van der Wende (2018). Global higher education governance. In: B. Cantwell, H. Coates, and R. King (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education, Edward Elgar. Pp. 91-114.

Wende, M.C. van der (2018). STEM goes global – is internationalization of the curriculum adequate? In: Ittel, A., & Pereira, A. M. N. Internationalisierung der Curricula in den MINT-Fächern. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann Verlag (wbv). Pp. 25-35.

Hoeven, A. van den & M.C. van der Wende (2018). Internationalisering en de grenzen van succes. Scienceguide 11.4.2018.

Wende, M.C. & J. Rienks (2018). Stages of Uncertainty. Brexit and the unknown future of UK - Dutch higher education cooperation. In: Courtois, A. (ed). Higher Education and Brexit: Current European Perspectives. Centre for Global Higher Education. Special Report. pp. 84-98.

Wende, M.C. & J. Rienks (2018). Onzekerheid troef na Brexit. De onbekende toekomst van de Brits-Nederlandse samenwerking in het Hoger Onderwijs. In: Th&ma 1-18, pp. 30-35.

Wende, M.C. & J. Rienks (2018). Onzekerheid troef na Brexit. ScienceGuide, 19 April 2018.

Wende, M.C. (2017). De Nieuwe Zijde Route: gevolgen voor samenwerking in hoger onderwijs en wetenschap tussen China en Europa. In: Th&ma. No 5, pp. 52-58.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). Reframing universities’ global engagement for an open society. In: Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (ed.). Prospects and Future and Tasks of Universities: Digitalization - internationalization – differentiation.  LIT Verlag Vienna. Pp. 259-273.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). How do globalisation forces affect higher education systems? University World News, Issue No:465.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). Opening Up: Higher Education Systems in Global Perspective . CGHE Working Paper 22. Centre for Global Higher Education Working Paper. University College London.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). Internationalisation futures in light of anti-globalisation sentiments. In: A mosaic of cultures. EAIE Conference Conversation Starter. EAIE. Pp 29-37.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). Reframing Global Engagement. In: International Higher Education. No. 90. Pp. 10-12.

Wende, M.C. van der & J. Zhu (2016). China’s Higher Education in Global Perspective: Leader or Follower in the “World-Class” Movement? In: N. Cai Liu, Y. Cheng, & Q. Wang (eds.). Matching Visibility and Performance: A Standing Challenge for World-Class Universities. Sense Publishers. Pp. 119-137.

Zhu, J., M. van der Wende & X. Jiang (2016). Challenges and Strategies for Chinese Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: A Qualitative Study [in Chinese]. Tsinghua Journal of Education. 1001-4519. 2016 Issue 3. Pp. page:59-64,99

Wende, M.C. van der & J. Zhu (2016). China a Follower or Leader in Global Higher Education?  Research and Occasional Papers Series CSHE 3.16. University of California Berkeley: Centre for Studies in Higher Education.

Kirby, William C. and Marijk C. van der Wende (eds.) (2016). Experiences in Liberal Arts and Science Education from America, Europe, and Asia: A Dialogue across Continents. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kirby, William. C. & M.C. van der Wende (guest editors) (2016). New Directions in Liberal Arts and Science Education in Asia. Special Issue of the International Journal of Chinese Education. Vol. 5.1. Brill.

Klein Bog, D & M.C. van der Wende (2016). Liberal Arts and Sciences Education for the 21st Century Knowledge Economy. In: I. Jung, M. Nishimura & T. Sasao (eds). Liberal Arts Education and Colleges in East Asia. Possibilities and Challenges in the Global Age. Springer. Pp. 113-124.

Wende, M.C. van der (2015). International Academic Mobility: Towards a Concentration of the Minds in Europe.In: The European Review. Cambridge University Press.Volume 23, issue S1, pp. S70-S88.

Wende, M. C. van der (2014). On Mergers and Missions Implications for Institutional Governance and Governmental Steering. In: Q. Wang, Y. Cheng, & N. CaiLiu (Eds.). Global Outreach of World-Class Universities: How It is Affecting Higher Education Systems. Centre for World-Class Universities. Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. Sense Publishers. Pp. 137-153.

Wende, M.C. van der (2013). Trends towards global excellence in undergraduate education: taking the liberal arts experience into the 21st century. In: International Journal of Chinese Education 2. Pp 289-307.

Wende, M.C. van der (2012). Alleen de beste universiteiten verdienen de beste studenten! Over het toegangs- en toelatingsbeleid voor studenten in de nabije toekomst. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid. Jaargang 2012-2013, No 2, pp. 99-108.

Wende, M.C. van der (2011). Towards a European Approach to Ranking. In: Nian Cai Liu, Qi Wang and Ying Cheng (Eds.). Paths to a World-Class University. Lessons from Practices and Experiences. Global Perspectives on Higher Education Volume 23. Sense Publishers. Pp. 125-139.

Wende, M.C. van der (2011). Global Institutions: the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. In: R. King, S. Marginson & R. Naidoo (eds). Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education. Edward Elgar. Pp. 95-114.

Wende, M.C. van der (2010). Internationalization of Higher Education. In: Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker, Barry McGaw, (Editors), International Encyclopedia of Education. Volume 4. Oxford: Elsevier. Pp. 540-545