Dr. M.C. (Machteld) van Dierendonck

Visiting Researcher
Equine sciences

Self Employed at my own referral clinic and consultancy Equus Research & Therapy

Visiting professor at the Veterinary Faculty of University of Ghent. I work in the Ethology and Animal Welfare group. My teaching areas are Ethology and Clinical Ethology of equids, Welfare Assessments. I also supevise some master students in their Master thesis (masterproef) telefoonboek.ugent.be/nl/people/802001158174

Visiting professor at the Department of Veterinary Faculty of Phamaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary sciences of University of Antwerp. I lecture in Ethology and Animal Welfare (all species). (www.uantwerpen.be/en/staff/machteld-vandierendonck)