Dr. M.A. van Huis authored ~150 papers and has an h-index of 43. An up to date overview of research papers can be found on Google Scholar.
Selected publications:
- R. G. Mendes, H. Q. Ta, T. Gemming, H. van Gog, M. A. van Huis, A. Bachmatiuk, M. H. Rümmeli, ‘In-situ Growth of Suspended Zirconene Islets Inside Graphene Pores’, Adv. Funct. Mater. 34 (2024) 2412889. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202412889.
- M.A. van Huis, ‘Knocking out Metal Atoms’, Nature Synthesis 3 (2024) 560-561. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s44160-024-00523-7. Fast link: https://rdcu.be/dExZy
- D.S. Gavhane, A.D. Sontakke, M.A. van Huis, ‘Selective Vertical and Horizontal Growth of 2D WS2 Revealed by In Situ Thermolysis using Transmission Electron Microscopy’, Adv. Funct. Mater. 32 (2022) 202106450.
- T.A.J. Welling, K. Watanabe, A. Grau-Carbonell, J. de Graaf, D. Nagao, A. Imhof, M.A. van Huis, A. van Blaaderen, ‘Tunability of Interactions between the Core and Shell in Rattle-Type Particles Studied with Liquid-Cell Electron Microscopy’, ACS Nano 15 (2021) 11137-11149.
- X. Chen, H. van Gog, M.A. van Huis, 'Transformation of Co3O4 nanoparticles to CoO monitored by in situ TEM and predicted ferromagnetism at the Co3O4/CoO interface from first principles', J. Mater. Chem. C 9 (2021) 5662-5675.
- D. S. Gavhane, H. van Gog, B. Thombare, G. Lole, L. C. Post, M. A. More, M. A. van Huis, 'In Situ Electron Microscopy Study of Structural Transformations in 2D CoSe2', npj 2D Mater. Appl. 5 (2021) 24.
- H. van Gog, W.F. Li, C. Fang, R.S. Koster, M. Dijkstra, M. van Huis, 'Thermal Stability and Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Atomically Thin 2D Transition Metal Oxides', npj 2D Mater. Appl. 3 (2019) 18.
- B. Sciacca, A. Berkhout, B.J.M. Brenny, S.Z. Oener, M.A. van Huis, A. Polman, E.C. Garnett, ‘Monocrystalline nanopatterns made by nanocube assembly and epitaxy’, Adv. Mater. 29 (2017) 1701064.
- W.F. Li, C.M. Fang, M.A. van Huis, 'Strong spin-orbit splitting and magnetism of point defect states in monolayer WS2', Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016) 195425.
- Z. Fan, L.-C. Lin, W. Buijs, T.J.H. Vlugt, M.A. van Huis, ‘Atomistic Understanding of Cation Exchange in PbS Nanocrystals Using Simulations with Pseudoligands’, Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11503, pp. 1-8.
- W. Albrecht, T.-S. Deng, B. Goris, M.A. van Huis, S. Bals, A. van Blaaderen, ‘Single particle deformation and analysis of the same silica coated gold nanorods before and after fs-laser pulse excitation’, Nano Letters 16 (2016) 1818-1825.
- C.M. Fang, W.-F. Li, R.S. Koster, J. Klimeš, A. van Blaaderen, M.A. van Huis, ‘Accurate calculation of the band gap of liquid water by means of GW corrections applied to plane-wave density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations’, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 365-375.
- B. Sciacca, S.A. Mann, F.D. Tichelaar, H.W. Zandbergen, M.A. van Huis, E.C. Garnett, 'Solution-Phase Epitaxial Growth of Quasi-Monocrystalline Cuprous Oxide on Metal Nanowires', Nano Letters 14 (2014) 5891-5898.
- A.O. Yalcin, Z. Fan, B. Goris, W.-F. Li, R.S. Koster, C.M. Fang, A. van Blaaderen, M. Casavola, F.D. Tichelaar, S. Bals, G. Van Tendeloo, T.J.H. Vlugt, D. Vanmaekelbergh, H.W. Zandbergen, M.A. van Huis, ‘Atomic Resolution Monitoring of Cation Exchange in CdSe-PbSe Heteronanocrystals during Epitaxial Solid-Solid-Vapor Growth’, Nano Letters 14 (2014) 3661-3667.
- M. A. van Huis, A. Figuerola, C.M. Fang, A. Béché, H.W. Zandbergen, L. Manna, ‘Chemical transformation of Au-tipped CdS nanorods into AuS/Cd core/shell particles by electron beam irradiation’, Nano Letters 11 (2011) 4555–4561.
- E. Talgorn, Y. Gao, M. Aerts, L.T. Kunneman, J.M. Schins, T.J. Savenije, M.A. van Huis, H.S.J. van der Zant, A.J. Houtepen, L.D.A. Siebbeles, ‘Unity quantum yield of photogenerated charges and band-like transport in quantum-dot solids’, Nature Nanotechnology 6 (2011) 733–739.
- S. Bals, M. Casavola, M.A. van Huis, S. van Aert, K.J. Batenburg, G. van Tendeloo, D. Vanmaekelbergh, ‘3D atomic imaging of colloidal core-shell nanocrystals’, Nano Letters 11 (2011) 3420–3424.
- A. Figuerola, M. van Huis, M. Zanella, A. Genovese, S. Marras, A. Falqui, H.W. Zandbergen, R. Cingolani, L. Manna, ‘Epitaxial CdSe-Au nanocrystal heterostructures by thermal annealing’, Nano Letters 10 (2010) 3028-3036.
- D. Baranov, A. Fiore, M. van Huis, C. Giannini, A. Falqui, G. Bertoni, U. Lafont, H.W. Zandbergen, R. Cingolani, L. Manna, ‘Assembly of colloidal semiconductor nanorods in solution by depletion attraction’, Nano Letters 10 (2010) 743-749.
- C.M. Fang, M.A. van Huis, D. Vanmaekelbergh, H.W. Zandbergen, ‘Energetics of polar and non-polar facets of PbSe nanocrystals from theory and experiment’, ACS Nano 4 (2010)
- M.A. van Huis, N.P. Young, G. Pandraud, J.F. Creemer, D. Vanmaekelbergh, A.I. Kirkland, H.W. Zandbergen, ‘Atomic imaging of phase transitions and morphology transformations in nanocrystals’, Adv. Mater. 21(2009) 4992-4995.
- A.S. Barnard, N.P. Young, A.I. Kirkland, M.A. van Huis, H. Xu, ‘Nanogold: a quantitative phase map’, ACS Nano 3 (2009), 1431-1436.
- M.A. van Huis, L.T. Kunneman, K. Overgaag, Q. Xu, G. Pandraud, H.W. Zandbergen, D. Vanmaekelbergh, ‘Low-temperature nanocrystal unification through rotations and relaxations probed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy’, Nano Letters 8 (2008) 3959-3963.
- J.H. Chen, E. Costan, M.A. van Huis, Q. Xu and H.W. Zandbergen, ‘Atomic pillar-based nanoprecipitates strengthen AlMgSi alloys’, Science 312 (2006) p. 416-419.