Scholarly publications
van Hedel, K.
, Yerkes, M., van Valkengoed, I.
, Besamusca, J., & André, S. (2022).
Combining Work with Caring Responsibilities and Perceived Stress during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Results from the Netherlands. Paper presented at European Population Conference 2022, Groningen, Netherlands., M., Nelson, K., & Nieuwenhuis, R. (2022).
Where to from here? Social policy research in future European societies. In K. Nelson, R. Nieuwenhuis, & M. Yerkes (Eds.),
Social Policy in Changing European Societies : Research Agendas for the 21st Century (pp. 294-302). Edward Elgar Publishing. Kaufman, G., Auður Magndís Auðardóttir
, Mazrekaj, D., Pettigrew, R. N., Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, M., Vuckovic Juros, T.
, & Yerkes, M. (2022).
Are parenting leaves available for LGBTQ parents? Examining policies in Canada, Croatia, France, Iceland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In I. Dobrotić, S. Blum, & A. Koslowski (Eds.),
Research Handbook on Leave Policy: Parenting and Social Inequalities in a Global Perspective (pp. 325-337). Edward Elgar Publishing., M., Pfau-Effinger, B., & Van Lancker, W. (2022).
Trajectories of modernization of parenting leave policies within continental Europe: similarities and unexpected differences. In I. Dobrotić, S. Blum, & A. Koslowski (Eds.),
Research Handbook on Leave Policy: Parenting and Social Inequalities in a Global Perspective (pp. 200–217). (Elgar Handbooks in Social Policy and Welfare). Edward Elgar Publishing. Nelson, K., Nieuwenhuis, R.
, & Yerkes, M. (Ed.) (2022).
Social Policy in Changing European Societies. Research Agendas for the 21st Century. . Edward Elgar Publishing., B.
, Yerkes, M. A., Cooklin, A., & Strazdins, L. (2022).
Reciprocal relationships between time pressure and mental or physical health in Australian mothers of preschool aged children.
Social Science and Medicine,
301, 1-9. [114937]., M. A., Lenitz, J., & de Graaf-Zijl, M. (2022).
A trade-off between the employment of older and younger workers? An historical approach to the political framing and reframing of labour market crowding out in the Dutch welfare state.
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology,
9(2), 146-169. Filippi, S.
, Yerkes, M., Bal, M., Hummel, B., & de Wit, J. (Accepted/In press).
(Un)deserving of work-life balance? A cross country investigation of people’s attitudes towards work-life balance arrangements for parents and childfree employees.
Community, Work and Family., C., Petts, R. J.
, Schippers, J., & Yerkes, M. A. (2022).
Gender and employment: Recalibrating women's position in work, organizations, and society in times of COVID-19.
Gender, Work and Organization,
29(6), 1927-1934. Boon, W., de Haan, J. J., van Sebille, E., Gould, L., Janssen, W., Jongsma, K. R., Milota, M., Maud, R., Stevens, S., Strick, M., Swinkels, M., Wanders, N., & Yerkes, M. (2022). Meaningful public engagement in the context of open science: reflections of early and mid-career academics. Research for All, [Vol. 6(1)].
Yerkes, M., Andre, S.
, Remery, C., Salin, M., Hakovirta, M., & van Gerven, M. (2022).
Unequal but Balanced: Highly-educated mothers’ perceptions of work-life balance during the covid-19 lockdown in Finland and the Netherlands.
Journal of European Social Policy,
32(4), 376-392. 2021
Scholarly publications
Yerkes, M., Meitinger, K., & van Hedel, K. (2021). Adding a layer of complexity: Comparative measurement of capabilities to access local policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at ESPAnet, Leuven, Belgium.
Yerkes, M., Brega Baytelman, C., Briones, S., van Hedel, K., & Zamanbin, M. (2021). Care Policies in Local Settings: Municipal regulation and provision of care services. Paper presented at ICPP5, Barcelona, Spain.
Brega Baytelman, C., Briones, S., Yerkes, M., Javornik, J., & León, M. (2021). Flexible working arrangements for work-life balance: A cross-national policy evaluation from a capabilities perspective.
Briones, S., & Yerkes, M. (Accepted/In press). The role of long-term care systems in the work-life balance of working caregivers in Europe: a cross-country policy design comparison.
Yerkes, M., Erik, J., Javornik, J., & Brummel, A. (2021).
Central-local tensions in the decentralization of social policies: Street-level bureaucrats and social practices in the Netherlands.
Social Policy & Administration,
55(7), 1262-1275. Remery, C., Andre, S.
, Besamusca, J., Yerkes, M., Hummel, B., & van der Zwan, R. (2021).
De coronapandemie en de verdeling van huishoudelijke en zorgtaken in Nederland. In
KVS Preadviezen 2021 - Ongelijk Nederland: Een drieluik over migratie, onderwijs en de coronacrisis (pp. 87-92) Stok, F. M., Bal, M., Yerkes, M. A., & de Wit, J. B. F. (2021).
Social Inequality and Solidarity in Times of COVID-19.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18(12), 1-12. [6339]. Yerkes, M. A., Hopman, M., Stok, F. M., & De Wit, J. (2021).
In the best interests of children? The paradox of intensive parenting and children’s health.
Critical Public Health,
31(3), 349-360. Professional publications
Yerkes, M., André, S., Besamusca, J., Hummel, B., Remery, C., van der Zwan, R., Kruyen, P., Beckers, D. G. J., & Geurts, S. A. E. (2021). COGIS-NL: COVID Gender (In)equality Survey Netherlands. Third policy brief: Results from November 2020. Cogis.
André, S.
, Yerkes, M. A., & Remery, C. (2021).
De invloed van de coronacrisis op de relatieve verdeling van zorg door moeders en vaders: Een longitudinaal perspectief.
Mens en Maatschappij,
96(3), 331-356.
Scholarly publications
Yerkes, M. A., André, S., Beckers, D. G. J.
, Besamusca, J., Kruyen, P. M.
, Remery, C., Zwan, R. V. D., & Geurts, S. (2020, Jul 21).
Intelligent lockdown, intelligent effects? The impact of the Dutch COVID-19 ‘intelligent lockdown’ on gendered work and family dynamics among parents. Yerkes, M. A., Fisher, J., Languilaire, J-C., Lawthom, R., Nieuwenhuis, R., Petts, R. J., & Runswick-Cole, K. (2020).
Community, work, and family in times of COVID-19.
Community, Work & Family,
23(3), 247-252. Yerkes, M. A., Andre, S.
, Besamusca, J., Kruyen, P.
, Remery, C. L. H. S., van der Zwan, R., Beckers, D. G. J., & Geurts, S. A. E. (2020).
‘Intelligent’ lockdown, intelligent effects? Results from a survey on gender (in)equality in paid work, the division of childcare and household work, and quality of life among parents in the Netherlands during the Covid-19 lockdown.
PLoS One,
15(11), 1-23. [e0242249]. Yerkes, M. A., Hoogenboom, M. J. M., & Javornik, J. (2020).
Where’s the community in community, work and family? A community-based capabilities approach.
Community, Work & Family,
23(5), 516-533. Professional publications
Yerkes, M. A., Andre, S., Besamusca, J., Hummel, B., Remery, C. L. H. S., van der Zwan, R., Kruyen, P., Beckers, D. G. J., & Geurts, S. A. E. (2020). COGIS-NL: COVID Gender (In)equality Survey Netherlands. Second policy brief: Results from June.
Yerkes, M. A., Andre, S., Besamusca, J.
, Remery, C. L. H. S., van der Zwan, R., Kruyen, P., Beckers, D. G. J., Geurts, S. A. E., & de Beer, P. (2020).
Werkendeouders in tijden van Corona: Meer maar ook minder genderongelijkheid. Utrecht University. 2019
Scholarly publications
Javornik, J.
, Yerkes, M. A., & Jansen, E. (2019).
Ask rather than assume: The capability approach in the practitioner setting. In M. Yerkes, J. Javornik, & A. Kurowska (Eds.),
Social Policy and the Capability Approach: Concepts, Measurements and Application (pp. 107-124). Policy Press., M. A., Javornik, J., Jansen, E., & Kurowska, A. (2019).
From the capability approach to capability-based social policy. In M. Yerkes , J. Javornik, & A. Kurowska (Eds.),
Social Policy and the Capability Approach: Concepts, Measurements and Application (pp. 147-156). Policy Press. Yerkes, M. A., Hoogenboom, M. J. M., & Javornik, J. (2019). Where’s the Community in Community, Work and Family? A capabilities framework. Paper presented at 8th International Community, Work and Family Conference, Valletta, Malta.
Yerkes, M. A., & van den Braken, L. J. (2019).
The Ambiguity of Social Return Policies in the Netherlands.
Social Policy & Administration,
53(1), 113-127. Popularising publications
Remery, C. L. H. S., Senden, L. A. J., Yerkes, M. A., Rashkova, E., Visser, M., van Doorne-Huiskes, A., & La Rose, N. (2019, Mar 20).
Reactie op “Adviesaanvraag diversiteit in de top”. Unpublished. 2018
Scholarly publications
Knijn, G. C. M., Dotti Sani, G., Naldini, M., Solera, C., & Yerkes, M. A. (2018). National attitudes as a barrier to European citizenship rights? The case of parenthood and partnership rights for individuals in diverse family forms. In Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship (pp. 60-86). (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Yerkes, M. A., Hopman, M., Stok, F. M., & de Wit, J. B. F. (2018). Parenting styles, work-life demands and parents’ and children’s health: new realities. Paper presented at Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States.
Yerkes, M. A., & Knijn, G. C. M. (2018). Young adults on the Move: tensions between EU and national level policies. In T. Knijn, & M. Naldini (Eds.), Gender and Generational Division in EU citizenship (pp. 163-185). (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Yerkes, M. A., & Peper, B. (2018). Welfare States and the Life Course. In B. Greve (Ed.), Routledge handbook of the welfare state (2 ed., pp. 105-114). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Yerkes, M. A., Dotti Sani, G. M., Knijn, G. C. M., Naldini, M., & Solera, C. (Accepted/In press). National attitudes as a barrier to European citizenship rights? The case of parenthood and partnership rights for individuals in diverse family forms. In T. Knijn, & M. Naldini (Eds.), Gender and Generational Division in EU citizenship Edward Elgar Publishing.
Yerkes, M. A., den Dulk, L., & Peper, B. (Accepted/In press). Work-family policies within the workplace. In G. B. Eydal, & T. Rostgaard (Eds.), Handbook of child and family policy Edward Elgar Publishing.
Yerkes, M. A., Dotti Sani, G. M., & Solera, C. (2017).
Attitudes Toward Parenthood, Partnership, and Social Rights for Diverse Families: Evidence From a Pilot Study in Five Countries.
Journal of Homosexuality,
65(1), 80-99. Yerkes, M. A., Martin, B., Baxter, J., & Rose, J. (2017).
An unsettled bargain? Mothers' perceptions of justice and fairness in paid work.
Journal of Sociology,
53(2), 476-491. 2016
Scholarly publications
den Dulk, L., & Yerkes, M. A. (2016).
Capabilities to combine work and family in the Netherlands: Challenging or reinforcing the one-and-a-half earner model? Japanese Journal of Family Sociology,
28(2), 180-192. Professional publications
Yerkes, M. A., Hewitt, B., Baird, M., Baxter, J., Brady, M., Coles, M. G., Dickenson, J., Strazdins, L., Whitehouse, G.
, & Xiang, N. (2016).
Millennium Mums Report, Waves 1-5. Institute for Social Science Research: University of Queensland. Other output
Hewitt, B., Yerkes, M. A., & Strazdins, L. (2016). Time pressure and mothers health and wellbeing during the preschool years.
Yerkes, M. A., Baird, M., & Whitehouse, G. (2016). Employer-paid maternity leave post-parental leave legislation: influences on private sector provisions.
Scholarly publications
Yerkes, M. A., Solera, C., Dotti Sani, G., Knijn, G. C. M., & Naldini, M. (2015). A Report on a pilot study of European attitudes towards social and civil rights around issues of commonality and portability. European Commission.
Rose, J., Brady, M.
, Yerkes, M. A., & Coles, L. (2015).
'Sometimes they just want to cry for their mum': Couples' negotiations and rationalisations of gendered divisions in infant care.
Journal of Family Studies,
21(1), 38-56. output
Rose, J., Brady, M., Yerkes, M. A., & Coles, L. (2015). ’Sometimes they just want to cry for their mum’: couples’ negotiations and rationalizations of gendered divisions in infant care. Paper presented at Community, Work and Family, Malmö, Sweden.
Dotti Sani, G., Solera, C., & Yerkes, M. A. (2015). National attitudes as a barrier to European citizenship rights? The case of parenthood and partnership rights for individuals in diverse family forms. Paper presented at bEUcitizen, Zagreb, Croatia.
Hoogenboom, M. J. M., Kruijswijk, W., & Yerkes, M. A. (2015). Reconciling work and informal care across organisations: a question of capabilities?. Paper presented at ESPAnet Conference 2015, Odense, Denmark, Denmark.
Scholarly publications
Roeters, A., Yerkes, M., & Baxter, J. (2014). Gender differences in leisure: A cross-national comparison.
Professional publications
Raven, J., van der Veen, R., & Yerkes, M. (2014). Cao’s en sociale zekerheid in vergelijkend perspectief. Instituut Gak.
Other output
Hewitt, B., Whitehouse, G., Baird, M., & Yerkes, M. (2014). Australian Fathers’ Use of Leave for Parenting: Changing Patterns and Policy Implications. Paper presented at Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York City, United States.
Yerkes, M., & Knijn, T. (2014). Youth on the Move: tensions between EU and national level policies. 1-17. Paper presented at ESPAnet conference.
Raven, J., van der Veen, R., & Yerkes, M. (2014). Flexibilisation, Dualization or Deregulation? Three trajectories of change in collective social risk protection. -. Paper presented at ESPAnet conference.
Yerkes, M., & Raven, J. (2014). From a Wage Earners’ Welfare State to Work-First: Australian Unemployment Policy. -. Paper presented at ESPAnet conference.
Scholarly publications
Wattis, L., Standing, K.
, & Yerkes, M. A. (2013).
Mothers and work-life balance: exploring the contradictions and complexities involved in work-family negotiation. Community, Work & Family,
16(1), 1-19., B.
, Yerkes, M. A., Hewitt, B., Jones, A., Baird, M., Davis, K., Rose, E., Coles, L., Heron, A.
, & Xiang, N. (2013).
Paid Parental Leave Evaluation. Phase 2 Report. Australian Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs., B., Hewitt, B., Yerkes, M. A., Xiang, J., Rose, J. K. C., & Coles, L. (2013). Paid Parental Leave Evaluation. Phase 3 Report. Australian Department of Social Services.
Yerkes, M. A. (2013). Social Policy. Oxford University Press.
Other output
Baird, M., & Yerkes, M. A. (2013). Paid Parental Leave: Employer Response to a Government Scheme. Paper presented at Paper presented at The Fifth International Community, Work and Family conference, Sydney Australia.
Yerkes, M. A., Baird, M., & Whitehouse, G. (2013). Paid Maternity Leave in Private Sector Workplaces: A baseline study of Australian. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Fifth International Community, Work and Family conference, Sydney Australia.
Yerkes, M. A., Raven, J., & Corrie, J. (2013). Collective Bargaining: an alternative to social risk protection. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Sociological Association Conference 2013 – Crisis, Critique and Change., Turin, Italy.
Scholarly publications
Raven, J., Achterberg, P., Van Der Veen, R.
, & Yerkes, M. (2011).
An institutional embeddedness of welfare opinions? the link between public opinion and social policy in the netherlands (1970-2004).
Journal of Social Policy,
40(2), 369-386., M. A. (2011). Transforming the Dutch welfare state: Social risks and corporatist reform. Policy Press.
Scholarly publications
Yerkes, M., Standing, K., Wattis, L., & Wain, S. (2010).
The disconnection between policy practices and women's lived experiences: Combining work and life in the UK and the Netherlands.
Community, Work and Family,
13(4), 411-427. Yerkes, M., & Tijdens, K. (2010).
Social risk protection in collective agreements: Evidence from the Netherlands.
European Journal of Industrial Relations,
16(4), 369-383. 2009
Scholarly publications