Melanie Münch

Research and Education Assistant 
Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 3.52
3584 CB Utrecht

Melanie Münch

PhD Candidate
Research and Education Assistant

I am a trained chemist and biogeochemist. My main interests are elemental cycles, nutrient and pollutant dynamics. During my master thesis at Utrecht University I looked into the interaction of clay with radioisotope-analogues, while a guided research project took me to the ETH to look into the competitive adsorption of viruses and DOM in groundwater systems. Working as an environmental consultant I additionally gained hands-on experience in project management and stakeholder engagement as well as hydrogeology and subsurface pollutant dynamics, specifically regarding chlorinated hydrocarbons.  In my PhD project I investigate the effects of iron supplementation on phosphorus dynamics in eutrophic lakes. As part of the H2020/MSCA-ITN research consortium P-Trap my research contributes to finding a solution for the combined problem of phosphorus as a scarce resource and a cause for eutrophication.