Dr. M.A. (Milou) Hogervorst

My PhD project at the policy centre of the division pharmacoepidemiology and clinical pharmacology, is a European Commission funded H2020 project. The objective of this HTx project is to create a framework for next-generation Health Technology Assessment (HTA) that supports patient-centred societally oriented, real-time decision-making for integrated healthcare throughout Europe. HTx will facilitate the development of methodologies to deliver more customized information on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of complex and personalised combinations of health technologies.

Within the project, my focus is predominantly on HTA policies, aiming to improve patient access to new and innovative treatments. My research topics can be clustered into three main topics. First, the evaluation of current HTA practice, such as the experienced challenges or the acceptance of real-world data in HTA. Second, the identification, communication and mitigation of uncertainty in the HTA and regulatory field. Third, evaluating and improving synergies between HTA and regulators and between HTA and clinical treatment guidelines.