Lukman Sutrisno

Budapestlaan 4
Kamer 0
3584 CD Utrecht

Lukman Sutrisno

PhD Candidate

A regional tectonics based approach for geothermal resources assessment in Sumatra, Indonesia. This research aims to step out of the commonly investigated geothermal systems in Indonesia that directly surround the active volcanic edifices and to relate deep-rooted discontinuities with geothermal occurrences. Ultimately the intention is to understand how the currently unexplored and unexploited indirect volcanic geothermal systems can contribute to support the energy uses in Indonesia.

The research uses regional tectonics based approaches by integrating tectonic analysis techniques such as basin analysis, numerical and analogue forward models (Willingshofer et al 2013). These models will be designed to quantitatively test and validate the role of structural controls of the Sumatra Fault, and will be constrained by geophysical, geological and geochemical data sets (cf. Cloetingh et al., 2010; Bonté et al., 2012). The focus of this research will be on the Sumatra Fault and the effect of this major tectonic structure on geothermal occurrences. The elements to consider would be, but not limited to, the blanketing effect of the volcano-sediment deposits, volcanic edifice, magmatic intrusions, geodynamic evolution, tectonic structures, and fluids.