Drs. L.L. (Lucinda) van Stee

Prof. dr. H. Jakobgebouw
Yalelaan 108
3584 CM Utrecht

Drs. L.L. (Lucinda) van Stee

Surgery of Companion Animals

- Our pets are precious -

Lucinda van Stee is a Board Certified Small Animal Surgeon (diplomate ECVS) at the department of Clinical Sciences, Small Animal Clinic of Utrecht University,
Besides her tasks as a surgeon, she also teaches the next generation of veterinarians and veterinary surgeons in the field of soft tissue surgery and orthopedic/neurosurgery.  

Surgeon, teacher and scientist

In the capacity of a board certified specialist at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital, Van Stee treats pets and at the same time, teaches our students and our residents (veterinarians in specialty training), the wonderful profession of veterinary surgery.  

Her days are filled with consultations with new patients, rechecks, screeningprograms for hereditary disease (for example patellar luxation), surgery and teaching both theoretics and practical skills to our students in veterinary medicine, veterinary practitioners, as well as to our residents.  
Van Stee is focussed on small animal surgery, with an emphasis on Surgical Oncology, Orthopedic-, and Neurosurgery. Within these fields of interest, Lucinda van Stee not only  serves patient care, but also regularly publishes scientific articles to push the boundaries of veterinary patient care. 

Van Stee: "A clinician is never finished learning and there is a whole world out there waiting to be studied.”


The work of a veterinarian – and that of a surgeon – is never finished. And within an organization like the Clinical Sciences Small Animal Teaching Hospital, all is built on team effort. The patients that visit our clinic often have complex health issues, that often cross the boundaries of disciplines.  
A good example of this, are pets with cancer. Treatment often comprises of surgery, followed of preceded by (Adjuvant) radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy. 
To ensure these patients get the most optimal care, doctors team up to discuss these cases during our weekly Multidisciplinairy Meetings (MDO). Van Stee is part of the MDO Oncology. 

Van Stee: "Our pets are precious, and my work and research is aimed to improve quality of life for our pets. Teaching the new generation of veterinarians and specialists is a staple of this ongoing improvement."


In Surgery