Scholarly publications
Scheidat, M., Vrooman, J., Teilmann, J., Baltzer, J., Thostesen, CB., Diederichs, B., Dietz, R., Geelhoed, SCV., Gilles, A.
, Ijsseldijk, LL., Keijl, GO., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Ruser, A., Schnitzler, J., Sveegaard, S., & Siebert, U. (2024).
Harbour porpoise (<i>Phocoena phocoena</i>) in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site and requirements for trilateral monitoring.
Marine Biodiversity,
54(3), Article 42., M.-A., Humble, E., Brownlow, A., Wall, D., Rogan, E., Sigurðsson, G. M., Kiszka, J. J., Thøstesen, C. B.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Ten Doeschate, M., Davison, N. J., Øien, N., Deaville, R., Siebert, U., & Ogden, R. (2024).
Population genomics of the white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris): Implications for conservation amid climate-driven range shifts.
132(4), 192-201., S., King, H., IJsseldijk, L., & Jarochowska, E. (2024).
Cetacean chronicles: Exploring Ecology and Proxy Potential from whale teeth. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria. IJsseldijk, L., van den Broek, J., Kik, M., Leopold, M., Bravo Rebolledo, E.
, Gröne, A., & Heesterbeek, H. (2024).
Using marine mammal necropsy data in animal health surveillance: the case of the harbor porpoise in the Southern North Sea.
Frontiers in Marine Science,
10, 1-15. Article 1306294. Luiten, B., Jarochowska, E., IJsseldijk, L., & King, H. (2024). Whale teeth as witnesses: assessing anthropogenic impact on whale ecology through a multi-proxy analysis. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
Mancini, I. A. D., Levato, R., Ksiezarczyk, M. M., Castilho, M. D., Chen, M., van Rijen, M. H. P.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M., van Weeren, R., & Malda, J. (2024).
Microstructural differences in the osteochondral unit of terrestrial and aquatic mammals.
12, Article e80936. 2023
Scholarly publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., Begeman, L., Duim, B., Gröne, A., Kik, M. J. L., Klijnstra, M. D., Lakemeyer, J., Leopold, M. F., Munnink, B. B. O.
, Ten Doeschate, M., van Schalkwijk, L., Zomer, A., der Graaf-van Bloois, L. V., & Broens, E. M. (2023).
Harbor Porpoise Deaths Associated with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, the Netherlands, 2021.
Emerging Infectious Diseases,
29(4), 835-838. 2022
Scholarly publications
IJsseldijk, L., Leopold, M.
, Begeman, L., Kik, M., Wiersma, L., Morell, M., Bravo Rebolledo, E. L., Jauniaux, T.
, Heesterbeek, H., & Gröne, A. (2022).
Pathological findings in stranded harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) with special focus on anthropogenic causes.
Frontiers in Marine Science,
9, 1-19. Article 997388. De Vreese, S., Centelleghe, C., Graïc, J.-M., Corrazola, G.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., André, M., & Mazzariol, S. (2022).
The Odontocete Ear Canal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (ECALT) and Lymph Nodes: Morphological and Pathological Description with Immuno-Phenotypic Characterisation.
12(17), 1-20. Article 2235., I. A. D., Levato, R., Castilho, M., Chen, M., Rijen, M. H. P. V.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M., Weeren, P. R. V., & Malda, J. (2022).
Nature’s design of the osteochondral unit: microstructural differences between terrestrial and aquatic mammals. Gregor, K. M., Lakemeyer, J.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Siebert, U., & Wohlsein, P. (2022).
Spontaneous neoplasms in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms,
149, 145-154., N. W., van Schalkwijk, L., IJsseldijk, L. L., Willems, D. S., & Veraa, S. (2022).
Post-Mortem Computed Tomography Pulmonary Findings in Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).
12(11), 1-14. Article 1454. Ball, R. J., Kitchiner, A., Davison, N. J., Brownlow, A., Berrow, S., McKeown, N. J.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Geary, M., McDowall, I., & Muir, A. P. (2022).
New haplotypes found in stranded long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the eastern North Atlantic and adjacent waters.
Marine Mammal Science,
38(3), 898-912., M.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Piscitelli-Doshkov, M., Ostertag, S., Estrade, V., Haulena, M., Doshkov, P., Bourien, J., Raverty, S. A., Siebert, U., Puel, J.-L., & Shadwick, R. E. (2022).
Cochlear apical morphology in toothed whales: Using the pairing hair cell-Deiters' cell as a marker to detect lesions.
Anatomical Record,
305(3), 622-642.
Scholarly publications
Riekenberg, P. M., Camalich Carpizo, J., Svensson, E.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Brasseur, S., Witbaard, R., Leopold, M., Bravo Rebolledo, E., Middelburg, J. J., van der Meer, M. T. J., Sinninghe Damsté, J. S.
, & Schouten, S. (2021).
Reconstructing the diet, trophic level and migration pattern of mysticete whales based on baleen isotopic composition.
Royal Society Open Science,
8(12), 1-16. Article 210949., M.
, Ijsseldijk, L. L., Berends, A. J., Gröne, A., Siebert, U., Raverty, S. A., Shadwick, R. E.
, & Kik, M. J. L. (2021).
Evidence of hearing loss and unrelated toxoplasmosis in a free‐ranging harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
11(11), 1-15. Article 3058., L., Hessing, S., Mairo, A., ten Doeschate, M. T. I.
, Treep, J., van den Broek, J., Keijl, G. O., Siebert, U.
, Heesterbeek, H., Gröne, A., & Leopold, M. (2021).
Nutritional status and prey energy density govern reproductive success in a small cetacean.
Scientific Reports,
11(1), 1-13. Article 19201. Riekenberg, P. M., Joling, T.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Waser, A. M.
, van der Meer, M. T. J., & Thieltges, D. W. (2021).
Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite–host interactions within food webs.
130(10), 1650-1664., L. L. (2021).
Living on a knife-edge: Unravelling harbour porpoise health through multidisciplinary and cross-border approaches. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University. IJsseldijk, L. L., Camphuysen, K. C. J., Keijl, G. O., Troost, G., & Aarts, G. (2021).
Predicting Harbor Porpoise Strandings Based on Near-Shore Sightings Indicates Elevated Temporal Mortality Rates.
Frontiers in Marine Science,
8, 1-12. Article 668038. van den Heuvel-Greve, M. J., van den Brink, A. M., Kotterman, M. J. J., Kwadijk, C. J. A. F., Geelhoed, S. C. V., Murphy, S.
, van den Broek, J., Heesterbeek, H., Gröne, A., & IJsseldijk, L. L. (2021).
Polluted porpoises: Generational transfer of organic contaminants in harbour porpoises from the southern North Sea.
Science of the Total Environment,
796, 1-15. Article 148936., K.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Uy, M. L., Boyi, J. O.
, van Schalkwijk, L., Tollenaar, E. A. P.
, Gröne, A., Wohlsein, P., & Siebert, U. (2021).
Whale lice (Isocyamus deltobranchium & Isocyamus delphinii; Cyamidae) prevalence in odontocetes off the German and Dutch coasts – morphological and molecular characterization and health implications.
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife,
15, 22-30. Reuver, S.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Homans, J. F.
, Willems, D. S., Veraa, S., van Stralen, M.
, Kik, M. J. L., Kruyt, M. C.
, Gröne, A., & Castelein, R. M. (2021).
What a stranded whale with scoliosis can teach us about human idiopathic scoliosis.
Scientific Reports,
11(1), Article 7218. Wijngaarden, M. F. A., Geut, M. I. M.
, Vernooij, J. C. M., IJsseldijk, L. L., & Tobias, T. J. (2021).
Determinants of mortality of juvenile harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) infected with lungworm submitted to a Dutch seal rehabilitation centre.
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife,
14, 1-6., L. L., Scheidat, M., Siemensma, M. L., Couperus, B., Leopold, M. F., Morell, M.
, Gröne, A., & Kik, M. J. L. (2021).
Challenges in the Assessment of Bycatch: Postmortem Findings in Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Retrieved From Gillnets.
Veterinary Pathology,
58(2), 405-415. Professional publications
IJsseldijk, L., van Schalkwijk, L., Kik, M., & Gröne, A. (2021).
Postmortaal onderzoek van bruinvissen (Phocoena phocoena) uit Nederlandse wateren, 2020 : Biologische gegevens, bgezondheidsstatus en doodsoorzaken: Biologische gegevens, gezondheidsstatus en doodsoorzaken . (WOt-technical report; Vol. 204). Wettelijke Onderzoekstaken Natuur & Milieu. 2020
Scholarly publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., van Schalkwijk, L., van den Berg, A.
, ten Doeschate, M. T. I., Everaarts, E., Keijl, G.
, Kuijpers, N. W., Rebolledo, E. B.
, Veraa, S., Kik, M. J. L., & Leopold, M. (2020).
Fatal attraction: The death of a solitary-sociable bottlenose dolphin due to anthropogenic trauma in the Netherlands.
63(1-2), 17-32. Willems, D. S., IJsseldijk, L. L., van den Broek, D. H. N., & Veraa, S. (2020).
Vertebral pattern variation in the North Sea harbor porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ) by computed tomography. Anatomical Record, 1-11. IJsseldijk, L. L., ten Doeschate, M. T. I., Brownlow, A., Davison, N. J., Deaville, R., Galatius, A., Gilles, A., Haelters, J., Jepson, P. D., Keijl, G. O., Kinze, C. C., Olsen, M. T., Siebert, U., Thøstesen, C. B.
, van den Broek, J., Gröne, A., & Heesterbeek, H. (2020).
Spatiotemporal mortality and demographic trends in a small cetacean: Strandings to inform conservation management.
Biological Conservation,
249, Article 108733. Morell, M., Vogl, W.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Piscitelli-Doshkov, M., Tong, L., Ostertag, S., Ferreira, M., Fraija-Fernandez, N., Colegrove, K. M., Puel, J.-L., Raverty, S., & Shadwick, R. E. (2020).
Echolocating whales and bats express the motor protein prestin in the inner ear: a potential marker for hearing loss.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
7, Article 429., J., Siebert, U., Abdulmawjood, A., Ryeng, K. A.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., & Lehnert, K. (2020).
Anisakid nematode species identification in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North Sea, Baltic Sea and North Atlantic using RFLP analysis.
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife,
12, 93-98., A.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Willems, D. S., Broens, E. M., Everaarts, E., Buil, J. B., Verweij, P. E.
, Kik, M. J. L., & Gröne, A. (2020).
Mycotic Infections in Free-Ranging Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).
Frontiers in Marine Science,
7, Article 344., L.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Grilo, M. L., Lakemeyer, J., Lehnert, K., Wohlsein, P., Ewers, C., Prenger-Berninghoff, E., Baumgärtner , W.
, Gröne, A., Kik, M. J. L., & Siebert, U. (2020).
Pathological Findings in White-Beaked Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) and Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) From the South-Eastern North Sea.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
7, Article 262., M. J., IJsseldijk, L. L., Rubio-García, A.
, Gröne, A., Duim, B., Rossen, J.
, Zomer, A. L., & Wagenaar, J. A. (2020).
After the bite: bacterial transmission from grey seals ( Halichoerus grypus ) to harbour porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena ).
Royal Society Open Science,
7(5), Article 192079. Professional publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M. J. L., & Gröne, A. (2020). Onderzoeksresultaten gestrande dwergvinvis, Texel 2019. Utrecht University.
Scholarly publications
Foster, G., Whatmore, A. M., Dagleish, M. P., Malnick, H.
, Gilbert, M. J., Begeman, L., Macgregor, S. K., Davison, N. J., Roest, H. J., Jepson, P., Howie, F., Muchowski, J., Brownlow, A. C.
, Wagenaar, J. A., Kik, M. J. L., Deaville, R., Doeschate, M. T. I. T., Barley, J., Hunter, L.
, & IJsseldijk, L. L. (2019).
Forensic microbiology reveals that Neisseria animaloris infections in harbour porpoises follow traumatic injuries by grey seals.
Scientific Reports,
9(1), Article 14338., T., Viquerat, S.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Langeheine, M., Wohlsein, P.
, Gröne, A., Bergmann, M., Siebert, U., & Brehm, R. (2019).
Testicular morphology and spermatogenesis in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).
126, 177-186. publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., Gröne, A., & Kik, M. J. L. (2019). Pathologisch onderzoek in het kader van de zeehonden pup sterfte 2019.
IJsseldijk, L. L., & Gröne, A. (2019). Onderzoeksresultaten aangevaren gewone vinvis, haven van Vlissingen 2019: Pathologie en dieet onderzoek.
IJsseldijk, L. L., & Gröne, A. (2019). Onderzoeksresultaten gestrande griend te Egmond aan Zee, 2018: Pathologie, dieet en gehoorschade onderzoek.
IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M. J. L., & Gröne, A. (2019). Postmortaal onderzoek van bruinvissen (Phocoena phocoena) uit Nederlandse wateren, 2018. Biologische gegevens, gezondheidsstatus en doodsoorzaken.
Scholarly publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., Brownlow, A., Davison, N., Deaville, R., Haelters, J., Keijl, G., Siebert, U.
, & ten Doeschate, M. T. I. (2018).
Spatiotemporal analysis in white-beaked dolphin strandings along the North Sea coast from 1991-2017.
61(1), 153-163. IJsseldijk, L. L., van Neer, A., Deaville, R.
, Begeman, L., van de Bildt, M.
, van den Brand, J. M. A., Brownlow, A., Czeck, R., Dabin, W., Ten Doeschate, M., Herder, V., Herr, H.
, IJzer, J., Jauniaux, T., Jensen, L. F., Jepson, P. D., Jo, W. K., Lakemeyer, J., Lehnert, K., ... Siebert, U. (2018).
Beached bachelors: An extensive study on the largest recorded sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus mortality event in the North Sea.
PLoS One,
13(8), Article e0201221. IJsseldijk, L. L., ten Doeschate, M. T. I., Davison, N.
, Gröne, A., & Brownlow, A. (2018).
Crossing boundaries for cetacean conservation: Setting research priorities to guide management of harbour porpoises.
Marine Policy,
95, 77-84. Schnitzler, J. G., Pinzone, M., Autenrieth, M., van Neer, A.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Barber, J. L., Deaville, R., Jepson, P., Brownlow, A., Schaffeld, T., Thomé, J.-P., Tiedemann, R., Das, K., & Siebert, U. (2018).
Inter-individual differences in contamination profiles as tracer of social group association in stranded sperm whales.
Scientific Reports,
8(1), Article 10958., T., Viquerat, S., Siebert, U., Bergmann, M., Langeheine, M., Wohlsein, P., Gröne, A., Ijsseldijk, L. L., & Brehm, R. (2018). Assessment of spermatogenesis in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North and Baltic Seas. Journal fur Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie, 15(1), 23-24.
Van Franeker, J. A., Bravo Rebolledo, E. L., Hesse, E.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Kühn, S., Leopold, M., & Mielke, L. (2018).
Plastic ingestion by harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena in the Netherlands: Establishing a standardised method.
47(4), 387-397., M., Ernst, A., Deaville, R., Demaret, F.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Siebert, U., & Tiedeman, R. (2018).
Putative origin and maternal relatedness of male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) recently stranded in the North Sea.
Mammalian Biology,
88, 156-160. publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., & Gröne, A. (2018). Onderzoeksresultaten potvis Petten 2018: Pathologie, dieet en vervuiling.
IJsseldijk, L. L., & Gröne, A. (2018). Stranding van een gewone spitssnuitdolfijn (Mesoplodon bidens) in de Oosterschelde: Resultaten van het strandingsonderzoek, met speciale aandacht voor onderzoek naar gehoorschade. Vet Pathobiology.
Other output
Bravo Rebolledo, E., Geelhoed, S., & IJsseldijk, L. L. (2018). INVESTIGATING THE OCCURRENCE OF MARINE DEBRIS IN STRANDED WHALES AND DOLPHINS IN THE NETHERLANDS. Poster session presented at European Cetacean Society, Italy.
Scholarly publications
Ten Doeschate, M. T. I.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Hiemstra, S., de Jong, E. A., Strijkstra, A.
, Gröne, A., & Begeman, L. (2017).
Quantifying parasite presence in relation to biological parameters of harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena stranded on the Dutch coast.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms,
127(1), 49-56., M., Lehnert, K.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Raverty, S. A., Wohlsein, P.
, Gröne, A., André, M., Siebert, U., & Shadwick, R. E. (2017).
Parasites in the inner ear of harbour porpoise: Cases from the North and Baltic Seas.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms,
127(1), 57-63. Dam, S.
, Solé, L., IJsseldijk, L. L., Begeman, L., & Leopold, M. (2017).
The semi-enclosed tidal bay Eastern Scheldt in the Netherlands: porpoise heaven or porpoise prison? Lutra,
60(1), 5-18. Beurden, S. J., IJsseldijk, L. L., van de Bildt, M. W. G.
, Begeman, L., Wellehan, J. F. X., Waltzek, T. B.
, de Vrieze, G., Gröne, A., Kuiken, T.
, Verheije, M. H., & Penzes, J. J. (2017).
A novel cetacean adenovirus in stranded harbour porpoises from the North Sea: detection and molecular characterization.
Archives of Virology,
162(7), 2035–2040. Professional publications
van den Heuvel-Greve, M., IJsseldijk, L. L., Kwadijk, C., & Kotterman, M. (2017). Contaminants in harbour porpoises beached along the Dutch coast: A first overview of contaminants in all age classes . Wageningen University.
Other output
IJsseldijk, L. L. (2017). Strandingsonderzoek. Web publication/site, Vet Pathobiology.
Scholarly publications
Keijl, G.
, Begeman, L., Hiemstra, S., IJsseldijk, L. L., Kamminga, P., & Seal Centre Pieterburen (2016).
Cetaceans stranded in the Netherlands in 2008-2014.
59(1-2), 75-107. de Velde, N., Devleesschauwer, B., Leopold, M.
, Begeman, L., IJsseldijk, L., Hiemstra, S., IJzer, J., Brownlow, A., Davison, N., Haelters, J., Jauniaux, T., Siebert, U., Dorny, P., & De Craeye, S. (2016).
Toxoplasma gondii in stranded marine mammals from the North Sea and Eastern Atlantic Ocean: Findings and diagnostic difficulties.
Veterinary Parasitology,
230, 25-32. Rebolledo, E.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Solé, L., Begeman, L., de Vries, S.
, van den Boom, L. M. C., Camalich Carpizo, J., & Leopold, M. (2016).
Unorthodox Sampling of a Fin Whale’s (Balaenoptera physalus) Diet Yields Several New Mesopelagic Prey Species.
Aquatic Mammals,
42(4), 417-420., B., Rebolledo, E. L. B., Deaville, R.
, Gröne, A., IJsseldijk, L. L., Leopold, M. F., Siebert, U., Spitz, J., Wohlsein, P., & Herr, H. (2016).
Large amounts of marine debris found in sperm whales stranded along the North Sea coast in early 2016.
Marine Pollution Bulletin,
112(1-2), 134–141., J., Everaarts, E., Bunskoek, P., Begeman, L., Hinrichs, J.
, & IJsseldijk, L. L. (2016).
A Suspected Scavenging Event by Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) on a Live, Stranded Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
Aquatic Mammals,
42(2), 227-232. publications
Leopold, M., Bravo Rebolledo, E. L., Tuhuteru, N., Geelhoed, S., IJsseldijk, L. L., & IJzer, J. (2016). Bevindingen Potvis massastranding Texel 2016. Wageningen University.
IJsseldijk, L. L., & Gröne, A. (2016). Investigation into hearing damage and life history of Dutch stranded harbour porpoises. Vet Pathobiology.
IJsseldijk, L. L., & Geelhoed, S. (2016). Fox scavenging mutilations on dead harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Report number C036/16 . Wageningen University.
IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M. J. L., Solé, L., & Gröne, A. (2016). Postmortaal onderzoek van bruinvissen uit Nederlandse wateren 2016. Vet Pathobiology.
Popularising publications
Geelhoed, S., Rebolledo, E. B., IJsseldijk, L. L., IJzer, J., & Leopold, M. (2016). De fuik mondde uit op Texel: Eerste onderzoek bij omvangrijke stranding van levende potvissen. Zoogdier, 27(2).
Scholarly publications
IJsseldijk, L. L. (2015). Novel alphaherpesvirus in harbour porpoises associated with severe meningitis and encephalitis. In Novel alphaherpesvirus in harbour porpoises associated with severe meningitis and encephalitis
IJsseldijk, L. L., Leopold, M. F., Bravo Rebolledo, E. L., Deaville, R., Haelters, J.
, IJzer, J., Jepson, P. D.
, & Gröne, A. (2015).
Fatal Asphyxiation in Two Long-Finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melas) Caused by Common Soles (Solea solea).
PLoS One,
10(11), Article e0141951. IJsseldijk, L. L., Camphuysen, K. C. J., Nauw, J. J., & Aarts, G. (2015).
Going with the flow: Tidal influence on the occurrence of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Marsdiep area, The Netherlands.
Journal of Sea Research,
103, 129-137. van Beurden, S. J., IJsseldijk, L. L., Ordonez Alvarez, S., Förster, C.
, de Vrieze, G., Gröne, A., Verheije, M. H., & Kik, M. (2015).
Identification of a novel gammaherpesvirus associated with (muco)cutaneous lesions in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).
Archives of Virology,
160(2), 3115-3120. van Beurden, S. J., IJsseldijk, L. L., Cremers, H. J. W. M.
, Gröne, A., Verheije, M. H., & Begeman, L. (2015).
Anisakis spp. induced granulomatous dermatitis in a harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena and a bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms,
112(3), 257-63. Leopold, M. F.
, Begeman, L., van Bleijswijk, J. D. L.
, IJsseldijk, L. L., Witte, H. J.
, & Gröne, A. (2015).
Exposing the grey seal as a major predator of harbour porpoises.
Proceedings. B (Royal Society),
282(1798), Article 20142429. publications
IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M. J. L., & Gröne, A. (2015). Postmortaal onderzoek van bruinvissen uit Nederlandse wateren 2015. Vet Pathobiology.
Other output
IJsseldijk, L. L. (2015). De kennis van Nu - de bruinviszaak: CSI porpoise. Abstract from European Cetacean Society.
Scholarly publications
van Blijswijk, J.
, Begeman, L., Witte, H.
, IJsseldijk, L., Brasseur, S.
, Gröne, A., & Leopold, M. F. (2014).
Detection of grey seal Halichoerus grypus DNA in attack wounds on stranded harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena.
Marine Ecology Progress Series,
513, 277-281., L., Steenbergen, J.
, Gröne, A., Hiemstra, S., Kik, M., & Begeman, L. (2014).
Apparent emergence of bow-caught fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) found in the Netherlands.
Aquatic Mammals,
40(4), 317-320. IJsseldijk, L., Gröne, A., Hiemstra, S., Hoekendijk, J.
, & Begeman, L. (2014).
A record of twin fetuses in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) stranded on the Dutch coast.
Aquatic Mammals,
40(4), 394-397.