Scholarly publications
Frederick, K. (2022). The Production of Precarity: Industrialization and Racial Inequality in Colonial Zimbabwe. Revista de Historia Industrial, 31(85).
Frederick, K., & van Nederveen Meerkerk, E. (2022). From Temporary Urbanites to Permanent City Dwellers? Rural-Urban Labor Migration in Colonial Southern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. In M. De Haas, & E. Frankema (Eds.), Migration in Africa: Shifting Patterns of Mobility from the 19th to the 21st Century Routledge.
Frederick, K., & van Nederveen Meerkerk, E. (2022). Local Advantage in a Global Context. Competition, Adaptation and Resilience in Textile Manufacturing in the ‘Periphery’, 1860-1960. Journal of Global History.
Scholarly publications