Kleoniki Pouikli is an assistant professor within the Department of International and European Law at the Utrecht University School of Law. She works in the field of EU environmental law, sustainability law, and climate change.
Kleoniki holds a Master II in Public Law from the University Assas Panthéon-Paris II (2010-2011) and a PhD in Environmental Law from the Aristotle University of the Thessaloniki, Greece (2012-2016) (IKY Fellowships of excellence for postgraduate Studies in Greece - Siemens Program). Her PhD dissertation focuses on Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) and Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) at the EU Environmental Law landscape. During her PhD research she was DAAD Fellow (2015- 2016) and Erasmus+ Programme Guest Researcher (2014-2015) at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Before joining Utrecht University, Kleoniki worked as a Course Director in Environmental Law at ERA-Academy of European Law in Trier (2017-2022). In parallel, she has been a Post-Doctoral Researcher and Adjunct Lecturer in EU Environmental Law at the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens (2018-2022).
After having obtained her PhD, Kleoniki worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on an EU-funded research programme under the title “Sustainability” – “Resilience” – “Adaptability”: The role of law in the emergence of new forms of cities in the globalized urban world. During the academic year 2016-2017 she worked as a Research Assistant in Project CELARIT (Climate Engineering Liability: An Integrated Treatment) at the University of Trier, Germany.
Kleoniki is also an EU Qualified lawyer, admitted to the Thessaloniki Bar Association in 2012.