Interviews, profiles, etc.

2023: Susan Nortier, “Geloof niet zomaar wat je ziet.” FD, 8 April 2023:

2022: Inge Mathijssen, “Samenleven en ‘more-than-human communities.” Illuster no. 90 (March 2022): 27.

2021: Mia You “Learning to Love My Inner Invasive Species.” Sprekende Letteren no. 61, De Gids 14 October.

2020: Myrthe Prins, “De aard van het beestje. Dr. Kári Driscoll onderzoekt de dierentuin in het antropoceen.” National Geographic NL, May 2020: 144–145.

2018:   Laura Mol, “Grizzly Man: A Documentary That Is Not Interested in Telling the Truth.” Studium Generale, 6 Nov. 2018.