Dr. Josephine Chambers

Assistant Professor
Urban Futures

Streekstra K, Wessels K, Pelzer P, Hoffman J, Chambers J. 2023. Didactic mixing in lifelong learning: experiences from a mixed classroom and a coalition of hope. European Journal of Lifelong Learning.

Williams S, Chambers J, Vervoort J. 2023. The role of sound and music in reimagining sustainable futures. Conference paper for the 14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference.

Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Klenk N, Ryan M, Serban A, Bennett N, Brennan R, Charli-Joseph L, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Haller T, Hill R, Munera C, Nel JL, Österblom H, Reid RS, Riechers M, Spierenburg M, Tengö M, Bennett EM, Cockburn JJ, Cvitanovic C, Dumrongrojwatthana P, Durán AP, Gerber JD, Green J, Gruby R, Guerrero A, Horcea-Milcu A, Montana J, Steyaert P, Zaehringer JG, Bednarek A, Brandeis A, Chatterton P, Curran K, Fada SJ, Hutton J, Leimona B, Pickering T, Rondeau R. 2022. Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations. Global Environmental Change, 72.

Chambers JM, Massarella K, Fletcher R. 2022. The right to fail? Problematizing failure discourse in international conservation. World Development, 150.

Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Ryan ME, Reid RS, Riechers M, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Cvitanovic C, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Klenk NL, Tengö M, Brennan R, Cockburn JJ, Hill R, Munera C, Nel JL, Österblom H, Bednarek AT, Bennett EM, Brandeis A, Charli-Joseph L, Chatterton P, Curran K, Dumrongrojwatthana P, Durán AP, Fada SJ, Gerber JD, Green JMH, Guerrero AM, Haller T, Horcea-Milcu A-I, Leimona B, Montana J, Rondeau R, Spierenburg M, Steyaert P, Zaehringer JG, Gruby R, Hutton J, Pickering T. 2021. Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 4: 983-996.

Wyborn C, Montana J, Kalas N, Clement S, Davila F, Knowles N, Louder E, Balan M, Chambers J, Christel L, Forsyth T, Henderson G, Izquierdo-Tort S, Lim M, Martinez-Harms M, Merçon J, Nuesiri E, Pereira L, Pilbeam V, Turnhout E, Wood S, Ryan M. 2021. An agenda for research and action towards diverse and just futures for life on Earth. Conservation Biology, 35(4): 1086-1097.

Chambers J, Nel J, Hille Ris Lambers, R. 2020. 71 Visions on our role in social-environmental transformative change. Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen.

Knowles N, Chambers J, Christel L, Turnhout E. 2020. Nature and Economy. In: Research and action agenda for sustaining diverse and just futures for life on Earth, authored by Wyborn C, Montana J, Kalas N, Davila Cisneros F, Clement S, Izquierdo Tort S, Knowles N, Louder E, Balan M, Chambers J, Christel L, Deplazes-Zemp A, Forsyth T, Henderson G, Lim M, Martinez Harms MJ, Merçon J, Nuesiri E, Pereira L, Pilbeam V, Turnhout E, and Wood S. Biodiversity Revisited.

Chambers JM, Del Aguila M, Ramírez R, Sandbrook CG. 2019. Why joint conservation and development projects often fail: An in-depth examination in the Peruvian Amazon. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 3(2): 365-398.