Prof. dr. ir. J. (Juliette) Legler

One Health Toxicology
+31 6 48 456 262

Prof. Legler is passionate educator, and has developed undergraduate and graduate level teaching in toxicology, development biology, environmental toxicology and environmental chemistry at the BSc and MSc level. In 2012, she was awarded the VU’s Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences 'Teacher of the Year'. In recent years she has become increasingly intrigued by the environmental origins of disease, and how the health of the environment and the health of humans and animals are interconnected (One Health; Planetary Health), concepts she intends to further develop in her research and toxicology teaching at UU. She is currently Programme Leader of the Toxicology and Environmental Health programme of Utrecht's Graduate School of Life Sciences.  She teaches toxicology within the BSc Biology and Biomedical Sciences programmes, and chemical risk assessment within the MSc Toxicology and Environmental Health programme. She co-developed and teaches in the BSc course in Environmental Chemistry and Health within the BSc Global Sustainability Science.