Jessica Dorsey LLM

Assistant Professor
International and European Law

Jessica Dorsey, J.D., LL.M., is an international lawyer with expertise in international humanitarian law, human rights law and public international law. Her current doctoral research project focuses on the legitimacy of military operations in light of increasing autonomy in warfare. She teaches  international law courses at University College Utrecht and the Conflict and Security track of the Public International Law master's program. Jessica is also part of the core team setting up an interdisciplinary Open-Source Global Justice Investigations Lab.

Additionally, Jessica is a renowned legal scholar and practitioner on issues related to the use of force especially in the context of drone warfare, having worked in the field for more than a decade carrying out research and advocacy at the national (US and Netherlands), regional (EU) and international (UN) levels.

She leads the Realities of Algorithmic Warfare project together with Dr. Lauren Gould; is an Executive Board Member of Airwars and Chair of the Dutch Airwars Foundation; an Associate Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague and the Managing Editor of the distinguished international law blog Opinio Juris

Realities of Algorithmic Warfare Project