Scholarly publications
Duindam, H. M., Verhoef, R. E. J., van den Akker, A. L., & Asscher, J. J. (2024).
Far-right violent radicalization profiles of youth in the
Netherlands. Psychology of Violence. Advance online publication. van den Akker, A. L., van Rooij, F., Overbeek, G.
, & Asscher, J. (2024).
Maternal personality change from pregnancy until 12 months postpartum: Associations with parenting. Journal of Family Psychology,
38(1), 129-135., S., Miers, A. C., Saab, N., Dusseldorp, E.
, van Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E.
, Asscher, J. J., & Westenberg, P. M. (2024).
Teaching Adolescents about Stress Using a Universal School-Based Psychoeducation Program: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.
School Mental Health,
16(2), 467-482. Cappellen, S. M., Creemers, H. E., Hoogsteder, L., van Horn, J.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2024).
The effectiveness of Forensic Outpatient Systemic Therapy in the treatment of juvenile antisocial behavior: A study protocol of a Multiple Case Experimental Design.
PLoS One,
19(4 April), 1-15. Article e0298057. Vogelaar, S., Miers, A. C., Saab, N.
, van Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E.
, Asscher, J. J., & Westenberg, P. M. (2024).
Self-Reported Stressors in Early Adolescence: The Role of Educational Track and Ethnic Background.
Journal of Early Adolescence,
44(4), 405-428. Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E., Vogelaar, S., Saab, N., Miers, A. C., Westenberg, P. M.
, & Asscher, J. (2024).
Implementation and experimental evaluation of school-based intervention programs promoting adolescent mental health: Lessons learned.
School Psychology International,
45(1), 70-84. van der Stouwe, T.
, Leijten, P., Asscher, J., Dekovic, M., & van der Put, C. E. (2024).
Adding Structured Components to Home Visitation to Reduce Mothers’ Risk for Child Maltreatment: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Family Violence,
39(3), 483–496.
Scholarly publications
Broekhoven, J. L., van Domburgh, L., van Santvoort, F.
, Asscher, J. J., Simons, I., Blankestein, A. M. M. M., Albrecht, G., van der Rijken, R. E. A., & Popma, A. (2023).
Living Situation of Juveniles After Secure Residential Treatment: Exploring the Role of Family Centeredness, Child, and Family Factors.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Advance online publication., I., Reitz, E., Asscher, J., & Dekovic, M. (2023). Young cyberspace cowboys versus traditional juvenile street hustlers: New kid in town or just an expansion of criminal territory to cyberspace?. Poster session presented at 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Florence, Italy.
Wissink, I., Asscher, J., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2023).
Online Delinquent Behaviors of Adolescents: Parents as Potential “Influencers”? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Advance online publication. Westerveld, J.
, Asscher, J., Dekovic, M., Terweij, S., & Weijters, G. (2023).
The Role of Psychopathic Traits and Supportive Parental Practices in Long-Term Juvenile Recidivism: a 10-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology,
9(4), 670-694.üter, I.
, Duindam, H., Asscher, J., & Creemers, H. (2023).
Aggression Running Through Your Veins? The Relationship Between Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, and Aggression in Detained Juveniles: A Pilot Study.
Journal of Psychophysiology,
37(4), 223-237. Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E., Vogelaar, S., Miers, A. C., Saab, N., Westenberg, P. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2023).
The Effectiveness of School-Based Skills-Training Programs Reducing Performance or Social Anxiety: Two Randomized Controlled Trials.
Child & Youth Care Forum,
52(6), 1323-1347. Broekhoven, J. L., Blankestein, A., Van Sandfoort, F.
, Asscher, J., van Domburgh, L., Simons, I., Albrecht, G., van der Rijken, R., Rijnhart, J., & Popma, A. (2023).
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes.
Journal of Child and Family Studies,
32(12), 3697-3713. Cappellen, S. M., Creemers, H. E., Hoogsteder, L., Van Horn, J.
, Dekovic, M., & Asscher, J. J. (2023).
The effectiveness of blended versus regular Forensic Outpatient Systemic Therapy in the treatment of juvenile antisocial behavior: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial.
BMC Psychiatry,
23(1), Article 315. Wissink, I., Standaert, J., Stams, G.-J.
, Asscher, J., & Assink, M. (2023).
Risk factors for juvenile cybercrime: A meta-analytic review.
Aggression and Violent Behavior,
70(2023), 1-15. Article 101836. van der Stouwe, T.
, Leijten, P., Zijlstra, B.
, Asscher, J., Dekovic, M., & van der Put, C. (2023).
The Added Value of Targeting Specific Risk Factors for Child Maltreatment in an Evidence-Based Home Visitation Program: A Repeated Single-Case Time Series Study.
International Journal on Child Maltreatment,
6(1), 35-58., H., Logchem, E. K., Assink, M.
, & Asscher, J. (2023).
Ramping Up Detention of Young Serious Offenders: A Safer Future? Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,
24(4), 2863-2881.
Scholarly publications
Huls, E., Asscher, J., van den Brink, Y., Creemers, H., Liefaard, T., & Rap, S. (2022). Strafmaat en strafdoelen in ernstige jeugd- en adolescentenstrafzaken: Opvattingen van magistraten over de sanctionering van 16- tot 23-jarige daders van ernstige gewelds- en zedenmisdrijven.
van Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E., Vogelaar, S., Saab, N., Miers, A. C., Westenberg, P. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2022).
Trajectories of adolescent perceived stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scientific Reports,
12(1), Article 15957. van den Akker, A. L., Majdandzic, M., de Vente, W.
, Asscher, J., & Bogels, S. M. (2022).
Just as they expected: How parents' expectations about their unborn child's characteristics provide a context for early transactions between parenting and child temperament.
Frontiers in Psychology,
13, 1-15. Article 942392., J., & Creemers, H. E. (2022).
Effective Sentences for Children Who Commit Serious Offences: What Does the Evidence Tell Us? In N. Lynch, Y. V. D. Brink, & L. Forde (Eds.),
Responses to Serious Offending by Children: Principles, Practice and Global Perspectives (1 ed., pp. 66-76). Routledge. Karkdijk, E. M.
, Duindam, H., Dekovic, M., Creemers, H. E.
, & Asscher, J. (2022).
A Friend in Prison: Human-Animal Bond, Stress and Self-Esteem of Detained Juveniles in Dutch Cell Dogs.
12(5), 1-16. Article 646., H., Creemers, H. E., Hoeve, M.
, & Asscher, J. (2022).
Breaking the chains? The effects of training a shelter dog in prison on criminal behavior and recidivism.
Applied Developmental Science,
26(4), 813-826. van Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E.
, Okorn, A., Vogelaar, S., Miers, A., Saab, N., Westenberg, M.
, & Asscher, J. (2022).
The effects of school-based interventions on physiological stress in adolescents: A meta-analysis.
Stress and Health,
38(2), 187-209. 2021
Scholarly publications
Duindam, H., Williams, D., Thayer, J.
, Asscher, J., Creemers, H., & Hoeve, M. (2021).
Heart-wired to be cold? Exploring cardiac markers of callous-unemotional traits in incarcerated offenders.
International Journal of Psychophysiology,
170, 168-177. Creemers, H., Dijkstra, S.
, Dekovic, M., Stams, G.-J.
, & Asscher, J. (2021).
A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effectiveness of Family Group Conferencing in Child Welfare: Methods, Results and Methodological Considerations. In A. D. Roo, & R. Jagtenberg (Eds.),
Family Group Conference Research: Reflections and Ways Forward (1 ed., pp. 97-111). Boom Juridisch. Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E., Vogelaar, S., Westenberg, M., Miers, A., Saab, N.
, & Asscher, J. (2021).
Prepandemic risk factors of COVID-19-related concerns in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Research on Adolescence,
31(3), 531-545. Duindam, H., Creemers, H. E., Hoeve, M.
, & Asscher, J. (2021).
Who Lets the Dog In? Differential Effects of a Dog-Training Program for Incarcerated Adults.
34(6), 839-861. Van Der Stouwe, T., Gubbels, J., Castenmiller, Y. L., Van Der Zouwen, M.
, Asscher, J. J., Hoeve, M., Van Der Laan, P. H., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2021).
The effectiveness of social skills training (SST) for juvenile delinquents: a meta-analytical review.
Journal of Experimental Criminology,
17(3), 369–396., H. M., Creemers, H. E., Hoeve, M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2021).
A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Dutch Cell Dogs in Incarcerated Youth.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
65(5), 644-666. Professional publications
Asscher, J., van den Brink, Y., Creemers, H. E., Huls, E., Logchem, E. K., Lynch, N., & Rap, S. (2021). De strafmaat voor jeugdige daders van ernstige gewelds- en zedenmisdrijven in internationaal perspectief. (E.M. Meijers Instituut voor Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek; Vol. 364). Boom Juridisch.
Scholarly publications
van Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E.
, Beumer, W. Y., Okorn, A., Vogelaar, S., Saab, N., Miers, A. C., Westenberg, P. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2020).
Can Schools Reduce Adolescent Psychological Stress? A Multilevel Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of School-Based Intervention Programs.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
49, 1127–1145. Offermans, J. E.
, Duindam, H. M., Asscher, J. J., Stams, G. J. J., & Creemers, H. E. (2020).
Brief report: The effectiveness of Dutch Cell Dogs: A multiple case experimental study.
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
25(4), 1015-1021., H. M., Asscher, J. J., Hoeve, M., Stams, G. J. J. M., & Creemers, H. E. (2020).
Are We Barking Up the Right Tree? A Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Prison-Based Dog Programs.
Criminal Justice and Behavior,
47(6), 749-767. Emmelkamp, J.
, Asscher, J. J., Wissink, I. B., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2020).
Risk factors for (violent) radicalization in juveniles: A multilevel meta-analysis.
Aggression and Violent Behavior,
55, Article 101489. Wit, M., Leijten, P., Van Der Put, C.
, Asscher, J., Bouwmeester-landweer, M.
, & Deković, M. (2020).
Study protocol: randomized controlled trial of manualized components in home visitation to reduce mothers’ risk for child maltreatment.
BMC Public Health,
20(1), Article 136., Y.
, Asscher, J. J., Stams, G. J. J. M., & Assink, M. (2020).
The association between psychopathy and delinquency in juveniles: A three-level meta-analysis.
Aggression and Violent Behavior,
50, Article 101342.
Scholarly publications
Dijkstra, S., Creemers, H.
, Asscher, J., Deković, M., & Stams, G. J. (2019).
De effectiviteit van Eigen Kracht-conferenties in de jeugdzorg.
13(4), 211-218., L., Van Der Helm, P., Moonen, X., Assink, M., Stams, G. J.
, Wissink, I., & Asscher, J. (2019).
Participatory Peer Research in the Treatment of Young Adults With Mild Intellectual Disabilities and Severe Behavioral Problems.
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development,
2019(167), 117-131. Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E., Vogelaar, S., Saab, N., Miers, A. C., Westenberg, P. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2019).
The effectiveness of school-based skills-training programs promoting mental health in adolescents: A study protocol for a randomized controlled study.
BMC Public Health,
19(1), Article 712. Dijkstra, S.
, Asscher, J. J., Deković, M., Stams, G. J. J. M., & Creemers, H. E. (2019).
A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effectiveness of Family Group Conferencing in Child Welfare: Effectiveness, Moderators, and Level of FGC Completion.
Child Maltreatment,
24(2), 137-151. Der Stouwe, T.
, Asscher, J. J., Hoeve, M., Van Der Laan, P. H., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2019).
Follow-up of a social skills training (SST) for juvenile delinquents: effects on reoffending.
Journal of Experimental Criminology,
15(2), 243–252. publications
Dirkse, M., Bruggeman, M., Eichelsheim, V. I., van der Laan, P. H., & Asscher, J. J. (2019). Sectorstudie geweld in gesloten (justitiële) jeugdinrichtingen. Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement NSCR.
Scholarly publications
van der Stouwe, T., Verweij, S., Asscher, J. J., Weijters, G., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2018). Recidive na Tools4U: Vergelijkend recidiveonderzoek naar het effect van Tools4U. (Cahier; No. 2018-4). Minsterie van Justitie, WODC.
Simons, I., Broekhoven, L., Blankestein, A., van der Rijken, R.
, Dekovic, M., Albrecht, G.
, Asscher, J. J., Van Santvoort, F., & van Domburgh, L. (2018).
Gezinsgericht werken in de JeugdzorgPlus: Wat werkt voor wie? ZonMw. Der Zouwen, M., Hoeve, M., Hendriks, A. M.
, Asscher, J. J., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2018).
The association between attachment and psychopathic traits.
Aggression and Violent Behavior,
43, 45-55., S. E., Dijkstra, S., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, Asscher, J. J., & Creemers, H. E. (2018).
Signs of effectiveness of signs of safety? A pilot study.
Children and Youth Services Review,
91, 177-184. der Stouwe, T.
, Asscher, J. J., Stams, G. J. J. M., Hoeve, M. . H., & van der Laan, P. H. (2018).
Social Skills Training (SST) Effects on Social Information Processing Skills in Juvenile Delinquents: Affective Empathy as Predictor or Moderator.
Children and Youth Services Review,
90, 1-7., G.
, Duindam, H. M., Creemers, H. E., Hoeve, M., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2018).
The effectiveness of Dutch Cell Dogs in correctional facilities in the Netherlands: a study protocol of a quasi-experimental trial.
BMC Psychiatry,
18(1), Article 218., S., Creemers, H. E., Van Steensel, F. J. A.
, Deković, M., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2018).
Cost-effectiveness of Family Group Conferencing in child welfare: a controlled study.
BMC Public Health,
18(1), Article 848. Vries, S. L. A., Hoeve, M.
, Asscher, J. J., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2018).
The Long-Term Effects of the Youth Crime Prevention Program “New Perspectives” on Delinquency and Recidivism.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
62, 3639-3661. Asscher, J. J., & Dekovic, M. (2018).
Delinquency. In M. H. Bornstein, M. E. Arterberry, K. L. Fingerman, & J. E. Lansford (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development (Vol. 2, pp. 547-548). SAGE. van der Stouwe, T.
, Asscher, J. J., Hoeve, M., Stams, G. J. J. M., & van der Laan, P. H. (2018).
The Influence of Treatment Motivation on Outcomes of Social Skills Training for Juvenile Delinquents.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
62(1), 108-128., J. J., Dekovic, M., van den Akker, A. L., Prins, P. J. M., & van der Laan, P. H. (2018).
Do Extremely Violent Juveniles Respond Differently to Treatment? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
62(4), 958-977. 2017
Scholarly publications
De Vries, S. L. A., Hoeve, M., Wibbelink, C. J. M.
, Asscher, J. J., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2017).
A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of the youth crime prevention program ‘New Perspectives’ (NP): Post-treatment changes and moderator effects.
Children and Youth Services Review,
82, 413-426. Luijks, M. A., Bevaart, F., Zijlmans, J., Van Duin, L., Marhe, R., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Tiemeier, H.
, Asscher, J. J., & Popma, A. (2017).
A multimodal day treatment program for multi-problem young adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
18(1), 225-240., S., Creemers, H. E.
, Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2017).
Family group conferencing in Dutch child welfare: Which families are most likely to organize a family group conference? Children and Youth Services Review,
83, 255-263., E. C. A., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., & Manders, W. A. (2017).
Heterogeneity in response during Multisystemic Therapy: Exploring subgroups and predictors.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,
45(7), 1285-1295. 2016
Scholarly publications
Wissink, I. B., Stams, G. J. J. M., Colonnesi, C.
, Asscher, J. J., Hoeve, M., Noom, M. J., Polderman, N., & Kellaert-Knol, M. G. (2016).
Validity and reliability of the attachment insecurity screening inventory (AISI) 2-5 years.
Child Indicators Research,
9(2), 533-550. van der Stouwe, T.
, Asscher, J. J., Stams, G. J. J. M., Hoeve, M., & van der Laan, P. H. (2016).
Social Skills Training for Juvenile Delinquents: Post-Treatment Changes.
Journal of Experimental Criminology,
12(4), 515-536., C.
, Asscher, J. J., Stams, G. J. J. M., & van der Laan, P. H. (2016).
The effectiveness of aftercare for juvenile and young adult offenders.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
10(1), 1159-1184., S., Creemers, H. E.
, Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2016).
The effectiveness of family group conferencing in youth care: A meta-analysis.
Child Abuse and Neglect,
62, 100-110.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J. J., van der Put, C. E., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2015). Gender differences in the association between child maltreatment and adolescent offending. Journal of Family Violence.
Van Aar, J. V.
, Asscher, J. J., Zijlstra, B. J. H.
, Dekovic, M., & Hoffenaar, P. J. (2015).
Changes in parenting and child behavior after the home-start family support program: A 10year follow-up.
Children and Youth Services Review,
53, 166-175.
Scholarly publications
van der Put, C. E.
, Asscher, J. J., Wissink, I. B., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2014).
The relationship between maltreatment victimisation and sexual and violent offending: differences between adolescent offenders with and without intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,
58(11), 979-991. Langen, M. A. M., Stams, G. J. J. M., Van Vugt, E. S.
, Wissink, I. B., & Asscher, J. J. (2014).
Explaining female offending and prosocial behavior: the role of empathy and cognitive distortions.
3(4), 706-720., M., Asscher, J., Manders, W., Prins, P. J. M., & van der Laan, P. H. (2014). Veranderen tijdens de behandeling: mediërende factoren van de effecten van Multisysteem Therapie. Gezinstherapie wereldwijd, 25, 211-241.
Van den Akker, A. L., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J., & Prinzie, P. (2014).
Mean-level personality development across childhood and adolescence: A temporary defiance of the maturity principle and bidirectional associations with parenting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
107(4), 736-750. Wissink, I. B., Dekovic, M., Stams, G.-J.
, Asscher, J. J., Rutten, E., & Zijlstra, B. J. H. (2014).
Moral Orientation and Relationships in School and Adolescent Pro-and Antisocial Behaviors: A Multilevel Study.
Journal of School Nursing,
30(3), 216-225. van der Stouwe, T.
, Asscher, J. J., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, Dekovic, M., & van der Laan, P. H. (2014).
The effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy (MST): A meta-analysis.
Clinical Psychology Review,
34(6), 468-481., J. J., Dijkstra, S., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, Dekovic, M., & Creemers, H. E. (2014).
Family group conferencing in youth care: characteristics of the decision making model, implementation and effectiveness of the Family Group (FG) plans.
BMC Public Health,
14:154, Article 154. Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., Wissink, I. B., van Vugt, E. S., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, & Manders, W. A. (2014).
Ethnic differences in the relationship between psychopathy and (re) offending in a sample of juvenile delinquents.
Psychology, Crime & Law,
20(2), 152-165. Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., Manders, W., van der Laan, P. H., Prins, P. J. M., van Arum, S., & Dutch MST Cost-Effectiveness Study (2014).
Sustainability of the effects of multisystemic therapy for juvenile delinquents in The Netherlands: effects on delinquency and recidivism.
Journal of Experimental Criminology,
10(2), 227-243. Asscher, J. J., Wissink, I. B., Dekovic, M., Prinzie, P., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2014).
Delinquent Behavior, Poor Relationship Quality With Parents, and Involvement With Deviant Peers in Delinquent and Nondelinquent Adolescents: Different Processes, Informant Bias, or Both? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
58(9), 1001-1019. 2013
Scholarly publications
Colonnesi, C.
, Wissink, I. B., Noom, M. J.
, Asscher, J. J., Hoeve, M., Stams, G. J. J. M., Polderman, N., & Kellaert-Knol, M. G. (2013).
Basic trust: an attachment-oriented intervention based on mind-mindedness in adoptive families.
Research on Social Work Practice,
23(2), 179-188., I., & Asscher, J. (2013). Jeugdrecht en jeugdbescherming. b: Sociaal-wetenschappelijk aspect. Delikt en Delinkwent, 43(2), 135-139.
van den Akker, A. L., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., Shiner, R. L.
, & Prinzie, P. (2013).
Personality types in childhood: Relations to latent trajectory classes of problem behavior and overreactive parenting across the transition into adolescence.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
104, 750-764. Manders, W. A., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., van der Laan, P. H., & Prins, P. J. M. (2013).
Psychopathy as predictor and moderator of Multisystemic Therapy outcomes among adolescents treated for antisocial behavior.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,
41, 1121-1132. James, C.
, Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., van der Laan, P., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2013).
Endeavors in an experimental study on the effectiveness of an aftercare program in The Netherlands: Research note.
Criminal Justice Policy Review,
24, 123-138., J. J., Dekovic, M., Manders, W. A., van der Laan, P., & Prins, P. J. M. (2013).
A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy in the Netherlands: Post-treatment changes and moderator effects.
Journal of Experimental Criminology,
9, 169-187. van Vugt, E. S.
, Dekovic, M., Prinzie, P., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, & Asscher, J. J. (2013).
Evaluation of a group-based social skills training for children with problem behavior.
Children and Youth Services Review,
35, 162-167. den Akker, A. L., Prinzie, P., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., de Haan, A. D., & Widiger, T. (2013).
The development of personality extremity from childhood to adolescence: Relations to internalizing and externalizing problems.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
105, 1038-1048. Hermanns, J. M. A.
, Asscher, J. J., Zijlstra, B. J. H., Hoffenaar, P. J.
, & Dekovic, M. (2013).
Long-term changes in parenting and child behaviour after the Home-Start family support program.
Children and Youth Services Review,
35, 678-684.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J., & Wissink, I. (2012). Jeugdrecht en jeugdbescherming. b: Sociaal-wetenschappelijk aspect: behandeling van jeugdigen in Justitiële Jeugdinrichtingen en Jeugdzorg Plus instellingen. Delikt en Delinkwent, 42(2), 153-167.
Wissink, I., & Asscher, J. (2012). Jeugdrecht en jeugdbescherming. b: Sociaal-wetenschappelijk aspect: verstandelijk beperkte jeugddelinquenten. Delikt en Delinkwent, 42(8), 746-751.
Dekovic, M., Stoltz, S., Schuiringa, H., Manders, W., & Asscher, J. J. (2012).
Testing theories through evaluation research: Conceptual and methodological issues embedded in evaluations of parenting programmes.
European Journal of Developmental Psychology,
9(1), 61-74. Al, E., van Yperen, T. A., Stams, G. J. J. M., van der Laan, P. H., Asscher, J. J., & Oort, F. J. (2012). The Contribution of Client Factors, Therapeutic Alliance, Expectation and Specific Method to Crisis Change and Safety Change in Family Crisis Intervention. In Family crisis intervention. Doctoral dissertation (pp. 79-96). University of Amsterdam.
Boendemaker, L., Dekovic, M., & Asscher, J. J. (2012). Interventions. In R. Loeber, M. Hoeve, N. W. Slot, & P. van der Laan (Eds.), Persisters and desisters in crime from adolescence into adulthood. Explanation, prevention and punishment (pp. 263-289). Ashgate.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., Slagt, M. I., & Boendermaker, L. (2012). Prevention programmes in early and middle childhood and their effect on adult crime. In R. Loeber, M. Hoeve, N. W. Slot, & P. van der Laan (Eds.), Persisters and desisters in crime from adolescence into adulthood. Explanation, prevention and punishment (pp. 239-262). Ashgate.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., & Manders, W. A. (2012). Changing parenting: Lessons (to be) learned from evaluations of parenting programs. ISSBD Bulletin, 62, 19-22.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., Manders, W. A., Prins, P. J. M., & van der Laan, P. (2012).
Within-intervention change: Mediators of intervention effects during Multisystemic Therapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
80, 574-587. Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Eichelsheim, V. I. (2012). De behandeling van delinquente meisjes. In A. M. Slotboom, M. Hoeve, M. Ezinga, & P. van der Helm (Eds.), Criminele meisjes en vrouwen. Achtergronden en aanpak (pp. 279-292). Boom | Lemma.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., van der Laan, P. H., & Stams, G. J. J. M. (2011). Effectieve gedragsinterventies: Wat werkt? In N. Duits, & J. A. C. Bartels (Eds.), Jeugdpsychiatrie en recht. Wetgeving, zorgveld en praktijk (pp. 379-382). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Dekovic, M., Slagt, M. I., Asscher, J. J., Boendermaker, L., Eichelsheim, V. I., & Prinzie, P. (2011).
Effects of early prevention programs on adult criminal offending: A meta-analysis.
Clinical Psychology Review,
31, 532-544. Manders, W. A., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., van der Laan, P. H., & Prins, P. J. M. (2011). De implementatie van Multisysteem Therapie in Nederland: De invloed van behandelintegriteit en nonspecifieke factoren op behandeluitkomsten. Gedragstherapie, 44, 327-340.
Asscher, J. J., van Vugt, E. S., Stams, G. J. J. M.
, Dekovic, M., Eichelsheim, V. I., & Yousfi, S. (2011).
The relationship between juvenile psychopathic traits, delinquency and (violent) recidivism: A meta-analysis.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
52, 1134-1143. Professional publications
Wissink, I., Stams, G. J. J. M., & Asscher, J. (2011). Agressief en delinquent gedrag. In P. de Jong, & H. Koomen (Eds.), Interventie bij onderwijsleerproblemen (pp. 131-144). Garant.
Scholarly publications
van den Akker, A. L., Dekovic, M., Prinzie, P., & Asscher, J. J. (2010). Toddlers' temperament profiles: Stability and relations to negative and positive parenting. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 485-495.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., Reitz, E., Prinzie, P., & van den Akker, A. L. (2010). Tracing changes in families who participated in Home-Start parenting program: Parental competence as mechanism of change. Prevention Science, 11, 263-274.
Other output
van den Akker, A. L., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., Shiner, R., & Prinzie, P. (2010). Adjustment problems in youths with different personality types: relations between internalizing and externalizing symptoms and overreactive parenting across the transition to adolescence. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the fifth congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR), Milan, Italy.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., Prinzie, P., & Hermanns, J. M. A. (2009). De betekenis van veranderingen in gezinnen die hebben deelgenomen aan het Home-Start programma en voorspeller van deze veranderingen. Pedagogiek, 29, 247-267.
Dekovic, M., Manders, W. A., & Asscher, J. J. (2009). Kroniek: Jeugddelinquentie, het gezin en gezinsgerichte interventies. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 51, 421-428.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., & Manders, W. A. (2009). Gezinsbenaderingen bij jongeren met antisociaal gedrag. In D. Graas, T. Liefaard, C. Schuengel, W. Slot, & H. Stegge (Eds.), De Wet op de Jeugdzorg in de dagelijkse praktijk (pp. 219-236). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Other output
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., & Boendermaker, L. (2009). Transition from juvenile delinquency to adult crime: Prevention and intervention. Paper presented at Paper presented at NSCR International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Hermanns, J. M. A. (2008). Behoefte aan opvoedingsondersteuning van ouders van jonge kinderen. Pedagogiek, 28, 114-127.
Dekovic, M., Reitz, E., Asscher, J. J., & Prinzie, P. (2008). Linking quality of parent-adolescent relationship, adolescent self-esteem and quality of peer relations: A Three-wave longitudinal study. In R. N. Ramirez (Ed.), Familiy Relations: Issues and Challenges (pp. 169-183). Nova Science.
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., Prinzie, P., & Hermanns, J. M. A. (2008). Assessing change in families following the Home-Start parenting support program: Clinical significance and predictors of change. Family Relations, 57, 351-364.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., Manders, W. A., van der Laan, P. H., & Prins, P. (2008). Multisysteem Therapie bij antisociale adolescenten en hun gezinnen: Nederlands evaluatieonderzoek. In J. R. M. Gerris, & R. C. M. E. Engels (Eds.), Vernieuwingen in Jeugd en Gezin. Beleidsvisies, gezinsrelaties en interventies (pp. 103-124). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & Dekovic, M. (2008). Effectiveness of the Home-Start parenting support program: Behavioral outcomes for parents and children. Infant Mental Health Journal, 29, 95-113.
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., van der Laan, P. H., Prins, P., & van Arum, S. (2008). De implementatie van een randomized controlled trial: De evaluatie van MST. In I. Weijers (Ed.), Justitiële interventies voor jeugdige daders (pp. 125-133). Boom Juridisch.
Other output
Manders, W. A., Asscher, J. J., & Dekovic, M. (2008). Implementing randomized experiments: An evaluation of Multisystemic therapy in The Netherlands. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the X conference of European Scientific Association for Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF), Padova, Italy.
Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., & Manders, W. A. (2008). Examining effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy (MST): Dutch experience. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 10th anniversary congress of European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (EFCAP), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Asscher, J. J., Wissink, I. B., Dekovic, M., & Prinzie, P. (2008). Relationship quality, involvement with deviant peers and their relation with delinquent behaviour in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents: different processes, informant bias or both?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the XIth conference of European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Torino, Italy.
Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., Asscher, J. J., & Palmen, H. (2008). Bidirectional relations between peer pressure and externalizing problem behavior: The moderating role of quality of relationship with peers. Paper presented at Paper presented at the XIth conference of European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Torino, Italy.
Rutgers, A. H., Hoffenaar, P. J., Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Hermanns, J. M. A. (2008). Long-term effectiveness of the parenting support program Home-Start. Paper presented at Paper presented at the X conference of European Scientific Association for Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF), Padova, Italy.
Manders, W. A., Asscher, J. J., & Dekovic, M. (2008). Multisysteem Therapie in Nederland: Implementatie en Effectiviteit. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 4th congres Jeugdzorg in Onderzoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Hoffenaar, P. J., Rutgers, A. H., Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Hermanns, J. M. A. (2008). Long-term effectiveness of Home-Start. Paper presented at Paper presented at the X conference of European Scientific Association for Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF), Padova, Italy.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., Dekovic, M., & Reitz, E. (2007). Moderatoren van de effectiviteit van Home-start. De invloed van gezins- en programmakenmerken op de effectiviteit van Home-Start. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 46, 99-112.
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & Hermanns, J. M. A. (2007). Home-start: Effectieve opvoedingsondersteuning voor ouders van peuters en kleuters? Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 6, 100-107.
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., van der Laan, P. H., van der Prins, P., & van Arum, S. (2007). Implementing randomized experiments in criminal justice settings: An evaluation of Multisystemic Therapy in the Netherlands. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 3, 113-129.
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., van der Laan, P. H., van der Prins, P., & van Arum, S. (2007). De effectiviteit van Multisysteemtherapie (MST): Knelpunten en kansen bij de implementatie van een randomized controlled trial. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 49, 57-67.
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., Dekovic, M., & Reitz, E. (2007). Predicting the effectiveness of the Home-Start parenting support programme. Children and Youth Services Review, 29, 247-263.
Other output
Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., & Asscher, J. J. (2007). Reciprocal relations between peer pressure and externalizing problem behavior: Does quality of relation with friends matter?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), Boston, USA.
Scholarly publications
Harris, P. L., Pasquini, E., Duke, S., Asscher, J. J., & Pons, F. (2006). Germs and angels: the role of testimony in young children's onthology. Developmental Science, 9(76).
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & Dekovic, M. (2006). De invloed van Home-Start op het welzijn en opvoedingsgedrag van ouders van peuters. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 45, 213-228.
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & Dekovic, M. (2006). Determinants of need for support in families with young children. Journal of Children's Services, 1(4), 22-35.
Professional publications
Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., van der Laan, P. H., & Prins, P. J. M. (2006). Zin en onzin van de Randomized Controlled Trial. Perspectief : informatie- en opinieblad voor de jeugdbescherming, 14(5), 14-18.
Other output
Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., & Asscher, J. J. (2006). Discriminating factors of trajectories of problem behavior during early adolescence. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Antalya, Turkey, May 2006.
Scholarly publications
Asscher, J. J., & Paulussen-Hoogeboom, M. (2005). De invloed van protectieve en risicofactoren op de ontwikkeling en opvoeding van jonge kinderen. Kind en adolescent, 26, 56-69.
Other output
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & Dekovic, M. (2005). Predicting effectiveness of the Home-Start parenting support program. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & Dekovic, M. (2005). Effectiveness of the Home-Start parenting support program: Behavioral outcomes for parents and children. Paper presented at Paper presented at the XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
Other output
Asscher, J. J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & Dekovic, M. (2004). The relationship between maternal well-being and child problem behavior: An artefact?. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Ghent, Belgium.