Scholarly publications
Muhammad, N., de Bresser, J. H. P., Peach, C. J., & Spiers, C. J. (2022).
Creep behaviour of bischofite, carnallite and mixed bischofite-carnallite-halite salt rock at in situ conditions. In J. H. P. D. Bresser, M. R. Drury, P. A. Fokker, M. Gazzani, S. J. T. Hangx, A. R. Niemeijer, & C. J. Spiers (Eds.),
The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt (SaltMech X), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 06-08 July 2022 (1 ed., pp. 212-223). CRC Press. Muhammad, N., de Bresser, J. H. P., Peach, C. J., & Spiers, C. J. (2022).
A composite flow law for wet polycrystalline halite to capture the transition from dislocation creep to solution-precipitation creep. In J. H. P. D. Bresser, M. R. Drury, P. A. Fokker, M. Gazzani, S. J. T. Hangx, A. R. Niemeijer, & C. J. Spiers (Eds.),
The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt (SaltMech X), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 06-08 July 2022 (1 ed., pp. 141-152). CRC Press. Ji, Y., Spiers, C. J., Hangx, S. J. T., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Drury, M. R. (2022).
4D microtomography of brine-assisted healing processes in deformation-damaged rocksalt: A first look. In J. H. P. D. Bresser, M. R. Drury, P. A. Fokker, M. Gazzani, S. J. T. Hangx, A. R. Niemeijer, & C. J. Spiers (Eds.),
The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt (SaltMech X), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 06-08 July 2022 (1 ed., pp. 88-97). CRC Press. de Bresser, J. H. P., Drury, M. R., Fokker, P. A., Gazzani, M., Hangx, S. J. T., Niemeijer, A. R., & Spiers, C. J. (Eds.) (2022).
The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt (SaltMech X), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 06-08 July 2022. (1 ed.) CRC Press. 2020
Scholarly publications
Trabucho-Alexandre, J., de Bresser, J. H. P., Cuesta Cano, A., & Veenma, Y. P. (2020). Watch and Learn: Promoting Student Autonomy and Competence in the Field with Just-in-Time Knowledge Clips. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 22). [EGU2020-7048]
Trabucho-Alexandre, J., de Bresser, J. H. P., Cuesta Cano, A., & Veenma, Y. P. (2020). Watch and Learn: Promoting Student Autonomy and Competence in the Field with Just-in-Time Knowledge Clips. Abstract from 16e Nederlandse Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Trabucho-Alexandre, J., de Bresser, J. H. P., Cuesta Cano, A., & Veenma, Y. P. (2020). The Utrecht Companion to the Earth: Making the Field an Even Richer Learning Environment. Abstract from GeoUtrecht 2020, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Kuiper, E. J. N., De Bresser, J. H. P., Drury, M. R., Eichler, J.
, Pennock, G. M., & Weikusat, I. (2020).
Using a composite flow law to model deformation in the NEEM deep ice core, Greenland - Part 2: The role of grain size and premelting on ice deformation at high homologous temperature.
14(7), 2449-2467. Kuiper, E. J. N., Weikusat, I., De Bresser, J. H. P., Jansen, D.
, Pennock, G. M., & Drury, M. R. (2020).
Using a composite flow law to model deformation in the NEEM deep ice core, Greenland - Part 1: The role of grain size and grain size distribution on deformation of the upper 2207 m.
14(7), 2429-2448. 2018
Scholarly publications
Andrić, N., Matenco, L., Hilgen, F., & de Bresser, H. (2018).
Structural controls on sedimentation during asymmetric extension: The case of Sorbas Basin (SE Spain).
Global and Planetary Change,
171, 185-206. Other output
Galindos-Alfarache, M., Wallis, D., Drury, M. R., Pennock, G. M., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2018). The role of dynamic recrystallisation in the evolution of crystallographic preferred orientations of experimentally deformed calcite. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Austria.
Scholarly publications
Verberne, B. A., Chen, J., Niemeijer, A. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., Pennock, G. M., Drury, M. R., & Spiers, C. J. (2017).
Microscale cavitation as a mechanism for nucleating earthquakes at the base of the seismogenic zone.
Nature Communications,
8, [1645]. 2016
Other output
Muhammad, N., Spiers, C. J., Peach, C. J., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Liu, W. (2016). Permeability Development at Layer Interfaces in Bedded Rocksalt. Abstract from American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, United States.
Verberne, B. A., Niemeijer, A. R., Spiers, C. J., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Pennock, G. M. (2016). Strength, Stability, and Microstructure of Simulated Calcite Faults Sheared Under Laboratory Conditions Spanning the Brittle-Ductile Transition. Abstract from International Symposium of Crustal Dynamics, Takayama, Japan.
Muhammad, N., de Bresser, J. H. P., Peach, C. J., & Spiers, C. J. (2016).
Composite grain size sensitive and grain size insensitive creep of bischofite, carnallite and mixed bischofite-carnallite-halite salt rock. Poster session presented at European Geosciences Union (EGU) Conference 2016, Vienna, Austria. 2015
Scholarly publications
Verberne, B. A., Niemeijer, A. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2015).
Strength, stability, and microstructure of simulated calcite faults sheared under laboratory conditions spanning the brittle-plastic transition. In P. Delage, S. Ghabezloo, J-M. Pereira, & M. Vandamme (Eds.),
5th International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics, W(H)YDOC 15 Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, France. Verberne, B. A., Niemeijer, A. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2015).
Mechanical behavior and microstructure of simulated calcite fault gouge sheared at 20-600°C: Implications for natural faults in limestones.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
120(12), 8169-8196. Valcke, S. L. A., de Bresser, J. H. P., Pennock, G. M., & Drury, M. R. (2015).
Influence of deformation conditions on the development of heterogeneous recrystallization microstructures in experimentally deformed Carrara marble. In D. R. Faulkner, E. Mariani, & J. Mecklenburgh (Eds.),
Rock Deformation from Field, Experiments and Theory: A Volume in Honour of Ernie Rutter (Vol. 409, pp. 175-200). (Geological Society Special Publication; Vol. 409). Geological Society. Muhammad, N., Spiers, C. J., Peach, C. J., de Bresser, J. H. P., & W., L. (2015).
Permeability of layered rock salt at different stresses and geometries. In L. Roberts, K. Mellegard, & F. Hansen (Eds.),
Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VIII (pp. 23-31). (Mechanical Behaviour of Salt; Vol. VIII). Taylor & Fancis/CRC press. Sintubin, M.
, de Bresser, H., Drury, M., Prior, D. J., & Wenk, H. R. (2015).
Introduction to Journal of Structural Geology special issue on "Deformation of the lithosphere. How small structures tell a big story".
Journal of Structural Geology,
71, 1-2. publications
Bertotti, G., Boniface, N., De Bresser, J. H. P., Manya, S., Nkotagu, H., & Van Ruitenbeek, F. (2015). The first Master program in Petroleum Geology at the university of Dar es Salaam: Lessons and challenges. In 1st EAGE Eastern Africa Petroleum Geoscience Forum - Sharing Lessons Learned: What's Next? (pp. 21-24). European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE.
Other output
Muhammad, N., de Bresser, J. H. P., Spiers, C. J., & Peach, C. J. (2015).
Creep behaviour of bischofite, carnallite and mixed bischofite-carnallite-halite salt rock.
Geotectonic Research,
97(1), 15-17. Verberne, B. A., Niemeijer, A. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2015).
Strength, stability, and microstructure of simulated calcite faults sheared under laboratory conditions spanning the brittle-ductile transition. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, California, United States. Verberne, B., Niemeijer, A., de Bresser, H., & Spiers, C. (2015). Frictional-viscous transition in simulated calcite fault gouge sheared at 550°C. Abstract from EGU 2015, United Kingdom.
Scholarly publications
A'Campo, Y. W. L.
, de Bresser, J. H. P., & van de Weerd, A. A. (2014).
Geological History of the Southern Margin of the West Netherlands Basin - The Geothermal Energy Perspective. In
Proceedings 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Conference (pp. 2689-2693). European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE. den Eeckhout, B.
, & de Bresser, H. (2014).
On the dextral offset of a Variscan shear zone across the Mérens fault in the central Pyrenees (Andorra, France).
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France,
185(2), 131-143., B. A., Spiers, C. J., Niemeijer, A. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., de Winter, D. A. M., & Plümper, O. (2014).
Frictional properties and microstructure of calcite-rich fault gouges sheared at sub-seismic sliding velocities.
Pure and Applied Geophysics,
171, 2617-2640. Other output
de Bresser, H., Muhammad, N., Spiers, C., & Peach, C. (2014).
Creep behaviour of bischofite, carnallite and mixed bischofite-carnallite salt rock. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, California, United States. 2013
Scholarly publications
Verberne, B. A., de Bresser, J. H. P., Niemeijer, A. R., Spiers, C. J., de Winter, D. A. M., & Plümper, O. (2013).
Nanocrystalline slip zones in calcite fault gouge show intense crystallographic preferred orientation: Crystal plasticity at sub-seismic slip rates at 18–150 °C.
41(8), 863-866. Professional publications
de Bresser, J. H. P. (2013). De Carboneras breukzone: Spanje's eigen San Andreasbreuk. Geo.brief, 38(4), 9-11.
Popularising publications
Spiers, C. J., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2013). Een injectie tegen bodemdaling (interview). De Telegraaf.
Scholarly publications
Desbois, G., Urai, J. L., Schmatz, J., Zavada, P., & De Bresser, H. (2012). The distribution of fluids in natural rock salt to understand deformation mechanisms. In P. Bérest, M. Ghoreychi, F. Hadj-Hassan, & M. Tijani (Eds.), Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII (pp. 3-12). CRC Press.
Liteanu, E., Niemeijer, A., Spiers, C. J., Peach, C. J., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2012).
The effect of CO2 on creep of wet calcite aggregates.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
117(B3), [B03211]. Desbois, G., Urai, J. L.
, & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2012).
Fluid distribution in grain boundaries of natural fine-grained rock salt deformed at low differential stress (Qom Kuh salt fountain, central Iran): Implications for rheology and transport properties.
Journal of Structural Geology,
43, 128-143., Y. A.
, de Bresser, J. H. P., Van Baelen, H., & Sintubin, M. (2012).
Geometry and kinematics of the “Herbeumont shear zone” in the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium).
Geologica Belgica,
15(3), 126-136., G., Urai, J. L., Schmatz, J., Zavada, P., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2012). The distribution of fluids in natural rock salt: the key for understanding the interplay between deformation mechanisms. In P. Bérest, M. Ghoreychi, F. Hadj-Hassen, & M. Tijani (Eds.), Mechanical Behavior of Salt VII (pp. 3-12). CRC Press.
Muhammad, N., Spiers, C. J., Peach, C. J., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2012).
Effect of confining pressure on plastic flow of salt at 125°C. In P. Bérest, M. Ghoreychi, F. Hadj-Hassen, & M. Tijani (Eds.),
Mechanical Behavior of Salt VII (pp. 57-64). (Mechanical Behaviour of Salt; Vol. VII). Taylor & Fancis/CRC press. 2011
Scholarly publications
Holdsworth, R. E., van Diggelen, E. W. E., Spiers, C. J., de Bresser, J. H. P., Walker, R. J., & Bown, L. (2011). Fault rocks from the SAFOD core samples: implications for weakening at shallow depths along the San Andreas Fault, California. Journal of Structural Geology, 33(2), 132-144.
Scholarly publications
van Diggelen, E. W. E., de Bresser, J. H. P., Peach, C. J., & Spiers, C. J. (2010).
High shear strain behaviour of synthetic muscovite fault gouges under hydrothermal conditions.
Journal of Structural Geology,
32(11), 1685-1700. 2009
Scholarly publications
Schotman, H. H. A., Vermeersen, L. L. A., Wu, P.
, Drury, M. R., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2009).
Constraints on shallow low-viscosity zones in Northern Europe from future GOCE gravity data.
Geophysical Journal International,
178(1), 65-84. publications
Professional publications
Kloosterboer-van Hoeve, M. L., van den Berg, A., van Bergen, M. J., de Bresser, J. H. P., Meijer, P. T., Paulssen, H., Wortel, R., & van der Valk, A. E. (2008). De bewegende aarde : een NLT-module voor 5/6 vwo. Junior College Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht.
Scholarly publications
Valcke, S. L. A., Drury, M. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Pennock, G. M. (2007). Quantifying heterogeneous microstructures: core and mantle subgrains in deformed calcite. Materials Science Forum, 550, 307-312.
Scholarly publications
Kellermann Slotemaker, A., & de Bresser, J. H. P. (2006). On the role of grain topology in dynamic grain growth - 2D microstructural modeling. Tectonophysics, 427, 73-93.
Valcke, S. L. A., Pennock, G. M., Drury, M. R., & De Bresser, J. H. P. (2006).
Electron backscattered diffraction as a tool to quantify subgrains in deformed calcite.
Journal of Microscopy,
224(3), 264-276. 2005
Scholarly publications
ter Heege, J. H., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2005). Dynamic recrystallization of wet synthetic polycrystalline halite: dependence of grain size distribution on flow stress, temperature and strain. Tectonophysics, 396(1-2), 35-57.
Herwegh, M., de Bresser, J. H. P., & ter Heege, J. H. (2005). Combining natural microstructures with composite flow laws: an improved approach for the extrapolation of lab data to nature. Journal of Structural Geology, 27(3), 503-521.
de Bresser, J. H. P., Urai, J. L., & Olgaard, D. L. (2005). Effect of water on the strength and microstructure of Carrara marble axially compressed at high temperature. Journal of Structural Geology, 27(2), 265-281.
ter Heege, J. H., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2005). Rheological behaviour of synthetic rocksalt: the interplay between water, dynamic recrystallization and deformation mechanisms. Journal of Structural Geology, 27(6), 948-963.
Scholarly publications
ter Heege, J. H., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2004). Composite flow laws for crystalline materials with log-normally distributed grain size: Theory and application to olivine. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1693-1705.
ter Heege, J. H., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2004). Dynamic recrystallization of polycrystalline dense NaCl: Dependance of grain size distribution on stress and temperature. Materials Science Forum, 467-470, 1187-1192.
Kellermann Slotemaker, A., de Bresser, J. H. P., Spiers, C. J., & Drury, M. R. (2004). Microstructural evolution of synthetic forsterite aggregates deformed to high strain. In B. Bacroix, J. H. Driver, R. Le Gall, C. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, & L. Tabourol (Eds.), Recrystallization and Grain Growth (pp. 579-584)
Scholarly publications
de Bresser, J. H. P., Evans, B., & Renner, J. (2002).
On estimating the strenghth of calcite rocks under natural conditions. In S. de Meer, M. R. Drury, J. H. P. de Bresser, & G. Pennock (Eds.),
Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: Current Status and Perspectives (pp. 309-329). (Geological Society Special Publication; No. 200). Geological Society of London. ter Heege, J. H., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (2002).
The influence of dynamic recrystallization on the grain size distribution and rheological behaviour of Carrara marble deformed in axial compression. In S. de Meer, M. R. Drury, J. H. P. de Bresser, & G. Pennock (Eds.),
Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: Current Status and Future perspectives (pp. 331-353). (Geological Society Special Publication; No. 200). Geological Society of London. de Meer, S.
, Drury, M. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Pennock, G. M. (2002).
Current issues and new developments in deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics. In S. de Meer, M. R. Drury, J. H. P. de Bresser, & G. Pennock (Eds.),
Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics: current status and future perspectives (pp. 1-27). (Geological Society Special Publication; No. 200). Geological Society of London. Bresser, J. H. P. (2002). On the mechanism of dislocation creep of calcite at high temperature: Inferences from experimentally measured pressure sensitivity and strain rate sensitivity of flow stress. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 107(B12), B2337-doi: 10.1029/2002JB001812.
Professional publications
de Meer, S., Drury, M. R., de Bresser, J. H. P., & Pennock, G. M. (2002). Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics: current status and future perspectives. (Geological Society Special Publication ed.) Geological Society.
Scholarly publications
de Bresser, J. H. P., ter Heege, J. H., & Spiers, C. J. (2001). Grain size reduction by dynamic recrystallization: Can it result in major rheological weakening? Geologische Rundschau, 90, 28-45.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
De Bresser, J. H. P., & Spiers, C. J. (1990).
High-temperature deformation of calcite single crystals by r+ and f+ slip. In R. J. Knipe, & E. H. Rutter (Eds.),
Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (Vol. 54, pp. 285-298). (Geological Society Special Publication). Geological Society of London. 1989
Scholarly publications
De Bresser, J. H. P. (1989). Calcite c-axis textures along the Gavarnie thrust zone, central Pyrenees. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 68(3), 367-375.
Scholarly publications
De Bresser, J. H. P., Majoor, F. J. M., & Ploegsma, M. (1986). New insights in the structural and metamorphic history of the western Lys-Caillauas massif (central Pyrenees, France). Geologie en Mijnbouw, 65(2), 177-187.