Jurgen Goossens is full professor of constitutional law and Head of the Insititute of Jurisprudence, Constitutional and Administrative Law. His chair focuses on constitutional resilience in view of digital transformations and legal protection against government action. He is leader of the interdisciplinary NWO-MVI CHAIN project: 'Blockchain in the network society: transparency, trust and legitimacy by design' (2020-2024).

Until July 2022, Jurgen Goossens was associate professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Tilburg University. In the period 2016 to 2019, he combined an appointment as assistant professor of constitutional law at Erasmus University with a postdoctoral FWO research grant at Ghent University, where he conducted research into the role of citizens in constitutional amendment procedures. In May 2016, Goossens defended his comparative law dissertation 'The future of administrative justice: judicial review of administrative action in comparative perspective' at Ghent University. In addition, Goossens also holds an LL.M. obtained from Yale University.

Constitutional Law
Inaugural lecture date