Scholarly publications
Candela, T., Pluymaekers, M.
, Ampuero, J-P., Van Wees, J-D., Buijze, L., Wassing, B., Osinga, S., Grobbe, N., & Muntendam-Bos, A. G. (2022).
Controls on the spatio-temporal patterns of induced seismicity in Groningen constrained by physics-based modelling with Ensemble-Smoother data assimilation.
Geophysical Journal International,
229(2), 1282-1308., V., Triananda, W., Sutrisno, L., Beekman, F., & van Wees, J-D. (2022). Present-day 3D lithospheric-scale thermal characterization of Sumatra, Indonesia, and its correlation to the regional tectonic. In Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association: 46th Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2022 [IPA22-G-79].
Békési, E., Fokker, P. A., Candela, T., Szanyi, J.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2022).
Ground motions induced by pore pressure changes at the Szentes geothermal area, SE Hungary.
Geothermal Energy,
10(1), 1-18. [3]. 2021
Scholarly publications
Békési, E., Fokker, P. A., Martins, J. E., Norini, G.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2021).
Source parameters of the 8 February 2016, Mw=4.2 Los Humeros earthquake by the inversion of InSAR-based ground deformation.
94, 1-9. [102133]. Gies, C., Struijk, M.
, Békési, E., Veldkamp, H.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2021).
An effective method for paleo-temperature correction of 3D thermal models: A demonstration based on high resolution datasets in the Netherlands.
Global and Planetary Change,
199, 1-15. [103445]., R. A. J., Michels, M. A. J.
, Ampuero, J-P., Candela, T.
, Fokker, P. A., van Wees, J-D., Hofstad, R. W., & Heuvel, E. R. (2021).
Interevent-time distribution and aftershock frequency in non-stationary induced seismicity.
Scientific Reports,
11(1), [3540]., P. A., Salina Borello, E., Viberti, D., Verga, F.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2021).
Pulse Testing for Monitoring the Thermal Front in Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage.
89, [101942]. 2020
Scholarly publications
Dalla Longa, F., Nogueira, L. P.
, Limberger, J., Wees, J-D. V., & van der Zwaan, B. (2020).
Scenarios for geothermal energy deployment in Europe.
206, [118060]. Wees, J-D., Veldkamp, H., Brunner, L., Vrijlandt, M.
, De Jong, S., Heijnen, N., van Langen, C., & Peijster, J. (2020).
Accelerating geothermal development with a play-based portfolio approach.
Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences,
99, [e5]. Paap, B., Kraaijpoel, D., Wassing, B.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2020).
Simulation of induced seismic ground motions using coupled geomechanical and seismic wave propagation models.
Geophysical Journal International,
220(2), 1284-1299. Békési, E., Struijk, M.
, Bonté, D., Veldkamp, H.
, Limberger, J., Fokker, P. A., Vrijlandt, M.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2020).
An updated geothermal model of the Dutch subsurface based on inversion of temperature data.
88, [101880]. Buijze, L., Van Bijsterveldt, L., Cremer, H.
, Paap, B., Veldkamp, H., Wassing, B. B. T.
, Van Wees, J-D., Van Yperen, G. C. N.
, & Ter Heege, J. H. (2020).
Review of induced seismicity in geothermal systems worldwide and implications for geothermal systems in the Netherlands.
Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences,
98, [e13]. Bonté, D., Smit, J., Fattah, R. A., Nelskamp, S.
, Cloetingh, S., & van Wees, J-D. (2020).
Quantifying the late-to post-Variscan pervasive heat flow, central Netherlands, Southern Permian Basin.
Marine and Petroleum Geology,
113, [104118]. 2019
Scholarly publications
Candela, T., Peters, E., van Wees, J. D., Fokker, P., Wassing, B., & Ampuero, J. P. (2019). Effect of fault roughness on injection-induced seismicity. Paper presented at 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Brooklyn, United States.
Békési, E., Fokker, P. A., Martins, J. E.
, Limberger, J., Bonté, D., & Van Wees, J. D. (2019).
Production-induced subsidence at the los humeros geothermal field inferred from PS-InSAR.
2019, [2306092]. van Wees, J-D., Pluymaekers, M., Osinga, S.
, Fokker, P., Van Thienen-Visser, K., Orlic, B., Wassing, B., Hegen, D., & Candela, T. (2019).
3-D mechanical analysis of complex reservoirs: a novel mesh-free approach.
Geophysical Journal International,
219(2), 1118-1130. Candela, T., Osinga, S.
, Ampuero, J-P., Wassing, B., Pluymaekers, M.
, Fokker, P. A., van Wees, J-D., de Waal, H. A., & Muntendam-Bos, A. G. (2019).
Depletion-Induced Seismicity at the Groningen Gas Field: Coulomb Rate-and-State Models Including Differential Compaction Effect.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
124(7), 7081-7104.
Scholarly publications
Limberger, J., van Wees, J-D., Tesauro, M., Smit, J., Bonté, D., Békési, E., Pluymaekers, M., Struijk, M., Vrijlandt, M.
, Beekman, F., & Cloetingh, S. (2018).
Refining the thermal structure of the European lithosphere by inversion of subsurface temperature data.
Global and Planetary Change,
171, 18-47. van Wees, J. D., Osinga, S.
, Van Thienen-Visser, K., & Fokker, P. A. (2018).
Reservoir creep and induced seismicity: Inferences from geomechanical modeling of gas depletion in the Groningen field.
Geophysical Journal International,
212(3), 1487-1497. [ggx452]. Limberger, J., Boxem, T., Pluymaekers, M., Bruhn, D., Manzella, A., Calcagno, P.
, Beekman, F., Cloetingh, S., & van Wees, J-D. (2018).
Geothermal energy in deep aquifers: A global assessment of the resource base for direct heat utilization.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
82(1), 961-975. Békési, E., Lenkey, L.
, Limberger, J., Porkoláb, K., Balázs, A., Bonté, D., Vrijlandt, M., Horváth, F.
, Cloetingh, S., & van Wees, J-D. (2018).
Subsurface temperature model of the Hungarian part of the Pannonian Basin.
Global and Planetary Change,
171, 48-64. 2017
Scholarly publications
Van Wees, J-D., Fokker, P. A., Van Thienen-Visser, K., Wassing, B. B. T., Osinga, S., Orlic, B., Ghouri, S. A.
, Buijze, L., & Pluymaekers, M. (2017).
Geomechanical models for induced seismicity in the Netherlands: Inferences from simplified analytical, finite element and rupture model approaches.
Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences,
96(Special Issue 5), s183-s202. Worum, G.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2017).
High-resolution quantitative reconstruction of Late Cretaceous-Tertiary erosion in the West Netherlands Basin using multi-formation compaction trends and seismic data: implications for geothermal exploration.
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica,
52(2), 243-268., S., Van Wees, J. D., & Wesztergom, V. (2017).
Thermo-mechanical controls on geothermal energy resources: case studies in the Pannonian Basin and other natural laboratories.
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica,
52(2), 157-160. Limberger, J., Bonté, D. D. P., de Vicente, G.
, Beekman, F., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., & van Wees, J. D. (2017).
A public domain model for 1D temperature and rheology construction in basement-sedimentary geothermal exploration: an application to the Spanish Central System and adjacent basins.
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica,
52, 269-282. 2016
Scholarly publications
Trumpy, E., Botteghi, S., Caiozzi, F., Donato, A., Gola, G., Montanari, D., Pluymaekers, M. P. D., Santilano, A.
, van Wees, J. D., & Manzella, A. (2016).
Geothermal potential assessment for a low carbon strategy: A new systematic approach applied in southern Italy.
103, 167-181., J., van Wees, J-D., & Cloetingh, S. (2016).
The Thor suture zone: From subduction to intraplate basin setting.
44(9), 707-710. Lipsey, L., Pluymaekers, M., Goldberg, T., van Oversteeg, K., Ghazaryan, L.
, Cloetingh, S., & van Wees, J-D. (2016).
Numerical modelling of thermal convection in the Luttelgeest carbonate platform, the Netherlands.
64, 135-151. Bruns, B., Littke, R., Gasparik, M.
, van Wees, J-D., & Nelskamp, S. (2016).
Thermal evolution and shale gas potential estimation of the Wealden and Posidonia Shale in NW-Germany and the Netherlands: a 3D basin modelling study.
Basin Research,
28(1), 2-33. Sark, W. G. J. H. M., Schepers, J. G.
, & van Wees, J. D. A. M. (2016).
The growing role of photovoltaic solar, wind and geothermal energy as renewables for electricity production. In J. Dewulf, S. De Meester, & R. Alvarenga (Eds.),
Sustainability Assessment of Renewables-Based Products, Methods and Case Studies (pp. 19-36). Wiley. Other output
Houben, M. E., Douma, L., Barnhoorn, A., Hardebol, N. J., Remij, E., Valliappan, V., Bertotti, G., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., Drury, M. R., Peach, C. J., Remmers, J., Smeulders, D., Spiers, C. J., & van Wees, J. D. A. M. (2016). Basin to pore Fracture network and Fluid-rock interaction in tight Sands and Shale (2f2s). Abstract from NAC 13, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Gaucher, E., Schoenball, M., Heidbach, O., Zang, A.
, Fokker, P. A., Van Wees, J. D., & Kohl, T. (2015).
Induced seismicity in geothermal reservoirs: A review of forecasting approaches.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
52, 1473-1490. output
Limberger, J., van Wees, J. D. A. M., Tesauro, M., Bonté, D. D. P., Lipsey, L. C., Beekman, W. W. W., & Cloetingh, S. A. P. L. (2015). Thermo-mechanical models of the European lithosphere for geothermal exploration. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Limberger, J., van Wees, J-D., Tesauro, M., Bonté, D., Lipsey, L., Beekman, F., & Cloetingh, S. (2015).
Thermo-mechanical models of the European lithosphere for geothermal exploration. 11909. 2014
Scholarly publications
Wassing, B. B. T.
, van Wees, J. D., & Fokker, P. A. (2014).
Coupled continuum modeling of fracture reactivation and induced seismicity during enhanced geothermal operations.
52, 153-164. Wees, J. D., Buijze, L.
, Van Thienen-Visser, K., Nepveu, M., Wassing, B. B. T., Orlic, B.
, & Fokker, P. A. (2014).
Geomechanics response and induced seismicity during gas field depletion in the Netherlands.
52, 206-219. Fokker, P. A., & Van Wees, J. D. (2014). Surface movement induced by geothermal operations. In 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2014 (pp. 192-196). EAGE Publishing BV.
Limberger, J., Calcagno, P., Manzella, A., Trumpy, E., Boxem, T., Pluymaekers, M.
, & van Wees, J-D. (2014).
Assessing the prospective resource base for enhanced geothermal systems in Europe.
Geothermal Energy Science,
2(1), 55-71. Limberger, J., & Van Wees, J. D. (2014). 3D subsurface temperature model of Europe for geothermal exploration. In 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2014 (pp. 1619-1621). EAGE Publishing BV.
Other output
Limberger, J., & van Wees, J. D. A. M. (2014). Improving the subsurface temperature model of Europe by coupling temperature and heat flow data to crustal models.
Limberger, J., & van Wees, J. D. A. M. (2014). Improving the subsurface temperature model of Europe by coupling temperature and heat flow data to crustal models.
Limberger, J., & van Wees, J-D. (2014). 3D subsurface temperature model of Europe for geothermal exploration. Poster session presented at 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2014, Amsterdam, United Kingdom.
Scholarly publications
Urpi, L., Blöcher, G., Zimmermann, G., Van Wees, J. D., & Fokker, P. (2013). Coulomb stress change during and after tensile fracture opening in a geothermal reservoir. In 47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2013 (Vol. 2, pp. 969-974)
Pluymaekers, M. P. D., Van Wees, J. D. A. M., Hoedeman, G. C., & Fokker, P. A. (2013). Different stimulation strategies to enhance the performance of subsurface feat exchangers based on tensile fractures. In Sustainable Earth Sciences, SES 2013: Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Sub-Surface
Scholarly publications
Wassing, B. B. T., Van Wees, J. D., & Fokker, P. A. (2012). Coupled continuum modeling of fracture reactivation and induced seismicity during enhanced geothermal operations. In 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2012 (Vol. 3, pp. 2142-2149)
van Wees, J-D., Kronimus, A., van Putten, M., Pluymaekers, M. P. D., Mijnlieff, H., van Hooff, P., Obdam, A., & Kramers, L. (2012). Geothermal aquifer performance assessment for direct heat production - Methodology and application to Rotliegend aquifers. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91(4), 651-665.
Pluymaekers, M. P. D., Kramers, L., van Wees, J-D., Kronimus, A., Nelskamp, S., Boxem, T., & Bonté, D. (2012). Reservoir characterisation of aquifers for direct heat production: Methodology and screening of the potental reservoirs for the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91(4), 621-636.
Kramers, L., van Wees, J-D., Pluymaekers, M. P. D., Kronimus, A., & Boxem, T. (2012). Direct heat resource assessment and subsurface information systems for geothermal aquifers; the Dutch perspetive. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91(4), 637-649.
Bonté, D., van Wees, J-D., & Verweij, J. M. (2012). Surface temperature of the onshore Netherlands: New temperature dataset and modelling. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91(4), 491-515.
Beglinger, S. E.
, van Wees, J-D., Cloetingh, S., & Doust, H. (2012).
Tectonic subsidence history and source-rock maturation in the Campos Basin, Brazil.
Petroleum Geoscience,
18(2), 153-172.
Scholarly publications
Nelskamp, S., Donders, T., Van Wees, J. D., & Abbink, O. (2010). Influence of surface temperatures on source rock maturity - An example from the Arctic. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2010 - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010 (pp. 2761-2765). (72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2010: A New Spring for Geoscience. Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010; Vol. 4). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Cloetingh, S., van Wees, J. D., Ziegler, P. A., Lenkey, L.
, Beekman, F., Tesauro, M., Foerster, A., Norden, B., Kaban, M.
, Hardebol, N., Bonte, D., Genter, A., Guillou-Frottier, L., Ter Voorde, M.
, Sokoutis, D., Willingshofer, E., Cornu, T., & Worum, G. (2010).
Lithosphere tectonics and thermo-mechanical properties: An integrated modelling approach for Enhanced Geothermal Systems exploration in Europe.
Earth-Science Reviews,
102(3-4), 159-206. 2009
Scholarly publications
Van Wees, J. D., van Bergen, F., David, P., Nepveu, M.
, Beekman, F., Cloetingh, S., & Bonte, D. (2009).
Probabilistic tectonic heat flow modeling for basin maturation: Assessment method and applications.
Marine and Petroleum Geology,
26(4), 536-551. Other output
Van Wees, J. D., Cloetingh, S., Ziegler, P. A., Lenkey, L.
, Beekman, F., Tesauro, M., Förster, J. A., Norden, B., Kaban, M.
, Hardebol, N., ter Voorde, M.
, Willingshofer, E., Cornu, T.
, & Bonté, D. (2009).
Lithosphere tectonics and thermo-mechanical properties: An integrated modeling approach for enhanced geothermal systems exploration in Europe.
Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council,
33, 372-376. 2008
Scholarly publications
Cloetingh, S., Beekman, F., van Wees, J. D., Ziegler, P. A., & Sokoutis, D. (2008). Post-rift compressional reactivation potential of passive margins and extensional basins. In H. Johnson, A. G. Dore, R. Gatliff, R. Holdsworth, E. Lundin, & J. D. Ritchie (Eds.), Compressional Deformation within Passive Margins: Nature, Causes and Effects. (Vol. 306, pp. 27-70). (Geological Society, London, Special Publications; Vol. 306). Geological Society of London.
Kombrink, H., Leever, K. A., van Wees, J-D., van Bergen, F., David, P., & Wong, T. E. (2008). Late Carboniferous foreland basin formation and Early Carboniferous stretching in Northwestern Europe: inferences from quantitative subsidence analyses in the Netherlands. Basin Research, 20(3), 377-395.
Scholarly publications
Worum, G., Michon, L., Van Balen, R. T.
, Van Wees, J. D., Cloetingh, S., & Pagnier, H. (2005).
Pre-Neogene controls on present-day fault activity in the West Netherlands Basin and Roer Valley Rift System (southern Netherlands): Role of variations in fault orientation in a uniform low-stress regime.
Quaternary Science Reviews,
24(3-4 SPEC. ISS.), 473-488.
Scholarly publications
Cloetingh, S., Spadini, G., Van Wees, JD., & Beekman, F. (2003). Thermo-mechanical modelling of Black Sea Basin (de)formation. Sedimentary Geology, 156(1-4), 169-184. [PII S0037-0738(02)00287-7].
de Lugt, I. R., van Wees, J. D., & Wong, T. E. (2003). The Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Dutch North Sea during the Palaeogene: basin inversion in distinct pulses. Tectonophysics, 373, 141-159.
Scholarly publications
Gaspar-Escribano, J. M.
, Van Wees, J. D., Ter Voorde, M.
, Cloetingh, S., Roca, E., Cabrera, L., Muñoz, J. A., Ziegler, P. A., & Garcia-Castellanos, D. (2001).
Three-dimensional flexural modelling of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberia).
Geophysical Journal International,
145(2), 349-367.
Scholarly publications
Beekman, F., Badsi, M., & van Wees, JD. (2000). Faulting, fracturing and in situ stress prediction in the Ahnet Basin, Algeria - a finite element approach. Tectonophysics, 320(3-4), 311-329.
Van Wees, JD., & Beekman, F. (2000). Lithosphere rheology during intraplate basin extension and inversion - Inferences from automated modeling of four basins in western Europe. Tectonophysics, 320(3-4), 219-242.
Dirkzwager, JB., Van Wees, JD., Cloetingh, SAPL., Geluk, MC., Dost, B., & Beekman, F. (2000). Geo-mechanical and rheological modelling of upper crustal faults and their near-surface expression in the Netherlands. Global and Planetary Change, 27(1-4), 67-88.
Scholarly publications
Willingshofer, E., Van Wees, J. D., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., & Neubauer, F. (1999). Thermomechanical consequences of Cretaceous continent-continent collision in the eastern Alps (Austria): Insights from two-dimensional modeling. Tectonics, 18(5), 809-826.
Scholarly publications
Van Wees, J. D., Arche, A., Beijdorff, C. G., López-Gómez, J.
, & Cloetingh, S. A. P. L. (1998).
Temporal and spatial variations in tectonic subsidence in the Iberian Basin (eastern Spain): Inferences from automated forward modelling of high-resolution stratigraphy (Permian-Mesozoic).
300(1-4), 285-310. 1997
Scholarly publications
van Wees, J. D., Cloetingh, S., & Beekman, F. (1997). (Neo)tectonics and vertical motions in the Netherlands and surrounding areas: the importance of understanding rheology and preceding basin history. Aardkundige Mededelingen, 8, 185-188.
Scholarly publications
Ziegler, P. A.
, Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., & van Wees, J. D. A. M. (1995).
Dynamics of intraplate-compressional basin deformation: The Alpine foreland and other examples.
252, 7-59.