Prof. dr. J.A. (Arjan) Stegeman

Prof. dr. J.A. (Arjan) Stegeman

Veterinary Epidemiology
+31 30 253 1091

“In the transition to sustainable agriculture, we need to ensure animal health and welfare”

Research focus: epidemiology of infectious animal diseases, sustainable farm animal health, zoonosis (transmission of infectious diseases from animal to human), veterinary epidemiology

Focus on infectious diseases in farm animals

Professor Arjan Stegeman is veterinary epidemiologist experienced in research, teaching and consulting. His research area is epidemiology of infectious diseases in farmed animals. Stegeman is aiming to elucidate mechanisms of transmission and spread and quantify the effectiveness of intervention measures.

Current topics of interest

Current research topics of Stegeman include SARS-CoV-2, Antimicrobial Resistance, Avian Influenza and microbiome transmission. Moreover, he is involved in research in the effects of circular agriculture on the health and welfare of animals. His group is engaged in experimental studies, mathematical modeling and field studies and cooperates with many other research groups inside and outside the faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Read more on the Utrecht University research on SARS-CoV-2

Teaching and advisory tasks

Besides research, Stegeman's group is dedicated to teaching, in the Veterinary curriculum as well as in biomedical sciences and post graduate teaching. Stegeman is also very active in the societal part of farm animal health as shown by his involvement in a large number of advisory tasks.


Farm Animal Health
Inaugural lecture date