Ida Hillerup Hansen is a Lecturer in Gender and Postcolonial studies at Utrecht University’s Graduate Gender Studies Programme. They hold a dual PhD degree from the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University and the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University. Ida’s teaching and research interests include feminist onto-epistemology and anti-essentialism in queer, black and postcolonial scholarship, feminist and queer uses of psychoanalytic theory and critical approaches to biomedicine and psychiatry, including theories of trauma, affect and embodiment as well as theories of bio- and necropolitics. Ida has published in the domain of Queer Death Studies and is currently working on publications based on their PhD dissertation Being Through Loss: A Queer Performative Reckoning with Grief. They are a member of the Queer Death Studies Network, a co-founder of the Relation(al) Matters Archive with Prof. dr. Professor Kathrin Thiele, and they have contributed in research to the Research Center for Material Culture in ongoing projects such as Un/engendering the Collection.