Dr. Irene Bavuso

Assistant Professor
Medieval History
Medieval Culture



Scholarly publications

Bavuso, I. (2024). Trade in Mercury: Crafts, Networks, and Demand in Post-Roman Western Europe. Journal of Late Antiquity, 17(2), 525.
Pazienza, A. (Guest ed.), & Bavuso, I. (Guest ed.) (2024). Moving Jobs: Occupational Identity and Motility in the Middle Ages & Cultural Brokers in European and Asian Contexts: Investigating a Concept. Medieval Worlds : Comparative & Interdisciplinary Studies, 20. https://doi.org/10.1553/medievalworlds_no20_2024s1
Pazienza, A., & Bavuso, I. (2024). Moving Jobs: Occupational Identity and Motility in the Middle Ages: Introduction. Medieval Worlds : Comparative & Interdisciplinary Studies, 20, 3-16. https://doi.org/10.1553/medievalworlds_no20_2024s3
Bavuso, I., Furlan, G., Intagliata, E. E., & Steding, J. (2024). Introduction: approaching invisible circular economies through archaeological and historical sources. In I. Bavuso, G. Furlan, E. E. Intagliata, & J. Steding (Eds.), Economic Circularity in the Roman and Early Medieval Worlds: New Perspectives on Invisible Agents and Dynamics (pp. ix-xv). Oxbow Books.
Bavuso, I. (2024). Laws, letters and graves: the organisation of scavenging in the early medieval period. In I. Bavuso, G. Furlan, E. E. Intagliata, & J. Steding (Eds.), Economic Circularity in the Roman and Early Medieval Worlds: New Perspectives on Invisible Agents and Dynamics (pp. 11-26). Oxbow Books.
Bavuso, I., Furlan, G., Intagliata, E., & Steding, J. (2024). Economic Circularity in the Roman and Early Medieval Worlds: New Perspectives on Invisible Agents and Dynamics. Oxbow Books.


Scholarly publications

Bavuso, I., Furlan, G., Intagliata, E. E., & Steding, J. (2023). Circular economy in Roman and early medieval Europe: methods of analysis for a future agenda. Open Archaeology, 9(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2022-0301
Bavuso, I., & Castrorao Barba, A. (2023). Patterns of change: multiregional views on the Migration period. In I. Bavuso, & A. Castrorao Barba (Eds.), The European Countryside during the Migration Period: Patterns of Change from Iberia to the Caucasus (300–700 CE) (pp. 1-11). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110778298-001
Bavuso, I. (2023). Small lands and mobile objects: socio-economic change in northern Francia, c. 5th–8th c. In I. Bavuso, & A. Castrorao Barba (Eds.), The European Countryside during the Migration Period: Patterns of Change from Iberia to the Caucasus (300–700 CE) (pp. 319-335). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110778298-014
Bavuso, I., & Castrorao Barba, A. (2023). The European Countryside during the Migration Period: Patterns of Change from Iberia to the Caucasus (300–700 CE). ( Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde). De Gruyter.
Bavuso, I. (2023). Monastic foundations and coastal interactions in the Normandy Peninsula. In A. Richardson, M. Bintley, J. Hines, A. Seaman, & E. V. Swift (Eds.), Transitions and Relationships over Land and Sea in the Early Middle Ages of Northern Europe (pp. 89-101). Isle Heritage CIC.

Popularising publications

Bavuso, I. (2023). Hoe je alles laat glanzen. In C. van Rhijn, & R. Paroubek-Grounewoud (Eds.), De inventieve middeleeuwen: Praktische kennis en kunde van voor het jaar 1000 (pp. 27-33). Uitgeverij Verloren.


Scholarly publications

Bavuso, I. (2021). Review of Malbos, L. 2017, Les ports des mers nordiques à l’époque viking (viie-xe siècle). Speculum.
Bavuso, I. (2021). Balance of power across the Channel: reassessing Frankish hegemony in southern England (6th-7th c.). Early Medieval Europe.


Scholarly publications

Bavuso, I. (2017). An early Anglo-Saxon network: long-distance contacts and development in Hampshire and in the Isle of Wight. In R. O'Sullivan, C. Marini, & J. Binnberg (Eds.), Archaeological Approaches to Breaking Boundaries: Interaction, Integration and Division (Vol. 2869, pp. 67-74). (International Series). British Archaeological Reports.