Highlighted publications
Sastre Torano, J., Delatte, T. L., Schlupmann, H., Smeekens, J. C. M., de Jong, G. J., & Somsen, G. W. (2012). Determination of trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis thaliana seedings by hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403, 1353-1360.
Nunes, C. M., Primavesi, L., Delatte, T., Schlüpmann, H., Somsen, G., Silva, A., Fevereiro, P. S., Wingler, A., Paul, J. P., & O'Hara, L. E. (2013). The trehalose 6-phosphate/SnRK1 signaling pathway primes growth recovery following relief of sink limitation. Plant Physiology, 162, 1720-1732.
Wingler, A., Delatte, T. L., O'Hara, L. E., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Paul, M. J., & Schlüpmann, H. (2012). Trehalose-6-phosphate is required for the onset of leaf senescence associated with high carbon availability. Plant Physiology, 158(3), 1241-1251.
Nunes, C., Schlüpmann, H., Delatte, T. L., Wingler, A., Silva, A. B., Fevereiro, P. S., Jansen, M., Florani, F., Wiese-Klinkenberg, A., & Paul, M. J. (2013). Regulation of growth by the trehalose pathway: relationship to temperature and sucrose. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 8(12).
Zhang, S., Haider, I., Kohlen, W.
, Jiang, L., Bouwmeester, H., Meijer, A. H.
, Schlüpmann, H., Liu, C. M., & Ouwerkerk, P. B. (2012).
Function of the HD-Zip I gene Oshox22 in ABA-mediated drought and salt tolerances in rice.
Plant Molecular Biology,
80, 571-585.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23109182Schlupmann, H., & Paul, M. (2009). Trehalose metabolites in Arabidopsis: elusive, active and central. In I. Graham (Ed.), The Arabidopsis Book (pp. 1-17). The American Society of Plant Biologists.
Brouwer, P., Bräutigam, A., Buijs, V. A., Tazelaar, A. O. E., van der Werf, A., Schlüter, U.
, Reichart, G-J., Bolger, A., Usadel, B., Weber, A. P. M.
, & Schluepmann, H. (2017).
Metabolic adaptation, a specialized leaf organ structure and vascular responses to diurnal N2 fixation by nostoc azollae sustain the astonishing productivity of azolla ferns without nitrogen fertilizer.
Frontiers in Plant Science,
8, [442].
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00442 Delatte, T. L., Selman, M. H. J., Schlupmann, H., Somsen, G. W., Smeekens, J. C. M., & de Jong, G. J. (2009). Determination of trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis seedlings by successive extractions followed by anion exchange chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry, 389, 12-17.
Dijkhuizen, L. W., Brouwer, P., Bolhuis, H.
, Reichart, G. J., Koppers, N., Huettel, B., Bolger, A. M., Li, F. W., Cheng, S.
, Liu, X., Wong, G. K. S., Pryer, K., Weber, A. P. M., Bräutigam, A.
, & Schluepmann, H. (2018).
Is there foul play in the leaf pocket? The metagenome of floating fern Azolla reveals endophytes that do not fix N2but may denitrify.
New Phytologist,
217(1), 453-466.
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.14843 Brouwer, P., van der Werf, A.
, Schluepmann, H., Reichart, G. J., & Nierop, K. G. J. (2016).
Lipid yield and composition of Azolla filiculoides and the implications for biodiesel production.
Bioenergy Research,
9(1), 369-377.
Scholarly publications
Schluepmann, H., Bigot, I., Rijken, N., Correas Griffol, A., Gudde, P., Dijkhuizen, L., & Güngör, E. (2021). Domestication of the floating fern symbiosis Azolla. In J. Marimuthu, H. Fernández, A. Kumar, & S. Thangaiah (Eds.), Ferns: Biotechnology, Propagation, Medicinal Uses and Environmental Regulation (1st. Edition 2021 ed.). Springer.
Dijkhuizen, L. W., Tabatabaei, B. E. S.
, Brouwer, P., Rijken, N., Buijs, V. A.
, Güngör, E., & Schluepmann, H. (2021).
Far-Red Light-Induced Azolla filiculoides Symbiosis Sexual Reproduction: Responsive Transcripts of Symbiont Nostoc azollae Encode Transporters Whilst Those of the Fern Relate to the Angiosperm Floral Transition.
Frontiers in Plant Science,
12, 1-21. [693039].
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.693039 Güngör, E., Brouwer, P., Dijkhuizen, L. W., Shaffar, D. C.
, Nierop, K. G. J., Vos, R. C. H.
, Sastre Toraño, J., Meer, I. M.
, & Schluepmann, H. (2021).
Azolla ferns testify: seed plants and ferns share a common ancestor for leucoanthocyanidin reductase enzymes.
New Phytologist,
229(2), 1118-1132.
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.16896 2019
Scholarly publications
Brouwer, P., Nierop, K. G. J., Huijgen, W. J. J.
, & Schluepmann, H. (2019).
Aquatic weeds as novel protein sources: Alkaline extraction of tannin-rich Azolla.
Biotechnology Reports,
24, [e00368].
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00368 2018
Scholarly publications
Nierop, K. G. J., Brouwer, P., Dekker, R., Schluepmann, H., & Reichart, G. J. (2018).
ω20-Hydroxy and ω9,ω10-dihydroxy biomarker lipids in ferns from the Salviniaceae family.
Organic Geochemistry,
125, 229-242.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.09.014 Li, F. W.
, Brouwer, P., Carretero-Paulet, L., Cheng, S., De Vries, J., Delaux, P. M., Eily, A., Koppers, N., Kuo, L. Y., Li, Z., Simenc, M., Small, I., Wafula, E., Angarita, S., Barker, M. S., Bräutigam, A., Depamphilis, C., Gould, S., Hosmani, P. S., ... Pryer, K. M. (2018).
Fern genomes elucidate land plant evolution and cyanobacterial symbioses.
Nature Plants,
4(7), 460-472.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-018-0188-8Brouwer, P., Schluepmann, H., Nierop, K. G., Elderson, J.
, Bijl, P. K., van der Meer, I., de Visser, W.
, Reichart, G-J., Smeekens, S., & van der Werf, A. (2018).
Growing Azolla to produce sustainable protein feed: The effect of differing species and CO2 concentrations on biomass productivity and chemical composition.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,
98(12), 4759-4768.
https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9016 Dijkhuizen, L. W., Brouwer, P., Bolhuis, H.
, Reichart, G. J., Koppers, N., Huettel, B., Bolger, A. M., Li, F. W., Cheng, S.
, Liu, X., Wong, G. K. S., Pryer, K., Weber, A. P. M., Bräutigam, A.
, & Schluepmann, H. (2018).
Is there foul play in the leaf pocket? The metagenome of floating fern Azolla reveals endophytes that do not fix N2but may denitrify.
New Phytologist,
217(1), 453-466.
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.14843 2017
Scholarly publications
Brouwer, P., Bräutigam, A., Buijs, V. A., Tazelaar, A. O. E., van der Werf, A., Schlüter, U.
, Reichart, G-J., Bolger, A., Usadel, B., Weber, A. P. M.
, & Schluepmann, H. (2017).
Metabolic adaptation, a specialized leaf organ structure and vascular responses to diurnal N2 fixation by nostoc azollae sustain the astonishing productivity of azolla ferns without nitrogen fertilizer.
Frontiers in Plant Science,
8, [442].
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00442 2016
Scholarly publications
Dymek, K., Panarese, V., Herremans, E., Cantre, D., Schoo, R.
, Torano, J. S., Schlupmann, H., Wadso, L., Verboven, P., Nicolai, B. M., Dejmek, P., & Galindo, F. G. (2016).
Investigation of the metabolic consequences of impregnating spinach leaves with trehalose and applying a pulsed electric field.
112, 153-157.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioelechem.2016.02.006de Vries, J., Fischer, A. M., Roettger, M., Rommel, S.
, Schlupmann, H., Bräutigam, A., Carlsbecker, A., & Gould, S. B. (2016).
Cytokinin-induced promotion of root meristem size in the fern Azolla supports a shoot-like origin of euphyllophyte roots.
New Phytologist,
209(2), 705-20.
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.13630Brouwer, P., van der Werf, A.
, Schluepmann, H., Reichart, G. J., & Nierop, K. G. J. (2016).
Lipid yield and composition of Azolla filiculoides and the implications for biodiesel production.
Bioenergy Research,
9(1), 369-377.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12155-015-9665-3 2015
Other output
Kooiker, M. C., Schlupmann, H., Voesenek, L. A. C. J., & Sasidharan, R. (2015). Trehalose metabolism plays an important role in flooding tolerance. Poster session presented at ICAR congress, Paris, France.
Scholarly publications
Bolhuis, H.
, Schlupmann, H., Kristalijn, J., Sulaiman, Z., & Marshall, D. J. (2014).
Molecular analysis of bacterial diversity in mudflats along the salinity gradient of an acidified tropical Bornean estuary (South East Asia).
Aquatic Biosystems,
10, 10.
https://doi.org/10.1186/2046-9063-10-10Brouwer, P., Bräutigam, A., Külahoglu, C., Tazelaar, A. O. E., Kurz, S.
, Nierop, K. G. J., van der Werf, A., Weber, A. P. M.
, & Schlupmann, H. (2014).
Azolla domestication towards a biobased economy? New Phytologist,
202(3), 1069-1082.
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.12708 2013
Scholarly publications
Nunes, C., Schlüpmann, H., Delatte, T. L., Wingler, A., Silva, A. B., Fevereiro, P. S., Jansen, M., Florani, F., Wiese-Klinkenberg, A., & Paul, M. J. (2013). Regulation of growth by the trehalose pathway: relationship to temperature and sucrose. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 8(12).
Nunes, C. M., Primavesi, L., Delatte, T., Schlüpmann, H., Somsen, G., Silva, A., Fevereiro, P. S., Wingler, A., Paul, J. P., & O'Hara, L. E. (2013). The trehalose 6-phosphate/SnRK1 signaling pathway primes growth recovery following relief of sink limitation. Plant Physiology, 162, 1720-1732.
Scholarly publications
Schlupmann, H., Berke, L., & Sanchez-Perez, G. F. (2012).
Metabolism control over growth: a case for trehalose-6-phosphate in plants.
Journal of Experimental Botany,
63(9), 3379-90.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/err311 Wingler, A., Delatte, T. L., O'Hara, L. E., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Paul, M. J., & Schlüpmann, H. (2012). Trehalose-6-phosphate is required for the onset of leaf senescence associated with high carbon availability. Plant Physiology, 158(3), 1241-1251.
Zhang, S., Haider, I., Kohlen, W.
, Jiang, L., Bouwmeester, H., Meijer, A. H.
, Schlüpmann, H., Liu, C. M., & Ouwerkerk, P. B. (2012).
Function of the HD-Zip I gene Oshox22 in ABA-mediated drought and salt tolerances in rice.
Plant Molecular Biology,
80, 571-585.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23109182Sastre Torano, J., Delatte, T. L., Schlupmann, H., Smeekens, J. C. M., de Jong, G. J., & Somsen, G. W. (2012). Determination of trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis thaliana seedings by hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403, 1353-1360.
Scholarly publications
Martínez-Barajas, E.
, Delatte, T., Schlupmann, H., de Jong, G. J., Somsen, G. W., Nunes, C., Primavesi, L. F., Coello, P., Mitchell, R. A. C., & Paul, M. J. (2011).
Wheat grain development is characterized by remarkable trehalose 6-phosphate accumulation pregrain filling: tissue distribution and relationship to SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity.
Plant Physiology,
156(1), 373-81.
https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.111.174524Delatte, T. L., Sedijani, P., Kondou, Y., Matsui, M.
, de Jong, G. J., Somsen, G. W., Wiese-Klinkenberg, A., Primavesi, L. F., Paul, M. J.
, & Schlupmann, H. (2011).
Growth arrest by trehalose-6-phosphate: an astonishing case of primary metabolite control over growth by way of the SnRK1 signaling pathway.
Plant Physiology,
157(1), 160-74.
https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.111.180422 Ma, J., Hanssen, M. G. M., Lundgren, K.
, Hernandez Garcia, L., Delatte, T. L., Ehlert, A., Liu, C. M.
, Schlupmann, H., Droge-Laser, W., Moritz, T.
, Smeekens, J. C. M., & Hanson, S. J. (2011).
The sucrose-regulated Arabidopsis transcription factor bZIP11 reprograms metabolism and regulates trehalose metabolism.
New Phytologist,
191(3), 733-745.
http://10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03735.x Delatte, T. L., Schlupmann, H., Smeekens, J. C. M., de Jong, G. J., & Somsen, G. W. (2011). Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry analysis of trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400(4), 1137-1144.
Scholarly publications
Paul, M. J., Jhurreea, D., Zhang, Y., Primavesi, L. F.
, Delatte, T., Schluepmann, H., & Wingler, A. (2010).
Up-regulation of biosynthetic processes associated with growth by trehalose-6-phosphate.
Plant Signaling & Behavior,
5(4), 386-392.
https://doi.org/10.4161/psb.5.4.10792Paul, M. J., Jhurreea, D., Zhang, Y., Primavesi, L. F.
, Delatte, T., Schlupmann, H., & Wingler, A. (2010).
Upregulation of biosynthetic processes associated with growth by trehalose 6-phosphate.
Plant Signaling and Behavior,
5(4), 386-392.
Scholarly publications
Schlupmann, H., & Paul, M. (2009). Trehalose metabolites in Arabidopsis: elusive, active and central. In I. Graham (Ed.), The Arabidopsis Book (pp. 1-17). The American Society of Plant Biologists.
Zhang, Y., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Andralojc, P. J., Mitchell, R. A., Powers, S. J., Schlupmann, H., Delatte, T., Wingler, A., & Paul, M. J. (2009). Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose-6-phosphatase. Plant Physiology, 149(4), 1860-1871.
Delatte, T. L., Selman, M. H. J., Schlupmann, H., Somsen, G. W., Smeekens, J. C. M., & de Jong, G. J. (2009). Determination of trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis seedlings by successive extractions followed by anion exchange chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry, 389, 12-17.
Other output
Delatte, T. L., Selman, M. H. J., Schlupmann, H., Somsen, G. W., Smeekens, J. C. M., & de Jong, G. J. (2009). Determination of trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings by successive liquid-liquid and solid-phase extraction followed by anion-exchange chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Poster session presented at ALW-Discussieplatform Experimentele Plantenwetenschappen, Lunteren, Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Aghdasi, M., Smeekens, S., & Schlupmann, H. (2008). Microarray analysis of gene expression patterns in arabidopsis seedlings under trehalose, sucrose and sorbitol treatment. International Journal of Plant Production, 2(4), 309-320.
Other output
Ouwerkerk, P. B. F., Slamet Loedin, I., Moeljopawiro, S., & Schlupmann, H. (2007). Versatile monocot crops for food and biomass production in dry and marginal lands. Abstract from Open Science Meeting, Sanur, Indonesia, Sanur, Indonesia.
Scholarly publications
Kolbe, A., Tiessen, A., Schlupmann, H., Paul, M., Ulrich, S., & Geigenberger, P. (2005). Trehalose-6-phosphate regulates starch synthesis via posttranslational redox activation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102, 11118-11123.
Other output
Aghdasi, M., Konstantinova, T., Smeekens, J. C. M., & Schlupmann, H. (2005). Mutants in trehalose-6-phosphate targets. Poster session presented at ALW-bijeenkomst Experimentele Plantenwetenschappen, Lunteren.
Scholarly publications
Schlupmann, H., van Dijken, A. J. H., Aghdasi, M., Wobbes, B., Paul, M.
, & Smeekens, J. C. M. (2004).
Trehalose mediated growth inhibition of Arabidopsis seedlings is due to trehalose-6-phosphate accumulation.
Plant Physiology,
135, 879-890.
https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/11461/SchluepmannPlantPhysiol2004.pdf?sequence=2 Pellny, T., Ghannoum, O., Conroy, J. P.
, Schlupmann, H., Smeekens, J. C. M., Andralojc, J., Krause, K-P., Goddijn, O., & Paul, M. (2004).
Genetic modification of photosynthesis with E. coli genes for trehalose synthesis.
Plant Biotechnology Journal,
2, 71-82.
https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/11458/PellnyPlBiotechJ2004.pdf?sequence=2Other output
Schlupmann, H. (2004). Trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis. Poster session presented at Jacques Monod Conference on Integrative biology: dissecting cross talk between plant signalling pathways, Roscoff, France.
Schlupmann, H. (2004). Trehalose-6-phosphate in Arabidopsis. Abstract from 13th International Congress on Photosynthesis, Montreal, Quebec.
Scholarly publications
Schlupmann, H., Pellny, T., van Dijken, A. J. H., Smeekens, J. C. M., & Paul, M. (2003). Trehalose-6-phosphate is indispensable for carbohydrate utilization and growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100, 6849-6954.
Scholarly publications
Schlupmann, H., Bacic, A., & Read, S. M. (1994). Uridine Diphosphate Glucose Metabolism and Callose Synthesis in Cultured Pollen Tubes of Nicotiana alata Link et Otto. Plant Physiology, 105(2), 659-670.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications