Dr. H.M. (Hanna) Dusza MSc

Dr. H.M. (Hanna) Dusza MSc

Assistant Professor
One Health Toxicology



Scholarly publications

Dusza, H., van Boxel, J., Duursen, M. B. M. V., Forsberg, M., Legler, J., & Vahakangas, K. (2022). Experimental human placental models for studying uptake, transport and toxicity of micro- and nanoplastics. Science of the Total Environment, [160403]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160403
Dusza, H. M., Katrukha, E. A., Nijmeijer, S. M., Akhmanova, A., Vethaak, A. D., Walker, D. I., & Legler, J. (2022). Uptake, Transport, and Toxicity of Pristine and Weathered Micro- and Nanoplastics in Human Placenta Cells. Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(9), 1-14. [097006]. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP10873
Dusza, H. M. (2022). Contaminants of emerging concern in the fetal environment: unravelling the exposure and effects of endocrine disrupting compounds and micro(nano)plastics in utero. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University. https://doi.org/10.33540/1525
Dusza, H. M., Manz, K. E., Pennell, K. D., Kanda, R., & Legler, J. (2022). Identification of known and novel nonpolar endocrine disruptors in human amniotic fluid. Environment international, 158, 1-15. [106904]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106904


Scholarly publications

Dusza, H. M., Janssen, E., Kanda, R., & Legler, J. (2019). Method Development for Effect-Directed Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Human Amniotic Fluid. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(24), 14649-14659. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b04255


Scholarly publications

Dusza, H. M., Cenijn, P. H., Kamstra, J. H., Westerink, R. H. S., Leonards, P. E. G., & Hamers, T. (2018). Effects of environmental pollutants on calcium release and uptake by rat cortical microsomes. NeuroToxicology, 69, 266-277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuro.2018.07.015