Main tasks:
*Advises clients (intern and extern) in relation to experimental research, fieldwork and/or possibilities and analytical facilities of the Geolab
*Introduction and support of students, PhD students, new group members, etc. in the GL
*Responsible for quality of analyses and procedures in the Geolab and Petrology
*Responsible for ICP-OES (since 1996), LA-ICPMS & ICPMS (since 2009)
The Geolab is a combined laboratory of the Faculty of Geosciences and TNO/Deltares. The Geolab serves in the area of education and research to the Faculty of Geosciences, TNO/Deltares and other faculties, or companies. Performing (routine) analyses is also one of the tasks of the Geolab.
For more detailed information about the Geolab:
Bernadette Marchand
Phone: +31 30 253.5011
Our research covers a wide spectrum of geological and geochemical processes:
from low-temperature biogeochemistry to high-temperature igneous petrology, and from active volcanoes to Archaean sedimentary rocks.
We focus on fundamental research in stable isotope geochemistry (S, Se, Si) to develop and improve biomarkers and environmental proxies related to the Archaean Earth, we study melt inclusions to understand magmatic processes, and we explore crater lakes and the effects of harmful volcanic emissions. We are also active in the development of new analytical techniques, and have a variety of lab facilities available including Laser Ablation ICP-MS.
Laser ablation ICP-MS
Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is a technique used for the in situ analysis of trace elements in solid samples. It can determine many elements in the periodic table to high degrees of accuracy and precision. The technique complements electron microprobe analysis, typically measuring trace elements at a lower concentration range (1 ppb - 100 ppm).
Solid particles are physically ablated due to the interaction of a high power laser beam (> 1 x 1010 Wcm-2) with the surface of the sample. The particles are carried in a stream of inert gas (helium or argon) into an argon plasma where they are ionized prior to measurement in a mass spectrometer. Isotopes are measured to determine elemental concentrations.
Technical information
Our laboratory is equipped with a ThermoFischer Scientific Element 2 magnetic sector ICP-MS and a Geolas (MicroLas, Goettingen, Germany) 193 nm excimer laser ablation system. We also have a ThermoFischer Scientific X-series quadrupole ICP-MS available.
For more information or inquiries about lab time, please contact dr. Paul Mason or ing. Helen de Waard.
2003 - Research assistant in the following project:
* Formation and reactivity of iron phosphate minerals
2003 - Conference:
* Hyacinthe C., de Waard H., Rancourt D.G. and Van Cappellen P. Formation and reactivity of iron phosphate minerals Workshop on "Biogeochemical Processes involving Iron Minerals in Natural Waters", 2003 Ascona (CH)
* Hyacinthe C., de Waard H. and Van Cappellen P. The contribution of sediments to phophorus cycling in an estuarine system, The Scheldt ( Belgium and the Netherlands ) EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003 Nice (F)
2012 - article:
Sorption and precipitation of Mn2+ by viable and autoclaved Shewanella putrefaciens: Effect of contact time
Natalia Chubar a,*, Tom Visser b, Cristina Avramut a, Helen de Waard a
a Utrecht University, Department of Earth Sciences – Geochemistry, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands
b Utrecht University, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Sorbonnelaan 16, 3584 CA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Received 28 February 2011; accepted in revised form 25 September 2012; Available online 12 October 2012
* Corresponding author. Current address: Glasgow Caledonian University, School of Engineering and Built Environment, Cowcaddens Road 70, Glasgow G4 0BA, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44141 2731779.
E-mail addresses:, (N. Chubar).