Prof. dr. Hens Runhaar

Special Issues:

  1. Runhaar, H. and Y. Zinngrebe (2024), The governance of biodiversity recovery: from global targets to sectoral action, Earth System Governance.
  2. Persson, Å., H. Runhaar (main editors) and S. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, G. Mullally, A. Widmer and D. Russel (co-editors) (2018), Environmental Policy Integration: taking stock of policy practice in different contexts, Environmental Science and Policy, virtual special issue.
  3. Tatenhove, J. van. H. Runhaar and H. van der Windt (2016), Special issue on organising productive science-policy interactions for sustainable coastal management. Lessons from the Wadden Sea, Environmental Science and Policy, 55 (Part 3), pp. 377-472.
  4. Dewulf, A., S. Meijerink and H. Runhaar (2015), Special issue on the governance of adaptation to climate change as a multi-level, multi-sector and multi-actor challenge: a European comparative perspective, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 6 (1), pp. 1-180.
  5. Runhaar, H.A.C. and T.B. Fischer (2012), Special issue on 25 years of EIA in the EU, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 14 (4), pp. 1-123.


Publications in international, peer-reviewed journals:

  1. Dik, L., H. Runhaar and K. Termeer (2024), What do farmer collectives need to enhance biodiversity, water quality and climate action in rural areas? EuroChoices (accepted for publication).
  2. Bello Cartagena, L., D. Hegger, P. Tittonell and H. Runhaar (2024), How transformative is agroecological knowledge co-creation?  Insights from a systematic literature review, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 49 (1), pp. 124-150.
  3. Oers, L., van, G. Feola, E. Moors and H. Runhaar (2024), Facilitating unlearning in agricultural education: preparing for family-farm succession, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (published online).
  4. Chappin, M.M.H., M.J. Punt, H.S. Toxopeus, N. van Tilburg, C.L. de Jongh, H.A.C. Runhaar and G.H.J. Spaas (2024), How can networks address barriers to nature-based solutions? The case of agriculture and construction in the Netherlands, Landscape and Urban Planning, 251, 105147.
  5. Runhaar, H., F. Pröbstl, F. Heim, E. Cardona Santos, J. Claudet, L. Dik, G. de Queiroz-Stein, A. Zolyomi, and Y. Zinngrebe (2024), Mainstreaming Biodiversity Targets into Sectoral Policies and Plans: A Review from a Biodiversity Policy Integration Perspective, Earth System Governance, 20, 100209.
  6. Runhaar, H. and Y. Zinngrebe (2024), The governance of biodiversity recovery: from global targets to sectoral action: editorial, Earth System Governance, 20, 100206.
  7. Rochell, K., H. Bulkeley and H. Runhaar (2024), Different shades of green: How transnational actors frame nature as a solution to sustainability challenges in African cities, Local Environment (accepted for publication). 
  8. Rochell, K., H.A. Bulkeley, and H.A.C. Runhaar (2024), Nature for resilience reconfigured: global-to-local translation of frames in Africa, Buildings & Cities, 5 (1), pp. 1-15.
  9. Raj, G., G. Feola and H. Runhaar (2024), Work in progress: power in transformation to postcapitalist work relations in community-supported agriculture, Agriculture and Human Values, 41(1), pp. 269–291.
  10. Dik, L. G. Bazzan, C.J.A.M. Termeer and H.A.C. Runhaar (2023), How does the professionalisation of farmer collectives enable effective agri-environmental schemes? A fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of 36 Dutch farmer collectives, Earth System Governance, 18, 100197.
  11. Piabuo, S.M., V. Ingram, H. Runhaar, M. Hoogstra-Klein, D. Foundjem-Titaa and P.A. Minang (2023), Community capacities for social enterprise development: empirical evidence from Community Forest Enterprises (CFEs) in Cameroon, Environmental Development, 47, 100884.
  12. Sarabi, S., N. Frantzeskaki, J. Waldenberger, O. Alvarado, D. Raaimakers, H. Runhaar, C. Stijnen, H. Toxopeus and E. Vrînceanu (2023), Renaturing cities: from utopias to contested realities and futures, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 127999.
  13. Dik, L., J. Westerink, A.W. van der Linde, A.A.M. Olieman, C.J.A.M. Termeer, and H.A.C. Runhaar (2023), Professional farmer collectives for agri-environmental management: an assessment, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 21 (1), 2224648.
  14. Papineau Salm, J.A., M. Bockarjova, W.J.W. Botzen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2023), Citizens’ preferences and valuation of urban nature: insights from choice experiments, Ecological Economics, 208, 107797.
  15. Wuijts, S., H.F.M.W. van Rijswick, P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2023), Moving forward to achieve the ambitions of the European Water Framework Directive: lessons learned from the Netherlands, Journal of Environmental Management, 333, 117424.
  16. Oers, L. van, G. Feola, H. Runhaar and E. Moors (2023), Unlearning in sustainability transitions: insight from two Dutch community-supported agriculture farms, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 46, 100693.
  17. Jagt, A. van der, L. Tozer, H. Toxopeus and H. Runhaar (2023), Policy mixes for mainstreaming urban nature-based solutions: An analysis of six European countries and the European Union, Environmental Science and Policy, 139 (2023), pp. 51–61.
  18. Tozer, L., M. Mayr, J. Greenwalt, G. Nadi and H. Runhaar (2023), Mobilizing infrastructure investments for urban climate action in Africa: enabling factors for multilevel action, Local Environment, 28 (7), pp. 867–881. 
  19. Moore, D., B. Massar, M. Frederiks, R. Veltkamp and H. Runhaar (2022), Gamification for sustainable food transitions: supporting multi-level cooperation in short food supply chains through GAIN, International Journal of Food Studies, 11, pp. 248–259.
  20. Raj, G., G. Feola, M. Hajer and H. Runhaar (2022), Power and empowerment of grassroots innovations for sustainability transitions: A review, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 43, pp. 375-392.
  21. Tozer, L., H. Bulkeley, A. van der Jagt, H. Toxopeus, L. Xie and H. Runhaar (2022), Catalyzing sustainability pathways: navigating Urban Nature Based Solutions in Europe, Global Environmental Change, 74, 102521.
  22. Karcher, D.B., C. Cvitanovic, I.E. van Putten, R.M. Colvin, D. Armitage, S. Aswani, M. Ballesteros, N.C. Ban, M.J. Barragán-Paladines, A. Bednarek, J.D. Bell, C.M. Brooks, T.M. Daw, R. de la Cruz-Modino, T.B. Francis, E.A. Fulton, A.J. Hobday, D. Holcer, C. Hudson, T.C. Jennerjahn, A. Kinney, M. Knol-Kauffman, M.F. Löf, P.F.M. Lopes, P.C. Mackelworth, A. McQuatters-Gollop, E.-K. Muhl, P. Neihapi, J.J. Pascual-Fernández, S.M. Posner, H. Runhaar, K. Sainsbury, G. Sander, D.J. Steenbergen, P.M. Tuda, E. Whiteman and J. Zhang (2022), Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy, Journal of Environmental Management, 314, 114994.
  23. Beekman, M.P.G., P.R. Runhaar and H.A.C. Runhaar (2022), Burgers en natuur-inclusieve landbouw [Citizens and nature-inclusive agriculture], Landschap, 39 (1), pp. 41-47.
  24. Dorst, H., A. van der Jagt, H. Toxopeus, L. Tozer, R. Raven and H. Runhaar (2022), What’s behind the barriers? Uncovering structural conditions working against urban nature-based solutions, Landscape and Urban Planning, 220, 104335.
  25. Vermunt, D.A., N. Wojtynia, M.P. Hekkert, J. van Dijk, R. Verburg, P.A. Verweij, M. Wassen and H. Runhaar (2022), Five mechanisms blocking the transition towards 'nature-inclusive' agriculture: a systemic analysis of Dutch dairy farming, Agricultural Systems, 95, 103280.
  26. Dik, L., H.A.C. Runhaar and C.J.A.M. Termeer (2022), Farmer collectives for more effective Agri-environmental schemes? An assessment framework based on the concept of ‘professionalisation’, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20 (4), pp. 543-557.
  27. Oers, L. van, G. Feola, E. Moors and H. Runhaar (2021), The politics of deliberate destabilisation for sustainability transitions, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 40, pp. 159-171.
  28. Dorst, H., A. van der Jagt, A., H. Runhaar and R. Raven (2021), Structural conditions for the wider uptake of urban nature-based solutions - a conceptual framework, Cities, 116, 103283.
  29. Runhaar, H. (2021), Four critical conditions for agroecological transitions in Europe, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 19 (3-4), pp. 227-233.
  30. Oosten, C. van, H. Runhaar and B. Arts (2021), Capable to govern landscape restoration? Exploring landscape governance capabilities, based on literature and stakeholder perceptions, Land Use Policy, 104, 104020.
  31. Lyhne, I., L. Kørnøv and H. Runhaar (2021), Can Tour de France inspire SEA effectiveness? An analogy to encourage a broader systems thinking, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 39 (2), pp. 167-170.
  32. Runhaar, H., L. Fünfschilling, A. van den Pol-van Dasselaar, E.H.M. Moors, R. Temmink and M. Hekkert (2020), Endogenous regime change: lessons from transition pathways in Dutch dairy farming, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 36C, pp. 137-150.
  33. Hegger, D., H. Runhaar, F. van Laerhoven and P. Driessen (2020), Towards explanations for stability and change in modes of environmental governance: a systematic approach with illustrations from the Netherlands, Earth System Governance, 3, 100048.
  34. Jagt, S. van der, R. Raven, H. Dorst and H. Runhaar (2020), Nature-Based Innovation Systems, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 35, pp. 202-216.
  35. Runhaar, H. (2020), How do Dutch citizens appreciate nature in agricultural landscapes? [Hoe waarderen Nederlanders boerennatuur?] Landschap, 37 (1), pp. 11-19.
  36. Wardekker, A., B. Wilk, V. Brown, C. Uittenbroek, H. Mees, P. Driessen, M. Wassen, A. Molenaar, J. Walda and H. Runhaar (2020), A diagnostic tool for supporting policymaking on urban resilience, Cities, 101, 102691.
  37. Marschütz, B., S. Bremer, H. Runhaar, D. Hegger, H. Mees, J. Vervoort and A. Wardekker (2020), Local narratives of change as an entry point for building urban climate resilience, Climate Risk Management, 28, 100223.
  38. Doren, D. van, H.A.C. Runhaar, R. Raven, M. Giezen and P.P.J. Driessen (2020), Institutional work, actor-characteristics and field-level conditions in sustainability transitions, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 35, pp. 116–134.
  39. Doren, D. van, P.P.J. Driessen, H.A.C. Runhaar and M. Giezen (2020), Learning within local government to promote the scaling-up of low-carbon initiatives: A case study in the City of Copenhagen, Energy Policy, 136, 111030.
  40. Ingold, K., P.P.J. Driessen, H.A.C. Runhaar and A. Widmer (2019), On the necessity of connectivity: linking key characteristics of environmental problems with governance modes, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62 (11), pp. 1821-1844. 
  41. Lee, R., R. den Uyl and H. Runhaar (2019), Assessment of policy instruments for pesticide use reduction in Europe; learning from a systematic literature review, Crop Protection, 26 (12), 104929.
  42. Runhaar, H., A. Buijs and P. Runhaar (2019), What explains citizens’ valuations of and attitudes towards agricultural biodiversity? Results of an exploratory survey of Dutch students, NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 89, 100303.
  43. Runhaar, H., P. Runhaar, M. Bouwmans, S. Vink, A. Buijs and D. Kleijn (2019), The power of argument. Enhancing citizen’s valuation of and attitude towards agricultural biodiversity, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 17 (3), pp. 231-242.
  44. Dorst, H., R. Raven, A. van der Jagt and H. Runhaar (2019), Urban greening through Nature-Based Solutions – key characteristics of an emerging concept, Sustainable Cities and Society, 49, 101620.
  45. Runhaar, P., K. Wagenaar, R. Wesselink and H. Runhaar, Encouraging students’ pro-environmental behaviour. Examining the roles of individual and school factors (2019), Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 13 (1) 45–66. 
  46. Buijs, A., E. Rall, B. Ambrose-Oji, S. Van der Jagt, S. Pauleit, H. Runhaar, A.S. Olafsson, B. Elands, M. Steen-Moller, R. Hansen and T. Mattijssen (2019), Mosaic governance for urban green infrastructure: upscaling active citizenship from a local government perspective, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 40, pp. 53-62. 
  47. Runhaar, H., A. Gommers, K. Verhaegen, K. Cooman and P. Corens (2019), The effectiveness of Environmental Assessment in Flanders. An analysis of practitioner perspectives, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 76, pp. 113-119. 
  48. Runhaar, H., N. Polman and M. Dijkshoorn-Dekker (2018), Self-initiated nature conservation by farmers: an analysis of Dutch farming, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,16 (6), pp. 486-497.
  49. Schoonhoven, Y. and H. Runhaar (2018), Conditions for the adoption of agro-ecological farming practices: A holistic framework illustrated with the case of almond farming in Andalusia, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 16 (6), pp. 442-454.
  50. Bodde, M., K. van der Wel, P. Driessen, A. Wardekker and H. Runhaar (2018), Strategies for dealing with uncertainties in Strategic Environmental Assessment– an analytical framework illustrated with case studies from the Netherlands, Sustainability, 10 (7), 2463.
  51. Enst, W.I. van, P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2018), Promoting enriched coastal zone management: the role of boundary objects, Ocean and Coastal Management, 160, pp. 158–166. 
  52. Persson, Å., H. Runhaar, S. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, G. Mullally, D. Russel and A. Widmer (2018), Editorial: Environmental Policy Integration: taking stock of policy practice in different contexts, Environmental Science and Policy, 85, pp. 113-115. 
  53. Persson, Å. and H. Runhaar (2018), Conclusion: drawing lessons for Environmental Policy Integration and prospects for future research, Environmental Science and Policy, 85, pp. 141-145. 
  54. Oosten, C. van, A. Uzamukunda and H. Runhaar (2018), Strategies for achieving environmental policy integration at the landscape level. A framework illustrated with an analysis of landscape governance in Rwanda, Environmental Science and Policy, 83, pp. 63-70. 
  55. Runhaar, H., B. Wilk, Å. Persson, C. Uittenbroek and C. Wamsler (2018), Mainstreaming climate adaptation: taking stock about 'what works' from empirical research worldwide, Regional Environmental Change, 18 (4), pp. 1201-1210.
  56. Giomi, T., P. Runhaar and H. Runhaar (2018), Reducing agrochemical use for nature conservation by Italian olive farmers: an evaluation of public and private governance strategies, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 16 (1), pp. 94-105. 
  57. Runhaar, H. and N. Polman (2018), Partnering for nature conservation: NGO-farmer collaboration for meadow bird protection in the Netherlands, Land Use Policy, 73C, pp. 11-19.
  58. Doren, D. van, P.P.J. Driessen, H.A.C. Runhaar and M. Giezen (2018), Scaling-up low-carbon urban initiatives: towards a better understanding, Urban Studies, 55 (1), pp. 175-194.
  59. Kolhoff, A.J., P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2018), Overcoming low EIA performance: A rapid assessment tool for the deliberate development of capacities of EIA organizations in low and middle income countries, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 68, pp. 98-108.
  60. Van Enst, W.I., P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2017). Working at the boundary: An empirical study into the goals and strategies of knowledge brokers in the field of environmental governance in the Netherlands, Sustainability, 9 (11), 1962. 
  61. Hegger, D.L.T., H.L.P. Mees, P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2017), The roles of residents in climate adaptation: a systematic review in the case of the Netherlands, Environmental Policy and Governance, 27 (4), pp. 336-350.
  62. Runhaar, H.A.C. (2017), Governing the transformation towards 'nature-inclusive' agriculture: insights from the Netherlands, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15 (4), pp. 340-349. 
  63. Lyhne, I., F. van Laerhoven, M. Cashmore and H. Runhaar (2017), Theorising EIA effectiveness: A contribution based on the "Danish System", Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, pp. 240-249. 
  64. Runhaar, H.A.C., Th.C.P. Melman, F.G. Boonstra, J.W. Erisman, L.G.. Horlings, G.R. de Snoo, C.J.A.M. Termeer, M.J. Wassen, J. Westerink and B.J.M. Arts (2017), Promoting nature conservation by Dutch farmers: a governance perspective, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15 (3), pp. 264–281. 
  65. Doren, D., M. Giezen, P.P.J. Driessen and H. Runhaar (2016), Scaling-up energy conservation initiatives: barriers and local strategies, Sustainable Cities and Society, 26: pp. 227-239.
  66. Vane, M. and H. Runhaar (2016), Public support for invasive alien species eradication programmes: insights from the Netherlands, Restoration Ecology, 24 (6), pp. 743-748.
  67. Runhaar, H. (2016), Tools for integrating environmental objectives into policy and practice: what works where? Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 59, pp. 1-9.
  68. Runhaar, H, C. Uittenbroek, M. van Rijswick, H. Mees, P. Driessen, H. K. Gilissen (2016), Prepared for climate change? A method for the ex-ante assessment of formal responsibilities for climate adaptation in specific sectors, Regional Environmental Change, 16 (5), 1389-1400. 
  69. Lyhne, I., M. Cashmore, H. Runhaar and F. van Laerhoven (2016), Quality control for environmental policy appraisal tools: An empirical investigation of relations between quality, quality control and effectiveness, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 18 (1), pp. 121–140.
  70. Kolhoff, A.J., H.A.C. Runhaar, T. Gugushvili, G. Sonderegger, B. van der Leest and P.P.J. Driessen (2016), The influence of actor capacities on EIA system performance in low and middle income countries – cases from Georgia and Ghana, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 57, pp. 167-177. 
  71. van Tatenhove, J.P.M., H. Runhaar and H.J. van der Windt (2016), Editorial for the special issue on Organising productive science-policy interactions for sustainable coastal management. Lessons from the Wadden Sea, Environmental Science and Policy, 55 (1), pp. 377-379. 
  72. Runhaar, H., H.J. van der Windt and J.P.M. van Tatenhove (2016), Conclusions from the Environmental Science & Policy special issue on Organising productive science-policy interactions for sustainable coastal management. Lessons from the Wadden Sea, Environmental Science and Policy, 55 (1), pp. 467-471. 
  73. Enst, W. van, H. Runhaar and P.P.J. Driessen (2016), Boundary organisations and their strategies: Three cases in the Wadden Sea, Environmental Science & Policy, 55 (1), pp. 416-423. 
  74. Uittenbroek, C.J., L.B. Janssen-Jansen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2016), Stimuli for climate adaptation in cities: insights from Philadelphia – an early adapter, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 8 (1), pp. 38-56. 
  75. Runhaar, H., M. Runhaar and H. Vink (2015), Reports on badgers Meles meles in Dutch newspapers 1900-2013: same animals, different framings? Mammal Review, 45 (3), pp. 133-145.
  76. Dewulf, A., S. Meijerink and H. Runhaar (2015), Editorial for the special issue on The governance of adaptation to climate change as a multi-level, multi-sector and multi-actor challenge: a European comparative perspective, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 6 (1), pp. 1-8. 
  77. Runhaar, H. and J. Arts (2015), Getting EA research out of the comfort zone: critical reflections from the Netherlands, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, special issue on ‘Impact Assessment Research – achievements, gaps and future directions’, 17 (1), 1550011.
  78. Mees, H., P. Driessen and H. Runhaar (2015), 'Cool' governance of a 'hot' climate issue: public and private responsibilities for the protection of vulnerable citizens against extreme heat, Regional Environmental Change, 15 (6), pp. 1065-1079. 
  79. Mees, H., J. Dijk, D. van Soest, P. Driessen, M. van Rijswick and H. Runhaar (2014), A method for the deliberate and deliberative selection of policy instrument mixes for climate change adaptation, Ecology and Society, 19 (2), 58.
  80. Roodenrijs, J.C.M., M.M. Kraaij, J.H.T.C. van den Kerkhof and H.A.C. Runhaar (2014), Risk governance for infectious diseases – exploring the feasibility and added value of the IRGC-framework for Dutch infectious disease control, Journal of Risk Research, 17 (9), pp. 1161-1182.
  81. Uittenbroek, C., L. Janssen-Jansen, T. Spit, W. Salet and H. Runhaar (2014), The role of political commitment in organising municipal responses to climate adaptation, Environmental Politics, 23 (6), pp. 1043-1063.
  82. Mees, H.L.P., Driessen, P.P.J., Runhaar, H.A.C. (2014), Legitimate adaptive flood risk governance beyond the dikes: the cases of Hamburg, Helsinki and Rotterdam, Regional Environmental Change, 14, pp. 671–682.
  83. Weber, M., P.P.J. Driessen and H. Runhaar (2014), Evaluating environmental policy instruments mixes: a methodology illustrated by noise policy in the Netherlands, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57 (9), pp. 1381-1397.
  84. Uittenbroek, C., L. Janssen-Jansen, T. Spit and H. Runhaar (2014), Organizational values and the implications for mainstreaming climate adaptation in Dutch municipalities: Using Q methodology, Journal of Water and Climate Change 5 (3), pp. 443-456.
  85. Runhaar, H., P. Driessen and C. Uittenbroek (2014), Towards a systematic framework for the analysis of Environmental Policy Integration, Environmental Policy and Governance 24 (4), pp. 233-246.
  86. Manni, L.A. and H.A.C. Runhaar (2014), The social efficiency of Pay-as-you-throw schemes for Municipal Solid Waste reduction: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of four financial incentive schemes applied in Switzerland, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 16 (1), 1450001.
  87. Enst, W. van, P. Driessen and H. Runhaar (2014), Towards productive science-policy interfaces: a research agenda, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 16 (1), 1450007.
  88. Glucker, A., P.P.J. Driessen, A. Kolhoff and H.A.C. Runhaar (2013), Public participation in environmental impact assessment: why, who, and how? Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 43, pp. 104-111.
  89. Runhaar, H., F. van Laerhoven, P. Driessen and J. Arts (2013), Environmental Assessment in the Netherlands: effectively governing environmental protection? A discourse analysis, special issue on Power and Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 39, pp. 13-25.
  90. Kolhoff, A.J., H.A.C. Runhaar and P.P.J. Driessen (2013), An analysis framework for characterizing and explaining development of EIA legislation in developing countries – illustrated for Georgia, Ghana and Yemen, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 38 (1), pp. 1-15.
  91. Doren, D. van, P.P.J. Driessen, B. Schijf and H.A.C. Runhaar (2013), Evaluating the substantive effectiveness of SEA: towards a better understanding, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 38 (1), pp. 120-130.
  92. Uittenbroek, C.J., L.B. Janssen-Jansen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2013), Mainstreaming climate adaptation into urban planning: overcoming barriers, seizing opportunities and evaluating the results in two Dutch case studies, Regional Environmental Change, 13 (2), pp. 399-411.
  93. Herten, M. van and H. Runhaar (2013), Dialogues of the deaf in Dutch eel management policy. Explaining controversy and deadlock with argumentative discourse analysis, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (7), pp. 1002-1020.
  94. Weber, M., P.P.J. Driessen, B. Schueler and H. Runhaar (2013), Variation and stability in Dutch noise policy: an analysis of dominant advocacy coalitions, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (7), pp. 953-981.
  95. Mees, H.L.P., P.P.J. Driessen, H.A.C. Runhaar and J. Stamatelos (2013), Who governs climate adaptation? Getting green roofs for storm-water retention off the ground, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (6), pp. 802-825.
  96. Jong, A. de, H.A.C. Runhaar, P.R. Runhaar, A.J. Kolhoff and P.P.J. Driessen (2012), Promoting system-level learning from project-level lessons. An analysis of donor-driven ‘indirect’ learning about EIA systems in Ghana and the Maldives, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 33 (1), pp. 23-31.
  97. Runhaar, H., H. Mees, A. Wardekker, J. van der Sluijs and P. Driessen (2012), Adaptation to climate change related risks in Dutch urban areas: stimuli and barriers, Regional Environmental Change, 12 (4), pp. 777-790.
  98. Mees, H.L.P., P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2012), Exploring the scope of public and private responsibilities for climate adaptation, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 14 (3), pp. 305-330.
  99. Driessen, P.P.J., C. Dieperink, F. van Laerhoven, H.A.C. Runhaar and W.J.V. Vermeulen (2012), Towards a conceptual framework for the study of shifts in environmental governance - Experiences from the Netherlands, Environmental Policy and Governance, 22 (3) , pp. 143-160.
  100. Runhaar, H.A.C. and T.B. Fischer (2012), Editorial to the special issue on 25 years of EIA in the EU, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 14 (4) special issue on 25 years of EIA in the EU, pp. 12020021-12020025.
  101. Arts, J., H.A.C. Runhaar, T.B. Fischer, U. Jha-Thakur, F. van Laerhoven, P.P.J. Driessen and V. Onyango (2012), The effectiveness of EIA as an instrument for environmental governance – a comparison of 25 years of EIA practice in the Netherlands and the UK, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 14 (4) special issue on 25 years of EIA in the EU, pp. 1250025.
  102. Runhaar, P. and H. Runhaar (2012), HR policies and practices in Vocational Education and Training institutions. Understanding the implementation gap through the lens of discourses, Human Resources Development International, 15 (5), pp. 609-625.
  103. Weber, M., P.P.J. Driessen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2011), Drivers of and barriers to shifts in governance: Analysing noise policy in the Netherlands, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 13 (2), pp. 119-137.
  104. Wassen, M.J., H. Runhaar, A. Barendregt and T. Okruszko (2011), Evaluating the role of participation in model studies for environmental planning, Environment and Planning B, 38 (2), pp. 338-358.
  105. Keessen, A.M., H.A.C. Runhaar, O.F. Schoumans, H.F.M.W. van Rijswick, P.P.J. Driessen, O. Oenema and K.B. Zwart (2011), The need for flexibility and differentiation in the protection of vulnerable areas in EU environmental law: the implementation of the Nitrates Directive in the Netherlands, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, 8 (2), pp. 165-182.
  106. Runhaar, H. and K. van Nieuwaal (2010), Understanding the use of science in decision-making on cockle fisheries and gas mining in the Dutch Wadden Sea: putting the science-policy interface in a wider perspective, Environmental Science & Policy, 13 (3), pp. 239-248.
  107. Loon, L. van, P.P.J. Driessen, A.J. Kolhoff and H.A.C. Runhaar (2010), Capacity development and EIA systems An analytical framework and an application on the EIA system of Yemen, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 30 (2), pp. 100-107.
  108. Runhaar, H., P. Runhaar and T. Oegema (2010), Food for thought. Conditions for discourse reflection in the light of environmental assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 30 (6), pp. 339-346. 
  109. Runhaar, H., P.P.J. Driessen, L. van Bree and J.P. van der Sluijs (2010), A meta-level analysis of major trends in environmental health risk governance, Journal of Risk Research, 13 (3), pp. 319-335.
  110. Runhaar, H. and H. Lafferty (2009), Governing Corporate Social Responsibility: An assessment of the contribution of the UN Global Compact to CSR strategies in the telecommunications industry, Journal of Business Ethics, 84, pp. 479-495.
  111. Runhaar, H. (2009), Putting SEA in context:  A discourse perspective on how SEA contributes to decision-making, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 29 (3), pp. 200-209.
  112. Runhaar, H., P.P.J. Driessen and L. Soer (2009), Sustainable urban development and the challenge of policy integration. An assessment of planning tools for integrating spatial and environmental planning in the Netherlands, Environment and Planning B, 36 (3), pp. 417-431.
  113. Kolhoff, A.J., H.A.C. Runhaar and P.P.J. Driessen (2009), The contribution of capacities and context to EIA system performance and effectiveness in developing countries: towards a better understanding, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 27 (4), pp. 1-12.
  114. Runhaar, H., C. Tigchelaar and W.J.V. Vermeulen (2008), Environmental leaders: making a difference. A typology of environmental leaders and recommendations for a differentiated policy approach, Business Strategy and the Environment, 17 (3), pp. 160-178.
  115. Runhaar, H. and P.P.J. Driessen (2007), What makes strategic environmental assessment successful environmental assessment? The role of context in the contribution of SEA to decision-making, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 25 (1), pp. 2-­14.
  116. Runhaar, H., C. Dieperink and P. Driessen (2006), Policy analysis for sustainable development. The toolbox for the environmental social scientist, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 7 (1), pp. 34-56.
  117. Runhaar, H. and R. van der Heijden (2005), Public policy intervention in freight transport costs: effects on printed media logistics in the Netherlands, Transport Policy, 12 (1), pp. 35-46.
  118. Runhaar, H., P. Driessen and W. Vermeulen (2005), Policy competences of environmental sustainability professionals, Greener Management International, special issue on “Environmental professionalism and sustainability: too important to get wrong”, 49, pp. 25-41.
  119. Runhaar, H., R. van der Heijden and B. Kuipers (2002), Flexibility of freight transport sectors: an exploration of carriers’ responses to external pressure on prices and service, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2 (1), pp. 19-40.
  120. Runhaar, H. (2001), Efficient pricing in transport: the gap between theory and practice, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 1 (1), pp. 29-44.


Special issues:

  1. Runhaar, H. and Y. Zinngrebe (ongoing), The Governance of Biodiversity Recovery: From Global Targets to Sectoral Action, Earth System Governance.
  2. Persson, Å., H. Runhaar (main editors) and S. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, G. Mullally, A. Widmer and D. Russel (co-editors)(2018), Environmental Policy Integration: Taking Stock of Policy Practice in Different Contexts, Environmental Science & Policy, virtual special issue.
  3. Tatenhove, J. van. H. Runhaar and H. van der Windt (2016), Organising Productive Science-Policy Interactions for Sustainable Coastal Management. Lessons from the Wadden Sea, Environmental Science & Policy, 55 (Part 3), pp. 377-472.
  4. Dewulf, A., S. Meijerink and H. Runhaar (2015), The Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change as a Multi-Level, Multi-Sector and Multi-Actor Challenge: a European Comparative Perspective, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 6 (1), pp. 1-180.
  5. Runhaar, H.A.C. and T.B. Fischer (2012), 25 years of EIA in the EU, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 14 (4), pp. 1-123.


Peer-reviewed book chapters and other contributions to books:

  1. Zinngrebe, Y., F. Kinniburgh, M.J. Vijge, S.J. Khan and H. Runhaar (2022), Transformative biodiversity governance in agricultural landscapes: taking stock of biodiversity policy integration and looking forward, in: Visseren-Hamakers, I.J. and M. Kok (eds.), Transforming Biodiversity Governance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 264-292.
  2. Bulkeley, H., L. Xie, J. Bush, K. Rochell, J. Greenwalt, H. Runhaar, E. van Wyk, C. Oke and I. Coetzee (2022), Cities and the transformation of biodiversity governance, in: Visseren-Hamakers, I.J. and M. Kok (eds.), Transforming Biodiversity Governance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 293-312.
  3. Bouwma, I., Y. Zinngrebe and H. Runhaar (2020), Nature conservation and agriculture: two EU policy domains that finally meet? in: Dries, L., W. Heijman, R. Jongeneel, K. Purnhagen and J. Wesseler (eds.), EU Bioeconomy Economics and Policies: Volume II, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 153-175.
  4. Runhaar, H., B. Wilk, P. Driessen, N. Dunphy, Å. Persson, J. Meadowcroft and G. Mullally (2020), Policy Integration, in: Biermann, F. and R. Kim (editors), Architectures of Earth System Governance. Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 146-164.
  5. Gilissen, H.K., P. Driessen, H. Mees, M. van Rijswick, H. Runhaar, C. Uittenbroek and R. Wörner (2017), The climate resilience of critical infrastructural network sectors. An interdisciplinary method for assessing the ‘expected effectiveness’ of the division of responsibilities for the management of climate risks in the Dutch electricity and internet sectors, in: S. Maljean-Dubois (ed.), The effectiveness of environmental law, Intersentia, Cambridge/Antwerp/Portland, pp. 15-36.
  6. Runhaar, H. and J. Arts (2013), Making Environmental Impact Assessment more influential: lessons from the Netherlands, in: Lawrence, D.P. (editor), Impact Assessment – addressing contemporary challenges and recurrent problems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, pp. 54-55.
  7. Runhaar, H. and P. Driessen (2011), Planning tools for environmental policy integration: exploring the balance between supply and demand, in: A. Hull, E.R. Alexander, A. Khakee and J. Woltjer (eds.), Evaluation for participation and sustainability in planning, Routledge, London, pp. 243-267.
  8. Runhaar, H., J.P. van der Sluijs and P.P.J. Driessen (2009), Shifts in environmental health risk governance: an analytical framework, in: S. Martorell, C. Guedes Soares & J. Barnett (eds.). Safety, reliability and risk analysis; theory, methods and applications, CRC Press, London, vol. 1, pp. 369-378.
  9. Runhaar, H.A.C., C. Dieperink and P.P.J. Driessen (2008), Chapter 11: Policy analysis for sustainable development: complexities and methodological responses, in: L. Dennard, K.A. Richardson and G. Morçöl (eds.), Complexity and policy analysis: tools and methods for designing robust policies in a complex world, ISCE Publishing, Goodyear (USA), pp.197-213.
  10. Runhaar, H. and P. Driessen (2007), Milieubeleid als vraagstuk van doelrationeel handelen, in: P. Driessen and P. Leroy (eds.), Milieubeleid. Analyse en perspectief, Coutinho, Bussum, pp. 131-158.
  11. Runhaar, H. and R. van der Heijden (2003), Transport costs: the dark continent of the logistics world? The impact of transport costs on book and newspaper logistics, in: W. Dullaert, B. Jourquin, and J. Polak (eds.), Across the border: a quarter century of transport research in the Benelux, Antwerp: De Boeck, pp. 89-110.
  12. Künneke, R.W. and H.A.C. Runhaar (2002), Marktfalen, transactiekosten en opportunistisch gedrag als barrières voor publiek-private samenwerking: een economische benadering, in: H. van Ham and J. Koppenjan (eds.), Publiek private samenwerking bij transportinfrastructuur. Wenkend of wijkend perspectief, Utrecht: Lemma, pp. 77-94.
  13. Roos, H.B. and H.A.C. Runhaar (1997), Europese vervoerscorridors en economische groei, in: W. Zonneveld and F. Evers (eds.), Van Delta naar Europees achterland, Amsterdam: Nederlands Instituut voor Ruimtelijke Ordening en Volkshuisvesting, NIROV-Europlan, pp. 66-70.

Professional publications (peer-reviewed and non peer-reviewed):

  1. IJszenga, J., H. Runhaar, F. Jochems and S. Vreugdenhil (2022), Hoe overwinnen we de barrières voor natuur-inclusief bouwen? Cobouw, 3 May, pp. 14-15.
  2. Dorst, H., S. van der Jagt, H. Toxopeus and H. Runhaar (2021), Blokkades voor nature-based solutions in duurzame steden, ROmagazine, 39 (3), 63-66.
  3. Runhaar, H., N. Polman, M. Dijkshoorn-Dekker, B. Smit and B. Jansen (2020), Wat stimuleert een boer om aan agrarisch natuurbeheer te doen? Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, 169, pp. 14-17.
  4. Runhaar, H. (2020), Reactie op stelling “Natuurbeleid mist handelingsperspectief”, Rooilijn, 53 (1), p. 7.
  5. Runhaar, H. (2020), De meervoudige legitimiteit van sturing op biodiversiteitsherstel in het agrarisch landschap: spanningen en synergiën, in: A. Buijs and F. Boonstra (eds.), Natuurbeleid betwist. Visies op legitimiteit en natuurbeleid, Zeist: KNNV Uitgeverij, pp. 158-169.
  6. Runhaar, H. (2019), Natuur binnen of buiten het hek? Een reflectie vanuit bestuurskundig perspectief, Podium voor Bio-ethiek, 26 (3), pp. 9-12.
  7. Schuurbiers, M., R. Grashoff and H. Runhaar (2019), Een landbouwtransitie vraagt om systeemdenken, Milieu, Het Dossier, 25 (3), pp. 41-45.
  8. Van der Hart, P. and H. Runhaar (2019), Succesvolle sturing in het weidevogelbeheer, een eerste analyse, Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, 154, pp. 23-25.
  9. Dorst, H., S. van der Jagt, R. Raven and H. Runhaar (2019), Nature-based solutions voor duurzame steden, Rooilijn, 52 (1), pp. 60-67.
  10. Van der Borght, M., R. Leuven, W. Reinhold and H. Runhaar (2018), Tijgermuggen bestrijden, hoe doe je dat? Milieu, 24 (4), pp. 20-21.
  11. Van Dijk, J. R. Verburg, H. Runhaar and M. Hekkert (2018), Een transitie naar natuur-inclusieve landbouw: van ‘waarom’ naar ‘hoe’, Me Judice, May 3 2018.
  12. Smink, L., N. Zwaal and H. Runhaar (2018), Milieueducatie aan studenten: welke rol kunnen NGO’s spelen in het hoger onderwijs? Milieu, Het Dossier, 24 (2), pp. 41-45.
  13. Van Dijk, W., W. Dijkman, P. Leendertse, D. Keuper, H. Runhaar and B. Vollaard (2017), Boeren in actie voor bodem en water – hoe krijgen we het peloton in beweging? Landwerk, 17 (3), pp. 5-8.
  14. Runhaar, H. (2017), Pak door met natuurinclusieve landbouw, Landwerk, 17 (2), pp. 12-15.
  15. Engbers, N. and H. Runhaar (2016), Kansen en beperkingen van sturingsarrangementen voor weidevogelbescherming door Friese melkveeboeren, Landwerk, 16 (4), pp. 21-25.
  16. Oevermans, P., W. Dijkman and H. Runhaar (2016), Indirecte effecten van het afschaffen van de melkquota op de weidevogels, Landwerk, 16 (1), pp. 20-23.
  17. Bouwmans, M. and H. Runhaar (2016), De Wolf: welkom in Nederland? Een framinganalyse, De Levende Natuur, 117 (1), pp. 28-30.
  18. Klein, L. and H. Runhaar (2015), Implementatie invasieve exotenbeleid onder de loep, Milieu, Het Dossier, 21 (7), pp. 38-41.
  19. Runhaar, H.A.C., M. Runhaar and H. Vink (2015), Beelden van dassen in Nederland 1900-2013: van ongedierte tot troeteldier?, De Levende Natuur, 116 (5), pp. 228-231.
  20. Runhaar, H., H. Vink and M. Runhaar (2015), De das en zijn imago door de tijd heen, in: F. van Bommel, S. Vreugdenhil and M. La Haye (eds.), De Das, Nijmegen: KNNV Uitgeverij/Zoogdiervereniging, pp. 75-77.
  21. Gilissen, H.K., C. Uittenbroek, M. van Rijswick, H. Mees, P. Driessen, and H. Runhaar (2015), De klimaatbestendigheid van de vitale infrastructuur beoordeeld vanuit juridisch-bestuurlijk perspectief. Over de verwachte effectiviteit van de verdeling van verantwoordelijkheden voor de beheersing van klimaatrisico’s in de elektriciteits- en de internetsector, Nederlands Juristenblad, 25, pp. 1640 – 1648.
  22. Poot, M., H. Runhaar and W. van Enst (2014), Kennisconflicten in het schaliegasbeleid: wat is er geleerd van Boxtel? Milieu, Het Dossier, 20 (5), pp. 6-9.
  23. Dreyfus, R.L., G.J. Ellen and H.A.C. Runhaar (2013), De watertoets in Vlaanderen en Nederland vergeleken – buurmans gras is niet altijd groener, H20 Online, 3 juli 2013.
  24. Herten M. van and H. Runhaar, (2012), Het controversiële beleid rondom de paling. Een discoursanalyse, Milieu, Het Dossier, 17 (5), pp. 49-54.
  25. Arts, J. and H. Runhaar (2012), Naar een toekomstbestendige m.e.r., Toets, 19 (2), pp. 11-15.
  26. Arts, J., H. Runhaar, F. van Laerhoven and P.P.J. Driessen (2011), Lastig maar waardevol, ROM, special issue on “25 jaar milieueffectrapportage: terugzien en vooruitkijken”, 29 (11), pp. 5-7.
  27. Runhaar, H., H. Mees, A. Wardekker, J. van der Sluijs and P. Driessen (2011), Omgaan met hittestress en wateroverlast in de stad, Milieu, Het Dossier, 17 (2), pp. 22-25.
  28. Campo, J. à and H. Runhaar (2010), Effectiviteit invasieve exotenbeleid onder de maat, Milieu, Het dossier, 16 (4), pp. 21-24.
  29. Schoumans, O.F., O. Oenema, K. Zwart, A.M. Keessen, H. van Rijswick, H. Runhaar and P. Driessen, (2010), Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van een gebiedsgerichte uitwerking van de Nitraatrichtlijn, H20, 43 (24), pp.12-14
  30. Van Duyn, M., H. Runhaar, S. Agterbosch and M. Tieleman (2006), Hoe effectief sturen provincies op de realisering van windenergie? Beleid en Maatschappij, 33 (3), pp. 83-95.
  31. Runhaar, H., B. Kuipers and R. van der Heijden (2004), Doorwerking van het transportkostenbeleid van de overheid op bedrijfslogistiek: een analyse voor papierketens, Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, 40 (3), pp. 10-15.
  32. Runhaar, H., B. Kuipers and R. van der Heijden (2002), Hoe flexibel is de transportsector? Een verkenning van de invloed van overheidsbeleid op prijs en kwaliteit van de transportsector, Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, 38 (2), pp. 28-32
  33. Runhaar, H. (2001), Efficiënte prijszetting in het verkeer en vervoer: de paradox tussen theorie en praktijk, Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, 37 (5), pp. 40-44.
  34. Runhaar, H. and B. Kuipers (2000), E-distributie, de aanleiding voor de volgende logistieke revolutie?, Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, 36 (3), pp. 41-47.
  35. Runhaar, H.A.C. and H.B. Roos (1998), Corridors en economische groei, enkele gedachten over de bijdrage van Europese vervoerscorridors aan (inter)regionaal-economische ontwikkelingen, Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, 34 (1), pp. 31-43.

Another 23 chapters and papers in Vraagbaak Inkoop & Logistiek, Praktijkboek Transport & Logistiek, Agora, OV-Magazine and Verkeerskunde (1995-2007).


Scientific reports:

  1. Wuijts, S., H. Runhaar, M. van Rijswick and P. Driessen (2022), Anticiperen op de KRW na 2027: voorstudie. Hoofdboodschappen en verantwoording, Utrecht/Bilthoven: Universiteit Utrecht/RIVM.
  2. Runhaar, H., H.K. Gilissen, C. Uittenbroek, H. Mees and M. van Rijswick (2014), Publieke en private verantwoordelijkheden voor klimaatadaptatie. Een juridisch-bestuurlijke analyse en eerste beoordeling, in opdracht van Kennis voor Klimaat, Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, faculteit Geowetenschappen/faculteit Rechten.
  3. Runhaar, H.A.C., E.J.M.M. Arts, F. van Laerhoven and P.P.J. Driessen (2011), Naar een toekomstbestendige m.e.r., lessen uit 25 jaar m.e.r. in Nederland en een verkenning van kansen en bedreigingen voor de m.e.r. in de nabije toekomst, in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Utrecht/Groningen: Universiteit Utrecht/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  4. Runhaar, H., J. Uithoven, P. Driessen, F. van Laerhoven, J. Arts, P. Ike and T. Tillema (2010), De bijdrage van m.e.r. aan besluitvorming rond infrastructuur in Nederland. Percepties vanuit het beroepsveld, bevindingenrapport, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, Utrecht/Groningen: Universiteit Utrecht/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  5. Schoumans, O.F., A.M. Keessen, H. Runhaar, H. van Rijswick, P. Driessen, O. Oenema and K. Zwart (2010), Gebiedsgerichte uitwerking Nitraatrichtlijn, mogelijkheden en beperkingen, in opdracht van het ministerie van LNV, Alterra/Universiteit Utrecht, Wageningen/Utrecht.
  6. Soer, L., Bree, L. van, Driessen, P.P.J. and Runhaar, H.A.C. (2009), Towards integration and differentiation in environmental health risk governance. An international comparative quick-scan of policies, Utrecht: Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Universiteit Utrecht.
  7. Runhaar, H. and R. Künneke (2003), Decentrale electriciteitsnetten. Een verkenning van projecten en studies op het gebied van microgrids, internal report, Delft: TU Delft.
  8. Runhaar, H.A.C., B. Kuipers, R.E.C.M. van der Heijden and W.H. Melody (2001), Freight transport in 2010. An exploration of future prices and quality of freight transport in three scenarios, Delft : TRAIL Research School.
  9. Runhaar, H.A.C., B. Kuipers, R.E.C.M. van der Heijden and W.H. Melody (2001), Het goederenvervoer in 2010. Autonome trends en de gevolgen van twee beleidsscenario’s op tarieven en de kwaliteit van het goederenvervoer, Delft : TRAIL Research School.
  10. Ten Heuvelhof, E.F. and H.A.C. Runhaar (2000), Optimaal ruimtegebruik in en om infrastructuur, in: W.G.M. Salet en W.M. de Jong (eds.), Institutionele condities voor optimaal ruimtegebruik. Stimulansen en belemmeringen op regionaal niveau, Amsterdam: AME, pp. 31-36.


  1. Runhaar, H.A.C. (2016), Towards ‘nature-inclusive’ agriculture, inaugural address, Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research (
  2. Van der Molen, F., J. Floor, W. van Enst, C. Seijger, D. Giebels, D. Puente Rodríguez, J. van Tatenhove, H. Runhaar and H. van der Windt (2015), From frustration to integration: Action strategies for a better fit between knowledge and policy on the Wadden Sea, Utrecht: Deltares.
  3. Van der Molen, F., J. Floor, W. van Enst, C. Seijger, D. Giebels, D. Puente Rodríguez, J. van Tatenhove, H. Runhaar and H. van der Windt (2014), Van frustratie naar integratie: handelingsperspectieven om kennis en beleid over de Waddenzee beter op elkaar aan te laten sluiten, Utrecht: Deltares.
  4. Runhaar, H.A.C. and R.J.M. Cörvers (2008), Omgevingsbeleid: analyse, evaluatie, ontwerp, cursusboek, Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland.
  5. Runhaar, H.A.C. and R.J.M. Cörvers (2008), Omgevingsbeleid: analyse, evaluatie, ontwerp, reader, Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland.
  6. Runhaar, H. (2002), Freight transport: at any price? Effects of transport costs on book and newspaper supply chains in the Netherlands, thesis (Ph.D.), Delft: TRAIL Research School/Delft University Press.