Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Driessen, F., Marrero, J. D., Grinwis, G. C. M., & van Nimwegen, S. A. (2023).
Comparison of two advanced bipolar tissue sealer/dividers for laparoscopic ovariectomy in dogs: articulating enseal G2 versus Ligasure Maryland device.
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica,
65(1), Article 51. Santifort, K. M., Plonek, M.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Carrera, I., & Platt, S. (2023).
Case report: Surgical treatment and long-term successful outcome of a spinal intramedullary vascular malformation in a dog.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
10, Article 1243882., K. L. V., Galac, S., Kooistra, H. S., Grauw, J. C. D., Teske, E., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Nimwegen, S. A. V. (2023).
Laparoscopic vs. open adrenalectomy: perioperative data and survival analysis in 70 dogs with an adrenal tumor.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
10, 1-12. Article 1156801. van den Berg, M., Kooistra, H., Grinwis, G., Nicoli, S.
, Golinelli, S., Stammeleer, L.
, van Wolferen, M., Timmermans - Sprang, E., Zandvliet, M., van Steenbeek, F., & Galac, S. (2023).
Whole transcriptome analysis of canine pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
10, Article 1155804. Ruppelt, A., Pijnenburg, I., Pappers, C.
, Samsom, R.-A., Kock, L.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Spee, B., Rasponi, M., & Stijnen, M. (2023).
Are slaughterhouse-obtained livers suitable for use in ex vivo perfusion research? Journal of International Medical Research,
51(8), Article 3000605231189651. Staveren, M. D. B. V.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Toom, M. L. D.
, & Szatmári, V. (2023).
Preductal Segmental Tubular Aortic Hypoplasia in Perinatally Died Stabyhoun Puppies.
13(15), Article 2423., D. J. M., Beijnum, J. R. V., Roos, A., Beelen, M. V., Haan, J. D. D.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Schalken, J. A., Witjes, J. A., Griffioen, A. W., & Huijbers, E. J. M. (2023).
Vaccination against Extracellular Vimentin for Treatment of Urothelial Cancer of the Bladder in Client-Owned Dogs.
15(15), Article 3958., M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Vernooij, J. C. M., Hoek, L. V. D.
, Tellegen, A. R., Meij, B. P., Veraa, S., Samartzis, D.
, Tryfonidou, M. A., & Bach, F. C. (2023).
Epidemiology of Modic changes in dogs: Prevalence, possible risk factors, and association with spinal phenotypes.
JOR Spine,
6(3), Article e1273. Opmeer, Y., Grinwis, G. C. M., Shelton, G. D., Rosati, M., Alf, V.
, Fieten, H., Leegwater, P. A. J., Matiasek, K.
, & Mandigers, P. J. J. (2023).
An Inflammatory Myopathy in the Dutch Kooiker Dog.
13(9), Article 1508. Prego, M. T., Dias, M. J., Mestrinho, L., Englar, R.
, Grinwis, G., Galac, S., & Leal, R. O. (2023).
Diagnosis, treatment and outcome of pheochromocytoma in a cat.
Journal of Small Animal Practice,
64(6), 415-420., M. F. V. D., Kooistra, H. S., Grinwis, G. C. M., Nimwegen, S. A. V., Faassen, M. V., Kema, I. P.
, Teske, E., & Galac, S. (2023).
Reference intervals for plasma, urinary, and salivary concentrations of free metanephrines in dogs: Relevance to the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
37(1), 173-183. Sanders, K., Kooistra, H. S., van den Heuvel, M., Mokry, M.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., van den Dungen, N. A. M.
, van Steenbeek, F. G., & Galac, S. (2023).
Transcriptome sequencing reveals two subtypes of cortisol-secreting adrenocortical tumours in dogs and identifies CYP26B1 as a potential new therapeutic target.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology,
21(1), 100-110. 2022
Scholarly publications
Driessen, F., Grinwis, G., & van Nimwegen, B. (2022).
Comparison of two advanced bipolar tissue sealers for laparoscopic ovariectomy in dogs: Enseal G2 Articulating Tissue Sealer versus LigaSure Maryland Tissue Sealer/ Divider. o19. Abstract from Veterinary Endoscopy Society, New York, United States. Morsink, N. C., Nijsen, J. F. W.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Hesselink, J. W., Kirpensteijn, J., & van Nimwegen, S. A. (2022).
Intratumoral injection of holmium-166 microspheres as neoadjuvant therapy of soft tissue sarcomas in dogs.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
9, 1-15. Article 1015248. Yu, Y., Manders, F.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Groenen, M. A. M., & Crooijmans, R. P. M. A. (2022).
A recurrent somatic missense mutation in GNAS gene identified in familial thyroid follicular cell carcinomas in German longhaired pointer dogs.
BMC Genomics,
23(1), 1-13. Article 669.üger, M.
, Ruppelt, A., Kappler, B., Van Soest, E.
, Samsom, R. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., Geijsen, N., Helms, J. B., Stijnen, M., Kock, L. M., Rasponi, M.
, Kooistra, H. S., & Spee, B. (2022).
Normothermic Ex Vivo Liver Platform Using Porcine Slaughterhouse Livers for Disease Modeling.
Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland),
9(9), 1-19. Article 471. Bruggen, L. W. L., Marrero, J. P. D., Grinwis, G. C. M., Endenburg, N., Gerretsen, R. R. R., & Nijs, H. G. T. (2022).
Renal secondary hyperparathyroidism should be considered a differential diagnosis in forensic cases where animal abuse is suspected.
Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology,
18(4), 491-496. Gaar-Humphreys, K. R., Spanjersberg, T. C. F., Santarelli, G., Grinwis, G. C. M., Szatmári, V., Roelen, B. A. J., Vink, A., Tintelen, J. P. V., Asselbergs, F. W.
, Fieten, H., Harakalova, M.
, & Steenbeek, F. G. V. (2022).
Genetic Basis of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs and Its Potential as a Bidirectional Model.
12(13), 1-18. Article 1679. van Blokland-Post, K., Grinwis, G., Tellegen, A., & Meij, B. (2022).
Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy as a treatment for Rathke's cleft cyst in a dog.
Veterinary Record Case Reports,
10(3), 1-6. Article e427. Santifort, K., Van Soens, I.
, Beukers, M., Grinwis, G., van der Lugt, J., & Mandigers, P. (2022).
Papillary meningioma with multifocal leptomeningeal spread in a dog.
Veterinary Record Case Reports,
10(2), 1-6. Article e325., W., de Lest, C. V., Plomp, S., Vernooij, J. C. M., Wijnberg, I. D., Back, W., Gröne, A., Delany, M. W., Caliskan, N., Tryfonidou, M. A., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2022).
Intervertebral disc degeneration in warmblood horses: Histological and biochemical characterization.
Veterinary Pathology,
59(2), 284-298. Dieterman, E., Hermans, H., Slenter, I., Kuijpers, N., Grinwis, G., & Boevé, M. (2022).
Outcome of superficial keratectomy without conjunctival graft as a surgical technique for immune‐mediated keratitis in horses: Four cases.
Equine Veterinary Education,
34(8), e323-e330. Yu, Y., Krupa, A.
, Keesler, R. I., Grinwis, G. C. M., de Ruijsscher, M., de Vos, J., Groenen, M. A. M., & Crooijmans, R. P. M. A. (2022).
Familial follicular cell thyroid carcinomas in a large number of Dutch German Longhaired Pointers.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology,
20(1), 227-234.
Scholarly publications
Morsink, N. C., Klaassen, N. J. M.
, Meij, B. P., Kirpensteijn, J., Grinwis, G. C. M., Schaafsma, I. A., Hesselink, J. W., Nijsen, J. F. W.
, & van Nimwegen, S. A. (2021).
Case Report: Radioactive Holmium-166 Microspheres for the Intratumoral Treatment of a Canine Pituitary Tumor.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
8, 1-10. Article 748247. Beltrán Hernández, I., Grinwis, G. C. M., Di Maggio, A., Van Bergen En Henegouwen, P. M. P., Hennink, W. E., Teske, E., Hesselink, J. W., Van Nimwegen, S. A., Mol, J. A., & Oliveira, S. (2021).
Nanobody-targeted photodynamic therapy for the treatment of feline oral carcinoma: A step towards translation to the veterinary clinic.
10(12), 3075-3087. Evans, J. M., Parker, H. G.
, Rutteman, G. R., Plassais, J.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Harris, A. C., Lana, S. E., & Ostrander, E. A. (2021).
Multi-omics approach identifies germline regulatory variants associated with hematopoietic malignancies in retriever dog breeds.
PLoS Genetics,
17(5), Article e1009543. der Steen, F. E. M. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Weerts, E. A. W. S., & Teske, E. (2021).
Feline and Canine Merkel Cell Carcinoma: a case series and discussion on cellular origin.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology,
19(2), 393-398. 2020
Scholarly publications
Kammergruber, E., Slenter, I., Hermans, H., & Grinwis, G. (2020).
Histological Aspects of Corneal Cross Linking in Equines.
Journal of Comparative Pathology,
174, 170. Sanchez, R. F., Everson, R., Escanilla, N., Cebrian, P.
, Slenter, I. J. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Göerig, C. (2020).
Progressive retrocorneal pigmentation in dogs: A clinical report of 34 cases.
Veterinary Ophthalmology,
23(6), 943-949., M., Heijne, M., IJzer, J., Grinwis, G., Pannekoek, Y.
, & Gröne, A. (2020).
Fatal Chlamydia avium Infection in Captive Picazuro Pigeons, the Netherlands.
Emerging Infectious Diseases,
26(10), 2520-2522. Reints Bok, T. E., van Stee, L., Willemsen, K.
, Beukers, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Meij, B. P. (2020).
Lumbosacral Fusion Using Instrumented Cage Distraction–Fixation in a Dog with Degenerative Lumbosacral Stenosis.
VCOT Open,
03(02), e77-e83. Alisauskaite, N., Bitterli, T., Kircher, P. R., Pozzi, A.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Steffen, F.
, & Smolders, L. A. (2020).
Evaluation of agreement and correlation of results obtained with MRI-based and macroscopic observation-based grading schemes when used to assess intervertebral disk degeneration in cats.
American Journal of Veterinary Research,
81(4), 309-316., H. S., Oosterhoff, L. A., van Wolferen, M. E., Chen, C., Nantasanti Assawarachan, S.
, Schneeberger, K., Kummeling, A., van Straten, G., Akkerdaas, I. C., Vinke, C. R.
, van Steenbeek, F. G., van Bruggen, L. W. L., Wolfswinkel, J.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Fuchs, S. A., Gehart, H.
, Geijsen, N., Vries, R. G.
, Clevers, H., ... Spee, B. (2020).
Long-Term Survival of Transplanted Autologous Canine Liver Organoids in a COMMD1-Deficient Dog Model of Metabolic Liver Disease.
9(2), 1-16. Article 410. Bergmann, W., van de Lest, C., Tryfonidou, M., Groene, A., Wijnberg, I., Back, W., Vernooij, H., Plomp, S., & Grinwis, G. (2020).
Of French Fries and Horses: Biochemical Changes in Equine Intervertebral Disc Degeneration.
Journal of Comparative Pathology,
174, 150. Visser, J., Kummeling, A., van Nugteren, M. A.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., & Brocks, B. A. W. (2020).
Resection of urachal anomalies in dogs with recurrent lower urinary tract disease.
Veterinary Surgery,
49(1), 214-221. 2019
Scholarly publications
Ankringa, N., Sanchez, R., Kammergruber, E. M. T., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Gröne, A. (2019). BILATERAL RETROBULBAR EXTRAMEDULLARY HAEMATOPOIESIS IN A FELINE LEUKAEMIA VIRUS AND FELINE IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS- NEGATIVE CAT. Poster session presented at ESVP-ECVP conference 2019, Arnhem.
Bergmann, W., van de Lest, C. H. A., Tryfonidou, M. A., Gröne, A., Wijnberg, I. D., Back, W., Vernooij, J. C. M., Plomp, S. G. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2019). Of French Fries and Horses Biochemical Changes in Equine Intervertebral Disc Degeneration.
Veterinary Science Day, Veterinary Faculty, UU.
Bergmann, W., van de Lest, C. H. A., Tryfonidou, M. A., Gröne, A., Wijnberg, I. D., Vernooij, J. C. M., Plomp, S. G. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2019). Of French Fries and Horses Biochemical Changes in Equine Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. Poster session presented at Joint congress of veterinary pathology and veterinary clinical pathology, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Slenter, I. J. M., Hermans, H., Ensink, J. M., Willems, D. S., Veraa, S., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Boevé, M. H. (2019).
Clinical, ultrasonographic, and histopathologic findings in seven horses with Descemet's membrane detachment: A case series.
Veterinary Ophthalmology. Reints Bok, T. E., Willemsen, K., van Rijen, M. H. P.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Tryfonidou, M. A., & Meij, B. P. (2019).
Instrumented cervical fusion in nine dogs with caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy.
Veterinary Surgery,
48, 1287-1298. van den Ingh, T. S. G. A. M.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., & Corbee, R. J. (2019).
Leukoencephalomyelopathy in cats linked to abnormal fatty acid composition of the white matter of the spinal cord and of irradiated dry cat food.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition,
103., E., Dieduksman, D. A. E. R.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Day, M. J., Reusch, C. E., Hilbe, M., Fracassi, F., Krol, N. M. G., Uitterlinden, A. G., de Klein, A., Eussen, B., Stoop, H., de Krijger, R. R.
, Galac, S., & Dinjens, W. N. M. (2019).
Molecular Alterations in Dog Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas.
11(5), Article 607., K., Cirkel, K., Grinwis, G. C. M., Teske, E., van Nimwegen, S. A., Mol, J. A., Hesselink, J. W., Kooistra, H. S., & Galac, S. (2019).
The Utrecht Score: A Novel Histopathological Scoring System to Assess the Prognosis of Dogs with Cortisol-Secreting Adrenocortical Tumours.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology,
17(3), 329-337. Del Magno, S., Fracassi, F.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Mandrioli, L., Gandini, G., Rossi, F., Sirri, R., Pisoni, L.
, Tryfonidou, M. A., & Meij, B. P. (2019).
Sequential Treatment of a Large Pituitary Corticotroph Neoplasm and Associated Neurological Signs in a Dog.
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association,
55(2), Article e55202., Q. E. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., van Rhijn, N. C., Beukers, M., Verhoeven-Duif, N. M.
, & Leegwater, P. A. J. (2019).
Focal epilepsy with fear-related behavior as primary presentation in Boerboel dogs.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
33(2), 694-700. Sakai, M.
, Spee, B., Grinwis, G. C. M., Penning, L. C., van Wolferen, M. E., van der Laan, L. J. W.
, & Fieten, H. (2019).
Association of circulating microRNA-122 and microRNA-29a with stage of fibrosis and progression of chronic hepatitis in Labrador Retrievers.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
33(1), 151-157., C., Robben, J. H., Favier, R. P., Rothuizen, J., Grinwis, G. C., Schotanus, B. A., & Penning, L. C. (2019).
Immunohistochemical characterisation of the hepatic stem cell niche in feline hepatic lipidosis: a preliminary morphological study.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery,
21(2), 165-172. Professional publications
Grinwis, G. C. M. (2019). Other pituitary tumors. In E. Feldman, F. Fracassi, & M. Peterson (Eds.), Feline endocrinology (pp. 27-32)
Scholarly publications
Ceplecha, V., Řeháková, K., Lendon, C., Proks, P., Škorič, M.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Hřibová, B., Vávra, M., Lorenzová, J., & Crha, M. (2018).
Hyaluronic acid and TGF-β1 in dogs with hepatobiliary diseases.
Acta Veterinaria Brno,
87(3), 231-240., W., Bergknut, N., Veraa, S., Gröne, A., Vernooij, J. C. M., Wijnberg, I. D., Back, W., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2018). Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Horses: Morphology and Grading. Poster session presented at "Making a Difference" - Veterinary Science Day 2018, Bunnik, Netherlands.
den Toom, M. L., Grinwis, G., Boroffka, S. A., de Jong, P. A.
, van Steenbeek, F. G., & Szatmári, V. (2018).
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease as a cause of severe pulmonary hypertension in a dog.
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica,
60(1), Article 78. Santifort, K. M.
, Jurgens, B., Grinwis, G. C., Gielen, I.
, Meij, B. P., & Mandigers, P. J. (2018).
Invasive nasal histiocytic sarcoma as a cause of epilepsy.
JFMS open reports,
4(2)., H., Slenter, I. J. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Boevé, M. H. (2018). Bilateral corneal stromal loss in a 24 year old Haflinger mare: IEOC Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Polledo, L.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Graham, P., Dunning, M., & Baiker, K. (2018).
Pathological Findings in the Pituitary Glands of Dogs and Cats.
Veterinary Pathology,
55(6), 880-888., A. R., Rudnik-Jansen, I., Pouran, B., Visser, M. H., Weinans, H.
, Thomas, R. E., Kik, M. J. L., Grinwis, G. C. M., Thies, J. C., Woike, N., Mihov, G., Emans, P. J.
, Meij, B. P., Creemers, L. B.
, & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2018).
Controlled release of celecoxib inhibits inflammation, bone cysts and osteophyte formation in a preclinical model of osteoarthritis.
Current Drug Delivery,
25(1), 1438-1447. Bergmann, W., Bergknut, P. N., Veraa, S., Gröne, A., Vernooij, J. C. M., Wijnberg, I. D., Back, W., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2018).
Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Warmblood Horses: Morphology, Grading, and Distribution of Lesions. Veterinary Pathology,
55(3), 442-452. Tellegen, A. R., Willems, N., Beukers, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Plomp, S. G. M., Bos, C.
, van Dijk, M., de Leeuw, M., Creemers, L. B.
, Tryfonidou, M. A., & Meij, B. P. (2018).
Intradiscal application of a PCLA-PEG-PCLA hydrogel loaded with celecoxib for the treatment of back pain in canines: what's in it for humans? Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Professional publications
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2018). Ponsbiopt van de huid bij paarden. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 143(9), 21.
Grinwis, G. C. M., Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M., & Ducro, B. (2018). Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 143(5), 16-17.
Grinwis, G. C. M., & Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. (2018). Rectumscheur, een incidenteel maar lastig probleem. Dier en arts, 33(5), 114-121.
Grinwis, G. C. M., Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M., Szatmári, V., Derksen, T., & Teske, E. (2018). Acuut benauwde kater, een spoedgeval? Dier en arts, 33(3), 42-49.
Grinwis, G. C. M., & Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. (2018). Plotselinge dood bij paarden. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 143(2), 20-21.
Scholarly publications
Jansen, I.
, Tellegen, A., Plomp, S., Berard, J., Emans, P., De Gendt, E.
, Thomas, R., De Visser, H.
, Kik, M., Grinwis, G., Mihov, G.
, Thies, J., Woike, N., Messier, K.
, Meij, B., Tryfonidou, M., Creemers, L., I., J., A., T., ... L., C. (2017).
Local delivery of triamcinolone acetonide in an aclt model of osteoarthritis impairs joint regeneration, possibly by inhibition of wound healing. In
Journal of Orthopaedic Research (Journal of Orthopaedic Research; Vol. 35). John Wiley and Sons Inc.. van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017). Variability in eosinophilic infiltration within the rectal mucosa of clinically healthy horses. Pferdeheilkunde, 2017(33), 135-138.
Kruitwagen, H. S., Oosterhoff, L. A., Vernooij, I. G. W. H.
, Schrall, I. M., van Wolferen, M. E., Bannink, F., Roesch, C.
, van Uden, L., Molenaar, M. R., Helms, J. B., Grinwis, G. C. M., Verstegen, M. M. A., van der Laan, L. J. W., Huch, M.
, Geijsen, N., Vries, R. R. G.
, Clevers, H., Rothuizen, J., Schotanus, B. A., ... Spee, B. (2017).
Long-Term Adult Feline Liver Organoid Cultures for Disease Modeling of Hepatic Steatosis.
Stem Cell Reports,
8(4), 822-830. Van den Bossche, L., Schoonenberg, V. A. C.
, Burgener, I. A., Penning, L. C., Schrall, I. M., Kruitwagen, H. S., van Wolferen, M. E., Grinwis, G. C. M., Kummeling, A., Rothuizen, J., van Velzen, J. F., Stathonikos, N.
, Molenaar, M. R., Helms, B. J., Brouwers, J. F. H. M., Spee, B., & van Steenbeek, F. G. (2017).
Aberrant hepatic lipid storage and metabolism in canine portosystemic shunts.
PLoS One,
12(10), Article e0186491. Cosio, C., Sartori, E., Garatti, M., Luccardini, L.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Kooistra, H. S., & Fracassi, F. (2017).
Prolactinoma in a Dog.
Veterinary Pathology,
54(6), 972-976., T.
, Smolders, L. A., Tryfonidou, M. A., Meij, B. P., Vernooij, J. C. M., Bergknut, N., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017).
The Myth of Fibroid Degeneration in the Canine Intervertebral Disc: A Histopathological Comparison of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Chondrodystrophic and Nonchondrodystrophic Dogs.
Veterinary Pathology,
54(6), 945-952., C., de Bruijn, M., Wilmink, S., Vandendriessche, H., Mol, G.
, Boshuizen, B., Plancke, L.
, & Grinwis, G. (2017).
White muscle disease in foals: focus on selenium soil content. A case series.
BMC Veterinary Research,
13(1), 121. Lidbury, J. A., Rodrigues Hoffmann, A., Ivanek, R., Cullen, J. M., Porter, B. F., Oliveira, F., Van Winkle, T. J.
, Grinwis, G. C., Sucholdolski, J. S., & Steiner, J. M. (2017).
Interobserver Agreement Using Histological Scoring of the Canine Liver.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
31(3), 778-783., N., Mihov, G.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., van Dijk, M., Schumann, D., Bos, C., Strijkers, G. J.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Meij, B. P., Creemers, L. B.
, & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2017).
Safety of intradiscal injection and biocompatibility of polyester amide microspheres in a canine model predisposed to intervertebral disc degeneration.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials,
105(4), 707-714. Professional publications
Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017). Het dysgerminoom bij de hond: beschrijving van twee patiënten en een literatuuroverzicht. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 142(9), 24-29.
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017). Chronisch progressief lymfoedeem bij het paard. Dier en arts, 2017(32), 258-267.
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M., Siegers, E. W., Bergmann, W., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017). Pemphigus foliaceus bij het paard soms toch acceptabele uitkomst. Dier en arts, 2017(32), 162-169.
Other output
Tobias, T. J., van Nes, A., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017). Sneezing in weaned pigs due to non-infectious causesa case report. 261. Abstract from 9th European Symposium for Porcine Health Management, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tellegen, A. R., Jansen, I.
, Thomas, R. E., Visser, H.
, Kik, M. J. L., Grinwis, G. C. M., Woike, N., Mihov, G., Emans, P. J.
, Meij, B. P., Creemers, L. B.
, & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2017).
Controlled release of celecoxib from polyesteramide microparticles in a rat model of osteoarthritis.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research,
35(S1), Article SP062. Tobias, T. J., van Nes, A., Lucassen, M., Perney, V., de Groot, M.
, Cirkel, K., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2017).
Sneezing in weaned pigs due to non-infectious causes; a case report. Poster session presented at 9th European Symposium for Porcine Health Management, Prague, Czech Republic. 2016
Scholarly publications
Sloet van Oldruitehnborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., van den Boom, R., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2016).
Equine rhabdomyolysis: four clinical cases.
22(5), 515-523. Sbiera, S.
, Tryfonidou, M. A., Weigand, I.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Broeckx, B., Herterich, S., Allolio, B., Deutschbein, T., Fassnacht, M.
, & Meij, B. P. (2016).
Lack of Ubiquitin Specific Protease 8 (USP8) Mutations in Canine Corticotroph Pituitary Adenomas.
PLoS One,
11(12), Article e0169009., K., Verzijl, T.
, Grinwis, G. C., Favier, R. P., Penning, L. C., Burgener, I. A., van der Laan, L. J., Fieten, H., & Spee, B. (2016).
Use of Serum MicroRNAs as Biomarker for Hepatobiliary Diseases in Dogs.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
30(6), 1816-1823. Boerkamp, K. M., Hellmén, E., Willén, H.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Teske, E., & Rutteman, G. R. (2016).
Unclassified sarcomas: a study to improve classification in a cohort of Golden Retriever dogs.
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,
28(6), 623-631. Del Magno, S.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Voorhout, G., & Meij, B. P. (2016).
Dynamic computed tomography of the pituitary gland using a single slice scanner in dogs with pituitary-dependent hypercortisolism.
Research in Veterinary Science,
107, 42-49., N., Tellegen, A. R., Bergknut, N., Creemers, L. B., Wolfswinkel, J., Freudigmann, C., Benz, K.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Tryfonidou, M. A., & Meij, B. P. (2016).
Inflammatory profiles in canine intervertebral disc degeneration.
BMC Veterinary Research,
12(10). Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Voorbij, A. M. W. Y., Meij, B. P., van Bruggen, L. W. L., Grinwis, G. C. M., Stassen, Q. E. M., & Kooistra, H. S. (2015).
Atlanto-Axial Malformation and Instability in Dogs with Pituitary Dwarfism due to an LHX3 Mutation.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
29(1), 207-213. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2015).
Basics of equine dermatology.
Equine Veterinary Education. Corbee, R. J., Tryfonidou, M. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., Wolschrijn, C. F., Lau, S. F.
, Gorissen, B., Heuven, H. C. M., Vaandrager, A. B., & Hazewinkel, H. A. W. (2015).
Dietary Vitamin D Supplementation during Early Growth is not Protective for Medial Coronoid Disease Development in Labradors.
Journal of veterinary medicine and research,
2(4), 1-8. Article 1030. Szatmári, V., Teske, E., Nikkels, P. G. J., Griese, M., de Jong, P. A.
, Grinwis, G., Theegarten, D.
, Veraa, S., van Steenbeek, F. G., Drent, M., & Bonella, F. (2015).
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in a cat.
BMC Veterinary Research,
11(1), Article 302. Nantasanti, S.
, Spee, B., Kruitwagen, H. S., Chen, C., Geijsen, N., Oosterhoff, L. A., van Wolferen, M. E., Pelaez, N.
, Fieten, H., Wubbolts, R. W., Grinwis, G. C., Chan, J., Huch, M., Vries, R. R. G.
, Clevers, H., de Bruin, A., Rothuizen, J., Penning, L. C., & Schotanus, B. A. (2015).
Disease Modeling and Gene Therapy of Copper Storage Disease in Canine Hepatic Organoids.
Stem Cell Reports [E],
5(5), 895-907., N., Yang, H.-Y., Langelaan, M. L. P.
, Tellegen, A. R., Grinwis, G. C. M., Kranenburg, H.-J. C., Riemers, F. M., Plomp, S. G. M., Craenmehr, E. G. M.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Papen-Botterhuis, N. E.
, Meij, B. P., Creemers, L. B.
, & Tryfonidou, M. (2015).
Biocompatibility and intradiscal application of a thermoreversible celecoxib-loaded poly-N-isopropylacrylamide MgFe-layered double hydroxide hydrogel in a canine model.
Arthritis Research & Therapy,
17(1), 214. Yang, H.-Y., van Ee, R. J., Timmer, K., Craenmehr, E. G. M., Huang, J. H., Öner, F. C.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Kragten, A. H. M.
, Willems, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., Tryfonidou, M. A., Papen-Botterhuis, N. E., & Creemers, L. B. (2015).
A novel injectable thermoresponsive and cytocompatible gel of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) with layered double hydroxides facilitates siRNA delivery into chondrocytes in 3D culture.
Acta Biomaterialia., N., Bach, F. C., Plomp, S. G. M., van Rijen, M. H., Wolfswinkel, J.
, Grinwis, G. C., Bos, C., Strijkers, G. J.
, Dhert, W. J., Meij, B. P., Creemers, L. B.
, & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2015).
Intradiscal application of rhBMP-7 does not induce regeneration in a canine model of spontaneous intervertebral disc degeneration.
Arthritis Research & Therapy,
17, 1-14. Article 137. van Rijn, S. J., Pouwer, M. G.
, Tryfonidou, M. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., van der Bend, J. E. E., Beukers, P. E. P. F., Vastenhout, N., Drouin, J.
, Penning, L. C., & Meij, B. P. (2015).
Expression and clinical relevance of paired box protein 7 and sex determining region Y-box 2 in canine corticotroph pituitary adenomas.
Veterinary Journal,
204(3), 315-321. Manunta, M. L., Evangelisti, M. A.
, Bergknut, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., Ballocco, I.
, & Meij, B. P. (2015).
Hydrated nucleus pulposus herniation in seven dogs.
Veterinary Journal,
203(3), 342-344. output
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2015). Dermatology - is the skin a mirror ?. Abstract from ECEIM congress 2015, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Kruitwagen, H. S., Spee, B., Viebahn, C. S., Venema, H. B.
, Penning, L. C., Grinwis, G. C. M., Favier, R. P., van den Ingh, T. S. G. A. M.
, Rothuizen, J., & Schotanus, B. A. (2014).
The canine hepatic progenitor cell niche: molecular characterisation in health and disease.
Veterinary Journal,
201(3), 345–352. Corbee, R. J., Tryfonidou, M. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., Schotanus, B., Molenaar, M. R., Voorhout, G., Vaandrager, A. B., Heuven, H. C. M., & Hazewinkel, H. A. W. (2014).
Skeletal and hepatic changes induced by chronic vitamin A supplementation in cats.
Veterinary Journal,
202(3), 503–509. Boerkamp, K. M., van Steenbeek, F. G., Penning, L. C., Groot Koerkamp, M. J. A., van Leenen, D.
, Vos-Loohuis, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Rutteman, G. R. (2014).
The two main forms of histiocytic sarcoma in the predisposed Flatcoated retriever dog display variation in gene expression.
PLoS One,
9(6), Article e98258. Boerkamp, K. M., Teske, E., Boon, L. R.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Van den Bossche, L.
, & Rutteman, G. R. (2014).
Estimated incidence rate and distribution of tumours in 4.653 cases of archival submissions derived from the Dutch Golden retriever population.
BMC Veterinary Research,
10, Article 10:34 . van Straten, G., van Steenbeek, F. G., Grinwis, G. C. M., Favier, R. P., Kummeling, A., Gils, I. H.
, Fieten, H., Groot Koerkamp, M. J. A., Holstege, F. C. P.
, Rothuizen, J., & Spee, B. (2014).
Aberrant expression and distribution of enzymes of the urea cycle and other ammonia metabolizing pathways in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts.
PLoS One,
9(6), Article e100077. Fracassi, F., Mandrioli, L., Shehdula, D., Diana, A.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., & Meij, B. P. (2014).
Complete surgical removal of a very enlarged pituitary corticotroph adenoma in a dog.
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association,
50(3), 192-197., CAPM., Djajadiningrat-Laanen, S. C., Kitslaar, W. J. P., Grinwis, G. C. M., Schoemaker, N. J., & Boevé, M. H. (2014).
Distichiasis in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo).
Veterinary Ophthalmology,
17(4), 290-293. Other output
Schotanus, B. A., Nantasanti, S., Huch, M.
, Oosterhoff, L., Fieten, H., Kruitwagen, H. S., van Wolferen, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Wubbolts, R., Favier, R. P., Penning, L. C., Vries, R. G. J., Clevers, H., Rothuizen, J., & Spee, B. (2014).
Journal of Hepatology,
60(1, Suppl), S272. Article P610. Theelen, M., Beukers, M., Grinwis, G., & Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. (2014). Hemochromatosis and liver failure in 11 horses due to chronic iron intoxication. Abstract from ECEIM Congress 2014, Prague, Czech Republic.
Scholarly publications
Spillekom, S.
, Smolders, L. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., Arkesteijn, I., Ito, K.
, Meij, B. P., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2013).
Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods, 10.1089/ten.TEC.2013.0479. Steenbeek, F. G., Spee, B., Penning, L. C., Kummeling, A., Gils, I. H.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., van Leenen, D., Holstege, F. C. P., Vos-Loohuis, M.
, Rothuizen, J., & Leegwater, P. A. J. (2013).
Altered subcellular localization of heat shock protein 90 is associated with impaired expression of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway in dogs.
PLoS One,
8(3), e57973. Boerkamp, K. M., van der Kooij, M. A.
, van Steenbeek, F. G., van Wolferen, M. E., Groot Koerkamp, M. J. A., van Leenen, D.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Penning, L. C., Wiemer, E. A.
, & Rutteman, G. R. (2013).
Gene expression profiling of histiocytic sarcomas in a canine model: the predisposed flatcoated retriever dog.
PLoS One,
8, e71094. van Steenbeek, F. G., van den Bossche, L.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Kummeling, A., Gils, I. H., Koerkamp, M. G., van Leenen, D., Holstege, F. C.
, Penning, L. C., Rothuizen, J., Leegwater, P. A. J., & Spee, B. (2013).
Aberrant gene expression in dogs with portosystemic shunts.
PLoS One,
8(2), e57662. Kranenburg, H. C., Grinwis, G. C. M., Bergknut, N., Gahrmann, N.
, Voorhout, G., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Meij, B. P. (2013).
Intervertebral disc disease in dogs – Part 2: Comparison of clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, and histological findings in 74 surgically treated dogs.
Veterinary Journal,
195(2), 164-171. Lau, S. F., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Grinwis, G. C. M., Wolschrijn, C. F., Siebelt, M.
, Vernooij, J. C. M., Voorhout, G., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2013).
Delayed endochondral ossification in early medial coronoid disease (MCD): A morphological and immunohistochemical evaluation in growing Labrador retrievers.
Veterinary Journal,
197(3), 731-738. Rutteman, G. R., Erich, S. A., Mol, J. A., Spee, B., Grinwis, G. C. M., Fleckenstein, L., London, C. A., & Efferth, T. (2013). Safety and efficacy field study of artesunate for dogs with non-resectable tumours. Anticancer Research, 33(5), 1819-1827.
Bergknut, N., Meij, B. P., Hagman, R., Nies, K. S., Rutges, J. P. H. J.
, Smolders, L. A., Creemers, L. B., Lagerstedt, A. S.
, Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2013).
Intervertebral disc disease in dogs – Part 1: A new histological grading scheme for classification of intervertebral disc degeneration in dogs.
Veterinary Journal,
195(2), 156-163. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2013). Equine sarcoidosis. Veterinary Clinics of North America-Equine Practice, 29, 615-627.
Smolders, L. A., Meij, B. P., Onis, D.
, Riemers, F. M., Bergknut, N., Wubbolts, R. W., Grinwis, G. C. M., Houweling, M., Groot Koerkamp, M. J. A., van Leenen, D., Holstege, F. C. P.
, Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Creemers, L. B.
, Penning, L. C., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2013).
Gene expression profiling of early intervertebral disc degeneration reveals a down-regulation of canonical Wnt signaling and caveolin-1 expression: implications for development of regenerative strategies.
Arthritis Research & Therapy,
15(1), R23. Bergknut, N., Smolders, L. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., Hagman, R., Lagerstedt, A. S.
, Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Tryfonidou, M. A., & Meij, B. P. (2013).
Intervertebral disc degeneration in the dog. Part 1: Anatomy and physiology of the intervertebral disc and characteristics of intervertebral disc degeneration.
Veterinary Journal,
195(3), 282-291. Smolders, L. A., Bergknut, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., Hagman, R., Lagerstedt, A. S.
, Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Tryfonidou, M. A., & Meij, B. P. (2013).
Intervertebral disc degeneration in the dog. Part 2: Chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic breeds.
Veterinary Journal,
195, 292-299. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2013).
Equine sarcoidosis: clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of 22 cases.
Veterinary Dermatology,
24(1), 218-e48. 2012
Scholarly publications
Smolders, L. A., Meij, B. P., Onis, D., Riemers, F. M., Bergknut, N., Wubbolts, R. W., Grinwis, G. C. M., Groot Koerkamp, M., Holstege, F. C., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Creemers, L. B., Penning, L. C., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2012). Identification of a novel biomolecular target for regeneration of the degenerated canine intervertebral disc. In Proceedings 25th annual symposium of the European Society of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN) and European College of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN) (pp. 14-14)
Smiet, E., Grinwis, G. C. M., van den Top, J. G. B., & Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M. (2012).
Equine mammary gland disease with a focus on botryomycosis: a review and case study.
Equine Veterinary Education,
24(7), 357-366. van der Kolk, J. H., Putten, L. A., Mulder, C. J.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Reijm, M.
, Butler, C. M., & von Blomberg, B. M. (2012).
Gluten-dependent antibodies in horses with inflammatory small bowel disease (ISBD).
Veterinary Quarterly,
32, 3-11. Meij, B. P., Voorhout, G., Gerritsen, R. J.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., & IJzer, J. (2012).
Lymphocytic hypophysitis in a German Longhaired Pointer with diabetes insipidus.
Journal of Comparative Pathology,
147, 503-507. Buijtels, J. J. C. W. M., de Gier, J., Kooistra, H. S., Grinwis, G. C. M., Naan, E. C., Zijlstra, C., & Okkens, A. C. (2012).
Disorders of sexual development and associated changes in the pituitary-gonadal axis in dogs. Theriogenology,
78, 1618-1626. Bergknut, N., Meij, B. P., Hagman, R., Nies, K. D., Rutges, J. P. H. J., Smolders, L. A., Creemers, L. B., Lagerstedt, A. S., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2012). A new histological grading scheme for classification of intervertebral disc degeneration in dogs. In Proceedings Annual Congress European Society and College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVS & ECVN)
Smolders, L. A., Onis, D., Riemers, F. M., Penning, L. C., Bergknut, N., Kranenburg, H. C., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Grinwis, G. C. M., Groot Koerkamp, M., Meij, B. P., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2012). Gene expression profiling of naturally occurring early intervertebral disc degeneration. In Abstract Book Spineweek 2012 (pp. 256)
Karnam, G., Rygiel, T. P.
, Raaben, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Coenjaerts, F. E. J., Ressing, M. E.
, Rottier, P. J. M., de Haan, C. A. M., & Meyaard, L. (2012).
Receptor Controls Sex-Specific TLR7 Responses to Viral Infection.
PLoS Pathogens,
8(5), Article e1002710., N., Rutges, J. P. H. J.
, Kranenburg, H.-J. C., Smolders, L. A., Hagman, R., Smidt, H.-J., Lagerstedt, A.-S.
, Penning, L. C., Voorhout, G., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Grinwis, G. C. M., Creemers, L. B.
, Meij, B. P., & Dhert, W. J. A. (2012).
The dog as an animal model for intervertebral disc degeneration? Spine,
37(5), 351-358. Smolders, L. A., Voorhout, G., van de Ven, R.
, Bergknut, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Hazewinkel, H. A. W. (2012).
Pedicle Screw-Rod Fixation of the Canine Lumbosacral Junction.
Veterinary Surgery,
EPUB, 10.1111/j.1532-950X.2012.00989.x. Smolders, L. A., Meij, B. P., Riemers, F. M., Licht, R.
, Wubbolts, R. W., van den Heuvel, D. J., Grinwis, G. C. M., Vernooij, H., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Penning, L. C., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2012).
Canonical Wnt Signaling in the Notochordal Cell is Upregulated in Early Intervertebral Disk Degeneration.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research,
30(6), 950-957. Smolders, L. A., Meij, B. P., Onis, D., Riemers, F. M., Bergknut, N., Wubbolts, R. W., Grinwis, G. C. M., Groot Koerkamp, M., Holstege, F. C., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Creemers, L. B., Penning, L. C., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2012). Gene expression profiling of naturally occurring early intervertebral disc degeneration suggests a crucial role of caveolin-1 in notochordal cell preservation. In Proceedings European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen 2012 (pp. 236-237)
Karnam, G., Rygiel, T. P.
, Raaben, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Coenjaerts, F. E. J., Ressing, M. E., Rottier, P. J., de Haan, C. A., & Meyaard, L. (2012).
CD200 receptor controls sex-specific TLR7 responses to viral infection.
PLoS Pathogens,
8(5), e1002710., K. M., Rutteman, G. R., Kik, M. J. L., Kirpensteijn, J., Schulze, C.
, & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2012).
Nuclear DNA-Content in Mesenchymal Lesions in Dogs: Its Value as Marker of Malignancy and Extent of Genomic Instability.
Cancers, 1300-1317. Grinninger, P., Sanchez, R., Kraijer-Huver, I. M. G.
, Kitslaar, W. J. P., Schoemaker, N. J., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Boeve, M. H. (2012).
Eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis in two rabbits.
Veterinary Ophthalmology,
15(1), 59-65. Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Brommer, H., Grinwis, G. C. M., van Loon, V., & Ensink, J. M. (2011). Laparoscopic-assisted diagnosis of an anomalous unilateral abdominal cryptorchidism. Equine Veterinary Education, 8, 391-395.
Bergknut, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., Pickee, E.
, Auriemma, E., Lagerstedt, A. S., Hagman, R.
, Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Meij, B. P. (2011).
Reliability of macroscopic grading of intervertebral disk degeneration in dogs by use of the Thompson system and comparison with low-field magnetic resonance imaging findings.
American Journal of Veterinary Research,
72(7), 899-904. Kranenburg, H. C., Voorhout, G., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Hazewinkel, H. A. W. (2011).
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) and spondylosis deformans in purebred dogs: A retrospective radiographic study.
Veterinary Journal,
190(2), e84-e90. van der Kolk, J. H., Hoyer, M. J., Verstappen, F. A., Wolters, M. S. A. B. I., Treskes, M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Kik, M. J. L. (2011). Diabetes mellitus in a 50-year-old captive Asian elephant (Elaphas maximus) bull. Veterinary Quarterly, 31(2), 99-101.
Professional publications
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2011). Huidaandoeningen Paard, deel 8: Niet-infectieuze aandoeningen: immuungemedieerde aandoeningen. Dier en arts, 26, 302-315.
Other output
Meij, B. P., Bergknut, N., Voorhout, G., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Hazewinkel, H. A. W. (2011). The use of pedicle screws in canine lumbosacral disease. 3-3. Abstract from 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
Scholarly publications
van Rijn, S. J., Grinwis, G. C. M., Penning, L. C., & Meij, B. P. (2010).
Expression of Ki-67, PCNA, and p27kip1 in canine pituitary corticotroph adenomas.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology,
38(4), 244-252. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Knottenbelt, D. C. (2010). Clinical pathology in equine dermatology. In European College of Equine Internal Medicine Meeting Vienna (pp. 1-8).
Smolders, L. A., Voorhout, G., van de Ven, R., Bergknut, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Meij, B. P. (2010). Assessment of safe corridors for pedicle screw insertion in canine lumbosacral vertebrae. In Proceeding 23d Annual Symposium of the ECVN & ESVN (pp. 108-108).
Vogel, L., van der Lubben, M., te Lintelo, E. G.
, Bekker, C. P. J., Geerts, T., Schuijff, L. S.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Egberink, H. F., & Rottier, P. J. M. (2010).
Pathogenic characteristics of persistent feline enteric coronavirus infection in cats.
Veterinary Research,
41(5), Article 71., M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Rottier, P. J. M., & de Haan, C. A. M. (2010).
The proteasome inhibitor velcade enhances rather than reduces disease in mouse hepatitis coronavirus-infected mice.
Journal of Virology,
84(15), 7880-7885. Meij, B. P., Auriemma, E., Grinwis, G. C. M., Buijtels, J. J. C. W. M., & Kooistra, H. S. (2010).
Successful treatment of acromegaly in a diabetic cat with transsphenoidal hypophysectomy.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery,
12(5), 406-410. Bergknut, N., Rutges, J. P. H. J.
, Smolders, L. A., Kranenburg, H. C., Hagman, R. E., Lagerstedt, A. S.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Voorhout, G., Creemers, L. B.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Meij, B. P. (2010).
The dog as a spontaneous animal model for human intervertebral disc degeneration. In
Proceedings 3rd International Congress Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery, BIOSPINE 3 (pp. 1399-1400). Smolders, L. A., Voorhout, G., van de Ven, R., Bergknut, N., Grinwis, G. C. M., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Meij, B. P. (2010). Assessment of safe corridors for pedicle screw insertion in canine lumbosacral vertebras. In Proceedings of British Small Animal Veterinary Association (pp. 403-403). BSAVA.
Other output
Nies, K. S., Bergknut, N., Meij, B. P., Hagman, R. E., Lagerstedt, A. S., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (Accepted/In press). Introduction and validation of a new histological scoring scheme for classification of intervertebral disc degeneration in dogs. 248-249. Abstract from European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen, Amsterdam.
Bergknut, N., Meij, B. P., Pickée, E. B., Auriemma, E., Hagman, R. E., Grinwis, G. C. M., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., & Lagerstedt, A. S. (Accepted/In press). Validation of the macroscopic scoring system according to Thompson for pathological changes in intervertebral disc degeneration in canine cadaveric spines and correlation with imaging findings using low field magnetic resonance imaging. Abstract from Swedish Veterinary Congress.
Scholarly publications
Liuti, T., de Vos, J., Bosman, T., Wiele, C., Grinwis, G. C. M., van Bree, H., & Peremans, K. (2009). 67Gallium citrate scintigraphy to assess metastatic spread in a dog with an oral melanoma. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 50, 31-34.
Schipper, C. A., Lahr, J., van Brink, P. J., George, S. G., Hansen, P. D., de Assis, H. C. D., Oost, R., Thain, J. E., Livingstone, D. M., Mitchelmore, C., van Schooten, F. J., Ariese, F., Murk, A. J., Grinwis, G. C. M., Klamer, H. J. C., Kater, B. J., Postma, J. F., Werf, B., & Vethaak, A. D. (2009). A retrospective analysis to explore the applicability of fish biomarkers and sediment bioassays along contaminated salinity transects. Journal of marine science, 66(10), 2089-2105.
Pickée, E. B., Bergknut, N., Meij, B. P., Auriemma, E., Lagerstedt, A. S., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2009). Validation of the macroscopic scoring scheme according to Thompson for pathological changes in the intervertebral disc degeneration in canine cadaveric spines and correlation with imaging findings using low field magnetic resonance imaging. In Proceedings Voorjaarsdagen European Veterinary Conference (pp. 308-308).
Verheije, M. H., Lamfers, M. L. M., Würdinger, T.
, Grinwis, G. C. M., Gerritsen, W. R., van Beusechem, V. W.
, & Rottier, P. J. M. (2009).
Coronavirus Genetically Redirected to the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Exhibits Effective Antitumor Activity against a Malignant Glioblastoma.
Journal of Virology,
83(15), 7507-7516. Grinwis, G. C. M., Wester, P. W., & Vethaak, A. D. (2009). Histopathological effects of chronic aqueous exposure to bis(tri-n-butyltin)oxide (TBTO) to environmentally relevant concentrations reveal thymus atrophy in European flounder (Platichthys flesus). Environmental Pollution, 157(10), 2587-2593.
van Gerwen, L. W. M., Bergknut, N., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Voorhout, G., Auriemma, E., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Meij, B. P. (2009). Canine intervertebral disc degeneration: a comparative study on clinical signs, radiography, MRI and histology. In Proceedings Voorjaarsdagen European Veterinary Conference (pp. 296-296).
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
van der Lugt, J. J., & Grinwis, G. C. M. (2008). [How does a pathologist interpret his skin biopsies?]. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 133(2), 66-69.
Scholarly publications
Lahr, J., Kuiper, R. V., van Mullem, A., Verboom, B. L., Jol, J., Schout, P., Grinwis, G. C. M., Rouhani-Rankouhi, T., Pieters, J. P. F., Gerritsen, A. A. M., Giesy, J. P., & Vethaak, A. D. (2007). Estrogens and xenoestregens in the aquatic environment: an integrated approach for field monitoring and effect assessment. In A. D. vethaak, S. M. Schrap, & P. de Voogt (Eds.), Pathology of defense mechanisms SETAC Press.
van der Kolk, J. H., de Graaf-Roelfsema, E., Joles, J. A., Dorland, L., Grinwis, G. C. M., de Sain - van der Velden, M. G. M., & Koomans, H. A. (2007). Mixed proximal and distal renal tubular acidosis without aminoaciduria in a mare. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 21(5), 1121-1125.
Boroffka, S. A. E. B., Verbruggen, A. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., Voorhout, G., & Barthez, P. Y. G. (2007). Assessment of ultrasonography and computed tomography for the evaluation of unilateral orbital disease in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 230, 671-680.
Scholarly publications
Long, S., Argyle, D. J., Nixon, C., Nicholson, I., Botteron, C., Olby, N., Platt, S., Smith, K.
, Rutteman, G. R., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Nasir, L. (2006).
Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) expression and proliferation in canine brain tumours.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology,
32, 662-673., R. V., Murk, A. J., Leonards, P. E. G., Grinwis, G. C. M., van den Berg, M., & Vos, J. G. (2006). In vivo and in vivo Ah-receptor activation by commercial and fractionated pentabromodipheynylether using zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the DR-CALUX assay. Aquatic Toxicology, 79(4), 366-375.
Grinwis, G. C. M. (2006). Health effects of some major aquatic pollutants in European flounder. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University]. Atalanta.
Scholarly publications
Vethaak, A. D., Lahr, J., Schrap, S. M., Belfroid, A. C., Rijs, G. B. J., Gerritsen, A., de Boer, J., Bulder, A. S., Grinwis, G. C. M., Kuiper, R. V., Legler, J., Murk, T. A. J., Peijnenburg, W., Verhaar, H. J. M., & de Voogt, P. (2005). An integrated assessment of estrogenic contamination and biological effects in the aquatic environment of The Netherlands. Chemosphere, 59, 511-524.
van der Kolk, J. H., Rijnen, K. E. P. M., Rey, F.
, de Graaf-Roelfsema, E., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Wijnberg, I. D. (2005).
Evaluation of glucose metabolism in three horses with lower motor neuron degeneration.
American Journal of Veterinary Research,
66(2), 271-276. 2004
Scholarly publications
Boevé, M. H., Huijben, R., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Djajadiningrat-Laanen, S. C. (2004). Visual impairment after suspected lightning strike in a herd of Holstein-Friesian cattle. Veterinary Record, 154, 402-404.
Neyens, I. J. S., Kirpensteijn, J., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Teske, E. (2004). Pilot study of intraregional deionised water adjunct therapy for mast cell tumours in dogs. Veterinary Record, 154, 90-91.
Other output
Pot, S., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Boevé, M. H. (2004). Choroidal melanocytoma in a dog: a case report.
Professional publications
de Blaauw, J. A., Rijkenhuizen, A. B. M., van Nieuwstadt, R. A., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Back, W. (2003). Maligne melanoom in het bekken als mogelijke oorzaak van een bewegingskreupelheid in het achterbeen bij twee schimmelkleurige paarden. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 17, 512-518.
Scholarly publications
Vethaak, A. D., Lahr, J., Kuiper, R. V., Grinwis, G. C. M., Rouhani Rankouhi, T., Giesy, J. P., & Gerritsen, A. (2002). Estrogenic effects in fish in The Netherlands: some preliminary results. Toxicology, 181-182, 147-150.
Wester, P. W., van der Ven, L. T., Vethaak, A. D., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Vos, J. G. (2002). Aquatic Toxicology: opportunities for enhancement through histopathology. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 11, 289-295.
Professional publications
Kuiper, R., Grinwis, G. C. M., & van den Hurk, R. (2002). Estrogens and xeno-estrogens in the aquatic environment of the Netherlands. Occurrence, potency and biological effects. RIKZ/RIZA.
van Leengoed, L. A. M. G., Kluivers, M., Herbes, R. G., Langendijk, P., Stephany, R. W., van den Berg, M., Seinen, W., Grinwis, G. C. M., van der Lugt, J. J., Meulders, F., Geudeke, T., & Verheijden, J. H. M. (2002). The weakest link: medroxyprogesterone acetate in pig feed. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 127(17), 516-519.
van Leengoed, L. A. M. G., Kluivers, M., Herbes, R. G., Langendijk, P., Stephany, R. W., van den Berg, M., Seinen, W., Grinwis, G. C. M., van der Lugt, J. J., Meulders, F., Geudeke, T., & Verheijden, J. H. M. (2002). De zwakste schakel: medroxyprogesteron-acetaat in varkensvoeder. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 127, 516-519.
Scholarly publications
Grinwis, G. C. M., van den Brandhof, E. J., Engelsma, M. Y., Kuiper, R. V., Vaal, M. A., Vethaak, A. D., Wester, P. W., & Vos, J. G. (2001). Toxicity of PCB-126 in European flounder (Platichthys flesus) with emphasis on histopathology and cytochrome P4501A induction in several organ systems. Archives of Toxicology, 75, 80-87.
Vos, J. G., Grinwis, G. C. M., Kuiper, R. V., van der Ven, L., Vethaak, A. D., & Wester, P. W. (2001). Health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on aquatic wildlife. In Proceedings of the symposion "Hormones in the environment and animal production - a public health concern?" (pp. 16-17)
Scholarly publications
Grinwis, G. C. M., Besselink, H. T., van den Brandhof, E. J., Bulder, A. S., Engelsma, M. Y., Kuiper, R. V., Wester, P. W., Vaal, M. A., Vethaak, A. D., & Vos, J. G. (2000). Toxicity of TCDD in European flounder (Platichtys flesus) with emphasis on histopathology and cytochrome P450 1A induction in several organ systems. Aquatic Toxicology, 50, 387-401.
Grinwis, G. C. M., Vethaak, A. D., Wester, P. W., & Vos, J. G. (2000). Toxicology of environmental chemicals in the flounder (Platichthys flesus) with emphasis on the immune system: field, semi-field (mesocosm) and laboratory studies. Toxicology Letters, 112-113, 289-301.