Scholarly publications
Nath, S., Shams, J.
, van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. (2022).
The impact of decision-making on conflict: Rethinking the roles of technocrats and residents during Tidal River Management in coastal Bangladesh.
Land Use Policy,
117, 1-13. [106103].
Scholarly publications
Nath, S., Dunn, F. E., van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2021).
Coping with crisis on the coast: The effect of community-developed coping-strategies on vulnerability in crisis-prone regions of the Ganges delta.
Journal of Environmental Management,
284, 1-12. [112072]. Vaas, J.
, Driessen, P. P. J., Giezen, M.
, van Laerhoven, F., & Wassen, M. J. (2021).
Moving from Latent to Manifest Problem: Trajectories Across Scientific and Public Salience of Invasive Alien Species.
Environmental Management,
67(5), 901-919., S., & van Laerhoven, F. (2021).
Using power, mental model, and learning to analyze the evolution of water governance in Bangalore.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
31(4), 270-282. 2020
Scholarly publications
Hasan, M. B., Driessen, P. P. J., Majumder, S.
, Zoomers, E. B., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2020).
A Community Management Plus Model for the Governance of Rural Drinking Water Systems: A Comparative Case Study of Pond Sand Filter Systems in Bangladesh.
International Journal of the Commons,
14(1), 662-679. Ramirez-Gomez, S. O. I., van Laerhoven, F., Boot, R., Biermann, F., & Verweij, P. A. (2020).
Assessing spatial equity in access to service-provisioning hotspots in data-scarce tropical forests regions under external pressure.
Ecosystem Services,
45, [101151]. Vermunt, D. A., Negro, S. O., Van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Verweij, P. A., & Hekkert, M. P. (2020).
Sustainability transitions in the agri-food sector: How ecology affects transition dynamics.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
36, 236-249. Hegger, D. L. T., Runhaar, H. A. C., Van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2020).
Towards explanations for stability and change in modes of environmental governance: A systematic approach with illustrations from the Netherlands.
Earth System Governance,
3, [100048]. Nath, S., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Driessen, P. P. J., & Md., N. (2020).
Capital, rules or conflict? Factors affecting livelihood-strategies, infrastructure-resilience, and livelihood-vulnerability in the polders of Bangladesh.
Sustainability Science,
15, 1169-1183. Eelderink, M., Vervoort, J. M., & van Laerhoven, F. (2020).
Using participatory action research to operationalize critical systems thinking in social-ecological systems.
Ecology and Society,
25(1), [16]. Cox, M., Villamayor-Tomas, S., Ban, N. C., Epstein, G., Evans, L., Fleischman, F., Nenadovic, M., Lopez, G. A. G.
, van Laerhoven, F., Meek, C., Ibarra, I. P., & Schoon, M. (2020).
From concepts to comparisons: A resource for diagnosis and measurement in social-ecological systems.
Environmental Science and Policy,
107, 211-216., J.
, Driessen, P. P. J., Giezen, M.
, van Laerhoven, F., & Wassen, M. J. (2020).
Tailoring participatory action research to deal with the latent problem of an invasive alien vine on Saba, Caribbean Netherlands.
Regional Environmental Change,
20(1), [30]. Laerhoven, F., Schoon, M., & Villamayor-Tomas, S. (2020).
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of ostrom’s governing the commons: Traditions and trends in the study of the commons, revisited.
International Journal of the Commons,
14(1), 208-224. Scherrer, A., Plötz, P.
, & Van Laerhoven, F. (2020).
Power from above? Assessing actor-related barriers to the implementation of trolley truck technology in Germany.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
34, 221-236., F. L., Burer, K.
, van Laerhoven, F., Griffioen, J., Ahmed, K. M.
, & Schot, P. (2020).
Why Do People Remain Attached to Unsafe Drinking Water Options? Quantitative Evidence from Southwestern Bangladesh.
Water (Switzerland),
12(2), [342]. Hasan, M. B., Driessen, P., Zoomers, A., & Van Laerhoven, F. (2020).
How can NGOs support collective action among the users of rural drinking water systems? A case study of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) systems in Bangladesh.
World Development,
126, [104710]. 2019
Scholarly publications
Nath, S., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2019). Political and Institutional Analysis of Socio-hydrological systems: Studying Polder Governance in Bangladesh. Paper presented at XVII Biennial IASC Conference, Lima, Peru.
Nath, S., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2019). Building Polders with Nature: Path Dependencies in Resilience, Vulnerability and Governance Experiments associated with Social Hydrological Systems. Paper presented at XVII Biennial IASC Conference, Lima, Peru.
Hasan, M. B., Driessen, P. P. J., Zoomers, E. B., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2019). How can NGOs support collective action among the users of local drinking water systems? A case study of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) systems in Bangladesh. Paper presented at ISMAR10, Madrid, Spain.
Nath, S., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
Have Bangladesh’s Polders Decreased Livelihood VulnerabilityT: A Comparative Case Study.
11(24), [7141]. Hasan, M. B., Driessen, P. P. J., Majumder, S.
, Zoomers, A., & van Laerhoven, F. (2019).
Factors Affecting Consumption of Water from a Newly Introduced Safe Drinking Water System: The Case of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Systems in Bangladesh.
Water (Switzerland),
11(12), [2459]. Van Laerhoven, F., & Barnes, C. (2019).
Facilitated self-governance of the commons on the roles of civil society organizations in the governance of shared resource systems. In B. Hudson, J. Rosenbloom, & D. Cole (Eds.),
Routledge Handbook of the Study of the Commons (pp. 360-375). Taylor and Francis/Balkema. Vaas, J., Driessen, P. P. J., Giezen, M.
, van Laerhoven, F., & Wassen, M. J. (2019).
“Let me tell you your problems”: Using Q methodology to elicit latent problem perceptions about invasive alien species.
99, 120-131. Mersha, A. A., & van Laerhoven, F. (2019).
Gender and climate policy: a discursive institutional analysis of Ethiopia’s climate resilient strategy.
Regional Environmental Change,
19(2), 429-440. 2018
Scholarly publications
Mersha, A. A., & van Laerhoven, F. (2018).
The interplay between planned and autonomous adaptation in response to climate change: Insights from rural Ethiopia.
World Development,
107, 87-97. 2017
Scholarly publications
Van Der Kooij, S., Van Laerhoven, F., Wijnen, G., & Steinmetz, R. (2017). The Green Electric Mobility Tool: An ex-ante assessment tool contributing to the advancement of eMobility in urban areas in middle-income countries. Paper presented at 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2017, Stuttgart, Germany.
Vaas, J., Driessen, P. P. J., Giezen, M.
, van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Wassen, M. J. (2017).
Who's in charge here anyway? Polycentric governance configurations and the development of policy on invasive alien species in the semisovereign Caribbean.
Ecology and Society,
22(4), Art. 1. Gallardo, G., Saunders, F., Sokolova, T., Börebäck, K.
, van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Kokko, S., & Tuvendal, M. (2017).
We adapt… but is it good or bad? Locating the political ecology and social-ecological systems debate in reindeer herding in the Swedish Sub-Arctic. Journal of Political Ecology,
24(1), 667-691., C., Claus, R.
, Driessen, P., Dos Santos, M. J. F., George, M. A.
, & Van Laerhoven, F. (2017).
Uniting forest and livelihood outcomes? Analyzing external actor interventions in sustainable livelihoods in a community forest management context.
International Journal of the Commons,
11(1), 532-571., I.
, van Laerhoven, F., Cashmore, M.
, & Runhaar, H. (2017).
Theorising EIA effectiveness: A contribution based on the Danish system.
Environmental Impact Assessment Review,
62, 240-249.
Scholarly publications
Arts, J., Runhaar, H. A. C., Jha-Thakur, U., Fischer, T. B., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Driessen, P. P. J., & Onyango, V. (2016). Chapter 8, The Effectiveness of EIA as an Instrument for Environmental Governance: Reflecting on 25 Years of EIA Practice in the Netherlands and the UK. In T. B. Fisher (Ed.), Progress in Environmental Assessment Policy, and Management Theory and Practice Imperial College Press.
Mersha, A. A., & van Laerhoven, F. (2016).
A gender approach to understanding the differentiated impact of barriers to adaptation: responses to climate change in rural Ethiopia.
Regional Environmental Change,
16(6), 1701-1713. Barnes, C., van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016).
Advocating for Change? How a Civil Society-led Coalition Influences the Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in India.
World Development,
84, 162-175. Lyhne, I., Cashmore, M.
, Runhaar, H., & van Laerhoven, F. (2016).
Quality Control for Environmental Policy Appraisal Tools: An Empirical Investigation of Relations Between Quality, Quality Control and Effectiveness.
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning,
18(1), 121-140. output
Barnes, C. A., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016). Advocating for Change? How a Civil Society-led Coalition Influences the Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in India. Paper presented at FLARE (Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) network’s 2nd annual meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Barnes, C. A., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016). Advocating for Change? How a Civil Society-led Coalition Influences the Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in India. Paper presented at Development Studies Association Conference 2016, Examination Schools, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Barnes, C. A., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016). Advocating for Change? How a Civil Society-led Coalition Influences the Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in India. Paper presented at 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Lisabon, Portugal.
Barnes, C. A., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Ferreira Dos Santos, M. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016). Doing good for both livelihoods and biodiversity? A framework for analysing interventions in community forestry management.. Paper presented at 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Lisabon, Portugal.
Vaas, J., Haber, E., Eppinga, M. B., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Rietkerk, M. G., Giezen, M.
, Driessen, P. P. J., & Wassen, M. J. (2016).
The social and ecological contexts of invasive plant management in the Caribbean. Poster session presented at NWO launch 2nd Caribbean call, Leiden, Netherlands. 2015
Scholarly publications
Wyatt, S., Kessels, M.
, & van Laerhoven, F. (2015).
Indigenous Peoples’ Expectations for Forestry in New Brunswick: Are Rights Enough? Society & Natural Resources,
28(6), 625-640., C. A., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2015).
Making it last? Analysing the role of NGO interventions in the development of institutions for durable collective action in Indian community forestry.
Environmental Science & Policy,
53, Part B(November 2015), 192-205. Other output
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Villamayor-Tomas, S., & Thiel, A. (2015). Understanding governance of large freshwater systems: a comparative analysis of transnational watershed regimes in the Mediterranean region. Abstract from The 15th Bennial Global Conference International for the Study of the Commons, Edmonton, Canada.
Scholarly publications
Villamayor-Tomas, S., Fleischman, F., Perez Ibarra, I., Thiel, A.
, & van Laerhoven, F. (2014).
From Sandoz to Salmon: Conceptualizing resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed through the SES framework.
International Journal of the Commons,
8(2), 361-395. Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2014).
When is participatory local environmental governance likely to emerge? A study of collective action in participatory municipal environmental councils in brazil.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
24(2), 77-93. van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Barnes, C. A. (2014).
Communities and commons: The role of community development support in sustaining the commons.
Community Development Journal,
49(Suppl 1, January 2014), i118-i132. Widerberg, O.
, & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2014).
Measuring the autonomous influence of an international bureaucracy: the Division for Sustainable Development.
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics,
14(4), 303-327. output
Lyhne, I., Cashmore, M.
, Runhaar, H. A. C., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2014).
Rolls Royce vs VW Beetle? A comparative study of EA quality control in the Netherlands and Denmark. Poster session presented at AESOP annual Conference 2014, Utrecht, Netherlands., D., Driessen, P., Runhaar, H., & van Laerhoven, F. (2014). Towards explanations of ‘deep' shifts in environmental governance practices: a framework and examples from the domain of Flood Risk Governance in The Netherlands. Paper presented at Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance, Norwich, United Kingdom.
Hegger, D., Runhaar, H., van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. (2014). Towards explanations of ‘deep’ shifts in environmental governance practices: a framework and examples from the domain of flood risk governance in The Netherlands. Paper presented at Circle II Adaptation Frontiers Conference on European Climate Change Adaptation, Lisbon, Portugal.
Scholarly publications
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Andersson, K. P. (2013).
The virtue of conflict: an institutional approach to the study of conflict in community forest governance.
The international forestry review,
15(1), 122-135. van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Barnes, C. A., & Ghate, R. (2013). Kick-starting collective action where it didn't previously exist? The role of NGOs in the organization of Joint Forest Management Committees in India. In 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
Runhaar, H. A. C., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Driessen, P. P. J., & Arts, J. (2013).
Environmental assessment in the Netherlands: effectively governing environmental protection? A discourse analysis.
Environmental Impact Assessment Review,
39(February 2013), 13-25. Barnes, C. A., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2013).
Helping to self-help? External interventions to stimulate local collective action in Joint Forest Mangement, Maharashtra, India.
The international forestry review,
15(1), 1-17. Gallardo, G.
, & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2013).
Exploring the Implications of Different Assumptions about the World: An experiment to Investigate the socio-ecological relations of reindeer herding in the Sub-Arctic region of Sweden. In
The international Research Conference "The intersection of society and nature in sustainbility research" publications
Popularising publications
Other output
Cox, M., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2013). SESMAD - Understanding large, complex social-ecological systems. Paper presented at Panel organized for the IASC Conference, Kitafuji, Japan.
van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2013). Communities and the commons: The role of community development support in sustaining the commons. Paper presented at Invited Key Note Address at the International Research Conference "The intersection of society and nature in Sustainable research", Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2013). Sustainability and Transitions: Structures and Agents.. Paper presented at Invited Key Note Address at the FP7 Consortium Symposium "Welfare, Wealth and Work: A New Growth Path for development", Vienna, Austria.
Villamayor-Tomas, S.
, van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Thiel, A., Ibarra-Perez, I., & F, F. (2013).
Conceptualizing large scale common pool resources through the SES framework: resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed. Abstract from 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) 2013, Kitafuji, Japan.
Scholarly publications
Driessen, P. P. J., Dieperink, C., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Runhaar, H. A. C., & Vermeulen, W. J. V. (2012).
Towards a conceptual framework for the study of shifts in modes of environmental governance - experiences from the Netherlands.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
o(3), 143-160. Arts, J.
, Runhaar, H. A. C., Fischer, T. B., Jha-Thakur, U.
, van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Driessen, P. P. J., & Onyango, V. (2012).
The effectiveness of EIA as an instrument for environmental governance – a comparison of 25 years of EIA practice in the Netherlands and the UK.
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management,
14(4), 1250025-12500254. output
Barnes, C. A., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2012). Helping to self-help? External interventions to stimulate local collective action in Joint Forest Management, Maharashtra, India. Abstract from the Albrecht-Daniel Thaer Kolloquium, Berlin, Germany.
Barnes, C. A., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2012). Helping to self-help? External intervention to stimulate local collective action in Joint Forest Management in Maharashtra, India. Abstract from Planet under Pressure Conference, London, UK.
Scholarly publications
Arts, J., Runhaar, H. A. C., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2011). 25 years of EIA in the Netherlands. Discourses on governance. In 31st Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment
Berge, E.
, & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2011).
Governing the Commons for two decades: a complex story.
International Journal of the Commons,
5(2), 160-187., H. A. C., Arts, E. J. M. M., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2011). Naar een toekomstbestendige m.e.r., lessen uit 25 jaar m.e.r. in Nederland en een verkenning van kansen en bedreigingen voor de m.e.r. in de nabije toekomst. Universiteit Utrecht/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Runhaar, H. A. C., Arts, J., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Driessen, P. P. J., de Vries, H., & de Vries, G. (2011). Environmental Impact Assessment in the Netherlands: effectively governing environmental protection? A discourse analysis. In The 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces, Politics, Practices and Power
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Dieperink, C., Barnes, C. A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Schot, P. P. (2011). Governing nature, man, and technology in the delta - The effects of climate on the vulnerability of marginalized communities in urbanizing deltas. In World Delta Summit
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Berge, E. (2011). Special Feature: The 20th anniversary of Governing the Commons - Part 1. International Journal of the Commons, 5(1).
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Berge, E. (2011). Special feature: The 20th anniversary of Governing the Commons - Part 2. International Journal of the Commons, 5(2).
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Berge, E. (2011).
The 20th anniversary of Elinor Ostrom's Governing the Commons.
International Journal of the Commons,
5(1), 1-8. Professional publications
van den Berg, I., van Dijk, J., Farla, J. C. M., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2011). Peer feedback bij de Bachelor thesis. Eindrapport didactische aanpak. Centrum voor Onderwijs en Leren.
Arts, J., Runhaar, H. A. C., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2011). Lastig maar waardevol. ROM, 29(11), 5-7.
Scholarly publications
van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2010).
Governing community forests and the challenge of solving two-level collective action dilemmas-A large-N perspective.
Global Environmental Change,
20(3), 539-546. 2009
Scholarly publications
Andersson, K., Gordillo de Anda, G., & van Laerhoven, F. S. J. (2009). Local Governments and Rural Development: Comparing Lessons from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. University of Arizona Press.